
Blog: An Introduction to Advent

After celebrating Thanksgiving last week, in short order our attention will turn to the Advent season beginning Sunday, December 3. 

At Shepherd this year, our Advent focus will zero in on the first two chapters of the Gospel of Luke. We’ll hear the stories of the angel appearing to Zechariah in the temple, Mary visiting Elizabeth, and the birth of John the Baptist before hearing again the timeless story of Christ’s advent (aka: Christ’s coming) into the world in a stable outside Bethlehem. 

In each of these stories, we’ll witness the full scope of human emotion: isolation, fear, disbelief, as well as connection, trust, and joy. All of these emotions are emotions that we, too, have experienced. And, as we experience the holiday season once again, it very well may be that we experience several of these emotions – all at once. 

So honoring the complexity of the stories that we will hear, and honoring our own stories of faith and life, this Advent season we’re going to intentionally hold joy and weariness together. The two might seem to be polar opposites. And yet, we’ll find that the two belong together as we acknowledge our weariness, and the weariness of the world, and as we practice rejoicing. 

So this season, join us: as we seek a “thrill of hope” in our hurting world; as we welcome joy – even and especially if, like the prophet Isaiah, we cry out for comfort (Isaiah 40:1); and as we discover the multitude of ways to rejoice, even amid our weary world.