We’re on our final countdown to Christmas! But it’s not too late to join us as we prepare for Christ’s birth. See below to see how you can participate with us:
December 14, 6:00 p.m.
Carols, Cookies, and Bingo Potluck:
Celebrate the Christmas season with our SOTC family for this fun event. Everyone attending is asked to bring a side dish and a dozen cookies to share. Social team members will provide the main dish. Along with the potluck we will be singing some favorite carols and playing bingo.
December 22, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Youth Group Christmas Party!
Our Youth Group will be having a special night to celebrate the season. All youth grades 4 and up invited. Join us for some Christmas games, food, and a time to remember the story of Christ’s birth.
Advent Devotionals:
If you’re looking for something to spark the season as you prepare, you can find these family and individual devotionals in the Narthex.
Special Advent & Christmas Worship Services
Sunday, December 22, 9:00 a.m.
Advent Youth-Led Worship
Our children and youth (including FINK and HS) will be leading much of the service, including a message entitled, “God Wants a Re-Do.”
NOTE: The youth will be going through their parts the next three weeks during Sunday School and a run-through rehearsal of the service Saturday, December 21 from 9-10:00 p.m.. Parents and families can reach out to Pastor Aleese or an Education Team member with questions.
Tuesday, December 24:
Christmas Eve Worship, 4:00 p.m.
Join us for a festive worship service including special music and candlelight. Anyone interested in providing music for the service or being involved in some way should speak with Patti Oestmann.
Sunday, December 29, 9:00 a.m.
Christmas Service of Lessons and Carols
Join us the Sunday after Christmas for a romp through the many Scripture readings of Christmas and sing your favorite carols!