
News & Events

Get Ready for Pentecost Sunday!

Sunday, June 5

The Day of Pentecost marks the end of the season of Easter. Referencing Acts 2, together we will remember the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples in Jerusalem, and will open ourselves in worship to receive that same Spirit. So as to mark the occasion, here are three ways to participate:

1. Wear Red to Church | Red is traditionally the color representing the Spirit, so help us deck our sanctuary in the color of the Spirit!

2. Color a flame to add to our windows | We all have been gifted the power of the Holy Spirit, so help us out by coloring your own flame and adding it to our collage on the windows between the narthex and sanctuary. Print out your own coloring sheet (here) or pick up one in the narthex. Bring your colored flame on Sunday, June 5. 

3. Welcome New Member, Connie Hoesktra | Stick around for a special time of fellowship as we welcome Connie as a part of our flock!

Sending of Thoma Family

Sunday, June 12

Once a Shepherd…always a Shepherd! This summer, the Thoma family will be departing our community this summer to move to Ames. To send them off, we will offer them a blessing as a part of worship during their last Sunday with us. Be sure to join us as we bless the Thoma’s, and as we wish them well with a special fellowship hour to follow!

Summer Book Group

Interested in gaining a new perspective as you grow as a follower of Jesus? Consider joining us this summer for fellowship and conversation as a part of a book group. We will be reading Til We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis and/or Sacred Fire: A Vision for a Deeper Human and Christian Maturity by Ronald Rolheiser.  For a description of each book, click the link. Frequency of book group meetings, along with scheduling, will be dependent on the participants of each group. We will do our best to accommodate schedules so as to include as many people as possible.

If you are interested in participating, please complete this short Google form by Thursday, June 2. If you have any questions, contact Pastor Aleese.

Ukraine Prayer Vigil and Advocacy Workshop

Thursday, June 2, 7:30-8:15 pm (EST)

Even as we grieve the realities of violence in our own country, we also remember the continued violence in Ukraine. If you are seeking an opportunity to pray for our siblings in Christ in Ukraine, and if you are seeking to learn more about advocacy opportunities, consider joining Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services for Stand Up, Speak Up: An Interfaith Prayer Vigil for Ukraine. Featuring speakers from diverse backgrounds and faith traditions, testimonies from local Ukrainians, and advocacy opportunities, the vigil offers an opportunity for all to gather together and demonstrate support for our Ukrainian neighbors.

To register for the livestream of this in-person event (hosted in Baltimore, MD) register here.

Take Flat Jesus with you this summer!

Throughout the season of Easter, we have been “finding” Jesus in our sanctuary. But just because the Spirit has come on Pentecost doesn’t mean that Jesus has gone away!

For that reason, we are inviting the congregation to take Jesus with them this summer! Figuratively – we hope that you take Jesus with you wherever you go! But also literally – we are inviting you to take “flat Jesus” with you over the summer. Help us track where our Shepherds are throughout the summer, and take a picture with your flat Jesus. Either bring your pictures to the church, or send them to Kathy, and we’ll add them to our growing “Journey with Jesus” summer bulletin board. Outside of pictures, we also encourage the congregation to share a brief blurbs of where you’ve encountered Jesus throughout the summer. Add your blurb using paper by the bulletin board starting June 12.

Growing Younger Initiative 

Did you know? The Southeastern Iowa Synod, along with the ELCA, has started an initiative to help congregations think about how congregations can be authentic places of faith formation – especially for young adults ages 15-29. To help think about this, the Southeastern Iowa Synod is encouraging congregations to engage with the book Growing Young. This book, backed by research from Fuller Seminary, outlines current realities for young adults and realities of the church.

if you’re at all interested in the formation of faith in young adults, and/or find yourself in that age group, we encourage you to join a group at Shepherd who will be reading through this book this summer. Each week on Tuesdays (starting June 14) at 6pm we have the opportunity to gather with others from across our synod to learn more and also to join in conversation. Not able to make every Tuesday? No problem.

If you’re interested in joining such a conversation, talk to Mackenzie or Nick Gilbert or Pastor Aleese. Thank you for uplifting people of every age in our church, and within the greater church, Shepherds!

Outdoor Worship @ SOTC

July 17 and August 28

Mark your calendars to join us outside on the grass (and under a tent!) as we worship in God’s creation! Worship will feature some camp songs that our youth learn this summer!

Ice Cream Social and Fundraiser

Sunday, July 17 following worship

Who doesn’t like ice cream in the summer?! This time will not only be a time of fellowship, but also a chance for us to offer our financial resources to one of the local organizations that our Stewardship Team has been highlighting this summer. Stay tuned for more details.