Collaborative Lent Opportunities
This Lent we are excited to announce that we are collaborating with Faith Together Muscatine (with Zion, Grace, and New Era) for Lenten Midweek worship, meal and Family Faith Nights and a special Easter Vigil worship service and meal.
Midweek Lenten Worship – Meal – Family Faith Nights
5:30 | Worship
6:00 | Meal
6:30 | Family Faith Nights
Join us for part, or all, of the night! If you’re eating with us, sign up in the narthex starting Sunday. Adults – if you’re not a part of a Family Faith Night group and would like to be a part of a Lent faith formation group, indicate your interest on a sign up in the narthex. (Kids and youth can always hop in on the groups already going!)
Easter Vigil Worship Service and Meal
4:00 | Worship
5:30 | Meal
Easter Vigil moves us from the darkness of Good Friday into the joy and celebration of Easter. After celebrating the news of Christ’s resurrection, we’ll feast in joy with one another across our congregations. Sign up in the narthex if you plan to eat with us.
For clarity – Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday worship services will be hosted at SOTC.
Come and take part in what you can! We’re looking forward to a formative Lenten journey together.
Game Night
Saturday, February 15, 4:30 – 6:30 pm
In the midst of Super Bowl and Valentine’s Day weekends, make sure to join your Shepherds for a game night! Bring an appetizer to share and your favorite games.
Want to Increase Your Giving on Tithely?
We’ve recently received inquires about how to update your giving online through Tithely. The quickest way to do so is to cancel your recurring giving and set up a new recurring giving amount. If you have trouble, or have additional questions, contact Kathy or Pastor Aleese.
Community Diaper Bank Drive
We’ve collected 3,157 diapers for the Community Diaper Bank! Wow! Here’s the challenge: can we double that by the end of February? That would be a total of 6,274 diapers, and 250 packs of diapers for families in our community.
Sizes 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7 diapers are most needed, but any size will be utilized! Bring in diapers through Sunday, February 23.
Join us at New Era for Worship!
During the Annual Meeting, we shared that Pastor Aleese will continue on rotation with Pastor Willie and Pastor Susan to provide worship leadership for New Era. As one in the body of Christ, we also invite you to join Pastor Aleese when she heads out to New Era! This is not only a time to worship with another congregation, but also an opportunity to deepen our relationships with one another in our partnerships through Faith Together Muscatine.
Though you’re always welcome to join New Era for worship (11:00 am; fellowship before) Pastor Aleese will be at New Era next on February 9 and March 2. Dates will also be added to our online SOTC calendar.
Miss our Annual Meeting?
If you missed our Annual Meeting this weekend, you can watch a recording linked here. Additional Annual Reports are in the narthex and are also available here. Thank you for your partnership with us in the mission of God’s Kingdom!
Chocolate Fest
Sunday, March 2
In traditional Shepherd custom, we will host Chocolate Fest following worship on Sunday, March 2. This Sunday marks the last Sunday before Lent (Transfiguration Sunday) and is meant to be a “feast” day before entering into the reflective season of Lent. For those who are new to this tradition, the instruction is simple! Everyone (yes, everyone!) bring a chocolate dish to share during fellowship. Then, we’ll all feast!
Welcome to New Members
Sunday, February 16
You may have seen some new faces in our flock recently, and we want to extend a warm welcome to them in worship! During the service, our new members will have the opportunity to re-commit themselves to following Jesus as a part of this congregation, and we will have the opportunity to express our commitment to support them on their journey. Following worship we’ll have a special fellowship hour. Make sure to join us as we welcome Deb Hughes, Wanda McCullough, Wade and Liz Reddy and Bruce and Lynn Selking!
Note: If you’re considering membership, talk to Pastor Aleese! Though we’re welcoming this crew on February 16, we can always add you to the crew or welcome you later this spring!