
News & Events

Spring Cleaning at SOTC

Sunday, June 4, after worship

It’s that time of year again when the Property Team is asking for assistance in keeping the church building and grounds looking well kept.

If you are available to help on June 4, wear your service attire to worship, stick around after our Sunday service and help us check some tasks off our “to do” list.

If you are not available that day, check out the list in the narthex, sign up, and complete it at a time that is convenient for you. Thank you in advance for all your help!

Summer Book Club

Last week to indicate your interest!

By this point, you’ve likely heard of our book club for this summer. We’ll be reading two books: The Great Divorce by CS Lewis and Surprised by Hope by NT Wright. Disclaimer: Subject matter of The Great Divorce is not a reflection of marital divorce. 

Throughout the summer, we’ll meet as a Book Club to discuss what we’re reading. The intent of Book Club is to experience what we’re reading together, allowing one another to walk alongside each other as we make new discoveries. For this reason, we encourage those who participate not to read ahead, but read in pace with one another. 

Once our group is formed, we will send out links to purchase these two books, select a time to initially meet to set a schedule, and create a calendar of how far we are reading. Know that we will be breaking these books up into several chunks, allowing time to discuss sections at a time. 

If you’re interested, sign up by Sunday, May 21. Questions? Talk to Andy Christy or Pastor Aleese

Summer GOLF Nights!

June 11, July 16, August 20
5:30 – 7:00 pm

Throughout the school year, we hosted GOLF (Generations of Living Faith) nights. This summer, we’re extended these nights and we’re inviting other congregations to join the fun! Grace Lutheran, Zion Lutheran, and Faith United Church of Christ will be joining us for sure, and there is potential for more to come!

Because summer schedules are different than the school year, we’re adapting our time. We’ll begin with a meal from 5:30 – 6:00 pm and then have our time of learning and fellowship from 6:00 – 7:00 pm. To help plan for food and activities, we are asking people to RSVP one week prior to the event. You can RSVP online or using the paper form in the narthex. Paper forms can be put on Kathy’s desk in the main office. 

All are welcome – families, adults, kids, individuals….EVERYONE!

VBS for Kids Ages 3-5

June 13-16, 10:00-11:30 am @ Grace

Many of our older youth are taking advantage of the Christian Day Camp – an ecumenical opportunity at Saulsbury Park. But, that leaves a gap for our younger kids. In response, area churches are organizing a VBS for kids ages 3-5. Host congregation will be Grace.

If you have a child who would like to participate, fill out this form and return it to the church office. Or, pick up a paper form in the narthex. Spread the word to families you know!

If you’re willing to assist as an adult/youth leader, contact Pastor Aleese

Growing and Going Initiative

Our leaves are growing! Through your help, $1,930.00 of expenses have been paid for! Thank you for your support!

If you’d like to hop on board, take a leaf from the bulletin board, clip it to a check or cash, and put it in the offering plate or bring it to the main office as the offering is being counted. Or, if you’d like to donate through, take the leaf, write your name and “” on it, place it in the offering plate and offer your contribution online while selecting “Growing and Going.” Thanks for your support of the mission of Jesus through Shepherd of the Cross!

SOTC T-Shirt Sale

Have you seen some of our SOTC T-shirts, but don’t have one? Or, has yours become a bit tattered? Or, would you like a long-sleeved option? 

In the coming weeks, we’ll be offering a t-shirt design to the congregation and an opportunity to order shirts. Both short-sleeved and long-sleeved options will be available. Color is a deep red with white lettering. Cost = $15/short sleeve, $20/long sleeve. For each shirt sold, SOTC will get $5!

Look for more information soon!

Change of Liturgy Setting in Worship

Beginning June 4

As one in the body of Christ, we are bound together by the Spirit. Though new to us at Shepherd, this summer we’ll be using a liturgy setting from the Catholic church. 

Begin learning the music along with our musicians as they rehearse! Open this playlist when you’re in the car or cooking supper! 


News & Events

Congrats to our high school graduates!

This Sunday we honored our high school grads during worship and fellowship. We offered them a gift of a blanket – surrounding them with God’s love and our love as a congregation, offered them our promise to continue walking with them as fellow disciples of Jesus, and offered them God’s blessings as they go on their way. If you missed us this past weekend, check out this video that highlights the witness of Brynn, Jake, and Noah as they live as living stones, chosen and precious in God’s sight.

Summer Book Club

Respond by Sunday, May 21 to indicate your interest!

Looking for a group of people to nurture you on your faith journey this summer and open you to new perspectives? Consider joining us! We’ll be reading two books: The Great Divorce by CS Lewis and Surprised by Hope by NT Wright. Click the link of each book to get a sense of what each book is about. Disclaimer: Subject matter of The Great Divorce is not a reflection of marital divorce. 

Throughout the summer, we’ll meet as a Book Club to discuss what we’re reading. The intent of Book Club is to experience what we’re reading together, allowing one another to walk alongside each other as we make new discoveries. For this reason, we encourage those who participate not to read ahead, but read in pace with one another. 

Once our group is formed, we will send out links to purchase these two books, select a time to initially meet to set a schedule, and create a calendar of how far we are reading. Know that we will be breaking these books up into several chunks, allowing time to discuss sections at a time. 

If you’re interested, sign up here by Sunday, May 21. Questions? Talk to Andy Christy or Pastor Aleese

Synod Revival in Des Moines – Imagine

Saturday, May 20, 10:00 – 3:00 pm

It’s coming up soon! A small group will be traveling to Des Moines with Pastor Aleese. Would you like to join us? Bishop Amy Current and Bishop Yehiel Curry (Metro Chicago Synod of the ELCA) will speak and Rachel Kurtz will provide music throughout the day. Inflatable bounce houses will be available to kids, along with outside lawn games, and balloon artists. Ministry tables will be set up to explore the ministries connected to our synod, and food will be available on site.  

If you’re interested in joining us, contact Pastor Aleese and we can begin coordinating a carpool! Click here for more information. 

Growing and Going Initiative

Thank you to those who have hopped on board! To supplement our general offerings, we are inviting congregational members to sponsor and expense. Each leaf on our growing vine has the name of an expense along with its cost. If you’d like to sponsor a leaf, simply take the leaf off the board, clip it to a check or cash, and put it in the offering plate or bring it to the main office as the offering is being counted. Or, if you’d like to donate through, take the leaf, write your name and “” on it, place it in the offering plate and offer your contribution online while selecting “Growing and Going.”

If you’d like to sponsor a leaf but won’t be at church in the near future, contact the main office. 

VBS for Kids Ages 3-5

June 13-16, 10:00-11:30 am @ Grace

Many of our older youth are taking advantage of the Christian Day Camp – an ecumenical opportunity at Saulsbury Park. But, that leaves a gap for our younger kids.

In response, area churches are organizing a VBS for kids ages 3-5. Host congregation will be Grace.

More information is coming soon. Mark your calendars and spread the word to families you know! If you’re willing to assist as an adult leader, contact Pastor Aleese

Summer Events – Save the Dates!

Our Social Team has some fun lined up for us this summer! Sign ups will come later this summer, but mark your calendars now to join with others in your church community!

Sat, June 24 – 5:30 pm
Dinner out at The Lighthouse, Fairport

Sun, July 9 – after worship
Ice Cream social fellowship

Sat, August 12 – 6:30 pm
River Bandits Baseball game with SOTC, Grace, and Zion


News & Events

High School Graduate Recognition Sunday

Sunday, May 7

It’s this Sunday! Join us as we honor Brynn Eichelberger (MCSD), Jake Walton (Wilton), and Noah Jorgensen (Rockridge). We’ll offer a blessing during worship, gifts on behalf of the congregation, and our congrats during fellowship!

Summer Book Club

Respond by Sunday, May 21 to indicate your interest!

Looking for a group of people to nurture you on your faith journey this summer and open you to new perspectives? Consider joining us! We’ll be reading two books: The Great Divorce by CS Lewis and Surprised by Hope by NT Wright. Click the link of each book to get a sense of what each book is about. On the whole, these two books explore themes of heaven, hell, grace, and resurrection. Disclaimer: Subject matter of The Great Divorce is not a reflection of marital divorce. 

Book Club will meet based on the schedules of those interested. We’ll aim to meet on a weekly basis, but this may fluctuate based on the people involved. If you’re not able to make each gathering, that’s ok! We will begin in June. 

Interested? Sign up here by Sunday, May 21. Then, we will be in touch with those interested to determine a schedule for the summer. 

Synod Revival in Des Moines – Imagine

Saturday, May 20, 10:00 – 3:00 pm

Imagine an event designed to nourish people in God’s Word, connect people to one another, and reimagine what it means to be the church. 

That’s what the synod revival is all about! This event is free of charge and is intended to be a joyful, fun gathering for all ages full of inspiration, worship, food, and prayer.

Bishop Amy Current and Bishop Yehiel Curry (Metro Chicago Synod of the ELCA) will speak and Rachel Kurtz will provide music throughout the day. Inflatable bounce houses will be available to kids, along with outside lawn games, and balloon artists. Ministry tables will be set up to explore the ministries connected to our synod, and food will be available on site. 

If you’re interested in joining us, contact Pastor Aleese and we can begin coordinating a carpool! Click here for more information. 

Growing and Going Initiative

Thank you to those who have hopped on board! To supplement our general offerings, we are inviting congregational members to sponsor and expense. Each leaf on our growing vine has the name of an expense along with its cost. If you’d like to sponsor a leaf, simply take the leaf off the board, clip it to a check or cash, and put it in the offering plate or bring it to the main office as the offering is being counted. Or, if you’d like to donate through, take the leaf, write your name and “” on it, place it in the offering plate and offer your contribution online while selecting “Growing and Going.”

If you’d like to sponsor a leaf but won’t be at church in the near future, contact the main office. 

VBS for Kids Ages 3-5

June 13-16, 10:00-11:30 am @ Grace

Many of our older youth are taking advantage of the Christian Day Camp – an ecumenical opportunity at Saulsbury Park. But, that leaves a gap for our younger kids.

In response, area churches are organizing a VBS for kids ages 3-5. Host congregation will be Grace.

More information is coming soon. Mark your calendars and spread the word to families you know! If you’re willing to assist as an adult leader, contact Pastor Aleese

Summer Events – Save the Dates!

Our Social Team has some fun lined up for us this summer! Sign ups will come later this summer, but mark your calendars now to join with others in your church community!

Sat, June 24 – 5:30 pm
Dinner out at The Lighthouse, Fairport

Sun, July 9 – after worship
Ice Cream social fellowship

Sat, August 12 – 6:30 pm
River Bandits Baseball game with SOTC, Grace, and Zion


News & Events

Synod Revival in Des Moines – Imagine

Saturday, May 20, 10:00 – 3:00 pm

Imagine an event designed to nourish people in God’s Word, connect people to one another, and reimagine what it means to be the church. 

That’s what the synod revival is all about! This event is free of charge and is intended to be a joyful, fun gathering for all ages full of inspiration, worship, food, and prayer.

Bishop Amy Current and Bishop Yehiel Curry (Metro Chicago Synod of the ELCA) will speak and Rachel Kurtz will provide music throughout the day. Inflatable bounce houses will be available to kids, along with outside lawn games, and balloon artists. Ministry tables will be set up to explore the ministries connected to our synod, and food will be available on site. 

If you’re interested in joining us, contact Pastor Aleese and we can begin coordinating a carpool! Click here for more information. 

High School Graduate Recognition Sunday

Sunday, May 7

Can you believe it? We’re inching up on the end of another school year! Though graduation for many of our seniors at Shepherd is still a month away, we are going to celebrate them earlier in May. This year we’ll be honoring Brynn Eichelberger (MCSD), Jake Walton (Wilton), and Noah Jorgensen (Rockridge). 

Make sure to join us as we offer a blessing during worship, offer gifts on behalf of the congregation, and offer our congrats during fellowship!

Growing and Going Initiative

Can you help us keep growing in Christ and going in mission? 

To supplement our general offerings, we are beginning an initiative for congregational members to sponsor and expense. Each leaf on our growing vine has the name of an expense along with its cost. If you’d like to sponsor a leaf, simply take the leaf off the board, clip it to a check or cash, and put it in the offering plate or bring it to the main office as the offering is being counted. Or, if you’d like to donate through, take the leaf, write your name and “” on it, place it in the offering plate and offer your contribution online while selecting “Growing and Going.”

To start us off, some of our expenses that need sponsoring are the following:

  • Freers and Sons (snow removal and salt) – $200
  • Communion wine – $15
  • Christ in Our Home Devotionals – $25
  • MPW Utilities – $300
  • Internet Service for a month – $85

If you’d like to sponsor a leaf but won’t be at church in the near future, contact the main office. 

Update on Yard and Bake Sale

Based on the responses of possible volunteers, we will not host an in-person yard sale on May 6. Instead, we are encouraging congregational members to sell their items through Facebook Marketplace and contribute their earnings as a donation to the church. Unsure how to do that but you’d like to participate? We can help! Talk to Connie Hoekstra or Melissa Booth for more information. Note that we are pursuing a possible bake sale at someone’s house in Wilton, and/or a bake sale in conjunction with RAGBRAI this July.

Last GOLF Night for the School Year!

Sunday, April 30

Mark your calendars now for our last Generations of Living Faith Night of the school year! All are invited!

Riverbend Bronze Handbell Ensemble

Sat, April 29 @ 2:00 pm

This is a free concert with a free-will offering at Wesley United Methodist Church. Presenting with over 300 bells and chimes, the RiverBend Bronze is the Quad Cities premier handbell ensemble. Hailing from communities in Western Illinois and Eastern Iowa, these 20+ volunteer bell-ringers started practice in January and continue to meet for a minimum three hours of rehearsal each week. The Wesley Handbell Choir will also play a few selections.

Summer Events – Save the Dates!

Our Social Team has some fun lined up for us this summer! Sign ups will come later this summer, but mark your calendars now to join with others in your church community!

Sat, June 24 – 5:30 pm
Dinner out at The Lighthouse, Fairport

Sun, July 9 – after worship
Ice Cream social fellowship

Sat, August 12 – 6:30 pm
River Bandits Baseball game with SOTC, Grace, and Zion


News & Events

Family Faith Night ROCK-Stars at Work!

Our Family Faith Night Crew rocked their service night last Wednesday! Our service project was to unearth and move three layers of limestone rock from around the garden bed at the entrance of Discovery Park. The garden, established 20 years ago, is being revamped this summer and needed the stone removed. Our crew showed up with muscle and smiles to get the job done! Thanks for doing God’s work with your hands!

High School Graduate Recognition Sunday

Sunday, May 7

Can you believe it? We’re inching up on the end of another school year! Though graduation for many of our seniors at Shepherd is still a month away, we are going to celebrate them earlier in May. This year we’ll be honoring Brynn Eichelberger (MCSD), Jake Walton (Wilton), and Noah Jorgensen (Rockridge). 

Make sure to join us as we offer a blessing during worship, offer gifts on behalf of the congregation, and offer our congrats during fellowship!

Growing and Going Initiative

Can you help us keep growing in Christ and going in mission? 

To supplement our general offerings, we are beginning an initiative for congregational members to sponsor and expense. Each leaf on our growing vine has the name of an expense along with its cost. If you’d like to sponsor a leaf, simply take the leaf off the board, clip it to a check or cash, and put it in the offering plate or bring it to the main office as the offering is being counted. Or, if you’d like to donate through, take the leaf, write your name and “” on it, place it in the offering plate and offer your contribution online while selecting “Growing and Going.”

To start us off, some of our expenses that need sponsoring are the following:

  • Freers and Sons (snow removal and salt) – $200
  • Communion wine – $15
  • Christ in Our Home Devotionals – $25
  • MPW Utilities – $300
  • Internet Service for a month – $85

If you’d like to sponsor a leaf but won’t be at church in the near future, contact the main office. 

Last GOLF Night for the School Year!

Sunday, April 30

Mark your calendars now for our last Generations of Living Faith Night of the school year! Based on family schedules and spring events, our final night will be on April 30. All are invited! More information about our focus for the night forthcoming.

Synod Revival in Des Moines – Imagine

Saturday, May 20, 10:00 – 3:00 pm

Mark your calendars for a day of worship, inspirational speakers and music, an opportunity to learn about ministries across the synod, and a chance to network with others in our synod!

Click here for more information, updates are posted often!

This event is FREE of charged and intended to be a joyful, fun gathering for all ages. Bring your friends, neighbors, family, or anyone and watch what God does!

If you are interested, talk to Pastor Aleese and we can begin coordinating a carpool!

Ride with the Bishops in RAGBRAI!

July 2023

The three bishops of Iowa (Western Iowa, Northeastern Iowa, and Southeastern Iowa) have decided to ride in this year’s RAGBRAI to raise funds for ELCA World Hunger. Want to participate? Consider these options:

1. Ride the route! Ride the whole route or just a day or two. Register at and join team “ELCA BISHOPS AGAINST HUNGER”.  

2. If you’d like more information about the possibility of helping serve a meal for the bishop’s team, providing a snack, or hosting individuals on the team, contact Pastor Aleese. 

3. Want more information? Sign up for updates from the synod through this form. 


News & Events

Christians Underground Resumes

Wednesdays @ 12:00 pm @ Geo Johnz Pizza

After taking a hiatus for the season of Lent, Christians Underground will resume this Wednesday, April 12 at Geo Johnz Pizza (203 E 2nd Street). As has been our custom, we will look ahead to the upcoming Sunday’s Scripture readings. Haven’t joined us yet, but thinking of coming? All are welcome! 

Family Faith Night Resumes – Service Project Night!

Wednesday, April 12

As we get back into our normal rhythm of Family Faith Nights, take note of the following for this weeks’ service project:

  • Meet at Grace for dinner at 6:00 pm. 
  • We’ll carpool to Discovery Park and meet in the front parking lot by the entrance around 6:30 pm. 
  • Come dressed for the outdoors and wear closed-toe shoes. We will be doing outside work, so wear things that can get dirty!
  • Pick up is at Discovery Park (not Grace) at 8:00 pm. If individuals need to leave at our typical 7:30 pm time, that is also acceptable. 

Looking forward to a great night of service together!

Can you Help with our Yard and Bake Sale?

Let us know by Sunday, April 16

We’ve announced that we’re hoping to host a yard and bake sale on Saturday, May 6. But before moving any further, we need to know if we have helpers and stuff to sell! Can you help with any of the following? Sign up in the narthex or online.

  • Volunteer on Saturday, May 6 – we need floaters, money counters, and someone to help man Facebook Marketplace! 
  • Bake something to sell – we need cookies, bars, snacks and cinnamon rolls! 
  • Bring donations to sell – sign up in advance so we can advertise what we’ll have available. 
  • Bring plastic grocery bags into the church. There is a box in the narthex to collect so we have sacks for our customers. 

Contact Melissa Booth or Connie Hoekstra if you have any questions!

Last GOLF Night for the School Year!

Sunday, April 30

Mark your calendars now for our last Generations of Living Faith Night of the school year! Based on family schedules and spring events, our final night will be on April 30. All are invited! More information about our focus for the night forthcoming.

Synod Revival in Des Moines – Imagine

Saturday, May 20, 10:00 – 3:00 pm

Mark your calendars for a day of worship, inspirational speakers and music, an opportunity to learn about ministries across the synod, and a chance to network with others in our synod!

Click here for more information, updates are posted often!

This event is FREE of charged and intended to be a joyful, fun gathering for all ages. Bring your friends, neighbors, family, or anyone and watch what God does!

If you are interested, talk to Pastor Aleese and we can begin coordinating a carpool!

Ride with the Bishops in RAGBRAI!

July 2023

The three bishops of Iowa (Western Iowa, Northeastern Iowa, and Southeastern Iowa) have decided to ride in this year’s RAGBRAI to raise funds for ELCA World Hunger. Want to participate? Consider these options:

1. Ride the route! Ride the whole route or just a day or two. Register at and join team “ELCA BISHOPS AGAINST HUNGER”.  

2. If you’d like more information about the possibility of helping serve a meal for the bishop’s team, providing a snack, or hosting individuals on the team, contact Pastor Aleese. 

3. Want more information? Sign up for updates from the synod through this form. 


News & Events

Holy Week Schedule

April 6 – April 9

Take note of how we will be travelling through the sacred week of Holy Week!

Maundy Thursday – April 6, 5:45 – 7:30 pm (includes a meal)
If you have not signed up to join us for worship, there’s still room! Even if you have not signed up, you are welcome. If you are considering joining us, please contact the church office so we have a space prepared for you!

Good Friday – April 7, 7:00 pm
A contemplative service of silence and sorrow. Worship will offer space for reflection on Christ’s suffering and the suffering of the world. 

Easter Sunday – April 9, 9:00 am
After Easter breakfast, stick around for festive worship as we celebrate Christ’s resurrection from the dead!

Can you Help with our Yard and Bake Sale?

Let us know by Sunday, April 16

We’ve announced that we’re hoping to host a yard and bake sale on Saturday, May 6. But before moving any further, we need to know if we have helpers and stuff to sell! Can you help with any of the following? Sign up in the narthex or online.

  • Volunteer on Saturday, May 6 – we need floaters, money counters, and someone to help man Facebook Marketplace! 
  • Bake something to sell – we need cookies, bars, snacks and cinnamon rolls! 
  • Bring donations to sell – sign up in advance so we can advertise what we’ll have available. 
  • Bring plastic grocery bags into the church. There is a box in the narthex to collect so we have sacks for our customers. 

Contact Melissa Booth or Connie Hoekstra if you have any questions!

Family Faith Night Survey for 2023-2024 Year

Respond by Sunday, April 9

Have you been involved in Family Faith Nights this year? Or, are you interested in participating next year? Whether you – as an adult – participated, or whether your kids or youth participated, we’re looking for your feedback so our congregations (SOTC, Grace, Zion) can plan appropriately for next year. Complete the short survey here by Sunday, April 9. Should take about 2-5 minutes!

Last GOLF Night for the School Year!

Sunday, April 30

Mark your calendars now for our last Generations of Living Faith Night of the school year! Based on family schedules and spring events, our final night will be on April 30. All are invited! More information about our focus for the night forthcoming. 

Pastor Aleese Upcoming Vacation Time

Friday, April 14 – Monday, April 17

Pastor Aleese will be on vacation the weekend after Easter. Worship will be lay-led with no communion. Sermon will be a video sermon from Bishop Amy Current, bishop of the Southeastern Iowa Synod. For pastoral emergencies, contact Pastor Willie Rosin at 320-444-7277.

Synod Revival in Des Moines – Imagine

Saturday, May 20, 10:00 – 3:00 pm

Mark your calendars for a day of worship, inspirational speakers and music, an opportunity to learn about ministries across the synod, and a chance to network with others in our synod!

Click here for more information, updates are posted often!

This event is FREE of charged and intended to be a joyful, fun gathering for all ages. Bring your friends, neighbors, family, or anyone and watch what God does!

If you are interested, talk to Pastor Aleese and we can begin coordinating a carpool!

Could you help organize a Carnival/Bags Tournament Day?

Saturday, September 9

Later this fall, we will host a carnival/bags tournament as a community event and also as a fundraiser for SOTC. We will serve BBQ sandwiches along with other food, have carnival games for kids, and are looking to organize a bags tournament. Here’s where we need help: would you be willing to help organize the bags tournament? Or, would you be wiling to coordinate food? If so, talk to Melissa Booth or Delene McConnaha


News & Events

Holy Week Schedule

April 2 – April 9

Take note of how we will be travelling through the sacred week of Holy Week!

Palm Sunday – April 2, 9:00 am
Worship with procession of palms. Outside procession weather permitting. 

Maundy Thursday – April 6, 5:45 – 7:30 pm (includes a meal)
Worship around a meal, will include communion. Service will conclude with the stripping of the altar in the sanctuary. Because we are planning a meal, we are requesting people RSVP by April 2. Sign up here or in the narthex.

Good Friday – April 7, 7:00 pm
A contemplative service of silence and sorrow. Worship will offer space for reflection on Christ’s suffering and the suffering of the world. 

Easter Sunday – April 9, 9:00 am
After Easter breakfast, stick around for festive worship as we celebrate Christ’s resurrection from the dead!

Maundy Thursday and Easter Food Needs

We have the opportunity to eat together twice during Holy Week! Can you help us? We need contributions of food for our Maundy Thursday meal (April 7) and for Easter breakfast (April 9, 7:30 am). 

Outstanding needs for Maundy Thursday are:

  • pulled pork – 5 people preparing at least 2 lbs. of meat each
  • veggie trays  – 2 trays needed, each serving 10 people
  • chips – 3 bags
  • bars/cookies – 2-3 people to prepare 1 dozen each

Outstanding needs for Easter Breakfast are:

  • bananas – 1 additional person to provide
  • grapes – 1 additional person to provide
  • people to help serve and clean up on Easter Sunday morning 

If you can help with any of the above, or are looking for further clarification, see the sign up sheet in the narthex or contact the main office

Upcoming Yard and Bake Sale @ SOTC!

Saturday, May 6, 7:30 am – 2:00 pm 

One fundraiser that our Stewardship Team is working on is to host a Yard/Bake Sale. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Look through your closets! A list of items that we will not receive will be shared soon. 
  • Items can be dropped off at church between Friday, April 28 – Friday, May 5
  • Contact Melissa Booth or Connie Hoekstra if you intend to contribute things, and be as specific as possible. This will help us plan for how much we will be selling and how much space we need. 
  • We will also host a bake sale that day. Sign up lists of needed items will be shared soon. 

If you have any questions about this event, talk to Melissa or Connie. 

Family Faith Night Survey for 2023-2024 Year

Respond by Sunday, April 9

Have you been involved in Family Faith Nights this year? Or, are you interested in participating next year? Whether you – as an adult – participated, or whether your kids or youth participated, we’re looking for your feedback so our congregations (SOTC, Grace, Zion) can plan appropriately for next year. Complete the short survey here by Sunday, April 9. Should take about 2-5 minutes!

Last Sunday for Sock and Laundry Drive!

Donations accepted through April 2

This is it! Bring in any last minute donations of socks (kids and adults), laundry detergent, dryer sheets, toothbrushes, and toothpaste! Not able to get to the store? Put your cash offerings in the plastic container in the narthex or check donations (written to Shepherd of the Cross with “Laundry Love” in the memo) in the offering plate. 

Synod Revival in Des Moines – Imagine

Saturday, May 20, 10:00 – 3:00 pm

Mark your calendars for a day of worship, inspirational speakers and music, an opportunity to learn about ministries across the synod, and a chance to network with others in our synod!

Click here for more information, updates are posted often!

This event is FREE of charged and intended to be a joyful, fun gathering for all ages. Bring your friends, neighbors, family, or anyone and watch what God does!

If you are interested, talk to Pastor Aleese and we can begin coordinating a carpool!

Could you help organize a Carnival/Bags Tournament Day?

Saturday, September 9

Later this fall, we will host a carnival/bags tournament as a community event and also as a fundraiser for SOTC. We will serve BBQ sandwiches along with other food, have carnival games for kids, and are looking to organize a bags tournament. Here’s where we need help: would you be willing to help organize the bags tournament? Or, would you be wiling to coordinate food? If so, talk to Melissa Booth or Delene McConnaha


News & Events

Holy Week Schedule

April 2 – April 9

Take note of how we will be travelling through the sacred week of Holy Week and mark your calendar now!

Palm Sunday – April 2, 9:00 am
Worship with procession of palms. Outside procession weather permitting. 

Maundy Thursday – April 6, 5:45 – 7:30 pm (includes a meal)
During our Midweek Lenten Gatherings, we’ve been creating an informal space to encounter God’s Word. Building off these evenings, Maundy Thursday worship will be led around a meal. We’ll gather in the narthex and then proceed to eat together. Following our meal, we’ll hear God’s Word and have conversation in groups, offer prayer, and receive communion from one another. To close worship, we will move into the sanctuary. Because we are planning a meal, we are requesting people RSVP by April 2. Sign up here or in the narthex.

Good Friday – April 7, 7:00 pm
A contemplative service of silence and sorrow. Worship will offer space for reflection on Christ’s suffering and the suffering of the world. 

Easter Sunday – April 9, 9:00 am
After Easter breakfast, stick around for festive worship as we celebrate Christ’s resurrection from the dead!

March GOLF (Generations of Living Faith) Night

Sunday, March 26 @ 4:00pm

It’s this Sunday! Join us as we focus on the events of Holy Week. All – families, kids, adults – welcome to join!

Easter Flowers, Egg Candy, and Breakfast… Oh My!

We need your help preparing for Easter! If you are willing to help with any of the following, sign up in the narthex or contact the main office. Donations can be brought to the box in the narthex.

1. Sponsor an Easter flower – Help offset the cost of flowers by purchasing a plant in memory or honor of a loved one. Cost of flowers is $12. 

2. Easter Breakfast, April 7 @ 7:30 am – In SOTC tradition, we will be hosting an Easter Breakfast prior to Easter worship. Set up will be coordinated by our Social Team, but we need help supplying breakfast casseroles, muffins, fruit, and beverages. 

2. Donate Easter Egg candy – On Easter morning, we will host an Easter Breakfast (starting at 7:30am) and will have an egg hunt for kids at about 8:20 am. Bring in your candy between now and April 2 and help stuff eggs on Palm Sunday during fellowship!

Sock and Laundry Drive

Donations accepted through April 2

Thank you to those who have already brought in your donations of socks (kids and adults), laundry detergent, dryer sheets, toothbrushes, and toothpaste! Continue to bring your donations and put them in the blue tote in the narthex. 

Our kids are offering $200 of their Children’s Sermon Fund to benefit this project. Can the congregation match what our kids are offering? Cash donations can be placed in the plastic container in the narthex and check donations (written to Shepherd of the Cross with “Laundry Love” in the memo) can be offered during the offering. 

Upcoming Spring EWALU Events for Youth

For the first time since the pandemic, EWALU will be bringing back their spring youth retreats for grades 3-9! This special weekend will help kids grow in faith and meet new friends while having a ton of fun at Camp EWALU. All lodging, activities and meals are included! 

Spring Dirty Feet Retreat – April 14-16, 2023 – Grades 6-9 – Cost: $90/youth.

Live Out Loud (LOL) Elementary Retreat – April 15-16, 2023 – Grades 3-5. Cost: $55/youth

For details & registration for both events, click hereContact Pastor Aleese if your youth is interested in attending. 

Spring Work Weekend at Camp EWALU

Friday, May 5 – Saturday, May 6

Want to join volunteers, families and church groups to help get EWALU ready for the summer season? Projects are available for all skill levels…come Friday evening to enjoy a campfire, and spend the night at EWALU! Click here for more information.

Wesley Free Summer Music Camp

July 10-14

Wesley United Methodist is offering their annual Music Camp once again!  Each day will be filled with musical exploration: musical games, singing, boomwhackers, and lots more! Students in grades kindergarten through 2nd grade will prepare a program of songs and students in grades 3-6 will prepare a musical for a July 14, 7pm performance. Registration is required.

Click here to register and guarantee a camp t-shirt by June 15

Have you registered your child for Christian Day Camp yet?

June 13 – 16, 9:00 – 3:00

It may have snowed last week, but we’re looking toward summer!

In partnership with many local organizations and local congregations, kids have the unique opportunity to engage in outdoor activities, build relationships, make some crafts, and learn about the love of Jesus! 

Registration is limited to the first 80 kids. Any registrations after 80 kids will be put on a waiting list. Registration fee is $10. 

Don’t wait to register! Sign up today!


News & Events

Sock and Laundry Drive

Donations accepted through April 2

Thank you to those who have already brought in your donations of socks (kids and adults), laundry detergent, dryer sheets, toothbrushes, and toothpaste! Continue to bring your donations and put them in the blue tote in the narthex. 

Our kids are offering $200 of their Children’s Sermon Fund to benefit this project. Can the congregation match what our kids are offering? Cash donations can be placed in the plastic container in the narthex and check donations (written to Shepherd of the Cross with “Laundry Love” in the memo) can be offered during the offering.

Midweek Lenten Gatherings Continue!

Wednesday, March 15 @ 6:30

We had a great crew gather last Wednesday as fellow pilgrims on our seeking journey! Be sure to join us tomorrow evening as we revisit the story of the woman at the well. Upon arriving, gather in the narthex. 

March GOLF Night

Sunday, March 26 @ 4:00pm

Mark your calendars for our next Generations of Living Faith (GOLF) Night! Due to MCSD Spring Break, we are bumping from our normal week of meeting on the third Sunday of the month to the fourth Sunday of the month. Our focus on March 26 will be on the events of Holy Week.

Easter Flowers, Egg Candy, and Breakfast… Oh My!

We need your help preparing for Easter! If you are willing to help with any of the following, sign up in the narthex or contact the main office. Donations can be brought to the box in the narthex.

1. Sponsor an Easter flower – Help offset the cost of flowers by purchasing a plant in memory or honor of a loved one. Cost of flowers is $12. 

2. Easter Breakfast, April 7 @ 7:30 am – In SOTC tradition, we will be hosting an Easter Breakfast prior to Easter worship. Set up will be coordinated by our Social Team, but we need help supplying breakfast casseroles, muffins, fruit, and beverages. 

2. Donate Easter Egg candy – On Easter morning, we will host an Easter Breakfast (starting at 7:30am) and will have an egg hunt for kids at about 8:20 am. Bring in your candy between now and April 2 and help stuff eggs on Palm Sunday during fellowship!

Wesley Free Summer Music Camp

July 10-14

Wesley United Methodist is offering their annual Music Camp once again!  Each day will be filled with musical exploration: musical games, singing, boomwhackers, and lots more! Students in grades kindergarten through 2nd grade will prepare a program of songs and students in grades 3-6 will prepare a musical for a July 14, 7pm performance. Registration is required.

Click here to register and guarantee a camp t-shirt by June 15

Have you registered your child for Christian Day Camp yet?

June 13 – 16, 9:00 – 3:00

It may have snowed last week, but we’re looking toward summer!

In partnership with many local organizations and local congregations, kids have the unique opportunity to engage in outdoor activities, build relationships, make some crafts, and learn about the love of Jesus! 

Registration is limited to the first 80 kids. Any registrations after 80 kids will be put on a waiting list. Registration fee is $10. 

Don’t wait to register! Sign up today!