This coming Advent season, we will gather around the theme “From Generation to Generation.” Mary sings in her hymn of praise after receiving the news that she will bear God’s Son: “Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name. His mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation.”
From generation to generation, we tell the story of Christ’s birth; and from generation to generation, we carry forth the work of God that is unfolding within our lives. It’s out of that notion of unfolding and being brought together in unity that the above image is our logo for the season. Upon first glance, the logo may look like nothing other than a flower. But take a second glance, and each petal (and dot above it) is a person.
This season, as we prepare to gather around the manger of Christ, we are summoned to join hands with one another…from generation to generation. No character in the story of Christ’s birth lived on their own, and neither are we created to live on our own. We are created for community, and we are created to center ourselves around Christ as our one true light as the movement of God radiates through us.
So as we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving later this week, and then re-gather with our Shepherd family on Sunday, link up with those around. Remember those who have come before you. Look with hope for the generations to come. And watch as we witness our stories weave together, displaying the beauty of God’s continued unfolding creation.