Worship Services

Worship: Invitation into the Wilderness

Luke 4:1-13 | On the first Sunday of Lent, we hear how Jesus, full of the Spirit, was led into the wilderness for 40 days. At first glance, it may seem odd for the Spirit of life to lead Jesus into a barren place. But in the context of Scripture, it is in the wilderness where God’s people return to God, meet with God, learn (and re-learn) dependence on God’s provision, and are prepared for what lies ahead. So, as Jesus was led into the wilderness before the beginning of his ministry, what would it be like for us to receive an a Lenten invitation to go into the desert? Perhaps it’s not the first place we’re inclined to go. But it is there that we can hear God’s tender voice – reminding us of our belovedness, and it is there that we can prepare to live out our unique purpose – entering the land Christ is leading us toward.

Sunday, March 9, 2025, First Sunday in Lent Bulletin

Copyright acknowledgments: Music covered under Augsburg Fortress License #SB135131, CCLI License #1141706, One License #738128-A. Scripture from New Revised Standard Version Bible, © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. Gathering Hymn: As the Winter Days Grow Longer. Text: Mary Louise Bringle, b.1953. Music: Welsh melody; arr. hymnal version. Text and Music: © 2006 GIA Publications, Inc. Covered under One License subscription. Hymn of the Day: As Your Spirit in the Desert. Text: Susan Palo Cherwien, b. 1953. Music: Michael D Costello, b. 1979. Text: © 2012 Susan Palo Cherwien, admin. Augsburg Fortress Music: © 2015 Augsburg Fortress Publishers. Covered under One License subscription. Offering: Gather Us In. Text and Music: Marty Haugen, b. 1950. Music: © 1982 GIA Publications, Inc. Covered under One License subscription. Sending Song: I Want Jesus to Walk with Me. Text and Music: African American spiritual. Text and Music: © 2006 Augsburg Fortress. Covered under One License subscription.

Worship Services

Worship: A Lenten Invitation – Cultivate and Let Go

Psalm 51:1-17 | On this night, we acknowledge our sin. We admit the ways we’ve hurt one another, the earth, and God. We confront our inadequacies and our brokenness. And, we face the reality of our morality. Together with the whole church, we come before God with broken and contrite hearts: hearts that we cannot repair on our own. But in repentance, we are promised that by God’s grace, we are given a clean heart and a right spirit is renewed within us. So join us this night as we begin our Lenten journey – a journey of confession, and a journey of receiving – and participating – in God’s ongoing work of restoration.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025, Ash Wednesday Bulletin

Copyright acknowledgments: Music covered under Augsburg Fortress License #SB135131, CCLI License #1141706, One License #738128-A. Scripture from New Revised Standard Version Bible, © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. Gathering Hymn: Lord Jesus, Think on Me. Text: Synesius of Cyrene, 37430; tr. Allen W. Chatfield, 1808-1896, alt. Music: W. Daman, The Psalmes of David, 1579, alt. Text and Music: Public Domain. Hymn of the Day:Restore in Us, O God. Text: Carl P. Daw Jr., b. 1944. Music: Hal H. Hopson, b. 1933. Text: © 1989 Hope Publishing Company. Music: © 1985 Hope Publishing Company. Covered under One License subscription. Imposition of Ashes: Dust We Are And Shall Return. Text and Music: John Arndt, Kate Gungor, Michael Gungor. Text and Music: © Replied Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) songs (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Remaining portion is unaffiliated . Covered under CCLI subscription. Offering: Christ, Be Our Light. Text and music: Bernadette Farrell. Text and Music: © 1993 Bernadette Farrell, admin. OCP Publications. Covered under One License subscription. Communion Songs: Only Grace. Text and Music: Lenora Rand, Hannah Rand. Text and Music © THE MANY 2016 Mirasion Music. Covered under One License subscription. Sending Song: O Lord, throughout These Forty Days. Text: based on Claudia F. Hernaman, 1838-1898; para, Gilbert E. Doan Jr., b. 1930. Music: A. Davisson, Kentucky Harmony, 1815; arr. Theodore A. Beck, 1929-2003. Text: © 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship, admin. Augsburg Fortress. Music: © 1969 Concordia Publishing House. Covered under One License subscription.

Worship Services

Worship: The New Exodus

Luke 9:28-43a | When you’re on top of a mountain, it’s easier to see where you’ve come from and where you’re going. Standing higher, or on top of something, gives us a different perspective. The landscape doesn’t change, per se. But, our perspective of where we’ve been, and the road forward, has the potential to shift. This weekend, as we celebrate the last Sunday in Epiphany, we climb to the top of a mountain with Peter, James, and John. That moment at top of the mount was likely something the disciples didn’t fully understand (nor is it something we can fully grasp!) But as we stand in God’s glory and holiness, we have the potential to be transfigured as we look to Jesus as our liberator, and as we listen, ready to enter into Christ’s liberating work in the world.

Sunday, March 2, 2025, Transfiguration of Our Lord Bulletin

Copyright acknowledgments: Music covered under Augsburg Fortress License #SB135131, CCLI License #1141706, One License #738128-A. Scripture from New Revised Standard Version Bible, © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. Gathering: : Oh, Wondrous Image, Vision Fair. Text: Sarum, 15th cent.; tr. John Mason Neale, 1818-1866, alt. Music: Louis Bourgeois, 1510-1561. Text and Music: Public Domain. Hymn of the Day: Come to the Mountain. Text and Music: Scott Tunseth, Kathy Donlan Tunseth. Text and Music: © 1996 Augsburg Fortress Publishers. Covered under One License subscription. Offering: Jesus on the Mountain Peak. Text and Music: Mark Sedio. Music: © 2006 Augsburg Fortress. Covered under One License subscription. Communion Song: Transfiguration by Hillsong. Text and Music: Aodhan King, Brooke Ligertwood, Scott Ligertwood, Taya Gaukrodger. Text and Music: © 2015 Hillsong Music Publishing Australia (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing). Covered under CCLI subscription. Sending Song: Shine, Jesus, Shine. Text and Music: Graham Kendrick. Text and Music: © 1987 Make Way Music. Covered under One License subscription.

Worship Services

Worship: Beyond a Transactional Love

Luke 6:27-38 | In any given week, we make numerous transactions. We complete transactions when we purchase an item, and even an interchange between two (or more) people is a “transaction.” Transactions are a part of life. And yet, if we only see our lives as a series of transactions, we restrict ourselves from engaging in true love. This weekend, as we continue to hear Jesus teach during his Sermon on the Plain, we hear Jesus encourage his followers to turn from a transactional way of life to a grace-filled way of living. As we hear these teachings, they may seem challenging. And yet, as we heed these words, and abide in them, not only will we live as recipients of God’s abundant grace, but we will find ourselves living in God’s Kingdom, and living out God’s grace.  

Sunday, February 23, 2025, Seventh Sunday after Epiphany Bulletin

Copyright acknowledgments: Music covered under Augsburg Fortress License #SB135131, CCLI License #1141706, One License #738128-A. Scripture from New Revised Standard Version Bible, © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. Gathering: Forgive Our Sins As We Forgive. Text: Rosamond E. Herklots, 1905-1987, alt. Music: The Sacred Harp, Philadelphia, 1844. Text: © Oxford University Press. Covered under One License subscription. Hymn of the Day: Lord of All Nations, Grant Me Grace. Text Olive Wise Spannaus, b. 1916, alt:. Music: Šamotulský Kancionál, 1561. Text and Music: © 1969 Concordia Publishing House. Covered under One License subscription. Offering: Goodness Is Stronger than Evil. Text and Music: John Bell. Music: © 1996 Iona Community / WGRG (North America). Covered under One License subscription. Sending Song: I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me. Text and Music: African-American Spiritual. Text and Music: © 1995 Stephen Lee. Covered under One License subscription.

Worship Services

Worship: Hey!

Luke 6:17-26; Jeremiah 17:5-10 | “Hey there!” has become a common greeting. But “hey!” can also carry a deeper sense of urgency, or, even warning. This weekend, as Jesus continues teaching and healing, we find that he also offers several “hey!’s” to those listening as a warning. These “hey!’s” aren’t given as a judgment, but as an invitation for the people to reassess their lives in light of God’s unfolding Kingdom. So, as we look to Christ for healing and renewal, and as we uplift the world to God in prayer, join us for worship as we take seriously both God’s message of comfort given to us and God’s invitation to live in solidarity with Christ, and with one another.

Sunday, February 16, 2025, Sixth Sunday after Epiphany Bulletin

Copyright acknowledgments: Music covered under Augsburg Fortress License #SB135131, CCLI License #1141706, One License #738128-A. Scripture from New Revised Standard Version Bible, © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. Gathering: God Is Here. Text: Fred Pratt Green, 1903-2000. Music: Curo; V. Taylor, 1907-1991. Text: © 1979 Hope Publishing Company. Music: © 1942, ren. 1970 Hope Publishing Company. Covered under One License subscription. Hymn of the Day: Blest Are They. Text: David Haas, b.1957. Music: David Haas; arr. David Haas and Michael Joncas, b. 1957. Text and Music: © 1985 GIA Publications, Inc. Covered under One License subscription. Offering: Wade in the Water. Text and Music: Mark Hayes. Text and Music: © 1993 Alfred Sacred. Covered under One License subscription. Communion Song: The Blessing. Text and Music: Chris Brown, Cody Carnes, Kari Jobe, Steven Furtick. Text and Music: © 2020 Capitol CMG Paragon (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing). Covered under CCLI subscription. Sending Song: My Life Is In You. Text and Music:Daniel Gardner. Text and Music: © 1986 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music (Admin. by Integrity Music). Covered under CCLI subscription.


Worship Services

Worship: Joining With

Luke 5:1-11 | “Join the party!” someone might say, inviting us to take part in a celebration. Often, that party is already planned, or already even started, if someone is inviting you to “join ” in the same way, as Jesus called Simon in the fishing boat, calling him to “catching people” Jesus was inviting Simon – and us – to join in the work, the mission, and the ministry that he’s already started….and already planned. So, as we consider what it means for us to follow Jesus as disciples today, join us for worship as we pay attention to what is around us, and as we join in the symphony that Jesus has already begun, bringing Good News to all people for the sake of God’s mission.

Sunday, February 9, 2025, Fifth Sunday after Epiphany Bulletin

Copyright acknowledgments: Music covered under Augsburg Fortress License #SB135131, CCLI License #1141706, One License #738128-A. Scripture from New Revised Standard Version Bible, © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. Gathering: Jesus Calls Us; o’er the Tumult. Text: Cecil Frances Alexander, 1823-1895. Music: William H. Jude, 1851-1822. Text and Music: Public Domain Hymn of the Day: You Have Come to the Lakeshore. Text: Cesáreo Gabaráin, 1936-1991; tr. Madeleine Forell Marshall, b. 1946. Music: Cesáreo Gabaráin. Text and Music: © 1979 Cesáreo Gabaárin, OCP Publications. Covered under One License subscription.
Offering: Take, Oh, Take Me As I Am. Text and Music: John L. Bell, b. 1949. Text and Music: © 1995 Iona Community, admin, GIA Publications Inc. Covered under One License subscription. Communion Song: Fishers of Men. Performed by Rhonda Vincent © 2025 ML Genius Holdings, LLC. Permission granted by Rhonda Vincent Sending Song: We Are Called. Text and Music: David Haas, b. 1957. Text and Music © 1988 GIA PUblications, Inc. Covered under One License subscription.


Worship Services

Worship: Selective Hearing

Luke 4:21-30; Jeremiah 1:4-10 | We all know the risks of selective hearing. Only listening to what we want to hear distorts what is true. Which, as we meet Jesus in our Gospel this weekend, it seems as though the crowd gathered around him was suffering from this very thing: they didn’t want to heed what Jesus was telling them. Hearing this story, it might be easy to chastise the crowd. But how often do we, too, simply hear what we want to hear so that we can remain comfortable? God’s Word is a word of comfort and life for us. But God’s Word is also a word of comfort and life for all people. So, even as we find ourselves surrounded by so many words and so many promises, we invite you to come and join us for worship as we listen for God’s Word to us today, and as we are sent as prophets to proclaim, enact, and live the good news of God’s Word for all people.

Sunday, February 2, 2025, Fourth Sunday after Epiphany Bulletin

Copyright acknowledgments: Music covered under Augsburg Fortress License #SB135131, CCLI License #1141706, One License #738128-A. Scripture from New Revised Standard Version Bible, © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. Gathering: Dearest Jesus, at Your Word. Text: Tobias Clausnitzer, 1619-1684, sts. 1-3; Gesangbuch, Berlin, 1707, st. 4; tr. Catherine Winkworth, 1827-1878, adapted. Music: Johann R. Ahle, 1625-1673. Text and Music: Public Domain Hymn of the Day: There’s A Wideness In God’s Mercy. Text: Frederick W. Faber, 1814-1863, alt. Music: Calvin Hampton, 1938-1984. Text: Public Domain. Music: © 1977 GIA Publications, Inc. Covered under One License subscription. Offering: Gentle Mary Laid Her Child. Text and Music: Mark Hayes. Text and Music: © 2016 The Lorenz Publishing Corporation. Covered under One License subscription. Communion Song: Lovely Needy People. Text and Music: Lenora Rand, Gary Rand. Original Recording by THE MANY. Text and Music: © 2016 Helical Music. Covered under One License subscription. Sending Song: Go, My Children, with My Blessing. Text: Jaroslav J. Vajda, b. 1919, alt. Music: Welsh traditional; arr. Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1872-1958. Text © 1983 Concordia Publishing House Music © Oxford University Press. Covered under One License subscription.

Worship Services

Worship: Circling around the Word

Nehemiah 8: 1-3, 5-6, 8-10; Luke 4:14-21 | With the Bible being one of the highest published books in the world, it’s likely that many of us have laid hands on this book…and even read portions of it. But what do these old, old words mean for us, today? And what is their place within the life of Christian community, and in the life of the world? Mindful of the myriad of words and voices that surround us, we invite you to join us this weekend for worship as we turn ourselves to God’s Word for us, trusting that – even today – God’s promises will be fulfilled in us, and in our world.

Sunday, January 26, 2025, Third Sunday after Epiphany Bulletin

Copyright acknowledgments: Music covered under Augsburg Fortress License #SB135131, CCLI License #1141706, One License #738128-A. Scripture from New Revised Standard Version Bible, © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. Gathering: O Word of God Incarnate. Text: William W. How, 1823-1897. Music: Neuvermehrtes Gesangbuch, Meiningen, 1693. Text and Music: Public Domain. Hymn of the Day: Ancient Words. Text and Music: Lynn DeShazo. Text and Music: © 2001 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music. Covered under One License subscription. Offering: Open Your Ears, O Faithful People. Text and Music: Willard Jabusch. Text and Music: © 1966, 1982 Oregon Catholic Press. Covered under One License subscription. Sending Song: Send Us Out. Text and Music: James Hersch. Text and Music © 1994 Dakota Road Music. Covered under One License subscription.

Worship Services

Worship: Activation of the Spirit

1 Corinthians 12:1-11 | Think of how many accounts, or devices, you’ve “activated.” Even before the prompt to activate the account, the account has already been created. But you don’t have access to its full potential until the final activation is complete. The same is true for us as we live into our spiritual gifts. Often, the church has used language of “spiritual gifts” to distinguish between various things we “do” as a part of the body of Christ. But at the core, spiritual gifts are less about what we do and more about who we are as we live into the Spirit, who activates these gifts within us for the sake of the common good. So as we continue into the season of Epiphany, join us for worship as we reaffirm our willingness for the Spirit to activate something within us, and as we are sent forth to live as a part of God’s mission in the world to reveal Christ’s light.

Sunday, January 19, 2025, Second Sunday after Epiphany Bulletin

Copyright acknowledgments: Music covered under Augsburg Fortress License #SB135131, CCLI License #1141706, One License #738128-A. Scripture from New Revised Standard Version Bible, © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. Gathering: What Feast of Love. Text: Delores Dufner, OSB, b. 1939. Music: English ballad, 16th cent. Text: © 1993 Delores Dufner, admin. OCP Publications. Covered under One License subscription. Hymn of the Day: In Christ Called to Baptize. Text: Ruth Duck, b. 1947. Music: Welsh traditional; arr. John Roberts, 1807-1876, alt. Text: © 1995 Pilgrim Press. Covered under One License subscription. Communion Song: The Wedding. Text and Music: Michael Card. Text and Music: © 1985 Birdwing Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Mole End Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing). Covered under CCLI subscription. Offering: Here, at Your Table, Lord. Text and Music: Mark Hayes. Music: © 2016 The Lorenz Corporation. Covered under One License subscription. Sending Song: Go Now. Text and Music: Hans Peterson, Larry Olson. Text and Music © 2006 Dakota Road Music. Covered under One License subscription.

Worship Services

Worship: (Earth), Wind, and Fire

Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 | When we think of baptismal imagery, it’s likely we think of images like a peaceful dove, or a calm and quiet water merely lapping at the shore. These images of comfort are within Scripture, and they remind us of God’s assurance of comfort and blessing. But as we meet John the Baptist on the shores of the Jordan River, we hear that the baptism which Jesus baptizes will not simply be a calm, quiet baptism with water. Instead, Jesus will baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire. So then, what does that mean for us, today, as we are baptized and as we live as baptized people of God? Join us for worship as we open ourselves to the work of God’s Spirit within us now, and as we are sent forth as freed people to live as the precious and valuable works of art that we are.

Sunday, January 12, 2025, Baptism of Our Lord Bulletin

Copyright acknowledgments: Music covered under Augsburg Fortress License #SB135131, CCLI License #1141706, One License #738128-A. Scripture from New Revised Standard Version Bible, © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. Gathering: Songs of Thankfulness and Praise. Text:Christopher Wordsworth, 1807-1885, alt. Music: Jakob Hintze, 1622-1702; arr. Johann Sebastian Bach, 1685-1750. Text and Music: Public Domain. Hymn of the Day: Wash, O God, Our Sons and Daughters. Text and Music: Lutheran Book of Worship, Ronald A. Nelson. Music: © 1978 Augsburg Fortress Publishers. Covered under One License subscription. Communion Song: Refiners Fire. Text and Music: Brian Doerksen . Text and Music: © 1990 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing (Admin. by Integrity Music) Vineyard Songs Canada (Admin. by Integrity Music). Covered under CCLI subscription. Offering: Wexford Carol. Text and Music: Mark Hayes. Text and Music: © 2019 Lorenz Corporation (admin. by Music Services). Covered under One License subscription. Sending Song: This Little Light of Mine. Text and Music: Horace Clarence Boyer. Text and Music © 1992 Augsburg Fortress Publishers. Covered under One License subscription.