Worship Services

Worship: Restored and Reformed

Jeremiah 31:31-34| Ever feel a bit broken? Or, feel as though your relationship with God is a bit broken? You’re in good company, for the Israelites in the book of Jeremiah felt the same way. Looking around them, they saw devastation and were desperate for any good news; and looking within themselves, with the help of the prophet, they recognized that their relationship with their Lord had been tossed to the side, breaking the bond they once had. But even amidst that brokenness, God made a promise: again, and again, and again, to restore and reform the people, not remembering their sin, but remembering them in love. Join us for worship as we claim this promise for ourselves and invite the Spirit to reform us. Liturgy and words for worship adapted from a prayer by Sarah Are | A Sanctified Art LLC | Music covered under CCLI License #1141706, One License #738138-A.

Lent 5 Worship Bulletin