
Blog: Bring Out the Fine China

As we look to the coming Thanksgiving holiday, some families might bring out special dishes for the occasion. For years, I’ve had fine china from my Grandma Kenitzer stored in a hutch. Occasionally, a few pieces of silverware will come out when I need a few extra place settings. But on the whole, that fine china is just sitting there, collecting dust. 

In contrast to my use of china, my Grandma Gilray would routinely use her china. Just about every Sunday, as a family, we’d have dinner together after church. And during those meals, even when it wasn’t a holiday, it would be my brother’s and my job to get the table set with her fine china. 

Grandma chose to use her china, even though it was valuable. She chose to share it, and she chose to entrust it into the hands of young grandchildren (even at 4-years-old!). 

Much in the same way, God has also entrusted us with something quite valuable. Yes, our time, our treasures, and our talents. But even more so, God has given us the valuable gift of God’s grace, God’s mercy, God’s forgiveness, and the mission of Christ in the world today. 

It’s ridiculous for God to trust us with such gifts. Just as much as my brother and I were bound to chip one of Grandma’s dishes, we’re bound to abuse God’s grace. And, we’re bound to fall short of doing – and being – what God intends us to be as we carry on the mission of Christ in the world. And yet, God lavishly entrusts us with these gifts. 

So this Thanksgiving, whether you use your everyday dishes, fancy china, or even paper plates, give thanks for the incredible, enormous gift of Christ’s love, mercy, and grace that’s been graciously given to you – something that unites you with all the family of Jesus in joy. And having received that gift, receive the incredible, enormous call to be an ambassador of Christ and Christ’s mission in the world. For the china that we’ve received from God isn’t meant to sit on a shelf. It’s meant to be used, and shared…with joy.