This past Sunday we commemorated All Saints Day: a day in which we remember the saints who have gone before us and the saints who have been added to our number through baptism.
But in addition to those other saints, we also remember ourselves as saints. Through baptism, we have already been given new life. And, like the story of Lazarus being raised from the dead, we claim that we too have been called by name and summoned forth to live in newness of life…now.
But, having received this gift of life, now, what are we doing with it?
Looking to our Gospel from last Sunday, though Lazarus came out of the tomb alive, he was still bound by strips of cloth that enwrapped his hands, feet, and face. It took time for him to unwrap all those signs of death, and it took the help of those around him to unbind him so that he could live…fully.
Which, I wonder, if the same is sometimes true for us. Certainly, Jesus has called our name and given us newness of life. But we still may be bound by grief, pain, uncertainty, death, or even ourselves. And sometimes, we may not even be aware of what it is that holds us captive. Which is one reason we need community. We need those around us. And we need the communion of all the saints to help us peel back layers that may be inhibiting us from living…fully.
So if you’ve been feeling a bit isolated lately, stretch yourself to reach out to another in the body of Christ. Join us for worship and fellowship on Sunday mornings. Or consider being a part of a small group, intended to surround you with fellow companions on your journey of faith. Much as we might like to travel this journey on our own, that is not how we were designed to live. So take a step to surround yourself with people who care, and people who are willing to help you see what you might not be able to see yourself. For in that space, you just might find something new springing forth.