Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
On Sunday we exclaimed with jubilation that our Lord has conquered death, and through Christ’s death and resurrection Christ’s life is now our life.
But…now what? Where do we go from this Easter Sunday?
It’s a good question, and likely a question that Mary, and the disciples who came to the tomb, had as well. According to our Easter Gospel, after Simon Peter and the other disciple looked inside the empty tomb, they returned to their homes. But Mary remained at the tomb. As she wept, first two angels appeared to her and then Jesus himself, summoning her by name – “Mary!” After recognizing her Lord, Mary ran from the tomb, announcing to the disciples: “I have seen the Lord!”
In sum, in the Gospel of John, we see three reactions to Christ’s resurrection:
- the disciples return to their homes…returning to familiarity and what they know;
- Mary remains at the tomb…allowing herself to remain in what is unfamiliar, and allowing herself to remain in the un-comfortability of grief;
- and later, Mary runs from the tomb, witnessing to the truth of Jesus Christ.
So now, as people who’ve heard the story of Christ’s death and resurrection, what is our reaction?
- Are we tempted to return to the familiarity of our lives? Returning to “normal” after a holiday weekend? Almost as if nothing happened?
- Or, has something in the story of Jesus’ resurrection touched us in a way that we just can’t continue on our journey of seeking in the same way…prompting us to seek Jesus for ourselves? Even if it means being open to the un-comfortability of transformation?
- Or, having heard the good news of Jesus Christ for our lives and our world, are we running from the tomb, sharing the truth of God’s grace in our words and in our deeds?
Do you find yourself reacting to the news of Christ’s resurrection in any of these ways? Or, perhaps in some other way?
This week, ponder your response and offer your response to Jesus in prayer. And then, as we enter into the season of Easter, continue the journey of seeking with us as we live into the life that our Lord Jesus has offered to each and every one of us.