This past weekend, we had the opportunity to dwell in the story of Mary and Martha. Though I wasn’t able to worship with you all this weekend due to a positive COVID test, the statement that Jesus tells Martha just wouldn’t leave me last week. “Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things…” Finishing up a full week with Vacation Bible School, looking ahead to things for the fall, and trying to be present to the joys and sorrows of those within our Shepherd community, I felt a bit like Martha: running around, serving others, attending to their needs, but not taking one moment to sit and be still in the presence of my Lord.
But by the end of the week and into the weekend, the tone of what Jesus said to Martha took a turn. Instead of hearing Jesus’ voice in an accusatory way, saying with a clip in his voice, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things…” I heard this statement from Jesus with more care and compassion. And instead of hearing Jesus direct this statement to Martha, I heard it directed toward me. “Aleese, Aleese, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing.”
On Sunday morning, as many of you worshipped together at Shepherd, I was still in bed. When I did wake up, I confess, I didn’t watch the livestream immediately. Later in the day I did. But that morning, in between coughs and some sips of tea, I chose to sit on my couch, to journal, and to put myself at the feet of Jesus for just a bit.
So this week, I encourage you to find those moments to come and sit at the feet of Jesus. Even if it is for just a moment, sit and receive what Jesus has to offer you. And hear from Jesus what that “one thing” is that you need for the road ahead of you. Distractions, and the work around us, will never cease. But our relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ will never, ever be taken away from us.