
News & Events

Interested in an Adult Faith Formation Group?

Sign Up by Sunday, August 4

Did you miss our meeting last week, but you are still interested in being a part of a group this fall? We want to hear from you! 

This fall we are offering three groups geared for adults: Sojourners, Companions in Christ and Re:Storied. A brief synopsis is below, and a more detailed description can be found in the narthex and at our website.

To effectively plan for the number of groups and leaders, we ask you to indicate your interest by Sunday, August 4 by signing up in the narthex or by submitting an online form.

If you have further questions, contact Andy or Aleese. We look forward to walking together this year in faith!

Description of Groups

Sojourners is a small group that seeks to deepen participants relationship with God and with one another to foster individual and communal spiritual growth. Sojourners will most likely meet on Wednesday nights as a part of Family Faith Nights.

Companions in Christ is a spiritual formation group that focuses on how God is present within all human experiences, learns and practices various forms of prayer, and reflects on our call as disciples of Jesus.  Because of the time commitment, Companions will not meet during Family Faith Nights, but will be dependent on the schedule of those within the group.

Re:Storied is a small group that introduces participants to the whole of the Biblical narrative while providing opportunities to tangibly practice dwelling in God’s Word. Scheduling of this group will be determined based on schedule of interested participants.

Toys Needed for Youth Room

Have some old kids’ toys underneath the stairs or in a closet that you don’t use anymore? We’re looking for some gently used kids toys (and furniture) to keep in the youth room for toddlers and lower elementary kids. We’re looking specifically for the following, but if you have something else in mind, talk to Jamie Vircks or Pastor Aleese. We’ll likely be able to use it!

Baby dolls
Small bookshelf
Building toys (legos, lincoln logs)
Younger puzzles (big pieces)

Last Call!: Night Out at the River Bandits

Saturday, August 10, 6:00pm (Gametime)
Carpool from SOTC @ 5:00pm
Sign up by July 28 if interested

Last call! If you want tickets, sign up in the narthex or email the church office by Sunday, July 28. Tickets are $13 each. Ticket price does not include a food/drink voucher. 

We will carpool from Shepherd at 5:00pm. Others are welcome to join us at Modern Woodman Park as is helpful. Tickets will be picked up as a group. Looking forward to a night of fellowship!

Bailey Booth Confirmation

Sunday, July 28 

It’s this weekend! Come and witness Bailey confess her faith and affirm the promises God made to her in the sacrament of baptism!  A special time of fellowship will follow after worship. Be sure to join Bailey as we support her on her walk of faith!

Financial Support for Western Iowa Flooding

Earlier in July, Western Iowa experienced significant flooding. In response, the Western Iowa Synod of the ELCA has come together to funnel funds to areas most impacted. If you’d like to be a part of this relief effort, go to “Lutheran Disaster Response.” All donated funds to the synod will be given directly to those in need. 

Family Faith Nights Returning in Sept!

We’re looking forward to another Family Faith Night year, and are also looking to expand the groups we offer to include upper middle school and high school youth. Keep your eye out for more ways that your kids and youth can be involved, and look for a calendar soon!

Z Book Club

Monday, August 12 @ 5:30pm (Diamond Daves) Meets Monthly

Zion Lutheran Church is inviting those interested in joining their Z Book Club as they read The Wise Women: A Novel by Gina Sorell. If you are interested call the Zion office @ 563-263-5074 to sign up. More information may be found on the bulletin board in SOTC fellowship area.


News & Events

Fall Adult Group Interest Meeting

Wednesday, July 17 @ 7:30pm @ Zion

Looking for a group to nurture your faith this coming school year? In collaboration with our fellow ELCA congregations, we are offering at least three faith formation groups geared for adults: Sojourners, Companions in Christ and Re:Storied. Though a brief synopsis is offered below, we invite everyone interested in participating to come to an interest meeting on Wednesday, July 17 @ 7:30pm @ Zion (immediately following Book Club). This will help us determine who is interested in which group, as well as determine scheduling of these groups.  

Interested, but not able to make it on July 17?  Sign up in the narthex and/or contact Aleese or Andy. We look forward to walking together this year in faith! 

Description of Groups

Sojourners is a small group that seeks to deepen participants relationship with God and with one another to foster individual and communal spiritual growth. 

Companions in Christ is a spiritual formation group that focuses on how God is present within all human experiences, learns and practices various forms of prayer, and reflects on our call as disciples of Jesus.  

Re:Storied is a small group that introduces participants to the whole of the Biblical narrative while providing opportunities to tangibly practice dwelling in God’s Word. 

Night Out at the River Bandits

Saturday, August 10, 6:00pm (Gametime)
Carpool from SOTC @ 5:00pm
Sign up by July 28 if interested

We’re looking to have a ball at the ballpark with our Shepherds and also others from our local Muscatine ELCA congregations! Tickets are $13 each. We will likely have a box area where we can mingle together. Ticket price does not include a food/drink voucher. 

To order your tickets, email the church office or sign up in the narthex. Payment is due at the time you sign up. 

We will carpool from Shepherd at 5:00pm. Others are welcome to join us at Modern Woodman Park as is helpful. Tickets will be picked up as a group. Looking forward to a night of fellowship!

Bailey Booth Confirmation

Sunday, July 28 

After two years of participation in the middle school faith formation group, Bailey would like to publicly confess her faith and affirm the promises God made to her in the sacrament of baptism! To celebrate this milestone, we’ll honor her during worship and have a special time of fellowship after worship. Be sure to join Bailey as we support her on her walk of faith!

Z Book Club

Monday, August 12 @ 5:30pm (Diamond Daves) Meets Monthly

Zion Lutheran Church is inviting those interested in joining their Z Book Club as they read The Wise Women: A Novel by Gina Sorell. If you are interested call the Zion office @ 563-263-5074 to sign up. More information may be found on the bulletin board in SOTC fellowship area.

Family Faith Nights Returning in Sept!

We’re looking forward to another Family Faith Night year, and are also looking to expand the groups we offer to include upper middle school and high school youth. Keep your eye out for more ways that your kids and youth can be involved, and look for a calendar soon!

Toys Needed for Youth Room

Have some old kids’ toys underneath the stairs or in a closet that you don’t use anymore? We’re looking for some gently used kids toys (and furniture) to keep in the youth room for toddlers and lower elementary kids. We’re looking specifically for the following, but if you have something else in mind, talk to Jamie Vircks or Pastor Aleese. We’ll likely be able to use it!

Baby dolls
Small bookshelf
Building toys (legos, lincoln logs)
Younger puzzles (big pieces)


News & Events

Ice Cream Social

THIS Sunday, July 14 during fellowship

It’s summer, so why not have a lil’ extra ice cream! Be sure to join us for a special fellowship hour where we have Sundaes on Sunday!

Preschoolers Following God’s Light!

You’ve probably heard about our elementary and middle school Christian Day Camps by now. But we’ve also been hangin’ out with an incredible crew of preschoolers and their families! Last Monday we learned about the story of God’s promise with Abraham while also canoeing, making God’s eye crafts, playing with water, and going in the Star Lab! Check in with the Vircks’ family who’ve been participating with us to see what their experience has been like!

Christmas in August Event

Sunday, August 4, 5:30pm
Sign up by July 14 if interested

Often Christmas comes and goes so quickly in December and with so many things to do, we miss out on some of the extra fun! Sometimes, “Christmas in July” events are hosted as a “half-birthday” for Jesus. Because of family schedules, we won’t quite make it in July, but we will still celebrate!

ALL – families, adults, kids – are invited to join us for a night of fun, fellowship, and intergenerational learning. This event is also open to our fellow Muscatine ELCA conregations. To help plan activities, please sign up by July 14 if you’d like to join us!

Night Out at the River Bandits

Saturday, August 10, 6:00pm (Gametime)
Carpool from SOTC @ 5:00pm
Sign up by July 28 if interested

We’re looking to have a ball at the ballpark with our Shepherds and also others from our local Muscatine ELCA congregations! Tickets are $13 each. We will likely have a box area where we can mingle together. Ticket price does not include a food/drink voucher. 

To order your tickets, email the church office or sign up in the narthex. Payment is due at the time you sign up. 

We will carpool from Shepherd at 5:00pm. Others are welcome to join us at Modern Woodman Park as is helpful. Tickets will be picked up as a group. Looking forward to a night of fellowship!

Bailey Booth Confirmation

Sunday, July 28 

After two years of participation in the middle school faith formation group, Bailey would like to publicly confess her faith and affirm the promises God made to her in the sacrament of baptism! To celebrate this milestone, we’ll honor her during worship and have a special time of fellowship after worship. Be sure to join Bailey as we support her on her walk of faith!

Toys Needed for Youth Room

Have some old kids’ toys underneath the stairs or in a closet that you don’t use anymore? We’re looking for some gently used kids toys (and furniture) to keep in the youth room for toddlers and lower elementary kids. We’re looking specifically for the following, but if you have something else in mind, talk to Jamie Vircks or Pastor Aleese. We’ll likely be able to use it!

Baby dolls
Small bookshelf
Building toys (legos, lincoln logs)
Younger puzzles (big pieces)


News & Events

Results from Congregational Meeting

This past Sunday, the congregation heard an update on our financial position, voted to enter into a contract with Crown Castle for a cell tower to be built on our land, and adopted constitutional amendments. If you have any questions about the decisions made, contact your Council members (Delene McConnaha, Gladys Reif, Erin Jorgensen, Linda Adams, Melissa Booth, Joanne Drinkall, Connie Hoekstra). 

Supper at the Lighthouse

Saturday, June 29 @ 5:30pm

It’s this Saturday! Even if you didn’t sign up, feel free to join us for a night of fellowship and food! Address of the Lighthouse is 2142 Water St, Muscatine, IA (located near Fairport)

Joint Worship with New Era

Sunday, June 30 @ 9:00 am @ SOTC
Sunday, July 21 @ 10:00 am @ New Era

This coming Sunday we welcome New Era to worship with us! Please offer them a warm welcome as we join together in worship!

Christmas in August Event

Sunday, August 4, 5:30pm
Sign up by July 14 if interested

Often Christmas comes and goes so quickly in December and with so many things to do, we miss out on some of the extra fun! Sometimes, “Christmas in July” events are hosted as a “half-birthday” for Jesus. Because of family schedules, we won’t quite make it in July, but we will still celebrate!

ALL – families, adults, kids – are invited to join us for a night of fun, fellowship, and intergenerational learning. This event is also open to our fellow Muscatine ELCA conregations. To help plan activities, please sign up by July 14 if you’d like to join us!

Night Out at the River Bandits

Saturday, August 10, 6:00pm (Gametime)
Carpool from SOTC @ 5:00pm
Sign up by July 28 if interested

We’re looking to have a ball at the ballpark with our Shepherds and also others from our local Muscatine ELCA congregations! Tickets are $13 each. We will likely have a box area where we can mingle together. Ticket price does not include a food/drink voucher. 

To order your tickets, email the church office or sign up in the narthex. Payment is due at the time you sign up. 

We will carpool from Shepherd at 5:00pm. Others are welcome to join us at Modern Woodman Park as is helpful. Tickets will be picked up as a group. Looking forward to a night of fellowship!

Lunchtime Potluck

Our friends at Zion are hosting a potluck and are inviting us to join! Take note of the date below and join if you can!

Ice Cream Social

Sunday, July 14 during fellowship

It’s summer, so why not have a lil’ extra ice cream! Be sure to join us for a special fellowship hour where we have Sundaes on Sunday!

Bailey Booth Confirmation

Sunday, July 28 

After two years of participation in the middle school faith formation group, Bailey would like to publicly confess her faith and affirm the promises God made to her in the sacrament of baptism! To celebrate this milestone, we’ll honor her during worship and have a special time of fellowship after worship. Be sure to join Bailey as we support her on her walk of faith!


News & Events

Muscatine CROP Hunger Walk Fundraiser

Tuesday, June 18 @ 11:00 am – 11:00 pm @ Applebee’s

Come and help our neighbors in Muscatine who are hungry! When you order from the Applebee’s special “Together We Care” menu, 50% of the food sales will support the Muscatine CROP Hunger Walk. 20% of all money collected is returned to Muscatine Food Pantry and 5% is retuned to Bag of Blessing weekend program in Muscatine elementary schools.

Christians Underground Resumes this Week

Wednesday, June 19 @ 12:00 pm @ Zion

We’ve needed to take a brief hiatus from Underground due to schedule conflicts for Pastor Aleese and Pastor Willie. But, we’re back at it this week! Even if you haven’t joined us yet, take this summer to test it out and see what it’s like. Each Wednesday we look at the upcoming Sunday Scripture readings.

Elementary Christian Day Camp is a Wrap!

We had three SOTC kids, joined by others from Grace and Zion, along with a slew of kids from the greater Muscatine area learn all about how from “Tiny Seeds Grow Mighty Trees!” Together, they learned that their ability to do mighty things comes from God through the stories of David, Esther, Mary, and the boy who gave his lunch to feed 5000 people. From biking, to water games, to horses, to art, to canoeing, to fishing, and so much more, our kids had a great week! Be sure to talk with Hannah Booth, Shelby Bartosh, and Amelia Vircks to ask them how their week was, and say a special thank you to all our volunteers! More pictures can be seen on our bulletin board in the narthex!

Congregational Meeting

Sunday, June 23 after worship

Our Council is calling a special congregational meeting to address three key items:

  1. Update on Financial Position
  2. Cell Tower Lease
  3. Constitutional Amendments 

We will have a Q&A sessions after worship on Sunday, June 16. This session will be facilitated by Council leaders and will begin at about 10:30. 

Paper copies of the materials linked above can also be found in the church narthex. If you have immediate quetsions, contact your Council leaders (Delene McConnaha, Gladys Reif, Erin Jorgensen, Linda Adams, Kathy Dunham, Melissa Booth, Joanne Drinkall, Connie Hoekstra) or Pastor Aleese.

Supper at the Lighthouse

Saturday, June 29 @ 5:30pm

Our Social Team has planned an evening out! Join us for a night of fellowship and food! Address of the Lighthouse is 2142 Water St, Muscatine, IA (located near Fairport).

Sign up in the narthex or contact the church office if you’re interested in joining us. 

Joint Worship with New Era

Sunday, June 30 @ 9:00 am @ SOTC
Sunday, July 21 @ 10:00 am @ New Era

Similar to last summer, SOTC and New Era are joining for two joint services this summer. The first service will be at SOTC and the second at New Era. Take note of these service times and locations. If you’re willing to assist with worship or fellowship on these two dates, contact Pastor Aleese or the church office. 

Lunchtime Potluck

Our friends at Zion are hosting a potluck and are inviting us to join! Take note of the date below and join if you can!

Ice Cream Social

Sunday, July 14 during fellowship

It’s summer, so why not have a lil’ extra ice cream! Be sure to join us for a special fellowship hour where we have Sundaes on Sunday!

Christmas in July (August) Event

Sunday, August 4, 5:30pm

Often Christmas comes and goes so quickly in December and with so many things to do, we miss out on some of the extra fun! Sometimes, “Christmas in July” events are hosted as a “half-birthday” for Jesus. Because of family schedules, we won’t quite make it in July, but we will still celebrate!

ALL – families, adults, kids – are invited to join us for a night of fun, fellowship, and intergenerational learning. More details to come soon from our Social and Education Teams!

Worship Services

Worship: The Beauty of a Weed

Mark 4: 26-34 | As followers of Jesus, we believe that God’s Kingdom has come into this world through Jesus Christ. But now, today, how does that kingdom show up? And how is God’s kingdom spreading – into our hearts, our lives, and our communities? Join us for worship as we hear of the relentless persistence of God’s kingdom in our midst, and challenge ourselves to gather and nurture the beautiful bouquet of God’s presence…even if it looks like a bunch of weeds.

Sunday, June 16, 2024, Fourth Sunday after Pentecost Bulletin

Copyright acknowledgments: Music covered under Augsburg Fortress License #SB135131, CCLI License #1141706, One License #738128-A. Scripture from New Revised Standard Version Bible, © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. Prelude: Plow the Fields. Text: Matthias Claudius, 1740-1815; tr. Jane M. Campbell, 1817-1878, alt. Music: Johann A. P. Schultz, 1747-1800. Text and Music: Public Domain. Gathering Song: For the Fruit of All Creation. Text and Music: Fred Pratt Green. Text and Music: © 1970 Hope Publishing Company. Covered under CCLI  subscription. Kyrie: Lord, Have Mercy. Text and Music: Sarah Hart. Text and Music: © 2018 OCP.  Covered under One License subscription. Hymn of Praise: Glory to God. Text and Music: Sarah Hart. Text and Music: © 2010, 2018 OCP.  Covered under One License subscription. Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia. Text and Music: Sarah Hart. Text and Music: © 2018 OCP. Covered under One License subscription. Hymn of the Day: Build Us Up, Lord. Text and Music: Donna Hanna & Mark Glaeser. Text and Music: © 2003 Augsburg Fortress. Covered under One License subscription. Communion Liturgy: Holy and Amen. Text and Music: Sarah Hart. Text and Music: © 2010, 2018 OCP.  Covered under One License subscription. Communion Song: Faith of a Mustard Seed. Text and Music: Colten and Claudia May. Text and Music: © 2021 WorshipMob Recording Retreat. Sending Song: Bring Forth the Kingdom. Text and Music: Marty Haugen. Text and Music: © 1986 GIA Publications, Inc. Covered under One License subscription.


News & Events

Book Club Begins Tomorrow!

Wednesday, June 12 @ 6:15 pm @ Zion Lutheran

We are excited to have a group of people from 5 congregations joining us for Book Club this summer! If you signed up to be a part of Book Club, you should have received a text with more information. If you did not receive a message, contact Pastor Aleese. And, if you’d still like to join us, please consider doing so! Contact Pastor Aleese or Andy Christy for more information. 

Congregational Meeting

Sunday, June 23 after worship

Our Council is calling a special congregational meeting to address three key items:

  1. Update on Financial Position
  2. Cell Tower Lease
  3. Constitutional Amendments 

We will have a Q&A sessions after worship on Sunday, June 16. This session will be facilitated by Council leaders and will begin at about 10:30. 

Paper copies of the materials linked above can also be found in the church narthex. If you have immediate quetsions, contact your Council leaders (Delene McConnaha, Gladys Reif, Erin Jorgensen, Linda Adams, Kathy Dunham, Melissa Booth, Joanne Drinkall, Connie Hoekstra) or Pastor Aleese.

Supper at the Lighthouse

Saturday, June 29 @ 5:30pm

Our Social Team has planned an evening out! Join us for a night of fellowship and food! Address of the Lighthouse is 2142 Water St, Muscatine, IA (located near Fairport).

Sign up in the narthex or contact the church office if you’re interested in joining us. 

Joint Worship with New Era

Sunday, June 30 @ 9:00 am @ SOTC
Sunday, July 21 @ 10:00 am @ New Era

Similar to last summer, SOTC and New Era are joining for two joint services this summer. The first service will be at SOTC and the second at New Era. Take note of these service times and locations. If you’re willing to assist with worship or fellowship on these two dates, contact Pastor Aleese or the church office. 

Musicians Needed

Sunday, July 21 – Joint worship @ New Era

This summer we are excited to be worshipping together with New Era two times. On June 30, New Era will join us at SOTC. Then, on July 21 we will join New Era for worship. 

Mary Maxson, musician at New Era, is coordinating musicians especially for the July 21 worship service. If you play an instrument or would like to sing, contact Mary directly via email or cell (563-264-0861)

Ice Cream Social

Sunday, July 14 during fellowship

It’s summer, so why not have a lil’ extra ice cream! Be sure to join us for a special fellowship hour where we have Sundaes on Sunday!


News & Events

Help Needed for Christian Day Camp Breakfast

Thursday, June 27 @ 7:30am @ Saulsbury Bridge

Shepherd of the Cross is partnering with New Era Lutheran Church to provide and serve breakfast to the Christian Day Camp middle school youth on Thursday, June 27, at the Saulsbury Bridge Recreation Area lodge. We are in need of a couple volunteers to help with the set-up, serving, and clean-up
from 7:30-9:00am. SOTC will be providing sausage links, bananas, mandarin oranges/cuties, napkins and disposable cups, for 60 youth and adults.

If you’re available to help serve and/or would like to donate items for the meal, please reach out to Joanne Drinkall at, (563-299-8157).

Hymn Festival at Wesley

Thursday, June 6 @ 7:30pm @ Wesley United Methodist

There will be a Hymn Festival happening at Wesley United Methodist Church on Thursday, June 6, at 7:30pm. This event is free and open to the public. Dr. David Cherwien, a Lutheran church musician from Minneapolis, will lead the festival. Some of our Shepherds will be participating, so you won’t want to miss it!

Book Club Begins Soon!

Wednesday, June 12 @ 6:15 pm

We are excited to have a group of people from 5 congregations joining us for Book Club this summer! If you signed up to be a part of Book Club, you will be receiveing a text message with more information this coming week. If you do not receive a message, contact Pastor Aleese. And, if you’d still like to join us, please consider doing so! Contact Pastor Aleese or Andy Christy for more information. 

Musicians Needed

Sunday, July 21 – Joint worship @ New Era

This summer we are excited to be worshipping together with New Era two times. On June 30, New Era will join us at SOTC. Then, on July 21 we will join New Era for worship. 

Mary Maxson, musician at New Era, is coordinating musicians especially for the July 21 worship service. If you play an instrument or would like to sing, contact Mary directly via email or cell (563-264-0861)

A Note from Roger Luft

Thank you for all the well wishes. SOTC has been a welcoming church home for me. I have enjoyed my time here and will miss so many great friends. Best wishes and God’s grace to SOTC and all my friends. Roger

Supper at the Lighthouse

Saturday, June 29 @ 5:30pm

Our Social Team is looking to the summer and has planned an evening out! Join us for a night of fellowship and food! Address of the Lighthouse is 2142 Water St, Muscatine, IA (located near Fairport).

Sign up in the narthex or contact the church office if you’re interested in joining us. 

Congregational Meeting

Sunday, June 23 after worship

Though not typical to have a mid-summer congregational meeting, our Council has several items they would like to share with the congregation. Items for discussion will be constitutional changes pertaining to the role of treasurer to match our current practice and vote on a cell tower lease contract. More information about these items, along with any other agenda items, will be shared with the congregation no later than Sunday, June 9. Immediate questions can be directed to Council members. 


News & Events

Farewell and Godspeed to Roger Luft

Sunday, June 2

Roger will soon be moving to Arizona, and we want to thank him for his partnership with us at Shepherd as well as send him off with prayer and blessing. Be sure to join us in worship on Sunday, June 2 as we offer prayer for him on his coming adventures!

Christian Day Camp Breakfast

Thursday, June 27 @ 7:30am @ Saulsbury Bridge

Shepherd of the Cross is partnering with New Era Lutheran Church to provide and serve breakfast to the Christian Day Camp middle school youth on Thursday, June 27, at the Saulsbury Bridge Recreation Area lodge. We are in need of a couple volunteers to help with the set-up, serving, and clean-up
from 7:30-9:00am. SOTC will be providing sausage links, bananas, mandarin oranges/cuties, napkins and disposable cups, for 60 youth and adults.

If you’re available to help serve and/or would like to donate items for the meal, please reach out to Joanne Drinkall at, (563-299-8157).

Hymn Festival at Wesley

Thursday, June 6 @ 7:30pm @ Wesley United Methodist

There will be a Hymn Festival happening at Wesley United Methodist Church on Thursday, June 6, at 7:30pm. This event is free and open to the public. Dr. David Cherwien, a Lutheran church musician from Minneapolis, will lead the festival. Some of our Shepherds will be participating, so you won’t want to miss it!

Book Club Begins Soon!

Wednesday, June 12 @ 6:15 pm

We are excited to have a group of people from 5 congregations joining us for Book Club this summer! If you signed up to be a part of Book Club, you will be receiveing a text message with more information this coming week. If you do not receive a message, contact Pastor Aleese. And, if you’d still like to join us, please consider doing so! Contact Pastor Aleese or Andy Christy for more information. 

Musicians Needed

Sunday, July 21 – Joint worship @ New Era

This summer we are excited to be worshipping together with New Era two times. On June 30, New Era will join us at SOTC. Then, on July 21 we will join New Era for worship. 

Mary Maxson, musician at New Era, is coordinating musicians especially for the July 21 worship service. If you play an instrument or would like to sing, contact Mary directly via email or cell (563-264-0861)

Supper at the Lighthouse

Saturday, June 29 @ 5:30pm

Our Social Team is looking to the summer and has planned an evening out! Join us for a night of fellowship and food! Address of the Lighthouse is 2142 Water St, Muscatine, IA (located near Fairport).

Sign up in the narthex or contact the church office if you’re interested in joining us. 

Congregational Meeting

Sunday, June 23 after worship

Though not typical to have a mid-summer congregational meeting, our Council has several items they would like to share with the congregation. Items for discussion will be constitutional changes pertaining to the role of treasurer to match our current practice and vote on a cell tower lease contract. More information about these items, along with any other agenda items, will be shared with the congregation no later than Sunday, June 9. Immediate questions can be directed to Council members. 


News & Events

Synod Assembly Recap

Over the weekend, Leslie, Connie, and Pastor Aleese attended the Southeastern Iowa Synod Assembly under the theme “Listen, God is Calling.” Together, they immersed themselves in worship, education, conversation and the business of the church. Assembly worship, and a concert on Friday evening, was put on by Jon Ailabouni (trumpeter, composer, educator from LaCrosse, WI) along with various Iowa City musicians. 

During worship, Shepherd of the Cross contributed $315 toward supporting leaders in the church. Thank you for supporting leaders in the whole church as we work together to further the mission of Christ!

Leslie and Connie will be giving a brief report of thier experience during worship on Sunday, June 2. Throughout the year, they’ll continue to share more, and dive deeper into the conversations and resolutions passed by the assembly. Feel free to reach out to our amazing representatives to hear more about our connection with the greater church!

Welcome Baby Carter!

With joy, Kirsten and Chris Carter have welcomed Adley James into the world! Adley, mom, and family are all doing well as they adjust to being a family of 4!

Recognition of Owen Christy, MHS Graduate

Sunday, May 26

‘Tis the season for high school and college graduations, and this spring we have the privilege of honoring Owen Christy as he graduates from Muscatine High School. To honor him, we will offer prayer for him during worship on Sunday, May 26 and will have time for fellowship after worship. If you have a card for Owen, we will have a basket in the narthex on May 26. Thanks for supporting our young adults!

Farewell and Godspeed to Roger Luft

Sunday, June 2

Roger will soon be moving to Arizona, and we want to thank him for his partnership with us at Shepherd as well as send him off with prayer and blessing. Be sure to join us in worship on Sunday, June 2 as we offer prayer for him on his coming adventures!

Christian Day Camp Breakfast

Thursday, June 27 @ 7:30am @ Saulsbury Bridge

Shepherd of the Cross is partnering with New Era Lutheran Church to provide and serve breakfast to the Christian Day Camp middle school youth on Thursday, June 27, at the Saulsbury Bridge Recreation Area lodge. We are in need of a couple volunteers to help with the set-up, serving, and clean-up
from 7:30-9:00am. SOTC will be providing sausage links, bananas, mandarin oranges/cuties, napkins and disposable cups, for 60 youth and adults.

If you’re available to help serve and/or would like to donate items for the meal, please reach out to Joanne Drinkall at, (563-299-8157).

Hymn Festival at Wesley

Thursday, June 6 @ 7:30pm @ Wesley United Methodist

There will be a Hymn Festival happening at Wesley United Methodist Church on Thursday, June 6, at 7:30pm. This event is free and open to the public. Dr. David Cherwien, a Lutheran church musician from Minneapolis, will lead the festival. Some of our Shepherds will be participating, so you won’t want to miss it!

Supper at the Lighthouse

Saturday, June 29 @ 5:30pm

Our Social Team is looking to the summer and has planned an evening out! Join us for a night of fellowship and food! Address of the Lighthouse is 2142 Water St, Muscatine, IA (located near Fairport).

Sign up in the narthex or contact the church office if you’re interested in joining us. 

Congregational Meeting

Sunday, June 23 after worship

Though not typical to have a mid-summer congregational meeting, our Council has several items they would like to share with the congregation. Items for discussion will be constitutional changes pertaining to the role of treasurer to match our current practice and vote on a cell tower lease contract. More information about these items, along with any other agenda items, will be shared with the congregation no later than Sunday, June 9. Immediate questions can be directed to Council members.