Worship Services

Sermon: What’s in a name?

Matthew 3:13-17, Isaiah 42:1-9 | Names often point to who we are, or where we’ve come from. Of all the names that we might attach to ourselves, or that others might attach to us, it is solely in our name as “beloved” of God that we find our identity and our purpose. As Christ was publicly affirmed and commissioned in his baptism, we, too, now, are affirmed in our identity and sent to live into this name that we have been given.

Worship Services

Sermon: Journey Diverted

Matthew 2:1-2 | Something drew the wise men to seek and find the Christ child, born in Bethlehem. Summoned by King Herod, their journey could have turned into a standard “search and find” mission, nothing more. But as they saw the Christ child, something changed within them and their journey was diverted. For us, as people who have come to see this child, we too have been transformed. Heading into a new year, we may desire to change various things about our habits, or ourselves. But the one thing that has the power to change our journey from this point forward very well may be the only thing that is eternal and true: Jesus Christ.


Nurturing Christ

By the time this article is published, it will be after Christmas Day. For many of us, we will have gathered together in worship on Christmas Eve to adore this child who has come. After finally getting all the Christmas decorations hung—perhaps just in the nick of time!—after singing a few Christmas carols, and perhaps after indulging ourselves in those seasonal delicacies, it may seem as though all the anticipation and preparation of this Advent season will have finally reached its climax. So now what?

Together, the church will continue to celebrate the joy of Christ’s birth for 12 days. Much of the rest of the world will transition from holiday music back to their normal radio stations, and stores filled with Christmas goodies will slowly transition to the next holiday. But in the life of the church, we pause, and take some time to come on bended-knee to worship our Lord in a manger stall.

But even 12 days will fly by pretty quickly. So then, what happens after this season of Christmas? And what does it mean for our lives as we go forth from the manger, having seen this Christ child and having taken a hold of the promises that God has given to us?

As I thought about this question, my mind jumped to the experience of what it might be like to be a parent for the first time. Though, I confess, this is something I haven’t experienced, from friends who have recently had children, I have heard my fair share of stories. Many of them have told me the joys—and the trials—of childbirth, and eventually, have gone on to explain to me that in those sacred moments—even with everything else going on—that time seems to stand still when they hold their child for the first time. But after being in the hospital for a day or so, they all eventually have told me the realization that they have once they get home and are alone with this child: now, it is completely their responsibility to take care of this child.

Of course, these parents—much like any other parent—wants what is best for their child. There’s no question of “if” that child will be nurtured to grow up into the person he or she is to become. But how? Many new parents have told me that, sometimes, figuring out how to care for a newborn isn’t as “second nature” as they were led on to believe.

Having received our Lord and our King on Christmas, one could say that now, we are like those new  parents. This child has come, and has been laid before us. Jesus isn’t going away anytime soon. But now, do we pick him up, as any parent would, and nurture him? And nurture our relationship with him?

Unlike the parents I’ve been talking to recently, we do have a choice of if we want to care for this child who’s come into our lives and into our world. We all could move on from Christmas and sum it up to       another “nice” season. Or…we could take this child in our arms, and as he grows, develop our own relationship with him—as we learn what it means to offer our love to this child, and as we learn what it means to follow this child as a disciple.

But how we nurture our relationship with this child? Much like parenting isn’t as easy as following a step-by-step manual, our lives of discipleship aren’t as easy as following a step-by-step program. What it means for any one of you to nurture your relationship with Christ as a disciple might mean something different than it means for another. For some of us, in the new year, it might mean a new prayer routine. For others, it might mean offering ourselves in service. For others, it might be more intentional time spent in regular worship. And still for others, it might be a rearranging of our priorities.

Whatever it may be for you, we have the privilege in the coming Epiphany season to take time to nurture our relationship with this child and to grow as his disciples. Much like one wouldn’t wish away those first moments with a child that has been born to us, perhaps we, too, would be wise not to wish these next seven weeks of Epiphany away. Instead, come along, to get to know this one who has come.

Worship Services

Sermon: Love Come Down

Luke 2: 1-20 | Each year, we celebrate the birth of Christ our Lord, and recall that our God willingly came down to us in love. At the time of Christ’s birth, and even today, our God chooses to come to us, giving us gifts that this world simply cannot give. Now, as we behold this, this that has taken place, we are invited to extend our arms to hold this little baby, Jesus Christ, as his love takes flesh in us.

Worship Services

Sermon: Living in Hope

Matthew 11: 2-11, Luke 1: 46b-55 | As we inch ever closer to Christmas, we hold our hope that something more is coming, and that something more is about to be experienced. But even as we wait, we don’t wait in vain. Instead, like Mary, we are invited to live in hope and go forth in joy for all that God is about to do.


Advent & Christmas Activities

We’re on our final countdown to Christmas! But it’s not too late to join us as we prepare for Christ’s birth. See below to see how you can participate with us:


December 14, 6:00 p.m.
Carols, Cookies, and Bingo Potluck:
Celebrate the Christmas season with our SOTC family for this fun event. Everyone attending is asked to bring a side dish and a dozen cookies to share. Social team members will provide the main dish. Along with the potluck we will be singing some favorite carols and playing bingo.

December 22, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Youth Group Christmas Party!
Our Youth Group will be having a special night to celebrate the season. All youth grades 4 and up invited. Join us for some Christmas games, food, and a time to remember the story of Christ’s birth.

Advent Devotionals:
If you’re looking for something to spark the season as you prepare, you can find these family and individual devotionals in the Narthex.

Special Advent & Christmas Worship Services

Sunday, December 22, 9:00 a.m.
Advent Youth-Led Worship
Our children and youth (including FINK and HS) will be leading much of the service, including a message entitled, “God Wants a Re-Do.”

NOTE: The youth will be going through their parts the next three weeks during Sunday School and a run-through rehearsal of the service Saturday, December 21 from 9-10:00 p.m.. Parents and families can reach out to Pastor Aleese or an Education Team member with questions. 

Tuesday, December 24:
Christmas Eve Worship, 4:00 p.m. 
Join us for a festive worship service including special music and candlelight. Anyone interested in providing music for the service or being involved in some way should speak with Patti Oestmann.

Sunday, December 29, 9:00 a.m.
Christmas Service of Lessons and Carols 
Join us the Sunday after Christmas for a romp through the many Scripture readings of Christmas and sing your favorite carols! 

Worship Services

Sermon: Preparing to Hold Onto What is Really True

Sorry, due to a technical glitch, this week’s sermon video is unavailable.

 Matthew 3:1-12 | John the Baptist proclaims clearly to “repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” This Advent, we wait with eager anticipation for the arrival of our Lord and King, and we trust that our God desires to give us his lavish promises: that is, what is really true, really real and really precious. But will our hands be open and ready to receive these gifts of our God through Jesus Christ? 

Worship Services

Sermon: It’s (Almost) Time…

Isaiah 2: 1-5, Romans 13: 11-14 | In the promise of Christ’s birth among us, we dare to believe that something is about to happen to transform our lives and our world into the vision of God’s justice and peace. But for us to welcome the riches of God’s kingdom, in every aspect of our lives and our world, it might mean that some things need to change. Ready or not, God’s kingdom is going to come, and God will call us to his table filled with good things. In the meantime, we are invited to reflect, and to prepare ourselves and our world for God’s coming kingdom. 


Looking for Christ

Looking through glasses

From Pastor Aleese

How many of you saw an orange car the last time you were out driving? It’s an odd question, really.  It’s likely we’ve all seen black cars, blue cars, and red cars. But an orange car? Now that’s an anomaly. 

During our Youth Group Thanksgiving night on November 24, this was the question I posed to our youth to open conversation. As to be expected, they all gave me a funny look, and proceeded to tell me that not one of them had seen an orange car on the way to church. But then, as a follow up, I asked them: what DID you notice on your way to church? Some of them told me about the sunset they saw or the other cars they noticed. But some of them also confessed that they really hadn’t noticed much of anything: whether because their mind was wandering, because they were doing something on their phones, or because they really didn’t think it was all that important to take notice of what was going on around them at the time. Some of the youth were a bit sheepish about their  confession, realizing that they’d been in their own little worlds. But, they all assured me that if they would’ve known to be on the look out for an orange car, it would’ve made a difference. Then their eyes would’ve been attuned to noticing that specific detail. 

It might not be all that important to notice orange cars around us. But it brings up a valid point: amidst all the glitz and the glam of Christmas that has already filled our society, what are we really watching for? What are we attuning our eyes to in our lives and the world around us? And what excuses are we coming up with for not paying attention to the coming of our King? 

In the life of the church, before coming to the manger at Christmas, we have this sacred season of Advent in which to practice attuning our eyes to when, where and how God’s kingdom is breaking into our lives and our world. And much like it might not be common place for us to notice an orange car on the road, it might not be common for us to practice tuning our eyes to God’s activity in what’s going on around us. Certainly, I have a feeling that we all believe that God IS at work in us and all around us. But when was the last time we took a moment to notice, to name, and to nurture that presence of Christ’s light? 

To adopt this lens takes practice. So, this Advent season: what would it be like to train your eyes to notice, name and nurture the presence of Christ’s light…wherever it might show up? It might take a change of perspective. But together, we might find that Christ—the only person who has the power to restore us and give us life—is actually doing amazing things… if only we just attune our eyes to His work. 

But, at the same time that you’re practicing attuning your eyes to where God’s kingdom is showing up, I also challenge you to look for where God’s kingdom isn’t showing up. Even the thought of that might sound strange. But think back to the orange car. It might be that there have been orange cars around you, and you simply haven’t noticed. But, on the flip side, it could also be that there weren’t any orange cars around to begin with

In the same way, it could be, that there are places and spaces in our lives and in our world that the kingdom of God isn’t manifesting itself. Not because God doesn’t desire to be present. But because at times we, and the world around us, are inhibiting the work of God’s kingdom by the way we live our lives. As much as we might not like to admit it, it’s the truth. It’s called sin; and it inhibits the work of God’s kingdom in the world. God has called us to repent, and to turn from those things that take us away from living fully in God’s kingdom. But even though we might get in our own way, our God wasn’t going to wait until we had our mess cleaned up. Instead, our God chose to come to us in Jesus Christ. Before we even knew what to even look for, God came to us. 

So this Advent, as we look toward the manger, I invite you to reflect on two things: 1) where Christ is at work, and 2) where we might be getting in the way of Christ’s work in the world. It would be much easier to skip ahead to Christmas. But it’s to this intentional reflection that we are called as we prepare ourselves, and our world, for our coming King. Christ has come. Christ is coming. And Christ will come again. Do you perceive it? 

Worship Services

Sermon: Jesus, Remember Me

Luke 23:33-43 | With so many grasping for power in our lives and our world, what does it really mean that Christ is our King? Though the title of “king” often assumes someone who is all-powerful and in control, as people of faith we also claim that Jesus, as our King, is our humble servant, coming to us in love and remembering each of us in his kingdom. Now, in Christ’s reign, we are called to be still, and remember that the Lord is our God and our King over every aspect of our lives.