Whether as a kid, youth, or adult, you’ve likely experienced a relay in some fashion. The point of a relay is to complete a task (often a race) by involving multiple people. Though it may be possible for one person to complete the entire task on his/her own, a relay demands the involvement of multiple people, and a relay demands that the “baton” (whether literal or figurative) needs to be passed off.
So with that analogy in mind, what would you say if I were to suggest that you – as the living body of Christ today – have received the baton from Christ to continue his work in the world?
At first, it might sound like a pretty important handoff. And, it might sound like a very, very valuable baton that you wouldn’t want to drop. But why would Jesus hand off something so important to people like us? Couldn’t Jesus just run the entire race of God’s mission in the world and keep us out of it?
Jesus could. But upon Jesus’ return after his resurrection, virtually every documented appearance to his disciples was preparing them to take up the baton of his mission in the world. So when Jesus ascended to his Father, it was then that Jesus gave his disciples one final handoff, promising them that they wouldn’t have to run the race on their own. Instead, the Holy Spirit would come upon them, giving them all they needed to continue the race.
From generation to generation, this baton of continuing Christ’s work in the world has been passed along…being passed all the way down to you. And now you, dear Shepherds, are the ones holding this valuable charge in your hands to further God’s Kingdom on earth. So how might you do so this week? For some insight, listen in to the sermon from this past weekend to get some pointed guidance. And even more than that, take some time in prayer, to listen that what and where God may be leading you to continue Christ’s work in the world. Each and every day, we have the opportunity to be agents of God’s redemption in the world, making all things new. In small ways and big ways, the Spirit is ever moving through us to accomplish God’s purposes.
So this week, will you take up the baton? And, will you join the race?