
News & Events

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday, February 14, 7:00 pm

Yep, the date is correct! Ash Wednesday falls on Valentine’s Day this year! Make sure to mark your calendars as a part of your Valentine’s Day celebrations as you remember and give thanks for the greatest gift of love.

Lent Midweek Gatherings

Wednesday, February 21 – March 20,
5:30 – 7:00 pm

This year we have the privilege of joining with Wesley United Methodist, Faith United Church of Christ, Island United Methodist, and First Presbyterian as we journey through the season of Lent!

Starting on Wed, Feb 21 we’ll gather from 5:30-7 (meal included!). Together we’ll eat, hear Scripture, discuss questions in groups, have an intergenerational activity, and pray. Throughout the season, we’ll focus on the spiritual discipline of evaluating what the heart treasures.

To help us accurately plan, RSVP using this link or in the narthex if you’re planning on joining us!

Shepherding Team Sign Up – 2024

Sign Up through Sunday, February 11

Each year in January and February we ask Shepherds to consider how they may be called to serve on a Shepherding Team in the coming year. If you’re feeling called to serve on one of our Shepherding Teams this year, click here to be taken to an online sign up, or sign up on the bulletin board in the narthex. 

Even if you are currently on a team, please re-sign up. If you are currently on a team but would no longer like to be on that team, simply do not sign up. As a courtesy, reach out to either Pastor Aleese or your team lead to indicate your desire not to continue so we do not follow up with you. 

Thanks for your contributions as a part of our faith community! 

Game Night

Sunday, February 4, 4:30 – 6:30 pm

Before joining with others for the Super Bowl weekend on the following weekend, join your Shepherds for a game night! Bring an appetizer to share and your favorite games.

Grief Share Support Group

Beginning Sunday, February 4 @ 12:30 pm @ Wesley 

Have you lost a loved one and are grieving his/her death? Or, do you know someone who has? 

Wesley is beginning a Grief Share Support Group in early February. At GriefShare you’ll watch a weekly video with counsel and insights from respected grief experts and relatable personal stories—followed by a time of sharing and support. Session topics include what’s normal in grief; how to handle difficult emotions; and what to do with regrets, questions, and worries. For more information, contact Jessica Hall at 563-263-1596 or visit

Camp EWALU this summer!

Last Wednesday during Family Faith Night we welcomed Emily Tull, program director of Camp EWALU to share about camp this summer! If your child/youth is interested in camp, contact Pastor Aleese. It is likely that we (along with Grace and Zion) will be taking a group to camp this summer. With several programs being offered on the same week, we can take kids of all ages at once! Check out the camp website for more information. Please refrain from registering at this time if you are interested so we sign up together as a whole group from Muscatine.

Christian Day Camp Registration 2024

Christian Day Camp was such a hit last summer that it’s coming back again this summer with camps for elementary kids (K-5th), middle school (6th-8th) and preschool mini days! Take a look at our website for more information about dates and times, and be on the look out for registration information by mid-February!


News & Events

Annual Report and Meeting

Sunday, January 28

This coming Sunday we’ll gather for our annual meeting follow worship. Click here to access our annual report and/or pick up a copy in the narthex next time you’re at church. 

After the meeting, we WILL have a potluck! If you signed up to bring a dish, you’ll receive a reminder email later this week. If you did not sign up to bring a dish to share, but you will be able to join us, consider bringing something to contribute!

Shepherding Team Sign Up – 2024

Sign Up through Sunday, February 11

Each year in January and February we ask Shepherds to consider how they may be called to serve on a Shepherding Team in the coming year. If you’re feeling called to serve on one of our Shepherding Teams this year, click here to be taken to an online sign up, or sign up on the bulletin board in the narthex. 

Even if you are currently on a team, please re-sign up. If you are currently on a team but would no longer like to be on that team, simply do not sign up. As a courtesy, reach out to either Pastor Aleese or your team lead to indicate your desire not to continue so we do not follow up with you. 

Thanks for your contributions as a part of our faith community!

Winter Outerwear Drive

Through Sunday, January 28

Last week to bring in your warm winter outerwear!  Coats, hats, boots, warm socks, gloves, scarves, etc. all welcome. Thanks for sharing God’s love to our neighbors in the greater Muscatine community! 

Game Night

Sunday, February 4, 4:30 – 6:30 pm

Before joining with others for the Super Bowl weekend on the following weekend, join your Shepherds for a game night! Bring an appetizer to share and your favorite games.

Lent Midweek Gatherings

Wednesday, February 21 – March 20,
5:30 – 7:00 pm

This year we have the privilege of joining with Wesley United Methodist, Faith United Church of Christ, Island United Methodist, and First Presbyterian as we journey through the season of Lent!

Starting on Wed, Feb 21 we’ll gather from 5:30-7 (meal included!). Together we’ll eat, hear Scripture, discuss questions in groups, have an intergenerational activity, and pray. Throughout the season, we’ll focus on the spiritual discipline of evaluating what the heart treasures.

To help us accurately plan, RSVP using this link or in the narthex if you’re planning on joining us!

Grief Share Support Group

Beginning Sunday, February 4 @ 12:30 pm @ Wesley 

Have you lost a loved one and are grieving his/her death? Or, do you know someone who has? 

Wesley is beginning a Grief Share Support Group in early February. At GriefShare you’ll watch a weekly video with counsel and insights from respected grief experts and relatable personal stories—followed by a time of sharing and support. Session topics include what’s normal in grief; how to handle difficult emotions; and what to do with regrets, questions, and worries. For more information, contact Jessica Hall at 563-263-1596 or visit

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday, February 14, 7:00 pm

Yep, the date is correct! Ash Wednesday falls on Valentine’s Day this year! Make sure to mark your calendars as a part of your Valentine’s Day celebrations as you remember and give thanks for the greatest gift of love.

Luther College Nordic Choir in Davenport

Saturday, January 27, 7:30 pm

Luther College Nordic Choir, the flagship choir of Luther, will be performing at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church (2136 N Brady St., Davenport) on Sat, January 27 @ 7:30pm. Tickets ($20 adult / $10 student) may be purchased in advance and will also be available at the door one hour prior to the concert.


News & Events

Annual Report and Meeting

Sunday, January 28

Even though we weren’t able to share our annual report in person with you on Sunday, we’d still like to share our report for 2023 – highlighting what God has been up to through us at Shepherd! Click below to access the report and pick up your copy next time you’re at church. 

Note that our annual meeting will be on Sunday, January 28 following worship. Agenda for our meeting is within the annual report

After the meeting, we will have a potluck. Please sign up in the narthex with what you’d like to share! (main dish, side, salad, dessert)

Winter Outerwear Drive

Through Sunday, January 28

Have you noticed the pile of winter outerwear that’s growing in the narthex? Add your contribution of coats, hats, boots, warm socks, gloves, and scarves! Bring your donations to the box in the narthex by Sunday, January 28. 

Game Night

Sunday, February 4, 4:30 – 6:30 pm

Before joining with others for the Super Bowl weekend on the following weekend, join your Shepherds for a game night! Bring an appetizer to share and your favorite games.

Family Faith Night Schedule Update

Because of our cancellation last week, we’ve adapted the schedule a bit to allow for some exciting upcoming events! 

  • On Jan 24, we’re exicted to welcome Camp EWALU. Elementary and GIFT Youth will be with Emily Tull from EWALU, along with parents who’d like to learn more about camp. Big Questions will still meet separately.
  • On Jan 31, we have cancelled our Service Night to allow for more time in our separate groups before Lent.
  • Our final night together before the Lenten season will be Feb 7.

A revised pdf schedule, with an updated food menu, can be found on the groups page of our website. 

Adaptations to Fellowship

Because of varied schedules of our Shepherds, along with families who are taking winter trips, our Social Team is adapting our practice of fellowship after worship. Rest assured: each week after worship we will still have fellowship of some sort!

To help us out as we move into a new year, our Social Team is looking for the following volunteers:

  1. People to serve every other week for full fellowship
  2. People to prepare cookies/bars in advance that can be frozen
  3. People who are willing to start coffee and set up tables on weeks we have simple fellowship. Quick clean up!

If you are willing to help in any of these ways, check out the sign up sheets in the narthex and/or contact Colleen Bentz. 

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday, February 14, 7:00 pm

Yep, the date is correct! Ash Wednesday falls on Valentine’s Day this year! Make sure to mark your calendars as a part of your Valentine’s Day celebrations as you remember and give thanks for the greatest gift of love.

Lent Midweek Gatherings

Wednesday, February 21 – March 20, 5:30 – 7:00 pm

This year we have the privilege of joining with Wesley United Methodist, Faith United Church of Christ, Island United Methodist, and First Presbyterian as we journey through the season of Lent!

Starting on Wed, Feb 21 we’ll gather from 5:30-7 (meal included!). Together we’ll eat, hear Scripture, discuss questions in groups, have an intergenerational activity, and pray. Throughout the season, we’ll focus on the spiritual discipline of evaluating what the heart treasures.

To help us accurately plan, RSVP using this link or in the narthex if you’re planning on joining us!


News & Events

Winter Outerwear Drive

Through Sunday, January 28

In conjunction with our Women’s Epiphany Party, the entire congregation is invited to donate new or gently used winter outerwear to be shared with those in our community. Coats, hats, boots, warm socks, gloves, scarves, etc. are all needed!

Bring your donations to the box in the narthex by Sunday, January 28

Family Faith Nights

Resume January 10

Reminder that Family Faith Nights do not meet for the next two weeks. We resume on January 10. For a full calendar, with assigned meals for each week, check out those resources at our Groups page. 

Adaptations to Fellowship

Because of varied schedules of our Shepherds, along with families who are taking winter trips, our Social Team is adapting our practice of fellowship after worship. Rest assured: each week after worship we will still have fellowship of some sort!

Every other week, starting January 7, we will have regular, full fellowship (what you’re used to!)

On the off weeks, starting January 14, we will have a simple fellowship. The hope is to have some cookies/bars in the freezer that we can pull out and serve with just a napkin. 

Know that we will still observe days like Chocolate Fest, baptisms, etc. with a special fellowship time as they arise. 

With that in mind, here’s what our Social Team is looking for:

  1. People to serve every other week for full fellowship
  2. People to prepare cookies/bars in advance that can be frozen
  3. People who are willing to start coffee and set up tables on weeks we have simple fellowship. No clean up required!

If you are willing to help in any of these ways, check out the sign up sheets in the narthex and/or contact Colleen Bentz. 

Annual Meeting

Sunday, January 28

Each January we set aside a Sunday to celebrate our shared ministry together at SOTC during our annual meeting. During this time, we will review the year, vote on nominated leaders, and hear reports from our president and treasurer. All are welcome to join us as we give thanks for the ways God has been at work in and through our Shepherds in the past year!

Note that after the meeting, we will have a potluck. Please sign up in the narthex with what you’d like to share! (main dish, side, salad, dessert)

Game Night

Sunday, February 4, 4:30 – 6:30 pm

Before joining with others for the Super Bowl weekend on the following weekend, join your Shepherds for a game night!

Bring an appetizer to share and your favorite games.

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday, February 14, 7:00 pm

Though it may seem strange to be thinking about Lent after we just celebrated Christmas, we have an early Lent coming up this year!

Make sure to mark your calendars to join us as a part of your Valentine’s Day celebrations!


News & Events

Women’s Epiphany Party

Sunday, January 7, 5:00 – 7:00 pm

Join us for a night of celebrating Christ’s light to the nations! This year, in lieu of a candle exchange, bring a white elephant gift.

Also, to give back to our community, bring winter outerwear that will be donated to those in need in our community. New or gently used accepted. Gloves, hats, scarves, boots, coats…whatever you so please! We’ll invite the whole congregation to join this initiative through January. 

Winter Outerwear Drive

Through Sunday, January 28

In conjunction with our Women’s Epiphany Party, the entire congregation is invited to donate new or gently used winter outerwear to be shared with those in our community. Coats, hats, boots, warm socks, gloves, scarves, etc. are all needed!

Bring your donations to the box in the narthex by Sunday, January 28

Family Faith Nights

Resume January 10

Reminder that Family Faith Nights do not meet for the next two weeks. We resume on January 10. For a full calendar, with assigned meals for each week, check out those resources at our Groups page. 

Adaptations to Fellowship

Because of varied schedules of our Shepherds, along with families who are taking winter trips, our Social Team is adapting our practice of fellowship after worship. Rest assured: each week after worship we will still have fellowship of some sort!

Every other week, starting January 7, we will have regular, full fellowship (what you’re used to!)

On the off weeks, starting January 14, we will have a simple fellowship. The hope is to have some cookies/bars in the freezer that we can pull out and serve with just a napkin. 

Know that we will still observe days like Chocolate Fest, baptisms, etc. with a special fellowship time as they arise. 

With that in mind, here’s what our Social Team is looking for:

  1. People to serve every other week for full fellowship
  2. People to prepare cookies/bars in advance that can be frozen
  3. People who are willing to start coffee and set up tables on weeks we have simple fellowship. No clean up required!

If you are willing to help in any of these ways, check out the sign up sheets in the narthex and/or contact Colleen Bentz. 

Annual Meeting

Sunday, January 28

Each January we set aside a Sunday to celebrate our shared ministry together at SOTC during our annual meeting. During this time, we will review the year, vote on nominated leaders, and hear reports from our president and treasurer. All are welcome to join us as we give thanks for the ways God has been at work in and through our Shepherds in the past year!

Note that after the meeting, we will have a potluck. Please sign up in the narthex with what you’d like to share! (main dish, side, salad, dessert)

Opportunities to Serve at Lutheran Living

Recently Pastor Aleese has learned of several opportunities to serve residents at Lutheran Living. If you are interested in serving in any of these capacities, contact Pastor Aleese

Volunteer Visitor: seeking volunteers to offer 1 hour per week (or every 2 weeks) to visit with residents. Training would be provided for volunteers. 

Volunteers to transport residents to chapel worship services: seeking volunteers to assist on Sundays from 1:45-2:45pm to transport residents desiring to attend worship from their rooms to the chapel. 

Game Night

Sunday, February 4, 4:30 – 6:30 pm

Before joining with others for the Super Bowl weekend on the following weekend, join your Shepherds for a game night!

Bring an appetizer to share and your favorite games.

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday, February 14, 7:00 pm

Though it may seem strange to be thinking about Lent after we just celebrated Christmas, we have an early Lent coming up this year!

Make sure to mark your calendars to join us as a part of your Valentine’s Day celebrations!


News & Events

Year End Giving

Last day for 2023 Contributions: December 27

If you are planning to make a year end donation, please do so by Wednesday, December 27. All gifts received after December 27 will be deposited in 2024.

Office Hours @ SOTC after Christmas

Kathy will be in the office on Wednesday, December 27 from 9:00 am – 12:00pm. If you need something from the church office at other times during the week of Christmas, contact Kathy. 

Pastor Aleese will be on vacation Monday, December 25 – Monday, January 1. Worship on Sunday, December 31 will be lay led. For pastoral emergencies, contact Pastor Susan Bantz (563-554-9213).

Women’s Epiphany Party

Sunday, January 7, 5:00 – 7:00 pm

Join us for a night of celebrating Christ’s light to the nations! This year, in lieu of a candle exchange, bring a white elephant gift.

Also, to give back to our community, bring winter outerwear that will be donated to those in need in our community. New or gently used accepted. Gloves, hats, scarves, boots, coats…whatever you so please! We’ll invite the whole congregation to join this initiative through January. 

Winter Outerwear Drive

Through Sunday, January 28

In conjunction with our Women’s Epiphany Party, the entire congregation is invited to donate new or gently used winter outerwear to be shared with those in our community. Coats, hats, boots, warm socks, gloves, scarves, etc. are all needed!

Bring your donations to the box in the narthex by Sunday, January 28

Family Faith Nights

Resume January 10

Reminder that Family Faith Nights do not meet for the next two weeks. We resume on January 10. For a full calendar, with assigned meals for each week, check out those resources at our Groups page. 

Adaptations to Fellowship

Because of varied schedules of our Shepherds, along with families who are taking winter trips, our Social Team is adapting our practice of fellowship after worship. Rest assured: each week after worship we will still have fellowship of some sort!

Every other week, starting January 7, we will have regular, full fellowship (what you’re used to!)

On the off weeks, starting January 14, we will have a simple fellowship. The hope is to have some cookies/bars in the freezer that we can pull out and serve with just a napkin. 

Know that we will still observe days like Chocolate Fest, baptisms, etc. with a special fellowship time as they arise. 

With that in mind, here’s what our Social Team is looking for:

  1. People to serve every other week for full fellowship
  2. People to prepare cookies/bars in advance that can be frozen
  3. People who are willing to start coffee and set up tables on weeks we have simple fellowship. No clean up required!

If you are willing to help in any of these ways, check out the sign up sheets in the narthex and/or contact Colleen Bentz. 

Opportunities to Serve at Lutheran Living

Recently Pastor Aleese has learned of several opportunities to serve residents at Lutheran Living. If you are interested in serving in any of these capacities, contact Pastor Aleese

Volunteer Visitor: seeking volunteers to offer 1 hour per week (or every 2 weeks) to visit with residents. Training would be provided for volunteers. 

Volunteers to transport residents to chapel worship services: seeking volunteers to assist on Sundays from 1:45-2:45pm to transport residents desiring to attend worship from their rooms to the chapel. 

Annual Meeting

Sunday, January 28

Each January we set aside a Sunday to celebrate our shared ministry together at SOTC during our annual meeting. During this time, we will review the year, vote on nominated leaders, and hear reports from our president and treasurer. All are welcome to join us as we give thanks for the ways God has been at work in and through our Shepherds in the past year!

Note that after the meeting, we will have a potluck. Please sign up in the narthex with what you’d like to share! (main dish, side, salad, dessert)

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday, February 14, 7:00 pm

Though it may seem strange to be thinking about Lent after we just celebrated Christmas, we have an early Lent coming up this year!

Make sure to mark your calendars to join us as a part of your Valentine’s Day celebrations!

Worship Services

Worship: God Came…And God Comes

Luke 2:1-20 | Each year, we hear the story of Christ’s birth. For some, it may be a passage we have half-way memorized by now! So why do we, along with the shepherds, come yet again to see this thing that has taken place? Ask various people and you’ll likely get a myriad of responses – many of which are completely valid! And yet, just as much as we come to worship, and just as much as we come to adore this child who has been born to us, the good news of Christmas is that God comes to us. It sounds simple, because in some ways, it is: God was born to us in ages past, and God continues to be born in our midst today. But beneath this simple message is the profound truth of God’s radical, borderline foolish, love that breaks into our weary hearts and our weary world. So, whatever your reason to come to the manger this season, join us in worship as we hear again the message of the angels and as we look for the arrival of God.

Sunday, December 24, 2023, Christmas Eve Bulletin

Copyright acknowledgments: Music covered under Augsburg Fortress License #SB135131, CCLI License #1141706, One License #738128-A. Scripture from New Revised Standard Version Bible, © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. Gathering Song: O Little Town of Bethlehem. Text: Phillips Brooks, 1835-1893. Music: Lewis H. Redner, 1831-1908. Text and Music: Public Domain. Hymn of the Day: The First Noel. Text and Music: English Traditional; arr. John Stainer, 1840-1901. Text and Music: Public Domain. Offering Song: Coventry Carol. Text and Music: Mark Hayes. Text and Music: © 2007 The Lorenz Publishing Corporation (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.). Covered under CCLI subscription. Communion Songs: Away in a Manger. Text: North American, 19th cent. Music: James R. Murray, 1841-1905. Text and Music: Public Domain. & Infant Holy, Infant Lowly. Text: Polish carol; tr. Edith M. G. Reed, 1885-1933, alt. Music: Polish carol. Text and Music: Public Domain. Sending Song: Silent Night, Holy Night. Text: Joseph Mohr, 1792-1849; tr. John F. Young, 1820-1885. Music: Franz Gruber, 1787-1863. Text and Music: Public Domain. Prayers written by Rev. Sarah (Are) Speed | A Sanctified Art LLC | Adapted Rev. A. Kenitzer



News & Events

Family Faith Night Participants Carol at Pearl City Place and Addington Place

For our December service night, our Family Faith Night crew caroled at area nursing home facilities. Thanks to Leslie Eichelberger for coordinating and for all who lended thier voices to provide some Christmas cheer!

Reminder: Family Faith Nights resume on Wednesday, January 10.

Christmas Party Fun!

On Sunday morning we were encouraged to be on the lookout for awe and joy, and then later that night we embodied it! Thanks to those who joined us for fun as we played Christmas bingo and Christmas pictionary!

Introducing our newest Shepherd!

We rejoice with Nick and Mackenzie Gilbert on the birth of thier daughter, Gracelynn Marie, on Wednesday, December 13. 8 lbs 2 oz; 21 in long. Mom, dad, and baby are all healthy and well!

Support Muscatine Youth Performing this Season

We have one last performance from one of our SOTC youth performing this holiday season! Support Elyse this Tuesday and be sure to congratulate her after the concert!

Susan Clark Junior High Choir Concert – 
Tuesday, December 19 @ Susan Clark @ 6:30 pm
Featuring Elyse Eichelberger

Opportunities to Serve at Lutheran Living

Recently Pastor Aleese has learned of several opportunities to serve residents at Lutheran Living. If you are interested in serving in any of these capacities, contact Pastor Aleese

Volunteer Visitor: seeking volunteers to offer 1 hour per week (or every 2 weeks) to visit with residents. Training would be provided for volunteers. 

Volunteers to transport residents to chapel worship services: seeking volunteers to assist on Sundays from 1:45-2:45pm to transport residents desiring to attend worship from their rooms to the chapel. 

Christmas Eve greeters: SOTC is leading a brief, 30-minute worship service on December 24 at 2:00pm. To extend our hospitality to those outside our flock, we’re looking for some additional people to help lead portions of worship, help residents, and visit. Time commitment: 1:45 – 2:45pm. 

Office Hours @ SOTC after Christmas

To offer time for our staff to spend time with family, the church office will be closed on Christmas Day – Monday, December 25. 

Pastor Aleese will be on vacation Monday, December 25 – Monday, January 1. Worship on Sunday, December 31 will be lay led. 

Following Christmas, the office will be open on Wednesday, December 27 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm. If you need something from the church office at other times during the week of Christmas, contact Kathy.

Women’s Epiphany Party

Sunday, January 7, 5:00 – 7:00 pm

Join us for a night of celebrating Christ’s light to the nations! This year, in lieu of a candle exchange, bring a white elephant gift.

Also, to give back to our community, bring winter outerwear that will be donated to those in need in our community. New or gently used accepted. Gloves, hats, scarves, boots, coats…whatever you so please! We’ll invite the whole congregation to join this initiative through January. 

Year End Giving

Last day for 2023 Contributions: December 27

As you look to the end of the calendar year, note that if you are planning to make a year end donation, please do so by Wednesday, December 27. All gifts received after December 27 will be deposited in 2024.

Annual Meeting

Sunday, January 28

Each January we set aside a Sunday to celebrate our shared ministry together at SOTC during our annual meeting. During this time, we will review the year, vote on nominated leaders, and hear reports from our president and treasurer. All are welcome to join us as we give thanks for the ways God has been at work in and through our Shepherds in the past year!



News & Events

ELCA Good Gifts Animals are Running Wild!

Thanks to your help, between the congregation and our Children’s Sermon/Sunday School fund, we donated $700 toward ELCA World Hunger this holiday season! With those funds we purchased:

  • 10 sets of chicks
  • 7 goats
  • 3 sets of honeybees
  • 2 piglets
  • 2 rooters
  • 2 shares of a cow

Thanks for your participation, and thanks to our kids and families for helping us choose what animals were sent to assist people around the world!

Support Muscatine Youth Performing this Season

We have a number of our youth (and some adults!) performing this upcoming holiday season! Mark your calendars to support them and be sure to congratulate them after their concert!

Susan Clark Junior High Orchestra Concert – 
Tuesday, December 12 @ Susan Clark @ 6:30 pm
Featuring Elyse Eichelberger

Saints Mary and Mathias School Band Concert – 
Wednesday, December 13 @ St. Mathias School @ 6:30 pm
Featuring Holden Brockert

Louisa-Muscatine Elementary School Winter Concert –
Thursday, December 14 @ Louisa-Muscatine Elementary @ 1:30 pm
Featuring Amelia Vircks

Muscatine High School Winter Glow Concert – 
Friday, December 15 @ Wesley United Methodist Church @ 7:00 pm
Featuring Owen Christy

Susan Clark Junior High Choir Concert – 
Tuesday, December 19 @ Susan Clark @ 6:30 pm
Featuring Elyse Eichelberger

Opportunities to Serve at Lutheran Living

Recently Pastor Aleese has learned of several opportunities to serve residents at Lutheran Living. If you are interested in serving in any of these capacities, contact Pastor Aleese

Volunteer Visitor: seeking volunteers to offer 1 hour per week (or every 2 weeks) to visit with residents. Training would be provided for volunteers. 

Volunteers to transport residents to chapel worship services: seeking volunteers to assist on Sundays from 1:45-2:45pm to transport residents desiring to attend worship from their rooms to the chapel. 

Christmas Eve greeters: SOTC is leading a brief, 30-minute worship service on December 24 at 2:00pm. To extend our hospitality to those outside our flock, we’re looking for some additional people to help lead portions of worship, help residents, and visit. Time commitment: 1:45 – 2:45pm. 

Shepherd Christmas Party

Sunday, Dec 17, 3:00 – 4:30 pm

Join us for a night of games, fellowship, and fun! Bring a plate of Christmas cookies to share.

Upcoming Advent and Christmas Worship Services

As you’re making holiday plans with friends and family, take note of our worship schedule at SOTC!

Sunday, December 17, 9:00 am | Advent 3 worship
Focus on the birth of John the Baptist and immersing ourselves in wonder and awe

Sunday, December 24, 9:00 am | Advent 4 worship
A service of prayer as we watch and wait for the birth of Christ. Worship will highlight Mary’s and Zechariah’s song as we sing stories of hope in anticipation. No communion. 

Sunday, December 24, 4:00 pm | Christmas Eve worship
Candlelight communion service focusing on the nativity of our Lord. 

Sunday, December 31, 9:00 am | First Sunday after Christmas
Celebration of the presentation of Jesus in the temple as we bask in the glow of Christmas. No communion. Sermon will be provided by the Southeastern Iowa Synod. 

Sunday, January 7, 9:00 am | Baptism of Our Lord
After Christ’s presentation, we journey to the Jordan River to hear God’s pronouncement upon Jesus, launching us into the season of Epiphany. 

Women’s Epiphany Party

Sunday, January 7, 5:00 – 7:00 pm

Join us for a night of celebrating Christ’s light to the nations! This year, in lieu of a candle exchange, bring a white elephant gift.

Also, to give back to our community, bring winter outerwear that will be donated to those in need in our community. New or gently used accepted. Gloves, hats, scarves, boots, coats…whatever you so please! We’ll invite the whole congregation to join this initiative through January. 

Year End Giving

Last day for 2023 Contributions: December 27

As you look to the end of the calendar year, note that if you are planning to make a year end donation, please do so by Wednesday, December 27. All gifts received after December 27 will be deposited in 2024.



News & Events

Thanks for preparing for Christmas with us!

At the close of worship this past weekend, we completed our Christmas decorating by dressing our tree together! Thanks for doing your part to help us prepare for the coming of Christ’s birth!

Support Muscatine Youth Performing this Season

We have a number of our youth (and some adults!) performing this upcoming holiday season! Mark your calendars to support them and be sure to congratulate them after their concert!

Wesley’s Lessons and Carols, featuring Muscatine Youth Choirs – 
Sunday, December 10 @ Wesley United Methodist Church @ 2:30 pm
Featuring Amelia Vircks

Saints Mary and Mathias School Christmas Concert – 
Sunday, December 10 @ St. Mathias Church @ 4:30 pm
Featuring  Holden Brockert

Muscatine High School Choir Concert – 
Monday, December 11 @ Muscatine High School @ 7:30 pm
Featuring Owen Christy

Susan Clark Junior High Orchestra Concert – 
Tuesday, December 12 @ Susan Clark @ 6:30 pm
Featuring Elyse Eichelberger

Saints Mary and Mathias School Band Concert – 
Wednesday, December 13 @ St. Mathias School @ 6:30 pm
Featuring Holden Brockert

Louisa-Muscatine Elementary School Winter Concert –
Thursday, December 14 @ Louisa-Muscatine Elementary @ 1:30 pm
Featuring Amelia Vircks

Muscatine High School Winter Glow Concert – 
Friday, December 15 @ Wesley United Methodist Church @ 7:00 pm
Featuring Owen Christy

Susan Clark Junior High Choir Concert – 
Tuesday, December 19 @ Susan Clark @ 6:30 pm
Featuring Elyse Eichelberger

Advent Devotionals and Devotional Cards Available

Looking for a way to take what we’ll be doing on Sunday mornings during Advent and incorporate it into your journey of faith? Consider using one or more of the following. Note that in-print resources cannot be shared digitally because of copyright guidelines. 

  1. Devotional Book: offering commentary, poems, music, and imagery to ponder. Found in the narthex.
  2. Devotional Cards: similar from previous seasons, offering prompts for journaling, activities, and prayer. Found in the narthex.
  3. Family Advent Calendars: calendars have been mailed to families. If you’d like one and didn’t get one, contact the church office. 
  4. Social Media Posts: each week we’ll post about three thoughts to ponder. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram!

Looking for something to listen to this holiday season?

Ever find yourself in the car? Or, needing something to listen to as you get going in the morning? Check out this playlist that follows our overall Advent theme. You might even hear some of these pieces played in worship this season!

This playlist is a part of the Spotify platform. Even if you are not a Spotify user, you can still access the playlist to view what songs are on it. If you want to listen to any of the songs, you will need to create an account (sign up for a free version! it’s worth it!)

Blessings as you listen, as you watch, and as you pray this Advent season!

Updated Directories

You may have noticed some new faces in our flock! Updated contact and narrative directories may be found on our website under the “members” tab in the top right corner.

What Sparks Joy for You?

What sparks joy for you? Maybe it’s being with other people, maybe it’s a practice, maybe it’s cooking a favorite recipe, maybe it’s listening to a specific song. Whatever sparks joy for you, capture it, and post it on our bulletin board. Add your pictures, recipes, poems, quotes, and experiences throughout Advent!

Shepherd Christmas Party

Sunday, Dec 17, 3:00 – 4:30 pm

Join us for a night of games, fellowship, and fun! Bring a plate of Christmas cookies to share.

Christmas Eve Worship

Sunday, December 24 @ 4:00 pm

After our final Advent worship on the morning of December 24, we gather to celebrate the birth of our Lord. Worship will include special music and a candlelight service while singing Silent Night.