
Blog: Mission Moments and You

Throughout October, you’ve been hearing a variety of individuals share testimonies of how the mission of Jesus through SOTC and our shared ministry has impacted them. In so many ways, lives are being touched by what happens both inside our walls and out in the community!

But why have we been sharing these stories? For a variety of reasons. At the core, we’re sharing these stories to uplift the fruit that has been born within individuals lives, within the congregation, and within our greater community, by the work of the Spirit. And beyond that, we’ve been sharing these stories for you to consider how you’ve been impacted by SOTC and our shared ministry, and for you to consider how you are being led to be a part of the mission of Jesus through SOTC in your participation and in your financial gifts.

So this week, as you consider how you’ve been impacted by the ministry of SOTC and your response, consider these questions:

  1. How have the testimonies of Mackenzie, Joseph, and the Thoma’s within worship impacted you? 
  2. Thinking about yourself: have you grown in faith in the past year(s)? How? What has assisted your growth? 
  3. How might God be calling you to participate in continuing to share the Good News of Jesus Christ within our congregation and broader community?
  4. Thinking of your financial budget: can you commit to financially supporting the mission of Jesus through SOTC? If so, would you be willing to make a commitment to yourself by utilizing the Estimate of Giving Worksheet?  

We thank you, in advance, for your continued partnership with us as we live on purpose for a purpose in the name of Jesus. Together, we form this unique body of Christ; and together, we are a part of the whole living body of Christ within the world…called and sent to spread God’s liberating love with all the world.