Worship Services

Worship: One Flock

1 John 3:16-24, John 10: 11-18 | Likely the most well-known psalm is Psalm 23, starting, “The Lord is my shepherd…” This week, we hear from Jesus himself, stating that he is our “good shepherd.”  Often, these images of God are comforting, but they also point to something deeper: relationship. In Jesus, we are drawn into a relationship with God. And now, living in that love, we are called to live in that same sense of relationship with Christ and one another. But do we have room in our communities for those relationships to change us? and change our communities? It’s one thing to say “all are welcome,” but are we really open to the potential change that may come when we engage in a true, authentic relationship? Join us, as we ponder these questions, and consider how we are called to live as a part of Christ’s flock.

Easter 4 Worship Bulletin

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