
News & Events

Lenten Midweek Meals and Worship

Starting Wednesday, March 16

5:30 – 6:15 pm | Meal 
6:30 – 7:15 pm | Worship Service

Our worship service will use the first half of the Holden Evening Prayer Service and then will spend time looking at the previous Sundays’ Scripture/theme. 

March 16 Menu: Walking Taco’s

If you’re willing to help provide food for a meal, please sign up below. Each group of people will determine what they would like to serve. Sign up here or on the signup sheet in the narthex. Questions re meals? Contact Colleen Bentz, team lead for our Social Team.

Easter Flowers

Sign up between March 6 – March 27

Would you like to purchase flowers to help SOTC decorate for Easter? There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex or you may contact the office. Please indicate who you would like the flowers to be in honor or memory of. The cost is $10 per flower.

Can you help make laundry soap? 

Help us get off to a great start this Lent! We’re collecting raw materials to help families in the Muscatine community make their own laundry soap, and are looking for the following items:

  • baking soda (4 lb. boxes)
  • borax (4 lb. boxes)
  • Fels Naptha bar soap
  • Oxi Clean (4 lb. containers)
  • Washing soda

We’ll gather materials throughout the season, and then our Family Faith Night crew will put these raw materials together to make laundry soap to benefit the families of Lutheran Services of Iowa (LSI). Want to get in on the fun? Mark your calendars now to join us at Grace on April 20 at 6:30 p.m.!

New Contact Directory!

Looking to contact your fellow Shepherds? Or, looking to get in touch with some of our new member families? Take a look at our updated contact directory! Revised narrative directory coming soon. Go to the members-only section of our website. If you have forgotten our password, contact the office.

Eastern Europe Crisis Response

Lutheran Disaster Response is accompanying our companions in Ukraine, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia, as well as such ecumenical partners as Lutheran World Federation and Church World Service, in their humanitarian responses to the crisis. These partners provide refugees with immediate support and supplies such as food, blankets, water, and hygiene kits. If you would like to help support these efforts, give here.

Bishop Current is coming to SOTC!

Sunday, April 10

In a desire to connect with congregations within the Southeastern Iowa Synod, the Office of the Bishop for the Southeastern Iowa Synod offered to visit SOTC to catch a glimpse of what ministry looks like in this place! To that end, we are excited to welcome Bishop Amy Current on Sun, April 10. She will preach and preside over communion, and remain with us for fellowship and our education hour. Make sure to join us as we offer a warm welcome and as we celebrate Palm Sunday!


June 19-24

The word is out! In lieu of the ELCA Youth Gathering, our High School Youth will be participating in the Uplifted program at Camp EWALU. 

In addition, we are taking a crew to confirmation camp. If you have a youth in confirmation, or a youth who will soon be beginning thier confirmation journey, talk to Pastor Aleese for more information. 

Have younger kids? There are opportunities for other ages that week as well!

Let’s fill some vans and drive north! For more information, check out EWALU’s list of summer camps. High Schoolers and confirmation youth are asked to confirm with Pastor Aleese by March 20 if they are interested in attending.


News & Events

Making Sense of the Cross Adult Education

When asked, “Why did Jesus die?” what would you say? Many may respond with something like, “to forgive us our sin.” But what does that mean?

If you’d like to dive deeper into the cross, and the various perspectives that the four Gospels give us of Jesus’ death and resurrection, join other adults (and older youth) as we dive deeper. The conversation will begin at about 10:30 am and will be led by Pastor Aleese.

Lenten Midweek Meals and Worship

Starting Wednesday, March 9

5:30 – 6:15 pm | Meal 
6:30 – 7:15 pm | Worship Service

Our worship service will use the first half of the Holden Evening Prayer Service and then will spend time looking at the previous Sundays’ Scripture/theme. 

March 9 MenuVarious Soups (Cozy Autumn Wild Rice, Red Pepper, Chili, Hamburger Vegetable, Chicken Noodle), Bread & Crackers, PB&J sandwiches, veggies & dip, and desserts.

If you’re willing to help provide food for a meal, please sign up below. We’re looking for teams of 5 people per Wednesday to provide, serve, and clean up a meal. Each group of people will determine what they would like to serve. Sign up here or on the sign-up sheet in the narthex. Questions re meals? Contact Colleen Bentz, team lead for our Social Team.

Easter Flowers

Sign up between March 6 – March 27

Would you like to purchase flowers to help SOTC decorate for Easter? There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex or you may contact the office. Please indicate who you would like the flowers to be in honor or memory of. The cost is $10 per flower.

Can you help make laundry soap? 

For many families in the greater Muscatine community, laundry soap is an expensive item that often gets left to the side. To help, Shepherd is teaming up with Grace Lutheran to gather supplies to make laundry soap.  That’s right…we’re making laundry soap, at a much cheaper rate than buying it outright! Starting March 6, we’ll be collecting the following items:

  • baking soda (4 lb. boxes)
  • borax (4 lb. boxes)
  • Fels Naptha bar soap
  • Oxi Clean (4 lb. containers)
  • Washing soda

We’ll gather materials throughout the season, and then our Family Faith Night crew will put these raw materials together to make laundry soap to benefit the families of Lutheran Services of Iowa (LSI). Want to get in on the fun? Mark your calendars now to join us at Grace on April 20 at 6:30 p.m.!

New Contact Directory!

Looking to contact your fellow Shepherds? Or, looking to get in touch with some of our new member families? Take a look at our updated contact directory! Revised narrative directory coming soon. Go to the members-only section of our website. If you have forgotten our password, contact the office.

Eastern Europe Crisis Response

Lutheran Disaster Response is accompanying our companions in Ukraine, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia, as well as such ecumenical partners as Lutheran World Federation and Church World Service, in their humanitarian responses to the crisis. These partners provide refugees with immediate support and supplies such as food, blankets, water, and hygiene kits. If you would like to help support these efforts, give here.

Bishop Current is coming to SOTC!

Sunday, April 10

In a desire to connect with congregations within the Southeastern Iowa Synod, the Office of the Bishop for the Southeastern Iowa Synod offered to visit SOTC to catch a glimpse of what ministry looks like in this place! To that end, we are excited to welcome Bishop Amy Current on Sun, April 10. She will preach and preside over communion, and remain with us for fellowship and our education hour. Make sure to join us as we offer a warm welcome and as we celebrate Palm Sunday!

Women’s Group

Sat, March 12 @ 8:30 am

In the book of John, Jesus uses the expression “eternal life” quite often. Often, we may understand “eternal life” to imply life after death. But in the Gospel of John, this phrase not only refers to a life that is eternally long but is also a life that is eternally deep – a life that is endless in value and meaning.

Want to learn more? Join us for the Women’s Group as we spend time in study and in fellowship. All are welcome!


News & Events

Ash Wednesday Worship

Wednesday, March 2 @ 7:00 pm

Gather with us as we confess our sin, our brokenness, and our scattered-ness, and gather with us as we seek God’s mercy and forgiveness. Not able to make it to worship but would like to receive ashes and communion? Contact Pastor Aleese via email or cell phone (319-427-0600).

Lenten Midweek Meals and Worship

Starting Wednesday, March 9

5:30 – 6:15 pm | Meal 
6:30 – 7:15 pm | Worship Service

Our worship service will use the first half of the Holden Evening Prayer Service and then will spend time looking at the previous Sundays’ Scripture/theme. 

If you’re willing to help provide food for a meal, please sign up below. We’re looking for teams of 5 people per Wed to provide, serve, and clean up a meal. Each group of people will determine what they would like to serve. Sign up here or on the sign-up sheet in the narthex. Questions re meals? Contact Colleen Bentz, team lead for our Social Team.

Can you help make laundry soap? 

For many families in the greater Muscatine community, laundry soap is an expensive item that often gets left to the side. To help, Shepherd is teaming up with Grace Lutheran to gather supplies to make laundry soap.  That’s right…we’re making laundry soap, at a much cheaper rate than buying it outright! Starting March 6, we’ll be collecting the following items:

  • baking soda (4 lb. boxes)
  • borax (4 lb. boxes)
  • Fels Naptha bar soap
  • Oxi Clean (4 lb. containers)
  • Washing soda

We’ll gather materials throughout the season, and then our Family Faith Night crew will put these raw materials together to make laundry soap to benefit the families of Lutheran Services of Iowa (LSI). Want to get in on the fun? Mark your calendars now to join us at Grace on April 20 at 6:30 p.m.!

Sewing Machines Needed

Do you have an unused sewing machine in your closet? World Relief of the Quad Cities is looking for used (or new!) sewing machines for immigrant women in our area. If you have a machine you would like to donate, please contact the church office or Ric Smith.

Looking for a mid-week dive into God’s Word?

Join us Wednesdays @ 12:00 pm @ Geo Johnz

Looking for a way to dive into our Sunday Scripture readings prior to worship? Join us for Christians Underground on Wednesdays at 12:00 pm at Geo Johnz (203 E 2nd Street). We’ll provide copies of the Scripture readings and all you need to do is show up and be open to the transformative power of the Spirit through God’s Word! Questions? Talk to Pastor Aleese.

Making Sense of the Cross Adult Education

Beginning Sunday, March 6

When asked, “Why did Jesus die?” what would you say? Many may respond with something like, “to forgive us our sin.” But what does that mean?

If you’d like to dive deeper into the cross, and various perspectives that the four Gospels give us of Jesus’ death and resurrection, join other adults (and older youth) as we dive deeper. The conversation will begin at about 10:30 a.m. and will be led by Pastor Aleese.

Panda Express Fundraiser

March 6

Looking to support our youth and eat some good food at the same time? This opportunity is for you! 

Here’s what you need to do:

  • order food (eat-in/order online) at Panda Express on March 6
  • present our coupon code: 334975
  • enjoy your food and watch SOTC Youth get fundraising dollars!

For more information, and for a page that reminds you of our fundraising code, bookmark this page. Questions? Talk to Leslie Eichelberger.


News & Events

Welcome to the Carter’s, Sullivan’s, and Passmore’s!

A hearty welcome to Chris, Kirsten, Travis, Jill, Aden, Dwight, and Judy!  We officially welcomed them during worship this past Sunday and our young adults/families with kiddos gathered for a night of fellowship later Sunday evening. Welcome to the flock, friends! 

Chocolate Fest!

Sunday, February 27 

In true Shepherd tradition, we will be hosting Chocolate Fest following worship on Sunday, February 27.  This tradition started years ago as “one last chance” to eat all the chocolate/sweets you want before heading into the season of Lent (see below for more information). Whether you’re thinking about giving something up for Lent or not, make sure to join us for an assortment of all things chocolate! All members are invited to bring something to share for our fellowship hour. 

Lent is Coming!

Soon and very soon, we will be launching into the season of Lent. Out theme for this season is “Full to the Brim.” Our hope this Lent is to invite you into God’s abundant and expansive grace, just as you are. Later this week we hope to share more about our theme and other plans for our life together, but for now, note the following details and dates:

Ash Wednesday Worship

Ash Wednesday begins our Lenten journey on Wednesday, March 2. Join us for worship at 7:00 pm

Lenten Midweek Meals and Worship

Starting Wed, March 9, our schedule will be: 

5:30 – 6:15 pm | Meal 
6:30 – 7:15 pm | Worship Service

Willing to help provide food for a meal? We need you! We’re looking for teams of 5 people per Wed to provide, serve, and clean up a meal. Each group of people will determine what they would like to serve. Sign up here or on the sign-up sheet in the narthex. Questions re meals? Contact Colleen Bentz, team lead for our Social Team.

Looking for a mid-week dive into God’s Word?

Join us Wednesdays @ 12:00 pm @ Geo Johnz

Looking for a way to dive into our Sunday Scripture readings prior to worship? Join us for Christians Underground on Wednesdays at 12:00 pm at Geo Johnz (203 E 2nd Street). We’ll provide copies of the Scripture readings and all you need to do is show up and be open to the transformative power of the Spirit through God’s Word! Questions? Talk to Pastor Aleese.

Recognition of Team Members in Worship

Sunday, February 27

A few weeks ago, we offered a blessing and prayer for our Council leaders. But it’s not just our Council leaders who are making things happen at SOTC! Our teams are working hard! To honor our teams, bless them, and offer a prayer, we will be recognizing members of our Shepherding Teams during worship on Sunday, February 27. Team members: simply come to worship and follow instructions during the closing announcements. Thank you, team members, and all Shepherds, for the ways you contribute to the ministry of Jesus Christ through this congregation!

Panda Express Fundraiser

March 6 and April 10

Looking to support our youth and eat some good food at the same time? This opportunity is for you! Mark your calendars for March 6 and April 10 as days to eat in/order online from Panda Express. In the coming weeks, we’ll be given a coupon code as a congregation; simply offer that code when you order and SOTC will receive a portion of each meal sold. Thanks for your support!

Summer Camp Registration at EWALU

If you have a child in grades 1-12, consider spending a day, half-week or week at Camp EWALU this summer!  Early bird registration (deducting $40 from your registration cost) goes through March 1.  Check out EWALU’s website for a full list of camp opportunities!

Do note that we are looking into a confirmation camp opportunity for middle school (grades 6-8) youth this summer. If interested, contact Pastor Aleese

For all youth: our Ed Team has agreed to offer a scholarship to youth attending camp. Total donation TBD, but know we are supporting you!


News & Events

Lenten Midweek Schedule Finalized!

Thank you for your feedback!  Based on the results of those who responded, our Lent midweek schedule (starting Wed, March 9) will be:

5:30 – 6:15 pm | Meal
6:30 – 7:15 pm | Worship Service

Mark your calendars to join us and look for more information to come soon! Note that Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent on Wed, March 2. Worship for Ash Wednesday will be at 7:00 pm.

Christians Underground to Resumes this Week!

Wednesdays @ 12:00 pm, February 16

Prior to the pandemic, we often met at a restaurant downtown for Bible study and fellowship. For various reasons, this group subsided. However, recently there seems to be an interest in reviving such a group. 

To get going again, we will meet weekly on Wednesdays at 12:00 pm at Geo Johnz Pizza (203 E 2nd Street). The topic of study/conversation will likely begin by focusing on the upcoming Sunday readings. In the future, we may decide to work our way through a book of the Bible.  Join us to offer your suggestions and what you’re looking for! Questions? Talk to Pastor Aleese.

Welcome to the Carter’s, Sullivan’s, and Passmore’s!

Sunday, February 20

Our flock is growing! During worship on Sunday, we will be offering prayer and blessing for the Carter, Sullivan, and Passmore families as they join our family of faith. Mark your calendars to join us for worship and a time of fellowship to get to know them better and offer your welcome!

Panda Express Fundraiser

Looking to support our youth and eat some good food at the same time? This opportunity is for you!

Mark your calendars for March 6 and April 10 as days to eat in/order online from Panda Express. In the coming weeks, we’ll be given a coupon code as a congregation; simply offer that code when you order and SOTC will receive a portion of each meal sold. Thanks for your support!

Summer Camp Registration at EWALU

Though it’s quite cold outside, our Lutheran Outdoor Ministry camps are looking ahead to summer! If you have a child in grades 1-12, consider spending a day, half-week, or week at Camp EWALU.  Early bird registration (deducting $40 from your registration cost) goes through March 1. Check out EWALU’s website for a full list of camp opportunities! Contact Pastor Aleese if your child is considering camp as Shepherd may be able to provide a camping scholarship.

Chocolate Fest!

Sunday, February 27

In true Shepherd tradition, we will be hosting Chocolate Fest following worship on Sunday, February 27. This tradition started years ago as “one last chance” to eat all the chocolate/sweets you want before heading into the season of Lent (starting March 2). Whether you’re thinking about giving something up for Lent or not, make sure to join us for an assortment of all things chocolate! All members are invited to bring something to share for the fellowship hour.  


News & Events:

Lenten Midweek Schedule Feedback

We need to hear from you!

Our Worship and Music and Education Teams have begun making plans for our Lenten journey. We have a few questions, especially in regards to midweek Lenten worship services and meals, so as to gauge the interest and timing of our evening together. Please complete a survey here to help us determine what is best for the whole of our community! Thank you!

Christians Underground to Resume!

Wednesdays @ 12:00 pm, starting February 16

Prior to the pandemic, we often met at a restaurant downtown for Bible study and fellowship. For various reasons, this group subsided. However, recently there seems to be an interest in reviving such a group. 

To get going again, we will meet weekly on Wednesdays at 12:00 p.m. at Geo Johnz Pizza (203 E 2nd Street). The topic of study/conversation will likely begin by focusing on the upcoming Sunday readings. In the future, we may decide to work our way through a book of the Bible.  Join us to offer your suggestions and what you’re looking for! Questions? Talk to Pastor Aleese.

Souper Bowl of Caring Drive

Sunday, February 6 and 13

As many celebrate Super Bowl weekend, let’s work together to fill the Muskie Locker at Susan Clark Junior High! We’ll be collecting the following items on Sunday, Feb. 6 and 13:

  • deodorant (male and female)
  • toothpaste and toothbrushes
  • hoodies
  • sweatshirts
  • adult gloves and hats
  • trappers

All donations must be new (not used). Cash/check donations are also accepted. Questions? Contact Colleen Bentz

Welcome to the Carter’s, Sullivan’s and Passmore’s!

Sunday, February 20

Our flock is growing! During worship on Sunday we will be offering prayer and blessing for the Carter, Sullivan, and Passmore families as they join our family of faith. Mark your calendars to join us for worship and a time of fellowship to get to know them better and offer your welcome!

Pastor Aleese Continuing Education

February 11 – 14

Pastor Aleese will be attending the ELCA Extravaganza (a youth leader networking conference) from Feb 11 – 14. She will also be receiving training to lead our synod’s “Synod Day” at the upcoming ELCA Youth Gathering. During her time away, Pastor Willie Rosin (Zion Lutheran) will be available for pastoral emergencies. Pastor Marv Robeck will serve as supply preacher/presider along with lay leaders on Sun, Feb. 14. 

Summer Camp Registration at EWALU

Though it’s quite cold outside, our Lutheran Outdoor Ministry camps are looking ahead to summer! If you have a child in grades 1-12, consider spending a day, half-week, or week at Camp EWALU.  Early bird registration (deducting $40 from your registration cost) goes through March 1.  Check out EWALU’s website for a full list of camp opportunities! Contact Pastor Aleese if your child is considering camp as Shepherd may be able to provide a camping scholarship.

Tone Chime Rehearsals to Resume 

After a brief break over the holidays, our tone chime choir will be coming back together soon!  Watch for more information from Jon Thoma regarding when rehearsals will begin again. 

Want to be involved but were not before? Email Jon directly.


News & Events:

Lenten Midweek Schedule Feedback

We need to hear from you!

Our Worship and Music and Education Teams have begun making plans for our Lenten journey. We have a few questions, especially in regards to midweek Lenten worship services and meals, so as to gauge interest and timing of our evening together. Please complete a survey here to help us determine what is best for the whole of our community! Thank you!

Shepherding Team Sign Up

We’re closing in on having our team line up ready to share with the congregation! Before doing so, if you haven’t had the chance to sign up to be a part of a Shepherding Team, sign up here or on the bulletin board in the narthex. We need everyone in this community to help facilitate the mission of Jesus Christ in this place!

SOTC Game Night

Saturday, February 5 from 4:00 – 6:00 pm

 It’s this weekend! Bring your favorite games and an appetizer to share for our meal. If you’re willing to bring a liter of pop and/or help in the kitchen during the evening, contact Colleen Bentz or Kathy Dunham

Souper Bowl of Caring Drive

Sunday, February 6 and 13

As many celebrate Super Bowl weekend, let’s work together to fill the Muskie Locker at Susan Clark Junior High! We’ll be collecting the following items on Sunday Feb 6 and 13:

  • deodorant (male and female)
  • toothpaste and toothbrushes
  • hoodies
  • sweatshirts
  • adult gloves and hats
  • trappers

All donations must be new (not used). Cash/check donations also accepted. Questions? Contact Colleen Bentz

Narrative Directory Now Available!

Ever want to know a bit more about your fellow Shepherds? Thanks to our Social Team, we have a new Narrative Directory that helps us get to know one another! Check it out to put a name to a face (thanks to your awesome pictures!) and learn more about our church family! Members will find it in our Members tab on website.

Pastor Aleese Continuing Education

Feb 11 – 14

Pastor Aleese will be attending the ELCA Extravaganza (a youth leader networking conference) from Feb 11 – 14. She will also be receiving training to lead our synod’s “Synod Day” at the upcoming ELCA Youth Gathering. During her time away, Pastor Willie Rosin (Zion Lutheran) will be available for pastoral emergencies. Pastor Marv Robeck will serve as supply preacher/presider along with lay leaders on Sun, Feb. 14. 

Tone Chime Rehearsals to Resume 

After a brief break over the holidays, our tone chime choir will be coming back together soon!  Watch for more information from Jon Thoma regarding when rehearsals will begin again. 

Want to be involved but were not before? Email Jon directly.


News & Events:

2021 SOTC Year in Review

This past Sunday we held our Annual Meeting following worship. As a part of that meeting, we compiled a video highlighting some moments from 2021. Take a look, and listen to our invitation given to the congregation going into 2022.

Narrative Directory Now Available

Ever want to know a bit more about your fellow Shepherds? Thanks to our Social Team, we have a new Narrative Directory that helps us get to know one another! Check it out to put a name to a face (thanks to your awesome pictures!) and learn more about our church family! To access the SOTC directories contact Kathy Dunham.

Shepherding Team Sign Up

For the past few years, each Jan/Feb we have asked the congregation to consider being a part of a Shepherding Team (Worship and Music, Education, Social, etc.). Per our organizational structure, team members are not elected. Instead, all are welcome to serve on whatever team(s) they feel they are being called to based on your skills/gifts. 

In the narthex, we have transformed our Advent “Close to Home” bulletin board into a giant sign-up board. If you would like to serve on a Shepherding Team, sign up at the church or using this Sign Up Genius link

Currently serving on a team and would like to continue? Please re-sign up so we know your intent to continue serving. 

If you have any questions, contact Kathy Dunham or Delene McConnaha

Adult Education to Resume

Sunday, January 30

Adult Education will resume on Sundays following worship/a time of fellowship. Tentative topic is an overview of the Gospel of Luke. This year, we will hear primarily from the Gospel of Luke in worship. Our hope is that in getting a birds-eye view of this Gospel, we will be better able to engage in Scripture as it is read in worship. All are welcome to join us!

SOTC Game Night

Saturday, February 5 from 4:00 – 6:00 pm

Take a break from the winter cold and join your Shepherds for a game night! Bring your favorite games and an appetizer to share for our meal. If you’re willing to bring a liter of pop and/or help in the kitchen during the evening, contact Colleen Bentz or Kathy Dunham

Southeastern Iowa Anti-Racism Network Conversation and Study

Tuesdays in February @ 7:00 pm

The Southeastern Iowa Synod invites you to join with communities of faith across Southeastern Iowa in faithful conversations about The 1619 Project. Slavery in the United States has been referenced as our “original sin.” Given that context and the fact that many communities of faith justified enslavement and benefited materially from it, or, on the flipside, worked for its elimination, it is critical the faith community intentionally study slavery and its lasting impact on the generations during and after.

Beginning on Tuesday, February 1, participants will gather at 7 pm for a 30-minute video, prepared by interfaith leaders from across the state, and end with 30-minutes of conversation. There is selected reading from the 1619 Project for each week, and the essay is available for free online. To view the 6-week structure, visit the Faithful Conversations on The 1619 Project site. If you need to miss a week (or 2) the videos are all available on YouTube and will be sent each week as a recap along with the assigned reading for the next week.

Register here to join in this important conversation. For questions, contact Pastor Erika Uthe, Assistant to the Bishop. 

Souper Bowl of Caring Drive

Sunday, February 6 and 13

As many celebrate Super Bowl weekend, let’s work together to fill the Muskie Locker at Susan Clark Junior High! We’ll be collecting the following items on Sunday Feb 6 and 13:

  • deodorant (male and female)
  • toothpaste and toothbrushes
  • hoodies
  • sweatshirts
  • adult gloves and hats
  • trappers

All donations must be new (not used). Cash/check donations also accepted. Questions? Contact Colleen Bentz

Chocolate Fest 

Sunday, February 27

It’s still over a month away, but it’s definitely something to get excited about! We missed Chocolate Fest for the past two years, but are excited to bring this tradition back! The Sunday before Ash Wednesday, join us for a time of fellowship with nothing but chocolate! All members are invited to bring thier favorite chocolate delicacy. There will be no Sunday School or Adult Education this Sunday. Start getting your recipes ready now!


News & Events:

Annual Meeting

Sunday, January 23 following worship

Each year we gather in an annual meeting of the congregation. We use this time to elect new leaders for the coming year and attend to congregational business. But we also use this time as a chance to look back in reflection and forward in hope. Join us for our annual meeting and take a look at our 2021 Annual Report!

Shepherding Team Sign Up

For the past few years, each Jan/Feb we have asked the congregation to consider being a part of a Shepherding Team (Worship and Music, Education, Social, etc.). Per our organizational structure, team members are not elected. Instead, all are welcome to serve on whatever team(s) they feel they are being called to based on your skills/gifts. 

In the narthex, we have transformed our Advent “Close to Home” bulletin board into a giant sign-up board. If you would like to serve on a Shepherding Team, sign up at the church or using this Sign Up Genius link

Currently serving on a team and would like to continue? Please re-sign up so we know your intent to continue serving. 

If you have any questions, contact Kathy Dunham or Delene McConnaha

SOTC Game Night

Saturday, February 5 from 4:00 – 6:00 pm

Take a break from the winter cold and join your Shepherds for a game night! Bring your favorite games and an appetizer to share for our meal. If you’re willing to bring a liter of pop and/or help in the kitchen during the evening, contact Colleen Bentz or Kathy Dunham

Not able to join us in-person for worship? 
Join us via our livestream!

In the past few years, as a congregation, we have grown accustomed to providing a digital opportunity for people to join us in our worship. This fall, we needed to temporarily stop our livestreaming as we were having technological issues. In the meantime, we still recorded worship and uploaded those videos to our church YouTube channel

Since then, thanks to our Technology Team, our technological issues have been resolved. Because of this, and because our Worship and Music Team is mindful that people may not be able to attend in-person worship because of quarantining from COVID and/or winter weather concerns, we are resuming our livestream of worship. 

Livestream link is always available on our website and in our weekly email announcements. 

If you have any questions regarding this decision, talk to one of your Worship and Music Team members: Matt Bentz, Delene McConnaha, Amy Bakke, Joseph Reddy, Bob Danner and Becky DeBlaey. 

Lenten Opportunities

This year, the season of Lent begins on Wednesday, March 2. That evening, we will observe Ash Wednesday in worship at 7pm. On each Wednesday following, our Worship and Music Team and Education Team are considering various options to offer to the congregation. So as to have a sense of what the congregation is interested in participating this year, we are seeking your input. Please complete this survey or complete the paper copy found in the narthex. 

Adult Education to Resume

Sunday, January 30

Adult Education will resume on Sundays following worship/a time of fellowship. Tentative topic is an overview of the Gospel of Luke. This year, we will hear primarily from the Gospel of Luke in worship. Our hope is that in getting a birds-eye view of this Gospel, we will be better able to engage in Scripture as it is read in worship. More details to come soon. 


News & Events:

Annual Reports are Ready!

We are pleased to shared with you our 2021 Annual Report! Take a look to get a recap of how and where we dwelled with Christ in the past year. Look for a video recap to be shared at our Annual Meeting, scheduled for Sunday, January 23 following worship.

Worship Feedback Form

During the Advent-Christmas season, in order to embrace our theme of “Close to Home,” we adapted our worship and space set-up. Later this January, our Worship and Music Team will be meeting to review what was effective throughout the Advent-Christmas season, and what might “stick” into the new year. To help us get a broader perspective, we’re looking for your feedback. Fill out a paper copy (found in the narthex) or fill out the form here. We thank you in advance for your feedback as we seek to connect to Christ and to each other in our worship!

Poinsettias Available for Pick Up

If you ordered a poinsettia in honor/memory of someone, feel free to pick it up at the church.  Poinsettias are outside of the fellowship serving window. Thank you for helping us celebrate Christmas at Shepherd!

SOTC Game Night

Saturday, February 5 @ 4-6 pm

Take a break from the winter cold and join your Shepherds for a game night! Bring your favorite games and an appetizer to share for our meal. Soda provided.

Shed Update 

We’ve received some questions about when we will be able to move things into our shed. Thanks to the work of the Gilberts, the shed now has electricity hooked up. We need to wait for building inspection before building shelves. Once inspection is complete, along with shelves being built, we will begin moving things into the shed. Anticipate early spring as the soonest we will be ready for anything to be moved. Thanks for your patience and support of this project!