
Blog: The Beauty of a Weed

Growing up, dandelions (though a weed!) were a favorite “flower” to pick.  My mother and grandmother were often the recipients of such bouquets. Later on, I learned that, to many, dandelions are nothing but a nuisance. But as a child, I saw them differently: I saw them as something special, something worthy of admiration. 

This past Sunday, we heard Jesus’ parables of the growing seed and the mustard seed. Within that, we were challenged to consider how God’s kingdom, breaking into our midst, isn’t always something that is domesticated, neat, and pristine. Instead, God’s kingdom is like a weed – relentlessly invading every square inch.  So do we mow down the “weeds” of God’s kingdom, trying to eradicate them? Or, do we take the time to gather a bouquet of “weeds” – seeing them as something worthy of admiration?

If you missed worship with us, check out our recording on our YouTube channel, and, as you continue through your week, keep your eyes open for the beauty of God’s kingdom among you…even if it seems a bit weed-y.