
News & Events

Willing to read to kids?

Earlier this summer, we announced that Grace Lutheran was looking for volunteers with thier Literacy Program. The aim of the Literacy Program is to provide free tutoring services to 1st and 2nd graders from neighboring schools who need support in reading.

We recently received word that they are still looking for more volunteers. Volunteers read one-on-one with children from 4:00 – 5:00 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the school year. Volunteers help as often as they like, and the program coordinators are willing to work around volunteers’ schedules. Volunteers can be 7th grade through 90+. If interested, contact Deb Holliday (563-299-2145) or Karen Woods (563-260-5846)

Welcome to the Flock, Brooks!

This weekend we added our newest saint to our family of faith! Congratulations to Brooks Sullivan who was baptized this weekend!

Kick Off Night for Family Faith Nights

Wednesday, August 31 @ 6pm @ Grace

Mark your calendars to join us for our kick off! Anyone involved in the elementary, youth, and/or adult groups are invited to come for our kick off night. We’ll jump start the night with a meal, and segue into some games/fellowship before breaking into separate groups. Each group will have some time to get oriented and share any pertinent information for the year. Parents of middle school/confirmation youth are expected to be at the kick-off to receive additional information about confirmation expectations. Following the Family Faith Night schedule, we will wrap up no later than 7:30 pm. Questions? Want more information? Talk to Pastor Aleese or Andy Christy

Women’s Group

Saturday, August 13 @ 8:30 am

This summer our Women’s Group has been gathering under the theme “Crafted in Christ,” a three-month Bible study that’s used the concept of quilting to explore rest, renewal, and the Christian community. This month, we finish up our series by thinking about “ties” that bind us together. Together we’ll examine how God invites us to commit to a new way of life with God and with each other. 

Haven’t been able to join us yet this summer? No problem! All are welcome! Take a peek at the study we’ll be doing together.

SOTC Camp Out

Sat, Aug 27 – Sun, Aug 28

It’s back! After being on hiatus for a few years, we’re returning to school with a camp out on our back lawn.

Join us either for just the evening, or for the entire night.


News & Events

Support for LSI Family in Muscatine

Can you help? 

Late last week, Pastor Aleese received a message from a local LSI case worker who has been working with a family.  This family needs to have some work done on their car, but cannot afford the parts. They have friends who can do the work, but until parts are purchased, they cannot move forward. Unfortunately, other local non-profit/service organizations in Muscatine cannot offer assistance. 

At Shepherd, we do not have a discretionary fund set aside for situations like this. As we are able, we support local non-profits/service organizations who offer assistance to families. However, in situations like this, when case workers reach out with specific information, it’s still possible for us to come together and support those with a specific need. 

If you would like to contribute financially to support this family, please contact Pastor Aleese as soon as possible (319-427-0600). Thank you!

Baptism of Brooks Sullivan

Sunday, July 31

In Acts 8, as Phillip is teaching a man about Jesus, Phillip and this man come across water. When the man sees it, he asks, “What is to prevent me from being baptized?”

The answer: nothing! In the Spirit of God’s grace being something that cannot be held back or “waited on,” the Sullivan family will be bringing Brooks to the baptismal font this coming Sunday, July 31. Join us as you’re able to witness the outpouring of God’s Spirit upon Brooks! Cake reception during fellowship will follow the service. 

Christians Underground Resumes this Week

Wednesday, July 27 @ 12:00 pm

After a brief hiatus, Christians Underground resumes this Wed, July 27 at Geo Johnz. Join us at 12:00 for discussion around our upcoming Scripture readings and enjoy some pizza! All are welcome!

Women’s Group

Saturday, August 13 @ 8:30 am

This summer our Women’s Group has been gathering under the theme “Crafted in Christ,” a three-month Bible study that’s used the concept of quilting to explore rest, renewal, and the Christian community. This month, we finish up our series by thinking about “ties” that bind us together. Together we’ll examine how God invites us to commit to a new way of life with God and with each other. 

Haven’t been able to join us yet this summer? No problem! All are welcome! Take a peek at the study we’ll be doing together.

Kick Off Night for Family Faith Nights!

Wednesday, August 31 @ 6:30 pm

You’ve been hearing about the joint Family Faith Nights for the coming year. And now, it’s time to mark your calendars!

Join us for a night of fun, fellowship, food, and information about the coming year. Anyone interested/involved in any age group (elementary, middle school or adults) is encouraged to join us! Family Faith Nights will then continue each Wednesday thereafter. 

Note that if you indicated interest in an adult group, leaders will be in touch with you soon to help determine what group you best fit into, and what a potential schedule will be.  Parents of kids and youth: a school year calendar will be available soon!

Questions? Talk to Pastor Aleese or Andy Christy.

SOTC Camp Out

Sat, Aug 27 – Sun, Aug 28

It’s back! After being on hiatus for a few years, we’re returning to school with a camp out on our back lawn.

Join us either for just the evening, or for the entire night.

Fall Calendars Coming! 

Already our families are receiving back-to-school schedules, and we won’t be far behind! Information about Rally Day, Sunday School, and our faith formation opportunities for the upcoming year will be published soon! Stay tuned!


News & Events

Update from Pastor Aleese 

Thank you to all who have expressed concern in the recent days after a positive COVID test. Thankfully, symptoms have remained mild. So as to protect others, I will continue to isolate through most of the week. Please see below for updates to any previously scheduled Bible Studies or meetings. Note that I was previously scheduled to be out of Muscatine the week of July 24 leading a high school youth camp in WI.  As I am still recovering, I have decided to stay in Muscatine. As of now, I plan to be in worship with you all on July 24 (masked) and on July 31. 

If you have any questions, feel free to reach me via email or cell phone. As I feel up to it, I will be doing some work remotely while also striving to take care of myself. Thank you, Shepherds, for your care, your willingness to pitch in, and for your support.

Pastor Aleese

Christians Underground Cancelled This Week

No Bible Study Wednesday, July 20

Because of a varied schedule this week, and because of Pastor Aleese’s absence, Christians Underground is cancelled for this week. Stay tuned for updates for when we will resume. Thank you for understanding

Welcome to the Flock!

 We’re so excited to announce that Josie Mae Bartling was born on July 12, 2022 to Joe and Takoma Bartling (granddaughter to Kim and Judy Bartling). She was born at a healthy 6 lbs. 4 oz. 19 inches long. Mom, baby, and family are all doing well! We look forward to meeting her in person!

…We Can Trust God’s Promises!

Last Sunday through Thursday, we had close to 50 kids join us for Vacation Bible School as they learned about how “we can trust God’s promises.” Each day as we learned different Bible stories, we heard stories of how others trusted God’s promises, and were encouraged to go forth sharing the news that even we can trust God’s promises, too! Imagine 50 kids (plus about 30 other adults) shouting “We can trust God’s promises!” and you’ll get a sense of what our week was like! Check out the pictures below and look for more on our Facebook page and Instagram account. Thank you SO much to all our SOTC helpers!

Mark Your Calendars for Family Faith Nights!

Starting Wednesday, September 7

For the past few weeks, we’ve been highlighting the upcoming adult groups forming this fall. But, we’re looking forward to creating space not only for adults, but for entire families to come together again this year!

Similar to last school year, SOTC will be collaborating with Zion and Grace starting in September. Our first official Family Faith Night will be Wed, September 7. Keep your eyes out for an announcement for a special kick-off to get us going!

Take a listen to Pastor Willie as he invites families from our congregations, along with those in the community, to participate wit us this year. 

Women’s Group

Sat, August 13 @ 8:30pm

Join women of the congregation as we continue through our summer series. Haven’t made it yet this summer? Not a problem, all are welcome for a time of fellowship, prayer and study. Stay tune for more details of what we will be looking at!

SOTC Camp Out

Sat, Aug 27 – Sun, Aug 28

It’s back! After being on hiatus for a few years, we’re returning to school with a camp out on our back lawn.

Join us either for just the evening, or for the entire night.


News & Events

Outdoor Worship, Ice Cream Social Fundraiser, Family Night…Oh My!

Sunday, July 17

Join us for worship, ice cream, fellowship, service to our community, and family fun!

  • Outdoor worship, 9:00 am | You bring a lawn chair and we’ll provide the rest!
  • Ice Cream Social Fundraiser | Stick around after worship for a sweet treat. Consider offering a special offering as our fundraiser will be given toward the Diversity Services Center of Iowa, an organization highlighted by our Stewardship Team in May. 
  • Family Night, 6:00 pm | Young adults and families with high school aged and below youth are welcome to join us for a night of fun! In June we gathered outside for a bonfire and had  hot dogs and s’mores while playing lawn games. Families – watch for an email from Mackenzie to coordinate our meal. 

Looking forward to a great Sunday with you all in various ways!

VBS is off to a great start!

Kids and adults have been gathering at Zion Lutheran since Sunday evening to immerse themselves in the theme “From Generation to Generation.” Through stories like Abraham, Joseph, and David, our kids have been learning that God’s steadfast love endures forever. Check out our Facebook page and Instagram for more updates and pictures! Thanks to all our SOTC helpers!

Considering an Adult Faith Formation Group?

 Last week we shared an overview from Andy Christy as he introduced the potential adult groups forming this coming fall. So as to give members of Grace, Zion, and Shepherd a glimpse into what these groups are about, we took some time to interview Tammy Stein from Grace. She was a participant in the Wednesday evening Family Faith Nights last year and participated in the adult group (now named “Sojourners” on the Adult Group menu). Take a listen as she offers her perspective on what the adult group meant to her and her invitation to those considering being a part of a group this coming year. 

Interested in joining us? Click here to learn more and access the interest survey link. Reminder, we will have an interest meeting for those interested in adult groups on Sunday, July 17 after worship and our ice cream social. 

Willing to Volunteer to Read to Children?

In an effort to close or narrow the achievement gap in literacy, Grace Lutheran offers a literacy program providing free tutoring services to 1st and 2nd grade children from neighboring schools who need support in reading. Looking to the coming school year, Grace is looking for volunteers to read one-on-one with the children from 4:00 – 5:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the school year. Volunteers help as often as they like, and schedule can be adjusted as needed. The sole responsibility of the volunteer is to read to children! Volunteers can be 7th graders through 90+. High School students have been able to apply this service to earning a silver cord. If interested, contact Deb Holliday (563-299-2145) or Karen Woods (563-260-58-46) for more details. 

SOTC Camp Out

Sat, Aug 27 – Sun, Aug 28

It’s back! After being on hiatus for a few years, we’re returning to school with a camp out on our back lawn. Join us either for just the evening, or for the entire night.


News & Events

Change of Plans for Canoeing at Deep Lakes!

Between SOTC, Grace, and Zion, we didn’t have a sizable response for canoeing to justify a separate time just for our congregations. But, that doesn’t mean you still can’t canoe! Join the Conversation Board down at Deep Lakes during anytime they have public canoe hours. On July 6,7, 11, and 12, public canoe hours are from 6-8pm. On July 9 and 10, public canoe hours are from 3-5pm. Questions? Contact Dave Bakke.  

Outdoor Worship, Ice Cream Social Fundraiser, Family Night…Oh My!

Join us for worship, ice cream, fellowship, service to our community, and family fun!

  • Outdoor worship, 9:00 am | You bring a lawn chair and we’ll provide the rest!
  • Ice Cream Social Fundraiser | Stick around after worship for a sweet treat. Consider offering a special offering as our fundraiser will be given toward the Diversity Services Center of Iowa, an organization highlighted by our Stewardship Team in May. 
  • Family Night, 6:00 pm | Young adults and families with high school aged and below youth are welcome to join us for a night of fun! In June we gathered outside for a bonfire and had  hot dogs and s’mores while playing lawn games. Families – watch for an email from Mackenzie to coordinate our meal. 

Looking forward to a great Sunday with you all in various ways!

Vacation Bible School

Sunday, July 10 – Thursday, July 14, 5:30-8:00 pm

It’s almost here! VBS is just around the corner. Here’s how you can participate: 

1. Register your child(ren). Please register ASAP!

2. Contribute to the Service Project benefitting the Domestic Violence Shelter.  Throughout the week, kids will be encouraged to bring donations to support our local Domestic Violence shelter. Want to participate yourself? Check out this donation list and bring any donations to church by Sunday, July 10. 

Fall 2022 Adult Faith Formation Covenant Groups

For the past few weeks, you’ve likely heard an invitation to consider adult faith formation groups for the coming year. Looking to hear a bit more about these groups? And where they came from? In the next few weeks, we’ll be sharing three videos to provide further information. 

To allow time for everyone to have the opportunity to offer thier interest, we have extended the deadline to complete the interest form through July 10. Also note that we will host an interest meeting at Shepherd on July 17 following our worship and ice cream social.

Willing to Volunteer Read to Children? 

In an effort to close or narrow the achievement gap in literacy, Grace Lutheran offers a literacy program providing free tutoring services to 1st and 2nd grade children from neighboring schools who need support in reading. Looking to the coming school year, Grace is looking for volunteers to read one-on-one with the children from 4:00 – 5:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the school year. Volunteers help as often as they like, and schedule can be adjusted as needed. The sole responsibility of the volunteer is to read to children! Volunteers can be 7th graders through 90+. High School students have been able to apply this service to earning a silver cord. If interested, contact Deb Holliday (563-299-2145) or Karen Woods (563-260-58-46) for more details.

SOTC Camp Out

Sat, Aug 27 – Sun, Aug 28

It’s back! After being on hiatus for a few years, we’re returning to school with a camp out on our back lawn. Join us either for just the evening, or for the entire night. The next morning we will have outdoor worship on our lawn. 



News & Events

Camp EWALU is a wrap!

Last week, Pastor Aleese and Pastor Willie (Zion) took 7 youth to Camp EWALU to participate in Confirmation Camp, Uplifted, and Rock and Raft. Each of the youth – Violet, Raen, Ava, Elyse, Bailey, Aaron, and Ryan – all have stories to share of their (hot!) week as they formed relationships and dove deep into their faith. Take a moment to talk with these youth on Sunday mornings during fellowship to hear more! 

Canoeing at Deep Lakes

Friday, July 8, about 5:00pm

The Conservation Board will have canoes, along with Voyageur canoes (really big ones!) at Deep Lakes during the weekend of July 8-10. We’re coordinating a time for people (youth too!) to canoe together. If you’re interested in joining us, contact Kathy in the main office or sign up in the church narthex!

Vacation Bible School

Sunday, July 10 – Thursday, July 14, 5:30-8:00 pm

Vacation Bible School is intended for kids PreK-5th grade, but we are hoping to involve as many people as possible! Here’s where we need help:

1. Teachers and Helpers – If you’re interested in helping (even for one night!) complete the helper form below.

2. Craft Supplies – We’ve created a craft list of needed items for the week. Willing to pick a few things up? Bring it to church by Thursday, June 30. 

3. Service Project benefiting the Domestic Violence Shelter – Throughout the week, kids will be encouraged to bring donations to support our local Domestic Violence shelter. Want to participate yourself? Check out this donation list and bring any donations to church by Sunday, July 10. 

Looking to register your child? Click below! Register by July 1. Questions? Talk to Melissa Booth or Pastor Aleese

Join us as a participant or as a helper!

Fall 2022 Adult Faith Formation Covenant Groups

Over the past few years, Shepherd has experimented with several adult faith formation groups. During COVID, we had an online Alpha group, and since then, we have had an adult group gather as a part of our Family Faith Nights, and have also had a Companions in Christ group meeting throughout the year. 

As we look to the fall, we’re excited to offer these groups, along with others, to people at Shepherd, Grace, Zion and within the community. Some groups may meet during our traditional Family Faith Night time (Wed’s from 6:30-7:30) and some groups may meet outside that time.

Take a look at our webpage that outlines a snapshot of each group to begin thinking about if a group might be right for you. Then, follow the link on that webpage to a Google Form to express your interest. Please complete the form by July 1. We will host an interest meeting for those interested at Shepherd on July 17 following our worship and ice cream social. Questions? Contact Andy Christy or Pastor Aleese

Spruce Up Sunday Update

Thank you to all who stuck around after worship last Sunday to help us check some tasks off the SOTC “To Do” list. If you were unable to attend, there is a list of tasks that still need completed in the narthex. Feel free to tackle one or two when it’s convenient.

Family Night

Sunday, July 17, 6:00 pm

If you’re a young adult or a family with youth high school aged or below you’re welcome to join us! In June we had a great night around a bonfire making hot dogs and s’mores while also playing lawn games. Join us for fun, fellowship, food, and some conversation with your fellow Shepherds! Families – watch for an email from Mackenzie to coordinate our meal. 

Outdoor Worship and Ice Cream Social Fundraiser

Sunday, July 17

You bring your lawn chair and we’ll provide the rest! A tent will be set up to help provide shade. 

Following worship, stick around for an ice cream sundae fellowship hour. This time will not only be a time of fellowship, but also a chance for us to offer our financial resources to a local organization. 


News & Events

Thanks for your help, Shepherds!

Thanks to those from both Shepherd and Grace who helped package diapers for the Community Diaper Bank this past Friday! It was short notice, but you all came through! Thanks for helping make a positive difference for those in our community!

No Christians Underground 

Wednesday, June 22

Because Pastor Aleese is at Camp EWALU this week, we will not have Christians Underground. Join us again on Wednesday, June 29 at 12:00 pm at Geo Johnz Pizza downtown!

Spruce Up Sunday

Following worship on Sunday, June 26

It’s finally here! It’s time to start moving larger items out to the shed! And while we’re packing up stuff that is only used occasionally, lets spruce up our building! Join us for worship in your “NOT Sunday best” apparel and stick around to help check some things off our list of tasks. Not able to be there that Sunday? Our “To Do” list is in the narthex. Sign up and finish at your convenience. Questions? Contact Kathy Dunham.

Vacation Bible School

Sunday, July 10 – Thursday, July 14, 5:30-8:00 pm

Vacation Bible School is intended for kids PreK-5th grade, but we are hoping to involve as many people as possible! Here’s where we need help:

1. Teachers and Helpers – If you’re interested in helping (even for one night!) complete the helper form below.

2. Craft Supplies – We’ve created a craft list of needed items for the week. Willing to pick a few things up? Bring it to church by Thursday, June 30. 

3. Service Project benefiting the Domestic Violence Shelter – Throughout the week, kids will be encouraged to bring donations to support our local Domestic Violence shelter. Want to participate yourself? Check out this donation list and bring any donations to church by Sunday, July 10. 

Looking to register your child? Click below! Register by July 1. Questions? Talk to Melissa Booth or Pastor Aleese

Join us as a participant or as a helper!

Fall 2022 Adult Faith Formation Covenant Groups

For the past few weeks, we’ve been promoting an opportunity for adults come this fall. At first glance, the list of groups that we’re sharing as possibilities might seem lengthy. But, many of these groups (like Alpha, Sojourners, and Companions in Christ) have already been meeting!

Want to learn more about opportunities coming your way this fall? Check out our newly updated webpage which includes more information for each group, along with a link to complete an interest form. If you’re interested in a group, please respond by July 1. Later in July we will host an interest meeting to share more information. Questions? Contact Andy Christy or Pastor Aleese

Where is Jesus going this summer?

The answer is dependent on where YOU take your “flat Jesus”! We trust that Jesus goes with us wherever we are, but to make it a bit more fun, we’re including “flat Jesus” on our summer adventures. Send your pictures to Kathy and we’ll include ’em in our slideshow on Sunday and on our bulletin board! Download your “flat Jesus” here!

Women’s Group

Saturday, July 2nd

Due to schedule conflicts, our Women’s Group has been moved up a week. Mark your calendars to join us during the 4th of July weekend as we continue our summer study around the theme of rest and renewal!

Canoeing at Deep Lakes

Friday, July 8, about 5:00pm

The Conservation Board will have canoes, along with Voyageur canoes (really big ones!) at Deep Lakes during the weekend of July 8-10. We’re coordinating a time for people (youth too!) to canoe together. If you’re interested in joining us, contact Kathy in the main office or sign up in the church narthex!


News & Events

We Need Your Help Wrapping Diapers!

Friday, June 17, 5:30 – 6:30 pm @ 1425 S Houser St

Pastor Aleese received a phone call from the Community Diaper Bank and they are looking for volunteers to help wrap diapers THIS coming Friday. Diapers come in huge boxes of hundreds of diapers, and those diapers need to be repackaged into packages of 25 to distribute to individuals and families. 

Because of the last minute notice, we are also asking members at Grace to hop on board with us. If you are available to help, please contact Pastor Aleese as soon as possible. Thanks for pitching in to do God’s work with your hands!

Vacation Bible School

Sunday, July 10 – Thursday, July 14

Join us as a participant or as a helper!

Dates: July 10-14
Note that our last evening is open to entire families!
Location: Zion (Sunday – Wednesday), Grace (Thursday)
Time: 5:30-8:00 pm (meal included) 
Grades: PreK – grade 6

On behalf of the planning team, we truly hope that this event will be a chance for all people – across generations and across denominations! – to learn about God’s story of love and join in fellowship together. Register by July 1. Questions? Talk to Melissa Booth or Pastor Aleese.

Panda Express Fundraiser

Sunday, June 19

We have one more Panda Express fundraiser scheduled for this summer! Get your Chinese food fix and help support our youth! Reminder, there is a new code each time so pick up a form in the narthex or use this one.

Fall 2022 Adult Faith Formation Covenant Groups

Looking for a group of people to grow in faith and in relationship with others? 

Over the past few years, we have offered various committed faith formation groups like Alpha and our Wednesday evening Family Faith Night Adult group. From those groups, it’s become apparent that many in our Lutheran congregations in Muscatine (along with other community members!) are seeking a regular opportunity to deepen thier relationship with God. 

Looking to the fall of 2022, we are excited to offer a “menu” of possible adult faith formation groups. These groups would be open to people from Shepherd, Grace, Zion, and the community. Some of these groups may meet during our traditional Family Faith Night time (Weds from 6:30-7:30pm) and some groups may meet outside that time. 

Interested to take a closer look at what is being offered? Take a look at the “Adult Faith Formation Group Menu” to get a full description of each group. Then, use the summary page to more easily compare each group. Think you might be interested in a group? Respond via the Google Adult Faith Formation Group Interest form link by July 1. Later in July we will host an interest meeting to share more information. Questions? Contact Andy Christy or Pastor Aleese.

Spruce Up Sunday

Following worship on Sunday, June 26

It’s finally here! It’s time to start moving larger items out to the shed! And while we’re packing up stuff that is only used occasionally, lets spruce up our building! Join us for worship in your “NOT Sunday best” apparel and stick around to help check some things off our list of tasks. Not able to be there that Sunday? Our “To Do” list is in the narthex. Sign up and finish at your convenience. Questions? Contact Kathy Dunham.

Take Flat Jesus with you this summer!

Jesus is going to have a busy summer by the looks of it! We’ve already received some pictures of where flat Jesus has been adverture-ing, and we hope to see more pictures come in throughout the summer! Print off your copy of “flat Jesus” (or pick up a copy in the narthex) to take with you wherever you’re at this summer. Then, bring your pictures to the church to add to our bulletin board or send them to Kathy. You might even see your picture as a part of our Sunday morning slideshow! Let’s see all the places Jesus is going with you, our Shepherds, this summer!

Outdoor Worship and Ice Cream Sundae Fellowship!

Sunday, July 17

Join us for a chance to worship in God’s creation! You bring your lawn chair and we’ll provide the rest. A tent will be set up to help provide shade. 

Following worship, stick around for an ice cream sundae fellowship hour. This time will not only be a time of fellowship, but also a chance for us to offer our financial resources to one of the local organizations that our Stewardship Team has been highlighting this summer. 


News & Events

Welcome to Connie Hoekstra!

Reminded of the Spirit who gathers us as one this Pentecost Sunday, we also had the privilege of welcoming Connie as one in our flock! We look forward to walking this journey with you, Connie! Thanks for offering your warm welcome, Shepherds! 

Sending of Thoma Family

Sunday, June 12

Once a Shepherd…always a Shepherd! This summer, the Thoma family will be departing our community this summer to move to Ames. To send them off, we will offer them a blessing as a part of worship during their last Sunday with us. Be sure to join us as we bless the Thoma’s, and as we wish them well with a special fellowship hour to follow!

Update for Summer Book Group

We have a group that is looking forward to reading Til We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis this summer! That group is coordinating schedules this coming week. If you’ve been thinking of joining us, it’s not too late! If you’d like to hop on board, contact Pastor Aleese and she’ll fill you in with details. 

Take Flat Jesus with you this summer!

Throughout the season of Easter, we have been “finding” Jesus in our sanctuary. But just because the Spirit has come on Pentecost doesn’t mean that Jesus has gone away!

For that reason, we are inviting the congregation to take Jesus with them this summer! Figuratively – we hope that you take Jesus with you wherever you go! But also literally – we are inviting you to take “flat Jesus” with you over the summer. Help us track where our Shepherds are throughout the summer, and take a picture with your flat Jesus. Either bring your pictures to the church, or send them to Kathy, and we’ll add them to our growing “Journey with Jesus” summer bulletin board. Outside of pictures, we also encourage the congregation to share a brief blurbs of where you’ve encountered Jesus throughout the summer. Add your blurb using paper by the bulletin board starting June 12.

Vacation Bible School

Sunday, July 10 – Thursday, July 14

Have you heard? This summer SOTC is joining up with Zion Lutheran, Grace Lutheran, Faith United Church of Christ, First Presbyterian, First Christian, and Trinity Episcopal for an epic week of Vacation Bible School! Register and/or sign up to join us as a participant or as a helper!

Theme: Generation to Generation 
Dates: July 10-14
Note that our last evening is open to entire families!
Location: Zion (Sunday – Wednesday), Grace (Thursday)
Time: 5:30-8:00 pm (meal included) 
Grades: PreK – grade 6

On behalf of the planning team, we truly hope that this event will be a chance for all people – across generations and across denominations! – to learn about God’s story of love and join in fellowship together. Questions? Talk to Melissa Booth or Pastor Aleese.

Sending of Camp EWALU Youth

Sunday, June 19

Make sure to join us as we offer a blessing to our youth going to Camp EWALU this summer! Please keep our youth in your prayers as they experience the transforming and boundless love of God this summer at camp!


News & Events

Get Ready for Pentecost Sunday!

Sunday, June 5

The Day of Pentecost marks the end of the season of Easter. Referencing Acts 2, together we will remember the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples in Jerusalem, and will open ourselves in worship to receive that same Spirit. So as to mark the occasion, here are three ways to participate:

1. Wear Red to Church | Red is traditionally the color representing the Spirit, so help us deck our sanctuary in the color of the Spirit!

2. Color a flame to add to our windows | We all have been gifted the power of the Holy Spirit, so help us out by coloring your own flame and adding it to our collage on the windows between the narthex and sanctuary. Print out your own coloring sheet (here) or pick up one in the narthex. Bring your colored flame on Sunday, June 5. 

3. Welcome New Member, Connie Hoesktra | Stick around for a special time of fellowship as we welcome Connie as a part of our flock!

Sending of Thoma Family

Sunday, June 12

Once a Shepherd…always a Shepherd! This summer, the Thoma family will be departing our community this summer to move to Ames. To send them off, we will offer them a blessing as a part of worship during their last Sunday with us. Be sure to join us as we bless the Thoma’s, and as we wish them well with a special fellowship hour to follow!

Summer Book Group

Interested in gaining a new perspective as you grow as a follower of Jesus? Consider joining us this summer for fellowship and conversation as a part of a book group. We will be reading Til We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis and/or Sacred Fire: A Vision for a Deeper Human and Christian Maturity by Ronald Rolheiser.  For a description of each book, click the link. Frequency of book group meetings, along with scheduling, will be dependent on the participants of each group. We will do our best to accommodate schedules so as to include as many people as possible.

If you are interested in participating, please complete this short Google form by Thursday, June 2. If you have any questions, contact Pastor Aleese.

Ukraine Prayer Vigil and Advocacy Workshop

Thursday, June 2, 7:30-8:15 pm (EST)

Even as we grieve the realities of violence in our own country, we also remember the continued violence in Ukraine. If you are seeking an opportunity to pray for our siblings in Christ in Ukraine, and if you are seeking to learn more about advocacy opportunities, consider joining Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services for Stand Up, Speak Up: An Interfaith Prayer Vigil for Ukraine. Featuring speakers from diverse backgrounds and faith traditions, testimonies from local Ukrainians, and advocacy opportunities, the vigil offers an opportunity for all to gather together and demonstrate support for our Ukrainian neighbors.

To register for the livestream of this in-person event (hosted in Baltimore, MD) register here.

Take Flat Jesus with you this summer!

Throughout the season of Easter, we have been “finding” Jesus in our sanctuary. But just because the Spirit has come on Pentecost doesn’t mean that Jesus has gone away!

For that reason, we are inviting the congregation to take Jesus with them this summer! Figuratively – we hope that you take Jesus with you wherever you go! But also literally – we are inviting you to take “flat Jesus” with you over the summer. Help us track where our Shepherds are throughout the summer, and take a picture with your flat Jesus. Either bring your pictures to the church, or send them to Kathy, and we’ll add them to our growing “Journey with Jesus” summer bulletin board. Outside of pictures, we also encourage the congregation to share a brief blurbs of where you’ve encountered Jesus throughout the summer. Add your blurb using paper by the bulletin board starting June 12.

Growing Younger Initiative 

Did you know? The Southeastern Iowa Synod, along with the ELCA, has started an initiative to help congregations think about how congregations can be authentic places of faith formation – especially for young adults ages 15-29. To help think about this, the Southeastern Iowa Synod is encouraging congregations to engage with the book Growing Young. This book, backed by research from Fuller Seminary, outlines current realities for young adults and realities of the church.

if you’re at all interested in the formation of faith in young adults, and/or find yourself in that age group, we encourage you to join a group at Shepherd who will be reading through this book this summer. Each week on Tuesdays (starting June 14) at 6pm we have the opportunity to gather with others from across our synod to learn more and also to join in conversation. Not able to make every Tuesday? No problem.

If you’re interested in joining such a conversation, talk to Mackenzie or Nick Gilbert or Pastor Aleese. Thank you for uplifting people of every age in our church, and within the greater church, Shepherds!

Outdoor Worship @ SOTC

July 17 and August 28

Mark your calendars to join us outside on the grass (and under a tent!) as we worship in God’s creation! Worship will feature some camp songs that our youth learn this summer!

Ice Cream Social and Fundraiser

Sunday, July 17 following worship

Who doesn’t like ice cream in the summer?! This time will not only be a time of fellowship, but also a chance for us to offer our financial resources to one of the local organizations that our Stewardship Team has been highlighting this summer. Stay tuned for more details.