
News & Events

Christmas Fun!

In the past week we’ve had numerous opportunities to gather in fellowship and spread some cheer! Our Family Faith Night crew gathered last Wed for a night of wrapping up their leaders in wrapping paper and having a newspaper snowball fight. On Sunday, our Shepherd family gathered to play games and try some delicious homemade cookies. And on Monday, we had groups of people from Shepherd, Grace, and Zion ringing bells at HyVee. Thanks for being a part of the Christmas fun and sharing joy this season!

Community Need: Crib and Crib Mattress

We recently received a call from a local non-profit organization seeking a crib and crib mattress for a mom and child who are moving out of MCSA into their own home. If you have a crib and crib mattress (in good condition) that you no longer need, or have a lead, contact Pastor Aleese

Christmas Eve Worship

Saturday, December 24 @ 4:00 pm

Come and adore Christ as our God is born among us. Worship will include holy communion and a candlelight service while singing “Silent Night.”

Year End Giving

Last day for 2022 Contributions: December 24

If you are planning to make a year end donation, please do so by December 24. All gifts received after December 24 will be deposited in 2023.

Opportunities for Christmas Day Worship

Because of the schedules of our Shepherds, we will not host Christmas Day worship at SOTC. However, the following congregations have invited us to join them! If you’re looking for a place to worship on Christmas morning, check out these congregations:

Grace Lutheran – 9:00 am | Lessons and carols service with Communion
2107 Cedar Street

Zion Lutheran – 9:00 am | Lessons and carols service with Communion 
513 Sycamore Street

Wesley United Methodist – 10:00 am | Christmas worship with communion
400 Iowa Avenue

First Presbyterian – 10:30 am | Worship with carol singing and a brief meditation. Wear your Christmas sweaters!
401 Iowa Avenue

Trinity Episcopal – 10:00 am | Eucharist worship with a renewal of baptismal vows with a blessing of water. Note that incense will be used during worship.
211 Walnut Street

Saints Mary and Mathias – 10:30 am | Christmas mass including communion, centered around John 1. Note that incense will be used during worship
215 W. 8th Street

Office Hours Following Christmas

Wednesday, December 28, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

To allow time for our staff to spend time with family during the holiday season, the church office will be closed Sunday, December 25 – Tuesday, December 27 and Thursday, December 29 – Friday, December 30. Pastor Aleese and Kathy will be in the office on Wednesday, December 28 from 9:00am – 12:00pm. If you need assistance outside of these times, please contact Kathy via email.

Pastor Aleese will be on vacation December 25 – 27 and December 29 – 31. If you are in need of pastoral care during this time, contact Pastor Susan Bantz (Grace) at 563-554-9213. Pastor Aleese will return to lead worship on Sunday, January 1.

Celebrate New Years Day and Epiphany Sunday @ SOTC!

Sunday, January 1

After your New Years Eve celebrations, join us at Shepherd as we kick off the new year together! During worship, we’ll focus on the story of the coming of the wise men, and will ponder “star words” for the coming year. More information to come…but know this: you’ll need your phones during worship! Pastor Aleese will have you look some things up online to participate in worship. After worship, stick around for a special New Years celebration during fellowship.

Women’s Epiphany Party

Sunday, January 8, 5:00 – 7:00 pm

Calling all women of the congregation!  Join us for our annual Women’s Epiphany Party in which we’ll share in a light meal (please bring an appetizer to share), a candle exchange (bring a wrapped candle for a rousing candle swap!), and a blessing for the coming year. This will take the place of Women’s Group on the second Saturday of the month. 

Annual Meeting

Sunday, January 29 after worship

Each January we set aside a Sunday to celebrate our shared ministry together at SOTC during our annual meeting. During this time, we will review the year, vote on nominated leaders and proposed constitutional amendments, and also hear reports regarding our financial position. All are welcome to join us as we give thanks for the ways God has been at work in and through our Shepherds in the past year!

Amendments to SOTC Constitution

Amendments available Sunday, January 1

This summer, the ELCA Churchwide Assembly passed a slate of suggested amendments to congregational constitutions. As our Council reviewed these suggestions, we also are suggesting an additional amendment regarding our Audit Committee. Suggested amendments will be available to the congregation on Sunday, January 1 and will be voted upon during our annual meeting.


News & Events

Ring Bells with our Family Faith Night Crew and High Schoolers!

Monday, December 19, 5:00 – 8:00 pm @ Hy-Vee (2nd Ave)

Looking to give back to your community this holiday season and have some fun doing it? Join your fellow Shepherds, along with our friends from Zion and Grace, in ringing bells for the Salvation Army. 

Click here to sign up for an hour shift. We are starting with four volunteers per time slot (per door) but can expand if there is more interest. Please come 5-10 minutes before your shift, and consider wearing some festive apparel. Because we’re at Hy-Vee, we will be inside. No need to dress for sub-zero temps! 

SOTC Christmas Party

Sunday, December 18, 3:30 – 5:00 pm

Join us for a night of cookies, skits, carols, crafts, games and fun! We’ll start off the night by sharing with each other some of our favorite Christmas traditions over the generations and then participate in a group, spontaneous live nativity with carols. “Parts” needed for all ages! After our impromptu nativity story, we’ll play some Christmas games and the kids can make their own ornaments to take home with them. Bring a plate of Christmas cookies to share as we gather. If there are some left by the end of the evening, we’ll have a cookie swap

Take a look at our generations at Shepherd!

Our bulletin board is filling up! If you haven’t shared your “generations” picture, bring it to the church to add to the board or email them to Kathy. Pictures of multiple generations present, or pictures from several generations past, are all welcome! Next time you’re at Shepherd, take a look at the board to see how our stories are interweaving with the story of Christ!

Christmas Eve Worship

Saturday, December 24 @ 4:00 pm

As you begin to make holiday plans, make plans to join us for worship on Christmas Eve. Worship will include holy communion and a candlelight service while singing “Silent Night.”

Opportunities for Christmas Day Worship

Because of the schedules of our Shepherds, we will not host Christmas Day worship at SOTC. However, the following congregations have invited us to join them! If you’re looking for a place to worship on Christmas morning, check out these congregations:

Grace Lutheran – 9:00 am | Lessons and carols service with Communion
2107 Cedar Street

Zion Lutheran – 9:00 am | Lessons and carols service with Communion 
513 Sycamore Street

Wesley United Methodist – 10:00 am | Christmas worship with communion
400 Iowa Avenue

First Presbyterian – 10:30 am | Worship with carol singing and a brief meditation. Wear your Christmas sweaters!
401 Iowa Avenue

Trinity Episcopal – 10:00 am | Eucharist worship with a renewal of baptismal vows with a blessing of water. Note that incense will be used during worship.
211 Walnut Street

Saints Mary and Mathias – 10:30 am | Christmas mass including communion, centered around John 1. Note that incense will be used during worship
215 W. 8th Street

Year End Giving

Last day for 2022 Contributions: December 24

As you gather with us for Christmas Eve Worship, note that this will be the last worship service of 2022. If you are planning to make a year end donation, please do so by December 24. All gifts received after December 24 will be deposited in 2023.

Women’s Epiphany Party

Sunday, January 8, 5:00 – 7:00 pm

Calling all women of the congregation! Mark your calendars to join us for our annual Women’s Epiphany Party. Our night together will include a light meal (please bring an appetizer to share), a candle exchange (bring a wrapped candle for a rousing candle swap!), and a blessing for the coming year.


News & Events

Kids Choose ELCA Good Gifts Animals

Sunday, December 11

It’s this Sunday! Following worship, our kids (elementary and middle school) will gather with Heather and Melissa to learn more about the ELCA Good Gifts program and help choose what animals we will be purchasing. Thank you to all those who contributed to our Advent Giving Challenge! We look forward to sharing with the congregation the impact we were able to have!

Ring Bells with our Family Faith Night Crew and High Schoolers!

Monday, December 19, 5:00 – 8:00 pm @ Hy-Vee (2nd Ave)

We’ve recently picked up some slots to help ring bells for the Salvation Army and are encouraging our middle school and high school youth, along with participants in Family Faith Nights, to volunteer. But…the fun doesn’t need to be restricted!

If you’d like to join us for an hour shift, click here to sign up. We are starting with four volunteers per time slot (per door) but can expand if there is more interest. Please come 5-10 minutes before your shift, and consider wearing some festive apparel. Because we’re at Hy-Vee, we will be inside. No need to dress for sub-zero temps! 

SOTC Christmas Party

Sunday, December 18, 3:30 – 5:00 pm

Join us for a night of cookies, skits, carols, crafts, games and fun! We’ll start off the night by sharing with each other some of our favorite Christmas traditions over the generations and then participate in a group, spontaneous live nativity with carols. “Parts” needed for all ages! After our impromptu nativity story, we’ll play some Christmas games and the kids can make their own ornaments to take home with them. Bring a plate of Christmas cookies to share as we gather. If there are some left by the end of the evening, we’ll have a cookie swap

Add Your “Generations” Picture!

To embody the truth that it’s not just characters of times’ past that are a part of God’s story, we’re asking the congregation to bring in a picture that showcases generations in your family.  It might be a picture with multiple generations present, or it might be a picture of a family member from several generations past. Either way, bring those pictures to church or email them to Kathy, and post them on our bulletin board. As the season progresses, watch for how our stories interweave with the story of Christ!

Christmas Poinsettias

Order by Sunday, December 11

Are you willing to help decorate our sanctuary with poinsettias this Christmas? Sign up in the narthex, or contact Kathy in the office, if you’re willing to purchase a plant. Please indicate if the poinsettia is purchased in honor/memory of someone and clearly mark the funds designated for flowers. Envelopes are available in the narthex near the sign up sheet.

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who purchased gifts for children in our community through the LSI organization. Eleven children will have a book and an educational toy to open Christmas morning!

Christmas Eve Worship

Saturday, December 24 @ 4:00 pm

On Christmas Eve, we’ll trek to Bethlehem to adore the Christ child on bended knee. Worship will include holy communion and a candlelight service while singing “Silent Night.”

NOTE: We will not host Christmas Day worship. Stay tuned for details of services at other local congregations. 

Year End Giving

Last day for 2022 Contributions: December 24

As you gather with us for Christmas Eve Worship, note that this will be the last worship service of 2022. If you are planning to make a year end donation, please do so by December 24. All gifts received after December 24 will be deposited in 2023.


News & Events

Advent 1 is in the books! 

Thanks to those who helped us kick off our Advent season at Shepherd! To embody our “Generation to Generation” theme, our younger Shepherds helped light our Advent wreath and added some pieces to the nativity scene (complete by Christmas Eve!) As we closed worship, as a church family we decorated our Christmas tree…completing our décor in record time! As you go into this week, may you trust that there is room for you in God’s story of grace, and may you seek to listen to, and include, the stories of those around you!

LSI Angel Tree

Return Gifts by the End of this Week! Friday, December 2

Reminder: if you signed up to support a child through the LSI Angel Tree, gifts (unwrapped) are due back this week! Gifts for each child are to be an educational toy and a book. It is suggested that $25-$30 be spent on each child. Thank you!

Advent Giving Challenge

Last Chance to Give this Sunday, December 4

Can you help us reach our goal? For every dollar that the congregation contributes, we’ll match it with a dollar from the children’s Sunday School/Kids Sermon fund. We’re hoping to contribute $600 toward ELCA Good Gifts and postage for holiday cards. Write a check or put aside some cash NOW to bring with you on Sunday!

Add Your “Generations” Picture!

To embody the truth that it’s not just characters of times’ past that are a part of God’s story, we’re asking the congregation to bring in a picture that showcases generations in your family.  It might be a picture with multiple generations present, or it might be a picture of a family member from several generations past. Either way, bring those pictures to church or email them to Kathy, and post them on our bulletin board. As the season progresses, watch for how our stories interweave with the story of Christ!

Christmas Poinsettias

Order by Sunday, December 11

Are you willing to help decorate our sanctuary with poinsettias this Christmas? Sign up in the narthex, or contact Kathy in the office, if you’re willing to purchase a plant. Please indicate if the poinsettia is purchased in honor/memory of someone and clearly mark the funds designated for flowers. Envelopes are available in the narthex near the sign up sheet.

SOTC Christmas Party

Sunday, December 18, 3:30 – 5:00 pm

Join us for a night of cookies, skits, carols, crafts, games and fun! We’ll start off the night by sharing with each other some of our favorite Christmas traditions over the generations and then participate in a group, spontaneous live nativity with carols. “Parts” needed for all ages! After our impromptu nativity story, we’ll play some Christmas games and the kids can make their own ornaments to take home with them as they’d desire. 

Bring a plate of Christmas cookies to share as we gather. If there are some left by the end of the evening, we’ll have a cookie swap.

Christmas Eve Worship

Saturday, December 24 @ 4:00 pm

Gather with us as we make our trek to Bethlehem to adore the Christ child on bended knee. Worship will include holy communion and a candlelight service while singing “Silent Night.”

NOTE: We will not host Christmas Day worship. Stay tuned for details of services at other local congregations.

Kids Choose ELCA Good Gifts Animals

Sunday, December 11

Following worship, our kids (elementary and middle school) are invited to learn more about the ELCA Good Gifts program and help choose what animals we will be purchasing. Mark your calendars to join us!


News & Events

Advent Giving Challenge

Extended Deadline! Give through Sunday, December 4

For the past weeks, we’ve encouraged the congregation to give above and beyond their regular giving toward an Advent Giving Fund that will support the ELCA Good Gifts program and postage for cards sent to children and families detained in immigration centers. 

To date, we have collected $170. Can you help us reach our goal of $300? That $300 will then be matched by $300 from the children’s Sunday School/Kids Sermon fund. Thanks in advance for supporting others this holiday season!

Add Your “Generations” Picture!

In the words of Rev. Anna Strickland, one of the collaborators for our Advent theme: “With this theme, we decided to simply tell the story [of what leads to Christ’s birth.] It’s the story of so many individual threads over centuries woven together into a story of God’s unconventional inbreaking.  And the Christmas story is our story, too.  The tapestry God is weaving did not stop in Bethlehem.  Our own threads, from generation to generation, weave into the narrative of God’s incarnation in the world.”

So as to embody this truth that we, too, are a part of God’s continued story, we’re inviting you to bring a picture that showcases generations in your family. It might be a picture with multiple generations present, or it might be a picture of a family member from several generations past. Either way, bring those pictures in or email them to Kathy in the office, and post them on our bulletin board. As the season progresses, watch for how our stories interweave with the story of Christ!

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Worship Schedule

Christmas Eve | Saturday, December 24 @ 4:00 pm

Gather with us as we make our trek to Bethlehem to adore the Christ child on bended knee. Worship will include holy communion and a candlelight service while singing “Silent Night.”

Christmas Day | NO Worship @ SOTC, Sun, December 25

Based on feedback from the congregation, we will not hold a Christmas Day worship service. Still looking to worship on Christmas morning? In the coming weeks we’ll share opportunities to join other local congregations.

LSI Angel Tree

Return Gifts by Friday, December 2

Reminder: if you signed up to support a child through the LSI Angel Tree, gifts (unwrapped) are due back on Friday, December 2. Gifts for each child are to be an educational toy and a book. It is suggested that $25-$30 be spent on each child. Thank you! 

Christmas Poinsettias

Order by Sunday, December 11

Are you willing to help decorate our sanctuary with poinsettias this Christmas? Sign up in the narthex, or contact Kathy in the office, if you’re willing to purchase a plant. Please indicate if the poinsettia is purchased in honor/memory of someone and clearly mark the funds designated for flowers. Envelopes are available in the narthex near the sign up sheet.

Blood Drive

Monday, November 28, 11:00 am – 1:30 pm

All community members are welcome to participate in a blood drive at the Pearl City Station, Harbor Drive, Muscatine, IA. Masks are now optional but appointments are required. To schedule, please contact Kelsie Stafford at: 563-263-0241 or email her at: Give blood 11/14/22 – 1/15/23 & get your choice of a gift card or a donation to Feeding America.

SOTC Christmas Party

Sunday, December 18, 3:30 – 5:00 pm

Gather with your fellow Shepherds as we share our favorite traditions, eat some cookies, re-enact the nativity story, and play some Christmas games! All are invited to bring a dozen cookies to share. Any extras at the end of the night will be used in a cookie exchange.

Kids Choose ELCA Good Gifts Animals

Sunday, December 11

Following worship, our kids (elementary and middle school) are invited to learn more about the ELCA Good Gifts program and help choose what animals we will be purchasing. Mark your calendars to join us!


News & Events

Proposed 2023 Budget and Congregational Meeting

Sunday, November 20 after worship

Each fall, SOTC sets a budget for the coming year. Our teams and Council have recommended the budget for 2023. Discussion on the budget, as well as a update from our treasurer and stewardship team, will take place during our congregational meeting immediately following worship on Sunday, November 20. Here are the links to the Proposed 2023 Budget, 2023 Budget Addendum, and our Congregational Meeting Agenda. Questions can be addressed to Delene McConnaha, Council president. 

Christmas Day Worship Feedback Needed

Complete by Wednesday, November 16

Our Worship and Music Team has begun planning for the upcoming Advent-Christmas season. This year, Christmas Eve falls on Saturday, and Christmas Day falls on Sunday. To plan appropriately for the needs of our community, we are seeking your feedback. Thank you in advance for your help!

Generations of Living Faith (GOLF) Night! 

THIS Sunday, November 20 @ 4:00 pm

It’s THIS weekend! Join us for a night of learning about the seasons of the church year and Advent, of creating your own Advent wreath, and writing cards to be sent to children and families in immigration detention centers in the US. 

Not able to make it, but you’d still like to write some cards to be shared? Talk to Pastor Aleese who will give you some boundaries for writing cards and go to it! The more cards we can send the better!

Advent Giving Challenge

Now through Sunday, November 27

This Advent we are inviting the congregation to consider giving above and beyond their regular giving toward an Advent Giving Fund. Our goal? $300 to go toward two projects:

1) Postage to mail Christmas cards written to children and families detained in immigration detention centers, and

2) ELCA Good Gifts (a program that offers animals and services to families domestically and abroad to achieve self-sustainability). 

For every dollar that is contributed, $1 will be contributed from the Children’s Sunday School/Kids Sermon Fund. It is our goal to have $600 by the end of Advent to contribute toward these vital ministries. 


Order by Sunday, December 11

You may have noticed the sign up sheet for Poinsettias in the narthex Sunday. As we prepare for Advent we are asking members to help decorate the sanctuary and remember or honor a loved one with the purchase of a poinsettia plant. Please clearly mark funds designated for flowers. Envelopes are available in the narthex near the sign up sheet.

Directory Update

As we move into the season of Advent will be updating the SOTC Directory. Doing this will help those looking for contact information to send Christmas greetings to our members. If you have moved, changed your email address, or phone number, please let Kathy know. The new updated directory will be available online by Nov 22 and printed copies will be available Nov 27.

LSI Angel Tree

November 13 – December 2

As has been our custom in previous years, SOTC – along with Grace and Zion – are supporting families in the Lutheran Services of Iowa parenting support group. We will be seeking gifts of an educational toy and a book for 11 children. Tags will be posted on the narthex window by November 13. Gifts (unwrapped) are due back by Friday, December 2 at the latest. 

Community Thanksgiving Service

Wednesday, November 23 at 6:00 pm

Wesley United Methodist will be hosting the Muscatine Community Thanksgiving Service at Wesley United Methodist Church (400 Iowa Ave). It will be an informal  contemporary service with meditations led by area pastors. A pie reception follows the service. If you would like to provide pies, contact Rev. Brian K. Oliver


News & Events

Soup Fest – Thank you!

What a great night of food, fellowship, and fun! Thank you to all who contributed baked goods, soups, and volunteered time! Because of your work, we served about 175 people and raised $1838 to be donated to Lutheran Chaplaincy Outreach at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics! Thank you for coming together as one in the body of Christ!

Welcome to the Flock, Ainsley! 

With joy, Chris and Kirsten Carter are excited to share the news of the birth of their daughter, Ainsley Jo! Ainsley was born on Thursday, November 3. Baby and Mom are doing well!

Proposed 2023 Budget and Congregational Meeting

Sunday, November 20 after worship

Each fall, SOTC sets a budget for the coming year. Our teams and Council have recommended the budget for 2023. Discussion on the budget, as well as a update from our treasurer and stewardship team, will take place during our congregational meeting immediately following worship on Sunday, November 20. Here are the links to the Proposed 2023 Budget, 2023 Budget Addendum, and our Congregational Meeting Agenda. Questions can be addressed to Delene McConnaha, Council president. 

Christmas Day Worship Feedback Needed

Complete by Wednesday, November 16

Our Worship and Music Team has begun planning for the upcoming Advent-Christmas season. This year, Christmas Eve falls on Saturday, and Christmas Day falls on Sunday. To plan appropriately for the needs of our community, we are seeking your feedback. Thank you in advance for your help!

Generations of Living Faith (GOLF) Night! 

Sunday, November 20 @ 4:00 pm

Looking to learn more about the seasons of the church year and why they’re important? Looking to learn more about the Advent season and why we celebrate it? Or, looking to create your own Advent wreath and/or offer a word of hope through a Christmas card to a child or family in an immigration detention center in the US? If you answered yes to any of the above, join us for a night of learning, fellowship, and service! ALL are welcome!

Advent Giving Challenge

Now through Sunday, November 27

This Advent we are inviting the congregation to consider giving above and beyond their regular giving toward an Advent Giving Fund. Our goal? $300 to go toward two projects:

1) Postage to mail Christmas cards written to children and families detained in immigration detention centers (cards will be written during our Nov 20 GOLF night), and

2) ELCA Good Gifts (a program that offers animals and services to families domestically and abroad to achieve self-sustainability). 

For every dollar that is contributed, $1 will be contributed from the Children’s Sunday School/Kids Sermon Fund. It is our goal to have $600 by the end of Advent to contribute toward these vital ministries. 

Because greeting cards need to be mailed by the beginning of December, we are collecting offerings through Sunday, November 27. When writing a check, please indicate “Advent Giving Challenge” in the memo line. 

Directory Update

As we move into the season of Advent will be updating the SOTC Directory. Doing this will help those looking for contact information to send Christmas greetings to our members. If you have moved, changed your email address, or phone number, please let Kathy know. The new updated Directory will be available soon.

LSI Angel Tree

November 13 – December 2

As has been our custom in previous years, SOTC – along with Grace and Zion – are supporting families in the Lutheran Services of Iowa parenting support group. We will be seeking gifts of an educational toy and a book for 11 children. Tags will be posted on the narthex window by November 13. Gifts (unwrapped) are due back by Friday, December 2 at the latest. 

Community Thanksgiving Service

Wednesday, November 23 at 6:00 pm

Wesley United Methodist will be hosting the Muscatine Community Thanksgiving Service at Wesley United Methodist Church (400 Iowa Ave). It will be an informal  contemporary service with meditations led by area pastors. A pie reception follows the service. If you would like to provide pies, contact Rev. Brian K. Oliver


News & Events

Send Off for Sullivan Family

Sunday, November 6

Living in community is both a blessing, and a challenge…especially as we say “good bye and Godspeed” to those we have come to know and love. The Sullivan family will be moving late this fall to Humboldt, IA, and before their departure we are wishing them well with a blessing. Join us on Sunday, November 6 to send them off with our prayers! 

Soup Fest – We’re Almost There!

Sunday, November 6

It’s this coming weekend! Here’s how you can help:

1. Come and eat! – Eat with us as we join in fellowship, and invite others to join you!

2. Stick around after worship on Sun, Nov 6 – We need some help getting set up! Set up will include moving furniture in the fellowship and narthex space, getting table set up, rolling silverware, cutting pies, etc. Jobs for all!

3. Volunteer your time between 3:45-7:15 – Odd jobs still need some volunteers! Contact Colleen Bentz or Kathy Dunham if you’re able to help.

Children’s Sermon Money Used for Winter Outerwear

Did you know? This past Sunday our elementary and middle school youth gathered to purchase winter outerwear for those in our community. Each Sunday you likely see our young Shepherds bringing their offering up as a part of the children’s sermon. From those funds, we were able to use $300 to benefit those in our community. We are thankful for the opportunity to help teach our children about practices of giving and stewardship, and we are thankful for those who willingly offer their gifts to continue this practice!

Advent Giving Challenge

Now through Sunday, November 27

This Advent we are inviting the congregation to consider giving above and beyond their regular giving toward an Advent Giving Fund. Our goal? $300 to go toward two projects:

1) Postage to mail Christmas cards written to children and families detained in immigration detention centers (cards will be written during our Nov 20 GOLF night), and

2) ELCA Good Gifts (a program that offers animals and services to families domestically and abroad to achieve self-sustainability). 

For every dollar that is contributed, $1 will be contributed from the Children’s Sunday School/Kids Sermon Fund. It is our goal to have $600 by the end of Advent to contribute toward these vital ministries. 

Because greeting cards need to be mailed by the beginning of December, we are collecting offerings through Sunday, November 27. When writing a check, please indicate “Advent Giving Challenge” in the memo line. Thank you for offering Christ’s love this upcoming holiday season!

Community Thanksgiving Service

Wednesday, November 23 at 6:00 pm

Wesley United Methodist will be hosting the Muscatine Community Thanksgiving Service at Wesley United Methodist Church (400 Iowa Ave). It will be an informal contemporary service with meditations led by area pastors. A pie reception follows the service. If you would like to provide pies, contact Rev. Brian K. Oliver.

LSI Angel Tree

November 13 – December 2

As has been our custom in previous years, SOTC – along with Grace and Zion – are supporting families in the Lutheran Services of Iowa parenting support group. We will be seeking gifts of an educational toy and a book for 11 children. Tags will be posted on the narthex window by November 13. Gifts (unwrapped) are due back by Friday, December 2 at the latest. 

Generations of Living Faith (GOLF) Night! 

Sunday, November 20 @ 4:00 pm

Looking to learn more about the seasons of the church year and why they’re important? Looking to learn more about the Advent season and why we celebrate it? Or, looking to create your own Advent wreath and/or offer a word of hope through a Christmas card to a child or family in an immigration detention center in the US? If you answered yes to any of the above, mark your calendars to join us for GOLF! ALL are welcome!


News & Events

Trunk or Treat

Wednesday, October 26, 6:00-7:00pm @ Grace

It’s tomorrow night! Get your costumes out, your gear for your trunk, and meet us at Grace!  Bring a food item to share with the Muscatine Food Pantry.

Winter Outerwear Drive

Through Sunday, October 30

Bring your donations to church this coming Sunday! Though we had a warm weekend, cold weather is on its way. Donations will be distributed through various organizations like MCSA, the school district, and United Way. Items needed are:

  • coats
  • hats
  • mittens/gloves
  • boots
  • warm socks
  • scarves

Special note for our elementary and middle school families: On Sunday, October 30 following worship, our kids will be doing some online shopping to spend the money collected during the kids sermon to contribute toward this drive. Meet Melissa Booth or Heather Allen after worship for more direction!

Soup Fest – Can you help serve or clean up?

Sunday, November 6

We’ve made great strides in making sure we have plenty of soups, breads and pies to serve for the Soup Fest. But now we need some workers! If you’ve been holding out, waiting to see where others sign up, please sign up now. If you’re flexible in what you’re able to do, and flexible with your time commitment, please indicate that to Colleen Bentz or Kathy Dunham.

All Saints Day Names for Litany in Worship

Submit by October 30

Each year, the church observes All Saints Day – a day to remember saints who have joined the body of Christ through baptism and saints who have gone before us who now rest in peace. If you have someone you know who has been baptized or who has died in the past year that you’d like remembered during our All Saints Litany in worship, sign up in the narthex or contact Kathy Dunham. That person’s name will be remembered in worship, and those remembering that individual will be invited to come forward and light a candle. 

Help Needed For Second Ukrainian Refugee Family in Muscatine 

Earlier this fall, we alluded to another refugee family coming to Muscatine – the Slyviak family. They’re here! While basic needs are being covered by area nonprofits and families who are temporarily hosting the Slyviak’s, once again, the families are looking for support with clothing and household items. 

If you can help with any of the larger household items, contact Pastor Aleese so she can communicate with the facilitator of donations. All other donations can be brought to SOTC. 

Clothing needed:

  • For Zhanna (mom, age 30, clothing junior size small, shoes size 7): socks, shoes, winter coat, winter hat
  • For Eva (daughter, age 10, clothing youth size 10, slim shoes size 5): socks, shoes, underwear, hoodie/athletic style sweatshirt, sweaters, pants, winter coat, gloves and hat for winter
  • For Artem (son, age 5, clothing youth size 7-8, shoes size 1): socks, shoes, hoodie/athletic style sweatshirt, winter coat, gloves and hat for winter
  • For Mariia (Zhanna’s mother, age 49, clothing size womens XL, shoe size 9: running shoes, hoodie/athletic style sweat suit, sports pants, windbreaker, fall jacket

Household Items needed:

  • mixing bowl
  • measuring spoons
  • can opener
  • bed sheets including pillow cases (1 queen, 2 twin)
  • blankets for queen and twin beds
  • pillows
  • dish soap
  • laundry detergent
  • fabric softener
  • laundry basket
  • paper towels
  • wastebaskets (kitchen size and smaller size) and trash bags
  • mop and bucket
  • broom and dustpan
  • feminine hygiene products
  • furniture: mattress and box springs, bed frames, set of drawers or unit for storage, couch or equivalent seating, lamps and light bulbs, kitchen table and chairs)

2023 Congregational Budget

Each year in the fall, SOTC creates a budget to continue serving in the name of Jesus in the coming year. On Sunday, November 6, we will share a proposed budget for 2023.  Congregational meeting to discuss and approve the budget will be held on Sunday, November 20 following worship. Any questions can be directed to Delene McConnaha, president, or Pastor Aleese

Women’s Group in November and December

Saturday, November 12 and December 3

Because of holiday schedules, we have altered our Women’s Group date for December. In November, we will still meet on the second Sunday of the month, finishing up our series of “Jesus and Nature.” Then, in December, we will meet on the first Saturday of the month. Traditionally, December is a month of fellowship for Women’s Group as we look to the coming Christmas season. All women are welcome!


News & Events

Winter Outerwear Drive

Through Sunday, October 30

As an extension of practicing acts of stewardship this October, we are hosting a winter outerwear drive for those in our community. Donations will be distributed through various organizations like MCSA, the school district, and United Way. Bring new or gently used items to SOTC by Sunday, October 30. That Sunday after worship, our elementary aged kids will also be doing some online shopping to spend the money collected during the kids sermon to contribute toward this drive. Items needed are:

  • coats
  • hats
  • mittens/gloves
  • boots
  • warm socks
  • scarves

Trunk or Treat

Wednesday, October 26, 6:00-7:00pm

We’ve got some people signed up for trunks, and we’ve got some excited kids! Mark your calendars to join us and download the pdf flyer to share in your workplace. ALL from the community are welcome!  Bring a food item to share with the Muscatine Food Pantry. 

If you’re interested in hosting a trunk, sign up here. Questions – contact Leslie Eichelberger (SOTC), Denise Baird (Zion), or Traci Lippelgoes (Grace).

Soup Fest – Can you help serve or clean up?

Sunday, November 6

We’ve made great strides in making sure we have plenty of soups, breads and pies to serve for the Soup Fest. But now we need some workers! If you’ve been holding out, waiting to see where others sign up, please sign up now. If you’re flexible in what you’re able to do, and flexible with your time commitment, please indicate that to Kathy or Colleen. 

Flyers that can be hung in the community are in the narthex, along with small cards to distribute to those you know. Please help spread the word!

Questions? Talk to Colleen Bentz or Kathy Dunham. 

All Saints Day Names for Litany in Worship

Submit by October 30

Each year, the church observes All Saints Day – a day to remember saints who have joined the body of Christ through baptism and saints who have gone before us who now rest in peace. If you have someone you know who has been baptized or who has died in the past year that you’d like remembered during our All Saints Litany in worship, sign up in the narthex or contact Kathy Dunham. That person’s name will be remembered in worship, and those remembering that individual will be invited to come forward and light a candle. 

Help Needed For Second Ukrainian Refugee Family in Muscatine 

Earlier this fall, we alluded to another refugee family coming to Muscatine – the Slyviak family. They’re here! While basic needs are being covered by area nonprofits and families who are temporarily hosting the Slyviak’s, once again, the families are looking for support with clothing and household items. 

If you can help with any of the larger household items, contact Pastor Aleese so she can communicate with the facilitator of donations. All other donations can be brought to SOTC. 

Clothing needed:

  • For Zhanna (mom, age 30, clothing junior size small, shoes size 7): socks, shoes, winter coat, winter hat
  • For Eva (daughter, age 10, clothing youth size 10, slim shoes size 5): socks, shoes, underwear, hoodie/athletic style sweatshirt, sweaters, pants, winter coat, gloves and hat for winter
  • For Artem (son, age 5, clothing youth size 7-8, shoes size 1): socks, shoes, hoodie/athletic style sweatshirt, winter coat, gloves and hat for winter
  • For Mariia (Zhanna’s mother, age 49, clothing size womens XL, shoe size 9: running shoes, hoodie/athletic style sweat suit, sports pants, windbreaker, fall jacket

Household Items needed:

  • mixing bowl
  • measuring spoons
  • can opener
  • bed sheets including pillow cases (1 queen, 2 twin)
  • blankets for queen and twin beds
  • pillows
  • dish soap
  • laundry detergent
  • fabric softener
  • laundry basket
  • paper towels
  • wastebaskets (kitchen size and smaller size) and trash bags
  • mop and bucket
  • broom and dustpan
  • feminine hygiene products
  • furniture: mattress and box springs, bed frames, set of drawers or unit for storage, couch or equivalent seating, lamps and light bulbs, kitchen table and chairs)

2023 Congregational Budget

Each year in the fall, SOTC creates a budget to continue serving in the name of Jesus in the coming year. Our teams have been assessing their needs, and Council will be meeting at the end of the month to review the entirety of the budget. Proposed budget for 2023 will be distributed to the congregation on Sunday, November 6. Congregational meeting to discuss and approve the budget will be held on Sunday, November 20 following worship. Any questions can be directed to Delene McConnaha, president, or Pastor Aleese