
News & Events

Shepherds Kids Day – Day of Stewardship!

This past Friday, our Education Team claimed our kids while they had a day off of school to learn about stewardship! Together, they learned what stewardship means and how they are called to live as stewards of God’s grace, of themselves, of what has been given to them, and of God’s creation. We made seed packs to care for creation, learned about ways to serve in the congregation, and did several projects around the church to steward our community. After doing some of those work projects, the kids were “paid” and had the chance to go through a simulated store. Afterwards, they had the opportunity to keep what they had earned/bought or to offer what they had to others. Talk to our kids to hear more about their experience!

Help Us with Soup Fest

Sunday, November 3 | 4:00 – 7:00 pm

We’re closing in on Soup Fest and have a few specific things that we need help with. If you’re able to assist with any of these, contact Kathy in the main office. Thank you for your help as we support local and regional ministries!

Food Needed:

  • Chicken Noodle and Taco soup
  • Loaves of homemade bread
  • Cornbread muffins

Volunteers Needed: (youth and kids can assist too!)

  • Set up help after worship on Sun, November 3
  • Greeter from 5:30-715
  • Cashier from 3:45-7:15
  • Pie servers from 5:30-7:15
  • Bread cutter from 5:30-7:15
  • Take out order help from 5:30-7:15
  • Dishwasher help from 6:00 – 7:15
  • Bread and veggie server from 5:30-7:15
  • Table busers through the evening
  • Clean up help at 7:15

Trunk or Treat

Wednesday, October 30, 6:00 – 7:15pm
Hosted at Grace Lutheran

Mark your calendars to join us for a great night! The event will be held in Grace’s parking lot in conjunction with Family Faith Nights. Attendees are encouraged to bring a non-perishable food donation to share with our local food pantry – but it is not required.

We’re looking for people to host trunks! Trunks need to be set up by 5:30. Bring your own candy and decorations. Games are encouraged but not required. Sign up to host a trunk by signing up via this link or the paper sign up in the narthex.            

Invite your friends and family and we’ll see you there…if you dare!

Last Call to Return your Pledge Card and Pledge Poster!

Thank you to those who pledged! To date, we have $84,849.00 in pledges from 25 households toward our 2025 budget.  If you would still like to offer your pledge, you can return your pledge to the office or complete this online formYour responses will help us craft our budget for the coming year. 

Pledge posters can also be returned to church throughout the month of October. The pledge poster is meant as an exercise for an entire family/household. Consider, and pray over, how God is calling you in your lives, in our congregation, and in our community. Reflect on your responses, write them on the poster, and then tape to our window wall in the narthex. 

Sock-tober Drive

Through October 27

Live out your response to God’s generosity by serving others! Bring donations of socks (adults and kids) for Laundry Love, an initiative that offers low-cost laundry services to Muscatine families and basic essentials. 

All Saints Litany

Each year, the church celebrates All Saints Day – a day to remember that we are all saints through Christ. This year, we celebrate All Saints Day on Sunday, November 3. Especially on this day, we remember and rejoice with saints who have been baptized in the past year, and saints who have died in the past year. If you have someone you would like remembered as a part of our litany during worship, sign up in the narthex, or contact Kathy or Pastor Aleese. Those desiring to remember a saint will be invited to light a candle in their honor as a part of our worship service. 

Collaborative ELCA Discernment Team

This summer and fall, a team of representatives from our 4 ELCA congregations have been meeting to address short term needs within our congregations. Now, as we move forward, it is our hope that a discernment team will help carry this work forward. 

This team will:

  • Pray – pray individually and corporately for discerning hearts and to hear God’s guidance through the Spirit
  • Pay attention – pay attention to what God is doing, and wants to do in and through the collaborative ministry of the 4 ELCA congregations
  • Dream – consider what’s possible, opening themselves to God’s leading to an idea that may be outside the normal “church box”
  • Make recommendations to a larger team for execution
  • And will consider how the larger Muscatine community can be impacted by this ministry

The group will consist of no more than 8 people, ideally 2 from each congregation. Ideal candidates are:

  • people who want to be a part of a team like this
  • people who are FAT – faithful, available, and teachable
  • people who are not currently in church leadership
  • people who are dreamers/wonderers (not “do-ers”)

Commitment will be to meetings at least once/month, with the option for every other week meetings to begin. 

If you are interested or want to learn more, talk to Andy Christy or Pastor Aleese. Please respond by October 27. Thank you!

Support Hurricane Relief through Lutheran Disaster Response

Looking for a way to give in response to the storms that have hit the southern US this season? Consider giving through Lutheran Diaster Response. Your gifts in support of Lutheran Disaster Response help our church provide immediate relief, such as water, clothing, gift cards, tarps and other needs. Since many hurricanes also require a long-term response, Lutheran Disaster Response provides support on the long road to recovery with disaster case management, construction management, unmet needs, and emotional and spiritual care.

Interested in giving? Click here to be taken to an ELCA site to offer your online gift. 

Worship Reminder

Each year we commemorate Reformation Day. Reformation Day is a day to remember our history as Lutherans. But even more so, Reformation Day is a day to become aware of how the Spirit is ever-reforming and reshaping us – as individuals and as the church. Make sure to dig out your red to wear to church as we wear the color the Spirit this Sunday!

Pastor Aleese Begins Rotation at New Era

As was announced earlier this fall, Shepherd – along with Zion and Grace – will be providing worship leadership at New Era periodically through the end of 2025. To accomodate existing worship schedules at Shepherd, Grace and Zion (all at 9:00 am), New Era has graciously moved thier worship time to 11:00am. 

Pastor Aleese will be going to New Era on Sunday, October 27. She will still be at SOTC as normal for worship and a portion of fellowship! If you have questions about this rotation, or how it impacts all our congregations, talk to Pastor Aleese or a Council member. 

2025 SOTC Budget

Distributed November 10

Each fall, our teams, along with Council, put together a budget to plan for ministry in the upcoming year. Proposed 2025 budgets will be shared with the congregation on Sunday, November 10. Congregational meeting to vote on the budget, as well as recieve an update on the cell tower lease. will be Sunday, November 24 after worship. Questions can be directed to Delene McConnaha.

Worship Services

Worship: Servants in the Middle

Mark 10:35-45; Hebrews 5:1-10 | Power. Just say the word and several connotations come to mind. Especially in light of witnessing several people, groups, and institutions who have misused power, the essence of “power” very well may leave a sour taste in our mouths and it may be easy to think of power as “someone else’s problem.” But, within society as a whole, we seemingly can’t get away from the constant drive to be first, or to be the best. And yet, as followers of Jesus, we also claim to look to Christ as the source of all glory and power. So, how are we to live in God’s Kingdom now as servants? Join us this weekend for worship as we confess our desire for greatness, as we receive the servant love of our Lord, and as we are commissioned to live as servants of God and servants to one another.

Sunday, October 20, 2024, Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost Bulletin

Copyright acknowledgments: Music covered under Augsburg Fortress License #SB135131, CCLI License #1141706, One License #738128-A. Scripture from New Revised Standard Version Bible, © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. Gathering: You Servants of God. Text and Music: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788, alt. attr. Johann Michael Haydn, 1737-1806. Text and Music: Public Domain. Kyrie: Lord, Have Mercy. Text and Music: Curtis Stephan. Text and Music: © 2009 Oregon Catholic Press. Covered under One License subscription. Hymn of Praise: Glory to God. Text and Music: Curtis Stephan, International Commission on English in the Liturgy. Text and Music: © 2009, 2010 Oregon Catholic Press. Covered under One License subscription. Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia. Text and Music: Curtis Stephan, International Commission on English in the Liturgy. Text and Music: © 1969, 1981, 1997, 2009 Oregon Catholic Press. Covered under One License subscription. Hymn of the Day: Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service. Text and Music: Lutheran Book of Worship, Ronald A. Nelson. Music: © 1978, 1985 Augsburg Fortress Publishers. Covered under One License subscription. Offering: Lord Jesus, You Shall Be My Song. Text and Music: Les Petites Soeurs de Jésus and L’Arche Community; tr. Stephen Somerville, b. 1931. Text and Music: © Les Petites Soeurs de Jésus. Tr. Stephen Somerville. Covered under One License subscription. Communion Liturgy: Holy. Text and Music: Curtis Stephan, International Commission on English in the Liturgy. Text and Music: © 2009, 2010 Oregon Catholic Press. Covered under One License subscription. Communion Song: The Servant Song. Text and Music: Richard Gillard. Text and Music: © 1977 Universal Music-Brentwood Benson Publishing (Admin. by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing, Inc.) Covered under CCLI subscription. Sending Song: The Lord Now Sends Us Forth. Text and Music: Gerhard Cartford. Text and Music: © 1998 Augsburg Fortress Publishers. Covered under One License subscription.


News & Events

Trunk or Treat

Wednesday, October 30, 6:00 – 7:15pm
Hosted at Grace Lutheran

Dig out those spooky costumes and come to a safe and magical Trunk or Treat event hosted by Faith Together Muscatine. The event will be held in Grace’s parking lot in conjunction with Family Faith Nights. Attendees are encouraged to bring a non-perishable food donation to share with our local food pantry – but it is not required.

We’re looking for people to host trunks! Trunks need to be set up by 5:30. Bring your own candy and decorations. Games are encouraged but not required. Sign up to host a trunk by signing up via this link or the paper sign up in the narthex.            

Invite your friends and family and we’ll see you there…if you dare!

Last Call to Return your Pledge Card and Pledge Poster!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to those who submitted a pledge card! To date, we have $84,729.00 in pledges from 24 households toward our 2025 budget. Thank you for supporting the mission of Jesus Christ through Shepherd of the Cross!

If you would still like to offer your pledge, you can return your pledge to the office or complete this online form. Your responses will help us craft our budget for the coming year. 

Pledge posters can also be returned to church throughout the month of October. The pledge poster is meant as an exercise for an entire family/household. Consider, and pray over, how God is calling you in your lives, in our congregation, and in our community. Reflect on your responses, write them on the poster, and then tape to our window wall in the narthex.

Sock-tober Drive

Through October 27

Live out your response to God’s generosity by serving others! Bring donations of socks (adults and kids) for Laundry Love, an initiative that offers low-cost laundry services to Muscatine families and basic essentials. 

Soup Fest

Sunday, November 3 | 4:00 – 7:00 pm

It’s coming up soon! Here’s how you can help:

  1. Share our event on Facebook, share this flyer, and/or distribute cards inviting your friends/family
  2. Sign up to cook, bake, or bring supplies – see the sign up in the narthex for more details and/or contact Kathy for what is still needed
  3. Volunteer to set up the fellowship hall, do dishes, or clean up after the event

Thank you for your part in making this event a success! Proceeds will be given 50/50 to 1) an emergency discretionary fund to support community needs and 2) mission support to the Southeastern Iowa Synod.

All Saints Litany

Each year, the church celebrates All Saints Day – a day to remember that we are all saints through Christ. This year, we celebrate All Saints Day on Sunday, November 3. Especially on this day, we remember and rejoice with saints who have been baptized in the past year, and saints who have died in the past year. If you have someone you would like remembered as a part of our litany during worship, sign up in the narthex, or contact Kathy or Pastor Aleese. Those desiring to remember a saint will be invited to light a candle in their honor as a part of our worship service. 

Collaborative ELCA Discernment Team

This summer and fall, a team of representatives from our 4 ELCA congregations have been meeting to address short term needs within our congregations. Now, as we move forward, it is our hope that a discernment team will help carry this work forward. 

This team will:

  • Pray – pray individually and corporately for discerning hearts and to hear God’s guidance through the Spirit
  • Pay attention – pay attention to what God is doing, and wants to do in and through the collaborative ministry of the 4 ELCA congregations
  • Dream – consider what’s possible, opening themselves to God’s leading to an idea that may be outside the normal “church box”
  • Make recommendations to a larger team for execution
  • And will consider how the larger Muscatine community can be impacted by this ministry

The group will consist of no more than 8 people, ideally 2 from each congregation. Ideal candidates are:

  • people who want to be a part of a team like this
  • people who are FAT – faithful, available, and teachable
  • people who are not currently in church leadership
  • people who are dreamers/wonderers (not “do-ers”)

Commitment will be to meetings at least once/month, with the option for every other week meetings to begin. 

If you are interested or want to learn more, talk to Andy Christy or Pastor Aleese. Please respond by October 27. Thank you!

Support Hurricane Relief through Lutheran Disaster Response

Looking for a way to give in response to the storms that have hit the southern US this season? Consider giving through Lutheran Diaster Response. Your gifts in support of Lutheran Disaster Response help our church provide immediate relief, such as water, clothing, gift cards, tarps and other needs. Since many hurricanes also require a long-term response, Lutheran Disaster Response provides support on the long road to recovery with disaster case management, construction management, unmet needs, and emotional and spiritual care.

Interested in giving? Click here to be taken to an ELCA site to offer your online gift. 

October Trunk or Treat and Harvest Events in Muscatine

There is a plethora of events going on in our community this month, especially for our kids and families! Take a look at this compiled calendar that includes all the Trunk or Treats, Harvest Fests, and things you can be a part of!

Cell Tower Update

Good news! At the beginning of September we recieved a signed cell tower contract from Crown Castle! This means that we are now officially in the “option period” time. We have received our first payment as a part of the option period.  Rent payments will not begin until the cell tower is officially built. 

In the meantime, as we await more information from Crown Castle, your Council has been discerning use of funds from the cell tower. Our hope is to have more information to share later this month and/or at our Budget Meeting in November. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to a Council member (Delene, Gladys, Erin, Linda, Kathy, Melissa, Joanne, Connie H).  

2025 SOTC Budget

Distributed November 10

Each fall, our teams, along with Council, put together a budget to plan for ministry in the upcoming year. Proposed 2025 budgets will be shared with the congregation on Sunday, November 10. Congregational meeting to vote on the budget, as well as recieve an update on the cell tower lease. will be Sunday, November 24 after worship. Questions can be directed to Delene McConnaha.


News & Events

Trunk or Treat

Wednesday, October 30, 6:00 – 7:15pm
Hosted at Grace Lutheran

Dig out those spooky costumes and come to a safe and magical Trunk or Treat event hosted by Faith Together Muscatine. The event will be held in Grace’s parking lot in conjunction with Family Faith Nights. Attendees are encouraged to bring a non-perishable food donation to share with our local food pantry – but it is not required.

We’re looking for people to host trunks! Trunks need to be set up by 5:30. Bring your own candy and decorations. Games are encouraged but not required. Sign up to host a trunk by signing up via this link or the paper sign up in the narthex.            

Invite your friends and family and we’ll see you there…if you dare!

Listen,God is Calling Stewardship Opportunities 

Return Your Pledge Card

In late September, we distributed pledge cards and a pledge poster. Return your pledge cards to the box in the narthex this coming Sunday. Utilize the resources to prayerfully discern how God is calling you to respond financially to support the mission of Jesus through Shepherd of the Cross. We will share a total of our pledges during our breakfast potluck. 

Return Your Pledge Poster

Pledge posters can also be returned to church throughout the month of October. The pledge poster is meant as an exercise for an entire family/household. Consider, and pray over, how God is calling you in your lives, in our congregation, and in our community. Reflect on your responses, write them on the poster, and then tape to our window wall in the narthex. 

Join us for a Celebration Breakfast Potluck

Celebrate the invitations God has given us and our collective response of praise! To have a good spread, sign up to bring something! We’re looking for breakfast casseroles, muffins, fruit, and drinks. Sign up in the narthex or contact the church office. 

Donate toward our Sock-tober Drive

Live out your response to God’s generosity by serving others! We’ll collect socks for Laundry Love, an initiative that offers low-cost laundry services to Muscatine families and basic essentials. 

All Saints Litany

Each year, the church celebrates All Saints Day – a day to remember that we are all saints through Christ. This year, we celebrate All Saints Day on Sunday, November 3. Especially on this day, we remember and rejoice with saints who have been baptized in the past year, and saints who have died in the past year. If you have someone you would like remembered as a part of our litany during worship, sign up in the narthex, or contact Kathy or Pastor Aleese. Those desiring to remember a saint will be invited to light a candle in their honor as a part of our worship service. 

Collaborative ELCA Discernment Team

This summer and fall, a team of representatives from our 4 ELCA congregations have been meeting to address short term needs within our congregations. Now, as we move forward, it is our hope that a discernment team will help carry this work forward. 

This team will:

  • Pray – pray individually and corporately for discerning hearts and to hear God’s guidance through the Spirit
  • Pay attention – pay attention to what God is doing, and wants to do in and through the collaborative ministry of the 4 ELCA congregations
  • Dream – consider what’s possible, opening themselves to God’s leading to an idea that may be outside the normal “church box”
  • Make recommendations to a larger team for execution
  • And will consider how the larger Muscatine community can be impacted by this ministry

The group will consist of no more than 8 people, ideally 2 from each congregation. Ideal candidates are:

  • people who want to be a part of a team like this
  • people who are FAT – faithful, available, and teachable
  • people who are not currently in church leadership
  • people who are dreamers/wonderers (not “do-ers”)

Commitment will be to meetings at least once/month, with the option for every other week meetings to begin. 

If you are interested or want to learn more, talk to Andy Christy or Pastor Aleese. Please respond by October 27. Thank you!

Soup Fest

Sunday, November 3 | 4:00 – 7:00 pm

It’s coming up soon! Here’s how you can help:

  1. Share our event on Facebook, share this flyer, and/or distribute cards inviting your friends/family
  2. Sign up to cook, bake, or bring supplies – see the sign up in the narthex for more details and/or contact Kathy for what is still needed
  3. Volunteer to set up the fellowship hall, do dishes, or clean up after the event

Thank you for your part in making this event a success! Proceeds will be given 50/50 to 1) an emergency discretionary fund to support community needs and 2) mission support to the Southeastern Iowa Synod.

Literacy Program @ Grace Lutheran

The afterschool literacy program at Grace Lutheran Church needs help expanding theirr pool of volunteers. If you like to listen to youngsters read aloud, this opportunity is for you!

Volunteers are needed Tuesdays and Thursdays after school. Most volunteers need only be at the church from 4:00 – 5:00 pm once or twice each month.

If you are interested in volunteering or need to know more about this program, please contact Deb Holliday, at 563-299-2145. You can also contact our Director of Literacy, Karen Woods via email.

Things Happening at Zion

Zion Lutheran Church has a few upcoming gatherings to share with us.

Let’s Do Lunch @ Guadalajara – Thursday, October 10 – 11:30 am

Lunchtime Potluck Get Together @ Zion – Tuesday, October 22 – Noon

Z Book Club @ Diamond Daves – Monday, November 25 – 5:30 pm

*See flyers in Fellowship area @ SOTC for more information. All are welcome to join!

Cell Tower Update

Good news! At the beginning of September we recieved a signed cell tower contract from Crown Castle! This means that we are now officially in the “option period” time. We have received our first payment as a part of the option period.  Rent payments will not begin until the cell tower is officially built. 

In the meantime, as we await more information from Crown Castle, your Council has been discerning use of funds from the cell tower. Our hope is to have more information to share later this month and/or at our Budget Meeting in November. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to a Council member (Delene, Gladys, Erin, Linda, Kathy, Melissa, Joanne, Connie H).  

2025 SOTC Budget

Distributed November 10

Each fall, our teams, along with Council, put together a budget to plan for ministry in the upcoming year. Proposed 2025 budgets will be shared with the congregation on Sunday, November 10. Congregational meeting to vote on the budget, as well as recieve an update on the cell tower lease. will be Sunday, November 24 after worship. Questions can be directed to Delene McConnaha.


News & Events

Trunk or Treat

Wednesday, October 30, 6:00 – 7:15pm
Hosted at Grace Lutheran

Dig out those spooky costumes and come to a safe and magical Trunk or Treat event hosted by Faith Together Muscatine. The event will be held in Grace’s parking lot in conjunction with Family Faith Nights. Attendees are encouraged to bring a non-perishable food donation to share with our local food pantry – but it is not required.

We’re looking for people to host trunks! Trunks need to be set up by 5:30. Bring your own candy and decorations. Games are encouraged but not required. Sign up to host a trunk by signing up via this link or the paper sign up in the narthex.            

Invite your friends and family and we’ll see you there…if you dare!

Listen,God is Calling Stewardship Opportunities 

We’re looking forward to the coming weeks! See below and mark your calendars!

Sunday, October 6 & 13 | Return Pledge Cards and Posters

On Sunday, September 29, we will distribute a pledge card and a pledge poster. The pledge poster is meant as an exercise for an entire family/household. Consider, and pray over, how God is calling you in your lives, in our congregation, and in our community. Reflect on your responses, write them on the poster, and then bring it back to SOTC to tape to our window wall in the narthex. 

Financial pledge cards will also be distributed this year as an encourage to consider our commitment to fostering the mission of Jesus through Shepherd of the Cross. Though stewardship is more than money, money is also a part of the resources that God has entrusted to us. 

Sunday, October 6 | Sock-tober Drive begins

Live out your response to God’s generosity by serving others! We’ll collect socks for Laundry Love, an initiative that offers low-cost laundry services to Muscatine families and basic essentials. 

Sunday, October 13 | Celebration Breakfast Potluck

Celebrate the invitations God has given us and our collective response of praise! To have a good spread, sign up to bring something! We’re looking for breakfast casseroles, muffins, fruit, and drinks. Sign up in the narthex or contact the church office. 

Soup Fest

Sunday, November 3

As we look to fall, we’re also looking forward to SOTC’s (nearly) annual Soup Fest event. Once again, SOTC will host Soup Fest on the first Sunday of November. Sign up sheets are available in the narthex for bakers, cooks, servers, dish washers, and the like. Mark your calendars, and print and share the flyer to let others know about this event!

Muscatine CROP Hunger Walk

Sunday, October 6, @ 2:00pm, at the Riverfront

Muscatine is excited to host another CROP Hunger Walk, funding hunger initiatiatives close to home and domestically (25% of the money collected is returned to the Muscatine Community Food Pantry and Bag of Blessings at the Muscatine Community Schools). If you’re interested in joining the cause against hunger, here are some ways to participate:

  1. Donate to Shepherd’s Team | Give online any amount! Click the orange “Make a Donation” button on the side of the page. Enter your information and make sure to include that your donation is in support of Shepherd of the Cross. 
  2. Walk on October 6 | Contact Kathy  if you’d like to represent Shepherd and walk with us.

Literacy Program @ Grace Lutheran

The afterschool literacy program at Grace Lutheran Church needs help expanding theirr pool of volunteers. If you like to listen to youngsters read aloud, this opportunity is for you!

Volunteers are needed Tuesdays and Thursdays after school. Most volunteers need only be at the church from 4:00 – 5:00 pm once or twice each month.

If you are interested in volunteering or need to know more about this program, please contact Deb Holliday, at 563-299-2145. You can also contact our Director of Literacy, Karen Woods via email.

Seeking Food Donations!

The SOTC council is excited to reboot our weekly food drive to help support our local MCSA food pantry! As the needs in our community grow, this is a great opportunity to come together and help those in need.  Some needed items are (pop top cans preferred):

  • bottled water
  • soup
  • peas
  • mixed veggies
  • meats
  • pineapple
  • oranges
  • peaches
  • toilet paper

Christian Day Camp Thank You

We’ve recently received a thank you from Cindy Axtell, one of the leaders of Christian Day Camp. Take a look below to hear more and learn how you can help!

Hello Shepherd of the Cross,

Thank you for supporting Christian Day Camp! There were 24 churches involved and 150 kids and 50 adults (approximately). This coming summer,  we are offering two weeks of elementary camp since last year we had to turn away 50 kids. Your participation is vital to continuing this mission work in our local area.

There are many ways to help:
Actively – Be a leader or a helper.
Financially – We have bills to pay and wish to keep this as a free community activity (except for the t-shirt)
Gifts and Talents – What can you share?
Meals – Those campers loved the meal porvided by churches.

Come be a part of this amazing mission and watch the benefits of coming together as all God’s people telling kids of God’s love.
Questions? Answers? call Cindy 563-2260-5673.

Shepherd Kid Days

October 18, 9:00-11:00 am

Along with our Stewardship focus during worship on Sundays, we’re also hosting a special event for our Shepherd kids to learn how they also live as stewards!

Pastor Aleese has been in touch with families with chidlren K-6. If you were missed, our apologies! Reach out to Pastor Aleese. Have some friends who’d like to join? They’re more than welcome! Contact Pastor Aleese so we can plan for the appropriate number of kids. 

2025 SOTC Budget

Distributed November 10

Each fall, our teams, along with Council, put together a budget to plan for ministry in the upcoming year. Proposed 2025 budgets will be shared with the congregation on Sunday, November 10. Congregational meeting to vote on the budget, as well as recieve an update on the cell tower lease. will be Sunday, November 24 after worship. Questions can be directed to Delene McConnaha.


News & Events

Seeking Food Donations!

The SOTC council is excited to reboot our weekly food drive to help support our local MCSA food pantry! As the needs in our community grow, this is a great opportunity to come together and help those in need. 

Simply grab a non-perishable food item from your pantry and place it in the green tote found in the narthex. A volunteer will make sure items are delivered to MCSA in a timely manner. Some needed items are (pop top cans preferred):

  • bottled water
  • soup
  • peas
  • mixed veggies
  • meats
  • pineapple
  • oranges
  • peaches
  • toilet paper

Listen, God is Calling Stewardship Opportunities

We’re looking forward to the coming weeks! See below and mark your calendars!

Saturday, September 28 | Bonfire, 6:30 – 8:30 pm 

Kick off our stewardship focus by celebrating our community! Bring your own lawn chair and any outdoor games you enjoy playing.

Sunday, October 6 & 13 | Return Pledge Cards and Posters

On Sunday, September 29, we will distribute a pledge card and a pledge poster. The pledge poster is meant as an exercise for an entire family/household. Consider, and pray over, how God is calling you in your lives, in our congregation, and in our community. Reflect on your responses, write them on the poster, and then bring it back to SOTC to tape to our window wall in the narthex. 

Financial pledge cards will also be distributed this year as an encourage to consider our commitment to fostering the mission of Jesus through Shepherd of the Cross. Though stewardship is more than money, money is also a part of the resources that God has entrusted to us. 

Sunday, October 6 | Sock-tober Drive begins

Live out your response to God’s generosity by serving others! We’ll collect socks for Laundry Love, an initiative that offers low-cost laundry services to Muscatine families and basic essentials. 

Sunday, October 13 | Celebration Breakfast Potluck

Celebrate the invitations God has given us and our collective response of praise! To have a good spread, sign up to bring something! We’re looking for breakfast casseroles, muffins, fruit, and drinks. Sign up in the narthex or contact the church office. 

Muscatine CROP Hunger Walk

Sunday, October 6, @ 2:00pm, at the Riverfront

Muscatine is excited to host another CROP Hunger Walk, funding hunger initiatiatives close to home and domestically (25% of the money collected is returned to the Muscatine Community Food Pantry and Bag of Blessings at the Muscatine Community Schools). If you’re interested in joining the cause against hunger, here are some ways to participate:

  1. Donate to Shepherd’s Team | Give online any amount! Click the orange “Make a Donation” button on the side of the page. Enter your information and make sure to include that your donation is in support of Shepherd of the Cross. 
  2. Walk on October 6 | Contact Kathy if you’d like to represent Shepherd and our financial contribution!
  3. Dine at Applebee’s on September 24, 11:00 am – 11:00 pm | Eat from the special menu and 50% of the meal price plus any tips/donations go to the Crop Walk. Join your fellow Shepherd’s @ 4:30pm for a dinner meal together!

Collaboration Update

This past Sunday Mackenzie and Nick, on behalf of SOTC’s Council and the collaborative working group between ELCA congregations (Shepherd, Zion, Grace, and New Era) shared an update. If you missed it, or want to return to what was shared, click here to see the written announcement. Questions or concerns? Talk to a member of Council (Delene McConnaha, Gladys Reif, Linda Adams, Kathy Dunham, Erin Jorgensen, Melissa Booth, Joanne Drinkall, Connie Hoekstra) or a Shepherd representative from the collaborative group (Mackenzie and Nick Gilbert, Andy Christy). 

Shepherd Kid Days

October 18, January 20,
April 18

Last spring, our Shepherd kids gathered on Good Friday to learn about communion. This school year, we’re expanding that to offer three days throughout the school year. We’ll meet at SOTC from 9:00 – 11:00 am, each time focusing on a different topic (October: Stewardship and Service; January: Justice; April: Baptism)

For now, mark your calendars…and families – be on the look out for more information soon! If you know someone from outside SOTC that would like to participate, talk to Pastor Aleese.

Soup Fest

Sunday, November 3

As we look to fall, we’re also looking forward to SOTC’s (nearly) annual Soup Fest event. Once again, SOTC will host Soup Fest on the first Sunday of November. In time, we’ll be seeking bakers, cooks, servers, dish washers, and the like. For now, mark your calendars and let others know if they ask about this event!


News & Events

Seeking Food Donations!

The SOTC council is excited to reboot our weekly food drive to help support our local MCSA food pantry! As the needs in our community grow, this is a great opportunity to come together and help those in need. 

Simply grab a non-perishable food item from your pantry and place it in the green tote found in the narthex. A volunteer will make sure items are delivered to MCSA in a timely manner. Some needed items are (pop top cans preferred):

  • bottled water
  • soup
  • peas
  • mixed veggies
  • meats
  • pineapple
  • oranges
  • peaches
  • toilet paper

Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a significant difference in the lives of families facing hunger in the Muscatine area. Questions: talk to Gladys ReifMelissa Booth, or Kathy Dunham.

Upcoming Stewardship Emphasis Listen, God is Calling

Think of the last invitation you received. Perhaps it was for an event, a coffee date with a friend, or a meeting. Often, invitations are given by someone we have a relationship with and are given with the opportunity for a response. 

In the same way, God also offers us so many invitations. And, throughout our stewardship emphasis (Sept 29 – Oct 13) we’ll listen for God’s invitation to receive, to steward, and to serve. 

To participate even more fully in the invitations that are before us, our Stewardship Team invites you to consider the following opportunities: 

Saturday, September 28 | Bonfire, 6:30 – 8:30 pm 

Kick off our stewardship focus by celebrating our community! Bring your own lawn chair and any outdoor games you enjoy playing.

Sunday, October 6 & 13 | Return Pledge Cards and Posters

On Sunday, September 29, we will distribute a pledge card and a pledge poster. The pledge poster is meant as an exercise for an entire family/household. Consider, and pray over, how God is calling you in your lives, in our congregation, and in our community. Reflect on your responses, write them on the poster, and then bring it back to SOTC to tape to our window wall in the narthex. 

Financial pledge cards will also be distributed this year as an encourage to consider our commitment to fostering the mission of Jesus through Shepherd of the Cross. Though stewardship is more than money, money is also a part of the resources that God has entrusted to us. 

Sunday, October 6 | Sock-tober Drive begins

Live out your response to God’s generosity by serving others! We’ll collect socks for Laundry Love, an initiative that offers low-cost laundry services to Muscatine families and basic essentials. 

Sunday, October 13 | Celebration Breakfast Potluck

Celebrate the invitations God has given us and our collective response of praise! To have a good spread, sign up to bring something! We’re looking for breakfast casseroles, muffins, fruit, and drinks. Sign up in the narthex or contact the church office. 

Muscatine CROP Hunger Walk

Sunday, October 6, @ 2:00pm, at the Riverfront

Muscatine is excited to host another CROP Hunger Walk, funding hunger initiatiatives close to home and domestically (25% of the money collected is returned to the Muscatine Community Food Pantry and Bag of Blessings at the Muscatine Community Schools). If you’re interested in joining the cause against hunger, here are some ways to participate:

  1. Donate to Shepherd’s Team | Give online any amount! Click the orange “Make a Donation” button on the side of the page. Enter your information and make sure to include that your donation is in support of Shepherd of the Cross. 
  2. Walk on October 6 | Contact Kathy or Pastor Aleese if you’d like to represent Shepherd and our contribution!
  3. Dine at Applebee’s on September 24, 11:00 am – 11:00 pm | Eat from the special menu and 50% of the meal price plus any tips/donations go to the Crop Walk. 

Z Book Club

September 30, @ 5:30pm, @ Diamond Daves

Zion’s book club is offering an invitation for others to join them! This month, they are reading  “Sorry Not Sorry,”a perfect laugh-out-loud romantic comedy by Sophie Ranald. The book is free right now on Kindle Unlimited.

If you’d like to join, contact Denise at Zion Lutheran Church (563-263-5074).

Shepherd Kid Days

October 18, January 20,
April 18

Last spring, our Shepherd kids gathered on Good Friday to learn about communion. This school year, we’re expanding that to offer three days throughout the school year. We’ll meet at SOTC from 9:00 – 11:00 am, each time focusing on a different topic (October: Stewardship and Service; January: Justice; April: Baptism)

For now, mark your calendars…and families – be on the look out for more information soon! If you know someone from outside SOTC that would like to participate, talk to Pastor Aleese.

Soup Fest

Sunday, November 3

As we look to fall, we’re also looking forward to SOTC’s (nearly) annual Soup Fest event. Once again, SOTC will host Soup Fest on the first Sunday of November. In time, we’ll be seeking bakers, cooks, servers, dish washers, and the like. For now, mark your calendars and let others know if they ask about this event!


News & Events

Re:Storied Begins this Sunday!

Sunday, September 15 @ 6:30 @ Zion

It’s here! Our last adult faith formation group begins this coming Sunday at Zion! Re:Storied is a course intended to introduce participants to the whole of the Biblical narrative while also providing opportunities to tangibly practice dwelling in God’s Word.

If you indicated interest in this group, be sure to come on Sunday evening to learn more. Curious about the group but didn’t sign up? Show up to learn more. Questions? Contact Pastor Aleese or Andy Christy

Bedding and Pillows for Sleep in Heavenly Peace

Bring by Sunday, September 15

Last chance! Bring your donations of kids bedding (twin sheets, blankets) and pillows to church by this Sunday. Then, we’ll share our collection with our fellow Muscatine ELCA congregations as we help out Sleep in Heavenly Peace – a local organization whose mission is to ensure no child sleeps on the floor. Thank you in advance for your help!

Seeking Food Donations!

The SOTC council is excited to reboot our weekly food drive to help support our local MCSA food pantry! As the needs in our community grow, this is a great opportunity to come together and help those in need. 

Simply grab a non-perishable food item from your pantry and place it in the green tote found in the narthex. A volunteer will make sure items are delivered to MCSA in a timely manner. Some needed items are (pop top cans preferred):

  • bottled water
  • soup
  • peas
  • mixed veggies
  • meats
  • pineapple
  • oranges
  • peaches
  • toilet paper

Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a significant difference in the lives of families facing hunger in the Muscatine area.

Stewardship Kick Off Bonfire

Saturday, September 28; 6:30-8:30 pm

This fall – starting Sunday, September 29 – we will begin a stewardship emphasis during Sunday morning worship. We’ll dwell in the theme, “Stewarding God’s Call” by considering how God is calling us to steward God’s call in our lives (Sept 29), in our congregation (Oct 6) and in our community (Oct 13). More details about the various ways you can be involved coming soon!

In the meantime, mark your calendars for a special kick off bonfire the night before! Our hope is to create an open, casual space for fellowship as we celebrate our community. S’more supplies and some lawn games will be on hand. Bring your own lawn chair and any outdoor games you enjoy playing! Stay the whole time or pop in for just a bit! 

Stewardship Celebration Breakfast Potluck

Sunday, October 13 after worship

At the end of our stewardship series, we’re hosting a potluck. As we gather our offerings to God’s mission through Shepherd of the Cross, we’ll also gather in celebration around food. To have a good spread, sign up to bring something! We’re looking for breakfast casseroles, muffins, fruit, and drinks. Sign up in the narthex or contact the church office. 

Financial Position Update

This past Sunday, Council shared a financial update as we look to the fall. Numbers reported were:

General Funds Income (including rent payments): $81,028.33
General Funds Expenses: $86, 525.69
Difference between income and expenses: -$5,497.36

Since we began the summer, we have closed the gap of income to expenses by about $4000 (started the summer at -$9,518). Thank you for your support! Additionally, we have not taken money from savings this calendar year to cover expenses. 

However, we still need your support. As we return to our fall patterns, we encourage you to consider your giving and support the ministry of Jesus through Shepherd of the Cross. If you have any questions, talk to your Council members (Delene McConnaha, Gladys Reif, Erin Jorgensen, Kathy Dunham, Linda Adams, Melissa Booth, Joanne Drinkall, Connie Hoekstra). 

Shepherd Kid Days

October 18, January 20,
April 18

Last spring, our Shepherd kids gathered on Good Friday to learn about communion. This school year, we’re expanding that to offer three days throughout the school year. We’ll meet at SOTC from 9:00 – 11:00 am, each time focusing on a different topic (October: Stewardship and Service; January: Justice; April: Baptism)

For now, mark your calendars…and families – be on the look out for more information soon! If you know someone from outside SOTC that would like to participate, talk to Pastor Aleese.

Soup Fest

Sunday, November 3

As we look to fall, we’re also looking forward to SOTC’s (nearly) annual Soup Fest event. Once again, SOTC will host Soup Fest on the first Sunday of November. In time, we’ll be seeking bakers, cooks, servers, dish washers, and the like. For now, mark your calendars and let others know if they ask about this event!


News & Events

God’s Work Our Hands Service Project

Sunday, September 15

Each year, the ELCA uplifts a Sunday in September as “God’s Work Our Hands” Sunday as an annual day of service. This year, we’re joining with our ELCA congregations to sponsor a drive benefitting Sleep in Heavenly Peace – a local organization whose mission is to ensure no child sleeps on the floor.

Through September 15, we’re collecting kids bedding (twin sheets, blankets) and pillows. Monetary donations also accepted. 

Bring your donations to the tote in the church narthex and we’ll get it delievered. Thanks for being God’s living bread for the sake of the world!

Seeking Food Donations!

The SOTC council is excited to reboot our weekly food drive to help support our local MCSA food pantry! As the needs in our community grow, this is a great opportunity to come together and help those in need. 

Starting immediately, simply grab a non-perishable food item from your pantry and place it in the green tote found in the narthex. A volunteer will make sure items are delivered to MCSA in a timely manner. Some needed items are: Soup, peas, mixed veggies, meats, pineapple, oranges, peaches, toilet paper and bottled water. Pop top cans are preferred. 

Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a significant difference in the lives of families facing hunger in the Muscatine area. Let’s fill the shelves and bring hope to those who need it most. Questions: See Gladys Reif, Melissa Booth, or Kathy Dunham.

Stewardship Kick Off Bonfire

Saturday, Sept 28; 6:30-8:30 pm

This fall – starting Sunday, September 29 – we will begin a stewardship emphasis during Sunday morning worship. We’ll dwell in the theme, “Stewarding God’s Call” by considering how God is calling us to steward God’s call in our lives (Sept 29), in our congregation (Oct 6) and in our community (Oct 13). More details about the various ways you can be involved coming soon!

In the meantime, mark your calendars for a special kick off bonfire the night before! Our hope is to create an open, casual space for fellowship as we celebrate our community. S’more supplies and some lawn games will be on hand. Bring your own lawn chair and any outdoor games you enjoy playing! Stay the whole time or pop in for just a bit! 

Stewardship Celebration Breakfast Potluck

Sunday, Oct 13 after worship

At the end of our stewardship series, we’re hosting a potluck. As we gather our offerings to God’s mission through Shepherd of the Cross, we’ll also gather in celebration around food. To have a good spread, sign up to bring something! We’re looking for breakfast casseroles, muffins, fruit, and drinks. Sign up in the narthex or contact the church office. 

Shepherd Kid Days

October 18, January 20,
April 18

Last spring, our Shepherd kids gathered on Good Friday to learn about communion. This school year, we’re expanding that to offer three days throughout the school year. We’ll meet at SOTC from 9:00 – 11:00 am, each time focusing on a different topic (October: Stewardship and Service; January: Justice; April: Baptism)

For now, mark your calendars…and families – be on the look out for more information soon! If you know someone from outside SOTC that would like to participate, talk to Pastor Aleese.

Soup Fest

Sunday, November 3

As we look to fall, we’re also looking forward to SOTC’s (nearly) annual Soup Fest event. Once again, SOTC will host Soup Fest on the first Sunday of November. In time, we’ll be seeking bakers, cooks, servers, dish washers, and the like. For now, mark your calendars and let others know if they ask about this event!


News & Events

Family Faith Night Kick Off!

Wednesday, August 28 @ 6:00 pm @ Grace

It’s tomorrow night! Everyone – lower elementary, upper elementary, middle school, high school, AND adults – are invited to join us!

Especially for the kick off, parents of kids/youth participating are highly encouraged to attend. Got a toddler/preschooler? Let us know and we’ll arrange for childcare and/or figure out something unique for them!

Reminder: meal is provided each night. Meal for kick off is hot dogs, veggies, chips and desert. If you are willing to assist with meals throughout the school year, we need you! Add your name to the spreadsheet, sign up in the narthex, or contact the church office

Full schedule will be handed out at the Kick-Off and can also be found at our webpage highlighting various faith formation groups for kids and adults. 

God’s Work Our Hands Service Project

Sunday, September 15

Each year, the ELCA uplifts a Sunday in September as “God’s Work Our Hands” Sunday as an annual day of service. This year, we’re joining with our ELCA congregations to sponsor a drive benefitting Sleep in Heavenly Peace – a local organization whose mission is to ensure no child sleeps on the floor.

Through September 15, we’re collecting kids bedding (twin sheets, blankets) and pillows. Monetary donations also accepted. 

Bring your donations to the tote in the church narthex and we’ll get it delievered. Thanks for being God’s living bread for the sake of the world!

Support Kids Going Back to School through ELCA Good Gifts

Periodically, Shepherd has supported ELCA Good Gifts, an organization that uplifts individuals and families domestically and abroad. As we look to the school year, the ELCA has issued a special request for support for school supplies. For just $10 you can provide a child with school supplies or fill a backpack with nutritious food. With an ELCA Good Gift you have the power to introduce a child to a world of possibilities, grow the church, fight hunger and transform lives.

Your ELCA Good Gifts help share God’s love in Christ far and wide. Thank you for your support of the mission and ministry we share!

Listen, God is Calling Stewardship Emphasis and Events

Sat, Sept 28; 6:30-8:30 pm

Breakfast Potluck:
Sun, Oct 13 after worship

Stewardship and listening. The two might not seem to go hand-in-hand. But we’ll investigate in late September and early October, as we listen to God’s call for ourselves, for our congreation, and for the community, we are stewarding God’s gifts entrusted to us. 

To cap our stewardship emphasis this fall, we’re beginning and ending in celebration and community. Mark your calendars to join us for a bonfire night and a breakfast potluck during fellowship! We look forward to celebrating what God has entrusted into our care and listening to how God is calling us to use what we’ve been given for the sake of God’s Kingdom!

Shepherd Kid Days

October 18, January 20,
April 18

Last spring, our Shepherd kids gathered on Good Friday to learn about communion. This school year, we’re expanding that to offer three days throughout the school year. We’ll meet at SOTC from 9:00 – 11:00 am, each time focusing on a different topic (October: Stewardship and Service; January: Justice; April: Baptism)

For now, mark your calendars…and families – be on the look out for more information soon! If you know someone from outside SOTC that would like to participate, talk to Pastor Aleese.

Soup Fest

Sunday, November 3

As we look to fall, we’re also looking forward to SOTC’s (nearly) annual Soup Fest event. Once again, SOTC will host Soup Fest on the first Sunday of November. In time, we’ll be seeking bakers, cooks, servers, dish washers, and the like. For now, mark your calendars and let others know if they ask about this event!