Throughout September, we dwelled in four “Marks of Discipleship.” We explored how we are called to lose ourselves to Christ – giving our full selves to Christ and Christ’s will; we wrestled with how to approach one another even in sin and conflict; we heard the command to forgive as we have been forgiven to be free to live fully, now; and we were encouraged to consider the health of our perspective of ourselves, God, and God’s Kingdom for our sake and for the sake of the world.
Now, in the month of October, we’re taking another step as disciples of Christ. Yes, we’re talking about stewardship.
Often, when the word “stewardship” is uttered, our first reaction is to think about money. But the truth is that stewardship is much, much more than money. Stewardship is the way we live in response to what God has entrusted to us as disciples of Jesus. And, that includes how we live in response to the grace that God has entrusted to us!
So, for the next month, we’ll be focused on the theme “You’ve Heard It Said,” unpacking what Scripture (and Jesus) have to say about stewardship (and money) and unpacking church traditions when it comes to stewardship.
Similar to September, we’ll provide some questions for you to consider that reflect on the previous Sunday’s emphasis. Additionally, the Stewardship Team is providing At-Home Practices for adults, teens, and kids! Click the link above to download the practices and see what practices might be appropriate for you and your family. The first two pages are specifically geared toward adults and teens, page 3 is aimed at conversation with families with kids, and pages 4-5 give a template for not only discussing, but enacting stewardship as an act of faith within an entire household.
At the heart, stewardship is love in action. Stewardship IS discipleship. We hope you’ll join us in worship, and take advantage of the resources shared with you to deepen not only your stewardship practices, but also your walk with Christ.