
News & Events

Lenten Midweek Schedule Finalized!

Thank you for your feedback!  Based on the results of those who responded, our Lent midweek schedule (starting Wed, March 9) will be:

5:30 – 6:15 pm | Meal
6:30 – 7:15 pm | Worship Service

Mark your calendars to join us and look for more information to come soon! Note that Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent on Wed, March 2. Worship for Ash Wednesday will be at 7:00 pm.

Christians Underground to Resumes this Week!

Wednesdays @ 12:00 pm, February 16

Prior to the pandemic, we often met at a restaurant downtown for Bible study and fellowship. For various reasons, this group subsided. However, recently there seems to be an interest in reviving such a group. 

To get going again, we will meet weekly on Wednesdays at 12:00 pm at Geo Johnz Pizza (203 E 2nd Street). The topic of study/conversation will likely begin by focusing on the upcoming Sunday readings. In the future, we may decide to work our way through a book of the Bible.  Join us to offer your suggestions and what you’re looking for! Questions? Talk to Pastor Aleese.

Welcome to the Carter’s, Sullivan’s, and Passmore’s!

Sunday, February 20

Our flock is growing! During worship on Sunday, we will be offering prayer and blessing for the Carter, Sullivan, and Passmore families as they join our family of faith. Mark your calendars to join us for worship and a time of fellowship to get to know them better and offer your welcome!

Panda Express Fundraiser

Looking to support our youth and eat some good food at the same time? This opportunity is for you!

Mark your calendars for March 6 and April 10 as days to eat in/order online from Panda Express. In the coming weeks, we’ll be given a coupon code as a congregation; simply offer that code when you order and SOTC will receive a portion of each meal sold. Thanks for your support!

Summer Camp Registration at EWALU

Though it’s quite cold outside, our Lutheran Outdoor Ministry camps are looking ahead to summer! If you have a child in grades 1-12, consider spending a day, half-week, or week at Camp EWALU.  Early bird registration (deducting $40 from your registration cost) goes through March 1. Check out EWALU’s website for a full list of camp opportunities! Contact Pastor Aleese if your child is considering camp as Shepherd may be able to provide a camping scholarship.

Chocolate Fest!

Sunday, February 27

In true Shepherd tradition, we will be hosting Chocolate Fest following worship on Sunday, February 27. This tradition started years ago as “one last chance” to eat all the chocolate/sweets you want before heading into the season of Lent (starting March 2). Whether you’re thinking about giving something up for Lent or not, make sure to join us for an assortment of all things chocolate! All members are invited to bring something to share for the fellowship hour.