Our Life Together

News & Events

Rally Sunday/God’s Work Our Hands Day

Sunday, September 12

Along with ELCA congregations nationwide, we will be celebrating God’s Work Our Hands Sunday on September 12. Here’s what you need to know:

Worship – 9:00 am
Wear a SOTC t-shirt or one of your older “God’s Work Our Hands” t-shirts! Together, we’ll lift our rallying cry to Jesus and join ourselves with the whole Christian church in worship. 

Fellowship – 10:15 am
Following worship, we’ll have our typical fellowship hour. 

Service Projects around the Church – 10:45 am-ish
We need your hands to help with some service projects! Either come to church in work clothes, or bring a change of clothes. Property Team is compiling a list of projects that need our help. Examples include: washing windows, deep clean of sanctuary, staining outside deck. 

Community Collection
Shepherd is working with Zion and Grace to identify a community drive for the weekend. More information to come next week

Shared Ministry – 30 Days of Prayer

By now, you’ve likely heard about the 30 days of prayer we have committed ourselves to throughout the month of August. Please pray with us as we ask for God’s guidance – discerning how God may be calling us to further collaborative ministry, and discerning who from among us at SOTC may be called to serve on a joint ELCA team. Looking to nominate someone for the joint ELCA team? Offer nominations in writing in the narthex or using this Google form. 

Questions? Talk with your Council members, Visioning team members and/or Pastor Aleese. Thank you, in advance, for helping us invoke the Spirit as we consider our call to the greater Muscatine community!

Shared Ministry – 30 Days of Prayer Summary PDF

Daily Prayer Prompts

Baptism of Elliot Thoma

On August 8, we had the honor of witnessing the baptism of Elliot Thoma during worship! We welcome Elliot into the body of Christ and the mission we share as one in Christ!

Fall Family Faith Formation Opportunities 

We are excited to be planning ahead for children, youth and family faith formation opportunities! Check out some of the plans in the works!

Family Faith Nights – Wednesdays at 6:00pm
Shepherd will be collaborating with Zion and Grace to offer a family faith night open to PreK-adults. Aim to to have a meal to start, and then break into age appropriate groups. Parents of children PreK-grade 12: if you haven’t already completed the family feedback form, today August 17 is your last chance to do so!  

Family Feedback Form

Sunday School – Sundays at 10:30 am
This year, Sunday School will be condensed to about 20 minutes  to accommodate family schedules. Plan to join us starting September 19 for song time, a review of the story we heard in worship and a brief activity. 

Adult Faith Formation
Looking to engage more deeply in Scripture and conversations of faith? Reach out to Pastor Aleese, who’s coordinating people according to thier desires for further engagement. 

Shared Ministry Roundtable Discussion

Sunday, August 22

Following worship, we will host a roundtable discussion as a chance to offer your feedback, questions, concerns, and how the Spirit has been working in you throughout August. Looking forward to continuing the conversation with you all and hearing how God has been stirring you all!

Tone Chimes Choir

Did you hear the tone chimes play in worship this summer and now are looking to join? Consider joining the fun this fall! Rehearsals will be Saturday mornings at 9:00 am. For more information, contact Jon Thoma.