
News & Events

Christian Day Camp Registration Now Open!

Calling all preschoolers, elementary kids, and middle school youth! We have another great summer lined up for Christian Day Camp just for you! New website for camp has just been launched where you can register in minutes.

Check out the session dates below, check your calendar, and then head to the website for more information! Volunteers – we need you too! Sign up through our website. 

Elementary Session 1: June 10 -13
Elementary Session 2: June 17-20
Middle School: June 24 – 27
Preschool Nights: June 9, 16, 23

Midweek Lenten Worship – Meal – Family Faith Nights

Beginning THIS Wednesday, March 12

After Ash Wednesday, we will be gathering with Zion, Grace, and New Era for midweek worship, meal, and Family Faith Nights.

5:30 | Worship
6:00 | Meal
6:30 | Family Faith Nights

Join us for part, or all, of the night! 

Adults – if you’re not a part of a Family Faith Night group and would like to be a part of a Lent faith formation group, come and join us! Our Sojourners adult group will continue to meet on their own, but an additional Lenten group will form led by Andy Christy. 

Have kids or youth who want to join in during Lent? They can join our lower elementary, upper elementary, and middle school groups! 

Celtic Psalms Concert

Saturday, March 22 @ 7:00 pm @ First Presbyterian Church (401 Iowa Ave)

Immerse yourself in a night of ancient psalms, reimagined with stunningly beautiful traditional Irish and Scottish melodies, and rich harmonies, celebrating a deep spiritual and cultural heritage. Celtic Psalms is touring the US, starting on the east coast, and ending right here in Iowa! This concert is sponsored by First Presbyterian, who traveled with members of this group last year. For more information on the group, check out the Celtic Psalms website. 

Support of Ukrainian Refugees in Muscatine Area

Several weeks ago we announced that some of the Ukrainian families who sought refuge in the Muscatine area may need financial assistance. Since then, many of these families have decided to apply for Temporary Protected Status (TPS). 

There is still a cost to applying for, and the process, of obtaining Temporary Protected Status. To assist with these fees, Muscatine Sister Cities is in the process of setting up a charitable fund at the Community Foundation of Greater Muscatine. This is expected to be finalized in the near future. For more information, contact Deb Hueser

If you are seeking an avenue to give now, consider giving toward Global Refuge, an organization rooted in the Lutheran church that supports immigrants and refugees in the United States. 

Holy Week Worship

Our last leg of Lent brings us to Holy Week with the celebration of Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, and Easter Sunday. 

Palm Sunday, April 13 – 9:00 am worship with procession of palms

Maundy Thursday, April 17 – 7:00 pm worship with Holy Communion

Good Friday, April 18 – 7:00 pm worship

Easter Vigil, April 19 (New Era) – 4:00 pm worship; 5:30 pm meal

Easter Sunday, April 20 – 9:00 am festival worship

Easter Vigil Worship Service and Meal

Saturday, April 19 – 4:00 worship, 5:30 meal
New Era Lutheran Church (3455 New Era Road, Muscatine)

Easter Vigil moves us from the darkness of Good Friday into the joy and celebration of Easter. Worship will begin with a campfire outside (weather permitting), interactive Scriptures, song, prayer, remembrance of baptism, and Holy Communion. 

After celebrating the news of Christ’s resurrection, we’ll feast in joy with one another across our congregations with a meal. Buns and meat will be provided; congregations will be asked to help provide either side dishes or deserts. To help plan for food, if you’re eating with us, sign up in the narthex or contact Pastor Aleese. 

Shepherd Kids Day

Friday, April 18 @ 9:00 am

Once again our kids will be gathering for a Shepherds Kids Day on Good Friday. Focus of our time will be on worship: why do it? and why do we do all the things we do in worship? 

Parents of elementary aged kids will be contacted soon. If you have questions, contact Pastor Aleese or an Education Team member (Mackenzie Gilbert, Connie Hoektra, Judy Bartling, Bruce Selking).

Easter Breakfast and Egg Hunt

Before worshipping our risen Lord, join us for fellowship and fun!

Easter Breakfast, 8:00 am – donuts, muffins, yogurt, fruit, juice and coffee

Easter Egg Hunt, 8:30 am – outside weather permitting! All kids invited!


News & Events

Ash Wednesday Worship

TOMORROW, Wednesday, March 5 @ 7:00pm

Our journey into the season of Lent begins with a call to “return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and merciful.” Together in worship we’ll confess our sin, receive God’s forgiveness, practice the imposition of ashes, and partake in the sacrament of communion. 

Unable to join us at 7:00? Join our fellow ELCA congregations:

Zion – 5:30 pm
Grace – 6:00 pm

Easter Flowers

Sunday, March 9

Want to help make Easter morning extra special? We are wanting to add 15 plants to decorate our santuary. Cost is $13 per plant. Sign up in the narthex or contact Kathy with how many and who you would like the plant in memory/honor of.

Christian Day Camp Registration Now Open!

Calling all preschoolers, elementary kids, and middle school youth! We have another great summer lined up for Christian Day Camp just for you! New website for camp has just been launched where you can register in minutes.

Check out the session dates below, check your calendar, and then head to the website for more information! Volunteers – we need you too! Sign up through our website. 

Elementary Session 1: June 10 -13
Elementary Session 2: June 17-20
Middle School: June 24 – 27
Preschool Nights: June 9, 16, 23

Midweek Lenten Worship – Meal – Family Faith Nights

Beginning Wednesday, March 12

After Ash Wednesday, we will be gathering with Zion, Grace, and New Era for midweek worship, meal, and Family Faith Nights.

5:30 | Worship
6:00 | Meal
6:30 | Family Faith Nights

Join us for part, or all, of the night! If you’re eating with us, sign up in the narthex or contact the church office

Adults – if you’re not a part of a Family Faith Night group and would like to be a part of a Lent faith formation group, email Andy Christy. (Kids and youth can always hop in on the groups already going!)

Easter Vigil Worship Service and Meal

Easter Vigil moves us from the darkness of Good Friday into the joy and celebration of Easter. Worship will begin with a campfire outside (weather permitting), interactive Scriptures, song, prayer, remembrance of baptism, and Holy Communion. 

After celebrating the news of Christ’s resurrection, we’ll feast in joy with one another across our congregations with a meal. Buns and meat will be provided; congregations will be asked to help provide either side dishes or deserts. To help plan for food, if you’re eating with us, sign up in the narthex or contact Pastor Aleese. 

Holy Week Worship

Our last leg of Lent brings us to Holy Week with the celebration of Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, and Easter Sunday. 

Palm Sunday, April 13 – 9:00 am worship with procession of palms

Maundy Thursday, April 17 – 7:00 pm worship with Holy Communion

Good Friday, April 18 – 7:00 pm worship

Easter Vigil, April 19 (New Era) – 4:00 pm worship; 5:30 pm meal

Easter Sunday, April 20 – 9:00 am festival worship

Support of Ukrainian Refugees in Muscatine Area

Several weeks ago we announced that some of the Ukrainian families who sought refuge in the Muscatine area may need financial assistance. Since then, many of these families have decided to apply for Temporary Protected Status (TPS). 

There is still a cost to applying for, and the process, of obtaining Temporary Protected Status. To assist with these fees, Muscatine Sister Cities is in the process of setting up a charitable fund at the Community Foundation of Greater Muscatine. This is expected to be finalized in the near future. For more information, contact Deb Hueser

If you are seeking an avenue to give now, consider giving toward Global Refuge, an organization rooted in the Lutheran church that supports immigrants and refugees in the United States. 

Shepherd Kids Day

Friday, April 18 @ 9:00 am

Once again our kids will be gathering for a Shepherds Kids Day on Good Friday. Focus of our time will be on worship: why do it? and why do we do all the things we do in worship? 

Parents of elementary aged kids will be contacted soon. If you have questions, contact Pastor Aleese or an Education Team member (Mackenzie Gilbert, Connie Hoektra, Judy Bartling, Bruce Selking).

Easter Breakfast and Egg Hunt

Before worshipping our risen Lord, join us for fellowship and fun!

Easter Breakfast, 8:00 am – donuts, muffins, yogurt, fruit, juice and coffee

Easter Egg Hunt, 8:30 am – outside weather permitting! All kids invited!


News & Events

Community Diaper Bank Drive Total!

Through your donations, we collected 5,923 diapers for the Community Diaper Bank! That will be 236 packs of diapers distribited to families in the greater Muscatine area. Thank you for your contributions and thank you for sharing God’s love in our community!

Blessings to Delene

This past Sunday we offered a blessing for Delene who is moving to Nebraska. Delene – you will be dearly missed! We pray God’s blessing on you as you continue your journey, trusting that in God’s love we are always connected!

Chocolate Fest

Sunday, March 2

In traditional Shepherd custom, we will host Chocolate Fest following worship this coming Sunday. This coming weekend marks the last Sunday before Lent (Transfiguration Sunday) and is meant to be a “feast” day before entering into the reflective season of Lent. For those who are new to this tradition, the instruction is simple! Everyone (yes, everyone!) bring a chocolate dish to share during fellowship. Then, we’ll all feast!

Ash Wednesday Worship

Wednesday, March 5 @ 7:00pm

Our journey into the season of Lent begins with a call to “return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and merciful.” Together in worship we’ll confess our sin, receive God’s forgiveness, practice the imposition of ashes, and partake in the sacrament of communion. 

Unable to join us at 7:00? Join our fellow ELCA congregations:

Zion – 5:30 pm
Grace – 6:00 pm

Collaborative Lent Opportunities

This Lent we are excited to announce that we are collaborating with Faith Together Muscatine (with Zion, Grace, and New Era) for Lenten Midweek worship, meal and Family Faith Nights and a special Easter Vigil worship service and meal.

Midweek Lenten Worship – Meal – Family Faith Nights

5:30 | Worship
6:00 | Meal
6:30 | Family Faith Nights

Join us for part, or all, of the night! If you’re eating with us, sign up in the narthex starting Sunday. Adults – if you’re not a part of a Family Faith Night group and would like to be a part of a Lent faith formation group, indicate your interest on a sign up soon. (Kids and youth can always hop in on the groups already going!)

Easter Vigil Worship Service and Meal

4:00 | Worship 
5:30 | Meal

Easter Vigil moves us from the darkness of Good Friday into the joy and celebration of Easter. After celebrating the news of Christ’s resurrection, we’ll feast in joy with one another across our congregations. Sign up in the narthex if you plan to eat with us.

For clarity – Ash Wednesday (7:00), Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday (7:00), Good Friday (7:00), and Easter Sunday worship services will be hosted at SOTC.

Come and take part in what you can! We’re looking forward to a formative Lenten journey together.

National Lutheran Choir Concert

Friday, February 28, 7:30pm @ Luther College, Decorah

This Friday the National Lutheran Choir, led by Dr. Jennaya Robison, is coming to Decorah on their regional tour. This powerful program is entitled, “Healing: Body and Spirit.” There is no charge to attend this performance, but all attendees must secure a ticket. Go to the Luther Box Office website to reserve yours today!

Shepherd Kids Day

Friday, April 18 @ 9:00 am

Once again our kids will be gathering for a Shepherds Kids Day on Good Friday. Focus of our time will be on worship: why do it? and why do we do all the things we do in worship? 

Parents of elementary aged kids will be contacted soon. If you have questions, contact Pastor Aleese or an Education Team member (Mackenzie Gilbert, Connie Hoektra, Judy Bartling, Bruce Selking).

Christian Day Camp Registration

Opens Monday, March 10!

Calling all preschoolers, elementary kids, and middle school youth! We have another great summer lined up for Christian Day Camp just for you! New website for camp will be launched March 1 where you can register in minutes. In the meantime, check these dates on your calendar so you’re set and ready to register!

Elementary Session 1: June 10 -13
Elementary Session 2: June 17-20
Middle School: June 24 – 27
Preschool Nights: June 9, 16, 23


News & Events

Community Diaper Bank Drive

We’ve collected 4,124 diapers for the Community Diaper Bank! Wow! Pastor Aleese challenged us to a total of 6,274 diapers by the end of February. That would be a total of 250 packs of diapers for families in our community!

Make sure to bring in your diapers this Sunday, February 23! Last chance! Sizes 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7 diapers are most needed, but any size will be utilized! 

Farewell and Godspeed to Delene

Sunday, February 23

As a congregation, we welcome, we grow, and we send. Sometimes, that sending sends our Shepherds on new adventures away from this community. 

Later this spring Delene will be moving to Nebraska. Before heading out, we’ll offer her a special blessing during our worship service along with fellowship to follow. Be sure to join us as we wish Delene farewell (see you soon!) and Godspeed!

Collaborative Lent Opportunities

This Lent we are excited to announce that we are collaborating with Faith Together Muscatine (with Zion, Grace, and New Era) for Lenten Midweek worship, meal and Family Faith Nights and a special Easter Vigil worship service and meal.

Midweek Lenten Worship – Meal – Family Faith Nights

5:30 | Worship
6:00 | Meal
6:30 | Family Faith Nights

Join us for part, or all, of the night! If you’re eating with us, sign up in the narthex starting Sunday. Adults – if you’re not a part of a Family Faith Night group and would like to be a part of a Lent faith formation group, indicate your interest on a sign up in the narthex. (Kids and youth can always hop in on the groups already going!)

Easter Vigil Worship Service and Meal

4:00 | Worship 
5:30 | Meal

Easter Vigil moves us from the darkness of Good Friday into the joy and celebration of Easter. After celebrating the news of Christ’s resurrection, we’ll feast in joy with one another across our congregations. Sign up in the narthex if you plan to eat with us.

For clarity – Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday worship services will be hosted at SOTC. 

Come and take part in what you can! We’re looking forward to a formative Lenten journey together.

Game Night

What a fun night! Lots of laughs, food, and games! Thanks to all who joined us!

Welcome to New Members

With joy we welcomed 7 new members this past Sunday in worship: Deb, Wanda, Wade, Liz, Bruce, Lynn and Nancy. Continue to hold them in prayer as they join our flock, and continue to uphold one another as fellow disciples of Jesus!

Chocolate Fest

Sunday, March 2

In traditional Shepherd custom, we will host Chocolate Fest following worship on Sunday, March 2. This Sunday marks the last Sunday before Lent (Transfiguration Sunday) and is meant to be a “feast” day before entering into the reflective season of Lent. For those who are new to this tradition, the instruction is simple! Everyone (yes, everyone!) bring a chocolate dish to share during fellowship. Then, we’ll all feast!

Ash Wednesday Worship

Wednesday, March 5 @ 7:00pm

Our journey into the season of Lent begins with a call to “return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and merciful.” Together in worship we’ll confess our sin, receive God’s forgiveness, practice the imposition of ashes, and partake in the sacrament of communion. 

Unable to join us at 7:00? Join our fellow ELCA congregations:

Zion – 5:30 pm
Grace – 6:00 pm

The Stations of the Cross Concert

Friday, March 21 @ 7:00pm

Dr. Stephen Hamilton, international concert organist, will present the organ meditations on “The Stations of the Cross” by Marcel Dupré on Friday, March 21, at 7pm at Wesley United Methodist Church. This is a free event. The meditations combine 14 poetic readings of the Passion and Death of Jesus with powerful organ music. Michael Barone, the creator and host of “Pipedreams,” will be the narrator. Slides of artwork depicting the Stations will accompany the performance.


News & Events

Collaborative Lent Opportunities

This Lent we are excited to announce that we are collaborating with Faith Together Muscatine (with Zion, Grace, and New Era) for Lenten Midweek worship, meal and Family Faith Nights and a special Easter Vigil worship service and meal.

Midweek Lenten Worship – Meal – Family Faith Nights

5:30 | Worship
6:00 | Meal
6:30 | Family Faith Nights

Join us for part, or all, of the night! If you’re eating with us, sign up in the narthex starting Sunday. Adults – if you’re not a part of a Family Faith Night group and would like to be a part of a Lent faith formation group, indicate your interest on a sign up in the narthex. (Kids and youth can always hop in on the groups already going!)

Easter Vigil Worship Service and Meal

4:00 | Worship 
5:30 | Meal

Easter Vigil moves us from the darkness of Good Friday into the joy and celebration of Easter. After celebrating the news of Christ’s resurrection, we’ll feast in joy with one another across our congregations. Sign up in the narthex if you plan to eat with us.

For clarity – Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday worship services will be hosted at SOTC. 

Come and take part in what you can! We’re looking forward to a formative Lenten journey together.

Game Night

Saturday, February 15, 4:30 – 6:30 pm

In the midst of Super Bowl and Valentine’s Day weekends, make sure to join your Shepherds for a game night! Bring an appetizer to share and your favorite games.

Welcome to New Members

Sunday, February 16

You may have seen some new faces in our flock recently, and we want to extend a warm welcome to them in worship! During the service, our new members will have the opportunity to re-commit themselves to following Jesus as a part of this congregation, and we will have the opportunity to express our commitment to support them on their journey. Following worship we’ll have a special fellowship hour. Make sure to join us as we welcome Deb Hughes, Wanda McCullough, Wade and Liz Reddy, Bruce and Lynn Selking, and Nancy Coulter!

Farewell and Godspeed to Delene

Sunday, February 23

As a congregation, we welcome, we grow, and we send. Sometimes, that sending sends our Shepherds on new adventures away from this community. 

Later this spring Delene will be moving to Nebraska. Before heading out, we’ll offer her a special blessing during our worship service along with fellowship to follow. Be sure to join us as we wish Delene farewell (see you soon!) and Godspeed!

Community Diaper Bank Drive

We’ve collected 3,157 diapers for the Community Diaper Bank! Wow! Here’s the challenge: can we double that by the end of February? That would be a total of 6,274 diapers, and 250 packs of diapers for families in our community. 

Sizes 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7 diapers are most needed, but any size will be utilized! Bring in diapers through Sunday, February 23.

Join us at New Era for Worship!

During the Annual Meeting, we shared that Pastor Aleese will continue on rotation with Pastor Willie and Pastor Susan to provide worship leadership for New Era. As one in the body of Christ, we also invite you to join Pastor Aleese when she heads out to New Era! This is not only a time to worship with another congregation, but also an opportunity to deepen our relationships with one another in our partnerships through Faith Together Muscatine. 

Though you’re always welcome to join New Era for worship (11:00 am; fellowship before) Pastor Aleese will be at New Era next on March 2. Dates will also be added to our online SOTC calendar.

Chocolate Fest

Sunday, March 2

In traditional Shepherd custom, we will host Chocolate Fest following worship on Sunday, March 2. This Sunday marks the last Sunday before Lent (Transfiguration Sunday) and is meant to be a “feast” day before entering into the reflective season of Lent. For those who are new to this tradition, the instruction is simple! Everyone (yes, everyone!) bring a chocolate dish to share during fellowship. Then, we’ll all feast!

The Stations of the Cross Concert

Friday, March 21 @ 7:00pm

Dr. Stephen Hamilton, international concert organist, will present the organ meditations on “The Stations of the Cross” by Marcel Dupré on Friday, March 21, at 7pm at Wesley United Methodist Church. This is a free event. The meditations combine 14 poetic readings of the Passion and Death of Jesus with powerful organ music. Michael Barone, the creator and host of “Pipedreams,” will be the narrator. Slides of artwork depicting the Stations will accompany the performance.


News & Events

Collaborative Lent Opportunities

This Lent we are excited to announce that we are collaborating with Faith Together Muscatine (with Zion, Grace, and New Era) for Lenten Midweek worship, meal and Family Faith Nights and a special Easter Vigil worship service and meal.

Midweek Lenten Worship – Meal – Family Faith Nights

5:30 | Worship
6:00 | Meal
6:30 | Family Faith Nights

Join us for part, or all, of the night! If you’re eating with us, sign up in the narthex starting Sunday. Adults – if you’re not a part of a Family Faith Night group and would like to be a part of a Lent faith formation group, indicate your interest on a sign up in the narthex. (Kids and youth can always hop in on the groups already going!)

Easter Vigil Worship Service and Meal

4:00 | Worship 
5:30 | Meal

Easter Vigil moves us from the darkness of Good Friday into the joy and celebration of Easter. After celebrating the news of Christ’s resurrection, we’ll feast in joy with one another across our congregations. Sign up in the narthex if you plan to eat with us.

For clarity – Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday worship services will be hosted at SOTC. 

Come and take part in what you can! We’re looking forward to a formative Lenten journey together.

Game Night

Saturday, February 15, 4:30 – 6:30 pm

In the midst of Super Bowl and Valentine’s Day weekends, make sure to join your Shepherds for a game night! Bring an appetizer to share and your favorite games.

Want to Increase Your Giving on Tithely?

We’ve recently received inquires about how to update your giving online through Tithely. The quickest way to do so is to cancel your recurring giving and set up a new recurring giving amount. If you have trouble, or have additional questions, contact Kathy or Pastor Aleese.

Community Diaper Bank Drive

We’ve collected 3,157 diapers for the Community Diaper Bank! Wow! Here’s the challenge: can we double that by the end of February? That would be a total of 6,274 diapers, and 250 packs of diapers for families in our community. 

Sizes 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7 diapers are most needed, but any size will be utilized! Bring in diapers through Sunday, February 23.

Join us at New Era for Worship!

During the Annual Meeting, we shared that Pastor Aleese will continue on rotation with Pastor Willie and Pastor Susan to provide worship leadership for New Era. As one in the body of Christ, we also invite you to join Pastor Aleese when she heads out to New Era! This is not only a time to worship with another congregation, but also an opportunity to deepen our relationships with one another in our partnerships through Faith Together Muscatine. 

Though you’re always welcome to join New Era for worship (11:00 am; fellowship before) Pastor Aleese will be at New Era next on February 9 and March 2. Dates will also be added to our online SOTC calendar.

Miss our Annual Meeting?

If you missed our Annual Meeting this weekend, you can watch a recording linked here. Additional Annual Reports are in the narthex and are also available here. Thank you for your partnership with us in the mission of God’s Kingdom!

Chocolate Fest

Sunday, March 2

In traditional Shepherd custom, we will host Chocolate Fest following worship on Sunday, March 2. This Sunday marks the last Sunday before Lent (Transfiguration Sunday) and is meant to be a “feast” day before entering into the reflective season of Lent. For those who are new to this tradition, the instruction is simple! Everyone (yes, everyone!) bring a chocolate dish to share during fellowship. Then, we’ll all feast!

Welcome to New Members

Sunday, February 16

You may have seen some new faces in our flock recently, and we want to extend a warm welcome to them in worship! During the service, our new members will have the opportunity to re-commit themselves to following Jesus as a part of this congregation, and we will have the opportunity to express our commitment to support them on their journey. Following worship we’ll have a special fellowship hour. Make sure to join us as we welcome Deb Hughes, Wanda McCullough, Wade and Liz Reddy and Bruce and Lynn Selking!

Note: If you’re considering membership, talk to Pastor Aleese! Though we’re welcoming this crew on February 16, we can always add you to the crew or welcome you later this spring! 


News & Events

Game Night

Saturday, February 15, 4:30 – 6:30 pm

In the midst of Super Bowl and Valentine’s Day weekends, make sure to join your Shepherds for a game night! Bring an appetizer to share and your favorite games.

Want to Increase Your Giving on Tithely?

We’ve recently received inquires about how to update your giving online through Tithely. The quickest way to do so is to cancel your recurring giving and set up a new recurring giving amount. If you have trouble, or have additional questions, contact Kathy or Pastor Aleese.

Community Diaper Bank Drive

Have you brought in a box of diapers yet? With everyone’s help we can help restock our Community Diaper Bank!

Sizes 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7 diapers are most needed, but any size will be utilized! Challenge yourself to donate a box a month, or, a box a week!

Join us at New Era for Worship!

During the Annual Meeting, we shared that Pastor Aleese will continue on rotation with Pastor Willie and Pastor Susan to provide worship leadership for New Era. As one in the body of Christ, we also invite you to join Pastor Aleese when she heads out to New Era! This is not only a time to worship with another congregation, but also an opportunity to deepen our relationships with one another in our partnerships through Faith Together Muscatine. 

Though you’re always welcome to join New Era for worship (11:00 am; fellowship before) Pastor Aleese will be at New Era next on:

February 2
February 9
March 2

Dates will also be added to our online SOTC calendar.

Miss our Annual Meeting?

If you missed our Annual Meeting this weekend, you can watch a recording linked here. Additional Annual Reports are in the narthex and are also available here. Thank you for your partnership with us in the mission of God’s Kingdom!

Church Volunteer and Team Sign Up

Would you be willing to serve in worship? Or, help serve treats on Sunday mornings? Or, serve on a team? All – members and non-members – are welcome to serve as a part of our Shepherd flock. See a complete list of opportunities and teams on the bulletin board in the narthex and via the links above. Sign up at church or online. Sign up will continue through January; those indicating interest will be contacted in early February.

Note: if you are currently serving on a team, or volunteering in a specific role, please re-sign up. This indicates to us your continued interest. 

Pastoral Message from Presiding Bishop Eaton

Much has transpired in the course of one week in our country. As the church, we do not claim the position of any one political party. At the same time, as the body of Christ in the world, we are called to proclaim God’s Gospel message of Good News in our context. On behalf of the ELCA, Presiding Bishop Eaton offers these words for consideration as we continue our call to testity to and enact God’s kingdom of love.

Luther College Nordic Choir in Cedar Rapids

Thursday, January 30, 7:30 pm

Looking for a great night of music? And, want to support one of our Shepherds – Noah Jorgensen? Noah will be singing with Luther College’s Nordic Choir – their flagship choir – this January while on tour. The closest concert is in Cedar Rapids at First Lutheran Church (1000 3rd Ave SE). Tickets are $20/adult, $10/student and may be purchased in advance or at the door. Thanks for supporting our young adults while enjoying a night out!

Chocolate Fest

Sunday, March 2

In traditional Shepherd custom, we will host Chocolate Fest following worship on Sunday, March 2. This Sunday marks the last Sunday before Lent (Transfiguration Sunday) and is meant to be a “feast” day before entering into the reflective season of Lent. For those who are new to this tradition, the instruction is simple! Everyone (yes, everyone!) bring a chocolate dish to share during fellowship. Then, we’ll all feast!


News & Events

SOTC Annual Report and Meeting

Curious what we’ve been up to as a congregation in 2024? Take a look at our annual report linked here!

Materials for our annual meeting on January 26 (following worship) are also included in the annual report. Questions? Contact Pastor Aleese, Kathy, or Delene

Community Diaper Bank Drive

Through the holidays, the Community Diaper Bank’s supply of diapers to distribute to families in the community has dwindled. To help, SOTC is hosting a drive through February. Sizes 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7 diapers are most needed, but any size will be utilized! Challenge yourself to donate a box a month, or, a box a week!

Church Volunteer and Team Sign Up

Would you be willing to serve in worship? Or, help serve treats on Sunday mornings? Or, serve on a team? All – members and non-members – are welcome to serve as a part of our Shepherd flock. See a complete list of opportunities and teams on the bulletin board in the narthex and via the links above. Sign up at church or online. Sign up will continue through January; those indicating interest will be contacted in early February.

Note: if you are currently serving on a team, or volunteering in a specific role, please re-sign up. This indicates to us your continued interest. 

Give for LA Fire Relief

If you’re looking for a way to respond to the wildfires across California, consider giging through Lutheran World Relief (LWR) where 100% of donations go toward immediate relief. LWR already has a team preparing a response. The destruction and need are overwhelming and only getting worse. Thank you for being someone who goes above and beyond to help!

Luther College Nordic Choir

Thursday, January 30, 7:30 pm

Looking for a great night of music? And, want to support one of our Shepherds – Noah Jorgensen? Noah will be singing with Luther College’s Nordic Choir – their flagship choir – this January while on tour. The closest concert is in Cedar Rapids at First Lutheran Church (1000 3rd Ave SE). Tickets are $20/adult, $10/student and may be purchased in advance or at the door. Thanks for supporting our young adults while enjoying a night out!

Christian Day Camp Summer 2025

It might seem like an eon away, but already many programs are asking families for registration. As you’re registering for other events, make sure to keep Christian Day Camp dates blocked off! We’re sponsoring two weeks of elementary camp (two sessions; kids can attend one week), one middle school week, and a series of preschool nights. For more information, contact Pastor Aleese.

Elementary: June 10-13 or 17-20
Middle School: June 24-27
Preschool Nights: June 9, 16, 23


News & Events

Women’s Epiphany Party

This weekend women from Shepherd (as well as others from our sister Lutheran churches!) gathered for a night of fellowship, laughter, devotion, blessing and prayer. After sharing appetizers and a candle exchange, we contemplated the epiphanies the wise men experienced and shared epiphanies of our own from the past year. We closed the night by offering a blessing for this spiritual house (an Epiphany tradition) for Shepherd to be a space where Christ is revealed to us, and to those in our community, in the coming year. 

SOTC Annual Report and Meeting

This past Sunday we distributed our annual report to the congregation. For a digital copy, and to see what we’ve been up to in Christ’s name this year, click here!

Annual meeting will follow worship on January 26. Agenda for our meeting is included in the annual report. Questions? Contact Pastor Aleese, Kathy, or Delene

Community Diaper Bank Drive

Through the holidays, the Community Diaper Bank’s supply of diapers to distribute to families in the community has dwindled. To help, SOTC is hosting a drive through February. Sizes 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7 diapers are most needed, but any size will be utilized! Challenge yourself to donate a box a month, or, a box a week!

Church Volunteer and Team Sign Up

Would you be willing to serve in worship? Or, help serve treats on Sunday mornings? Or, serve on a team? All – members and non-members – are welcome to serve as a part of our Shepherd flock. See a complete list of opportunities and teams on the bulletin board in the narthex and via the links above. Sign up at church or online. Sign up will continue through January; those indicating interest will be contacted in early February.

Give for LA Fire Relief

If you’re looking for a way to respond to the wildfires across California, consider giging through Lutheran World Relief (LWR) where 100% of donations go toward immediate relief. LWR already has a team preparing a response. The destruction and need are overwhelming and only getting worse. Thank you for being someone who goes above and beyond to help!

Shepherds Kids Day!

Monday, January 20

Our elementary aged kids will be gathering for another Shepherds Kids Day on Monday, January 20. We’ll gather from 9:00 – 11:00 am. Parents should have received a message from Pastor Aleese. If you didn’t get a message, or are interested in joining, contact Pastor Aleese

Christian Day Camp Summer 2025

It might seem like an eon away, but already many programs are asking families for registration. As you’re registering for other events, make sure to keep Christian Day Camp dates blocked off! We’re sponsoring two weeks of elementary camp (two sessions; kids can attend one week), one middle school week, and a series of preschool nights. For more information, contact Pastor Aleese.

Elementary: June 10-13 or 17-20
Middle School: June 24-27
Preschool Nights: June 9, 16, 23


News & Events

Women’s Epiphany Party

Saturday, January 11
5:00 – 7:00 pm

A Women’s Epiphany Party is an annual tradition for women at Shepherd. Each year, we gather for fellowship with one another, and each year takes on its own unique twist. Plans for this year are:

Food – Bring an appetizer to share

Service – Jump start a drive during the Epiphany season to assist the Community Diaper Bank. Over the holidays, the Community Diaper Bank stock has been depleted and needs to be refreshed! Size 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7 diapers especially needed. 

Faith Formation – We’ll have a short devotion to move us from the Sunday of Epiphany (celebrated on Sunday, January 5) into the season of Epiphany. 

Candle Exchange – Bring a wrapped candle for an exchange!

Community Diaper Bank Epiphany Drive

Over the holidays, the Community Diaper Bank depleted much of its stock. To help, we’re holding a drive during the Epiphany season (through the end of February) to gather diapers. Sizes most needed are 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7. All sizes are welcome, though! 

Church Volunteer and Team Sign Up

Would you be willing to serve in worship? Or, help serve treats on Sunday mornings? Or, serve on a team? All – members and non-members – are welcome to serve as a part of our Shepherd flock. See a complete list of opportunities and teams on the bulletin board in the narthex and via the links above. Sign up at church or online. Sign up will continue through January; those indicating interest will be contacted in early February.

Congregational Annual Meeting

Sunday, January 26

Mark your calendars for our annual meeting following worship on January 26. Annual report, agenda, and items for discussion will be shared in the new year.

Faith Formation Groups Resume

ReStoried resumed this past weekend, and other groups will be resuming this week! Take note!

Christians Underground – Wednesday, January 8, 12:00 @ Zion
Family Faith Nights – Wednesday, January 8, 6:00 @ Grace