Our Life Together

News & Events

Update on Building Usage

The church building is now open to the congregation for office hours and small group events. For further information regarding safety, disinfecting, and any restrictions, click here.

Fall Office Hours

Effective August 24, office hours will be:

Kathy (Office Manager) – Mondays (1-4pm), Tuesdays (1-3pm), Wednesdays (9-11am)

Pastor Aleese – Tuesdays (1-3pm), Wednesdays (9-11am), Thursdays (3-5pm)

God’s Work Our Hands Volunteer Opportunity

Looking for a way to help those impacted by the derecho? We are aiming to have a day of service in the Cedar Rapids/Marion area on Sunday, September 13. Pastor Aleese is working with a colleague in that area. It is likely that there will still be work needed to be done for individuals/families and for some of the churches that were hit the hardest. More details to come, but if you’re interested, mark off Sunday, September 13 and let Pastor Aleese know of your interest.  We will need tools to take along with us. 

For those not able to help with the heavier service projects, note that we will be in touch in the coming weeks as to what supplies we could collect and bring north for those in need. 

Our aim is to gather Sunday morning for a brief devotion/prayer and collection of supplies before sending our crew north. Plan to join us if you have the morning free! 

Combined Total Contribution to Muscatine Food Pantry!

We’ve received totals from Grace! Grace raised $524.07. Added to our collection of $341.54, between the two congregations, we contributed a total of $865.61. Way to go Shepherds, and thank you for your support of our community!

Women’s Group

Women’s Group meets on the second Saturday of the month at 8:30 a.m. Women of all ages are welcome to join us as we share in fellowship and Bible Study.

Dear Church Book Club 

This fall, we are continuing our reading of Dear Church by Rev. Lenny Duncan.  Rev. Duncan is an African American pastor in the ELCA and writes from his perspective calling the church to action today. Contact Pastor Aleese if you are interested in joining our discussion. We meet again Thursday, September 15 at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom.

Worship Services

Worship: August 22

Matthew 16:13-20| “Who do YOU say that I am?” Jesus asks his disciples in our Gospel. At different times in our lives, and in different surroundings, our response might vary. But in all times and in all experiences, who our God is as our solid rock remains constant. Join us as we recall our Lord’s faithfulness and dare to confess with our lips and with our lives that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the Living God. Liturgy used within worship covered under CCLI License #1141706.

Pentecost 12 Worship Bulletin

Worship Services

Worship: August 15

Matthew 15: 10-28| Over the past few months, society has needed to learn how to live together for the betterment of each other. However, amidst that community, division still exists, sometimes even without our knowledge that we are contributing toward it. In God’s kingdom, we are called to a vision where all are truly welcome. But, though we “say” that, how do we “live” that? Join us in worship as we gather around the sacrament of Christ’s body and blood and as we are challenged to take up God’s call to extend compassion over ALL that God has made. Liturgy used within worship covered under CCLI License #1141706.

Pentecost 11 Worship Bulletin

Worship Services

Worship: August 8

Matthew 14: 22-33 | There are seasons of our lives in which the winds and the waves make it feel as though we can barely keep our head above water. In these moments, we are invited to cry out to our Lord, who promises to extend his hand in grace. Christ’s hand is waiting for us to take a hold of, even when we are uncertain of where we are going. Do we dare let go to hang onto Christ? Join us for worship as we bless our college students and as we celebrate Christ’s meal of abundant in the sacrament of communion. Liturgy used within worship covered under CCLI License #1141706.

Pentecost 10 Worship Bulletin

Our Life Together

News & Events

Here at Shepherd, we are looking toward the beginning of fall. Typically that means anticipating another “program” year. Though the coming months will look different, we look forward to continued opportunities to remain connected to Christ and to each other.

Back to School Blessing

This school year, our students, teachers, and parents are heading into unknown territory. To support them, and offer our prayers, we will have a blessing/prayer for students, teachers, and parents during worship on Saturday, August 22. Kids – make sure to join us as we’ll have something to give you! And parents and teachers, be sure to join us as we include you in prayer as well!

Family Bible Adventures

We are wrapping up our final installment of our adventures by finishing up with the story of Jesus feeding the 5000. Be sure to check out our final adventure and bring your offering for the food pantry to church by Monday, August 17!

Coin and Cash Collection for Muscatine Food Pantry

Thanks to your help, we have collected quite a bit of money for the food pantry! Help us finish strong and bring in your last offerings by Monday, August 17. Then, we’ll combine our offerings with Grace Luthearn and cut a check. Want to give more than a quarter or two? Send a check via mail to the church, made out to “Shepherd of the Cross” with “Food Pantry” in the memo line.

Kayaking-Swimming at Deep Lakes Park | August 16, 3:00-5:00 p.m.

Join us for a late afternoon of kayaking/swimming down at Deep Lakes! Those who desire to kayak can do so around 3, and then cool off in the water before heading home. Not interested in kayaking, but just want to swim? Go for it!

If you are interested in joining us, complete this SurveyMonkey survey by Wednesday, August 12 at 12:00 p.m.. Questions? Or not able to access the survey? Contact Pastor Aleese.

Help Sewing Masks for MCSD

The Muscatine Community School District (MCSD) Choral Department is flying to make sure they have what is needed to have safe environments for their students to not only come back to the classroom, but have the opportunity to sing. Time singing in the classroom will be limited and regulated, but regardless, the department is looking for help from the community in making specific masks. They have a specific pattern and fabric, but simple need A) people to help cut the pattern, and B) people to assemble the mask. If you are interested and willing to help, contact Pastor Aleese for more information. 

Information re Fall Worship and Education Schedule Coming Soon

With the return of many students to school, and with the beginning of things like choral rehearsals (though still restrained), many have begun asking what we are doing at Shepherd. Our Council will be meeting on Wed, August 19 to make decisions for the coming months. In the meantime, know that teams like Worship and Music, Education, etc. are meeting and beginning to make plans to best accommodate what is needed to continue our mission as a congregation.  If you have questions or concerns about our road forward, you are encouraged to reach out to a Council member (Heather Allen, Daryl Eichelberger, Alice Pittman, Connie Stalheim, Barb Williams, Mackenzie Gilbert, Amy Bakke) or Pastor Aleese

Women’s Group

Women’s Group meets on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month at 8:30 a.m. We continue with our series on “Just Love.” To date, we have looked at the stories of the raising of Lazarus, Zaccheaus, the Good Samaritan, and Esther. Women of all ages are welcome to join us! We meet outside while physical distancing. Bring your own lawn chair.

Dear Church Book Club 

This summer we are reading Dear Church by Rev. Lenny Duncan.  Rev. Duncan is an African American pastor in the ELCA and writes from his perspective calling the church to action today. Contact Pastor Aleese if you are interested in joining our discussion. We meet again Thursday, August 13 at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom.

Welcome Bishop Elect Current!

On Friday, August 7, congregational representatives and Pastor Aleese attended our synod’s assembly via Zoom. Though we attended to various matters, our primary task was to elect a new bishop. As of the close of our assembly, the Southeastern Iowa Synod has elected Pastor Amy Current, current Vice-President of Admissions and Student Services at Wartburg Theological Seminary. She will be installed later this fall. We encourage you to continue to hold the synod and incoming synod staff in prayer as transitions are being made. 

Worship Services

Worship: August 1

Psalm 145, Matthew 14: 13-21| Compassion. It’s a word we might hear quite a bit, but might never be able to fully comprehend. And to comprehend the compassion of our God? It’s hard to capture the gut-wrenching empathy that Christ has for you, and for all creation. It is by that compassion that we are welcomed to the table of our King, and it is by that compassion that we are sent forth to BE that compassion. Join us in worship as a youth from our congregation confirms his faith in this God of compassion, and as we remember Christ’s promise to sustain and fill us, and all the world, with life. Liturgy used within worship covered under CCLI License #1141706.

Pentecost 9 Worship Bulletin

Worship Services

Worship: July 25

Matthew 13: 31-33, 44-52| Destruction and transformation. Death and life. Polar opposites, and yet, both are true. Within the past few months, we’ve witnessed how something small – like the COVID-19 virus – has lead to devastating consequences. At the same time, we are told within our Gospel reading this weekend that the kingdom of heaven, though the size of a mustard seed, has the ability to fill us with life. So what is spreading in our hearts? And what is spreading in our world? Death? Or God’s kingdom of life? Join us as we direct our attention to God’s kingdom, and hear again the promise that God’s kingdom will never stop expanding…even where we least expect it. Liturgy used within worship covered under CCLI License #1141706.

Pentecost 8 Worship Bulletin

Our Life Together

News & Events

Though summer is nearly over, we are still looking forward to a few opportunities to remain connected to each other and to Christ. Take a look below for what’s coming up, and stay tuned for more information about our plan for fall!

Family Bible Adventures

Though we are not hosting a formal Vacation Bible School this summer, we hope that families will take up the challenge to go on their own adventures! Adventures consist of a story from the Bible (shared in video format) and a suggested activity and prayer model. Be sure to check out the Family Bible Adventures tab for more information throughout the summer!

Coin and Cash Collection for Muscatine Food Pantry

As a part of the Family Bible Adventures challenge, families are being encouraged to collect coins and cash to bring together for our last Family Bible Adventure. Our hope is that by Wednesday, August 12, we can have a physically distant get-together for families of SOTC and Grace. That night, we will be looking at the story of the feeding of the 5000 and how the disciples gathered what they had to feed the crowd. So…why don’t we do the same?

For the next few weeks, when we gather for worship, there will be a cash box by the “entrance” to our outdoor worship space. Challenge yourself – and your kids! – to bring some spare coins/cash. Funds collected will then be given to the Muscatine Food Pantry.

Kayaking-Swimming at Deep Lakes Park | August 16, 3:00-5:00 p.m.

Join us for a late afternoon of kayaking/swimming down at Deep Lakes! Those who desire to kayak can do so around 3, and then cool off in the water before heading home. Not interested in kayaking, but just want to swim? Go for it! Note that there will be a small cost for use of a kayak, since we will be renting from the Conservation Board. Cost to be shared after we determine the number of kayaks that are needed. 

We will be encouraging physical distancing between family units at Deep Lakes, but hope that this is an opportunity for families to gather in a safe, fun way. Families are encouraged to bring a drink and snack for themselves that we can munch on later during our block of time. Out of concern for safety, we will NOT be providing food for the whole group. 

If you are interested in joining us, complete this SurveyMonkey survey by Wednesday, August 12 at 12:00 p.m.. Questions? Or not able to access the survey? Contact Pastor Aleese.

Women’s Group

Women’s Group meets on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month at 8:30 a.m. We continue with our series on “Just Love.” To date, we have looked at the stories of the raising of Lazarus, Zaccheaus, the Good Samaritan, and Esther. Women of all ages are welcome to join us! We meet outside while physical distancing. Bring your own lawn chair.

Dear Church Book Club 

This summer we are reading Dear Church by Rev. Lenny Duncan.  Rev. Duncan is an African American pastor in the ELCA and writes from his perspective calling the church to action today. Contact Pastor Aleese if you are interested in joining our discussion. We meet again Thursday, Aug 13 at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom.

Youth Group June-July Schedule 

An updated summer schedule has been emailed to youth and their families. Youth Group is intended for youth grades 4 and up. Though we need to be creative this summer due to restrictions, we are doing our best to provide ways for our youth to remain connected to each other and to Christ. Contact Pastor Aleese if you have any questions.

Worship Services

Worship: July 18

Isaiah 44:6-8| The people of ancient Judah had been exiled for more than two generations. They wondered if they would ever return to Jerusalem and worship again in the temple. In short, they wondered if life would ever return to “normal.” Perhaps today, some of us feel displaced from what we know, from what is normal, and even from what we had hoped for. Things don’t seem to be “the way they used to be.” But even now, we are reminded along with the Israelites that our God is powerful and will not abandon us, and that our God will lead us “home.” Join us in worship to hear a word of Good News and consider how God is leading us on, even if we don’t always know exactly where we are going. Liturgy used within worship covered under CCLI License #1141706.

Pentecost 7 Worship Bulletin

Worship Services

Worship: July 11

Matthew 13: 1-9, 18-23| God’s Word has been implanted within us, and God desires for that seed to grow, flourish, and produce abundantly. God has already begun this work in us, and is committed to cultivating us on our journeys of faith. So now, how are we being called to participate in the work of the Spirit, creating a space for God’s Word to take root? Join us in worship as we hear God’s promise of love, and are challenged to consider how the environments we find ourselves in shape us as people of God. Liturgy used within worship covered under CCLI License #1141706.

Pentecost 6 Worship Bulletin