
UPDATE: SOTC Response to COVID-19

Photo of woman holding a Bible by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Dear Shepherds and friends of our community:

In the past few days, our news feeds have been spouting headlines about COVID-19. Day by day, even minute by minute, we have been finding ourselves reacting to an ever-changing reality. Here at SOTC, we have been attentive to the situation, and have been making decisions by stages.

To that end, following the CDC’s recommendations for mass gatherings that were published on the evening of Sunday, March 15, Pastor Aleese called a council meeting to determine our next steps forward. On Monday, March 16, our council met, reviewed the situation and recommendations of the CDC and state officials. In light of that discussion, the church council has voted to suspend all in-person activities at SOTC through Sun., April 12. This follows the proposed suspension of our local Muscatine Community School District.

To be clear, this decision was not made out of fear, and was not made as a reaction based on how other community groups are responding. Rather, this decision was made out of deep love for our neighbor – for those most vulnerable in our community at SOTC and for those most vulnerable in the greater Muscatine community. It was the decision of our council that it is at such a time as this that we must make the sacrifice of physically gathering together to benefit the greater population.

To that end, effective immediately, the building is closed to all members and visitors. Though we are aware that many may still be “well,” if we – as an organization – were to follow the recommendations laid before us from the CDC to maintain a clean/sanitized environment, it would simply be too much to expect of our paid staff and/or custodian to maintain. Pastor Aleese, Kathy (office manager) and our custodian will continue to have access as needed to the building. We will not be maintaining regular office hours; Pastor Aleese and Kathy will work only as is needed in the church building and will do much of their work remotely.

Though we will be suspending all in-person activities, THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT MINISTRY WILL STOP! Instead, based on a plan Pastor Aleese presented to council last evening, much of what we do together as a community WILL continue through virtual means. Look for a LiveStream video (on Facebook, later uploaded to our website) from Pastor Aleese later today outlining the 5 core areas that we are working on to ensure that we:

  • sustain the community that is here at SOTC
  • sustain the role/mission we have as a congregation in the greater community

We encourage all members to check their email for continued updates, and we encourage EVERYONE to frequently return to this website for continued updates. Bookmark our site and check it often! We will be developing various pages in the next few days to facilitate community, even if we cannot be physically together.

In short, a few immediate notes:

  • Worship will be held virtually on 9 am on Sundays. Although we cannot gather in our sanctuary, I ask us to gather together with each other across the community at a common time of prayer as is our current practice. Information pertaining to how to access our streamed worship service is forthcoming. You will receive an email update; also check back at our webpage and Facebook.
  • Offerings can be sent via mail. We are in the process of setting up an option for online giving and/or bank draft (hopefully by end of this week). Though our ministry will look different for the next few weeks, we stress that our ministry is NOT suspended. We need your support, even during these times.
  • Lenten small groups will also not meet in person; we are encouraging small group leaders to contact their groups to help facilitate a virtual meeting that is appropriate for each group.
    • It will be crucial for us to continue to interact together and build relationships, even if we are not in person. To that end, if you are not a part of a Lent Small Group, but would like continued support and contact with a small group from our congregation, please contact Pastor Aleese via email or cell. She will be either adding members to existing groups and/or creating more groups. It is the intent that these groups will not only continue with our Wednesday Lenten practice, but that these groups can be places for “check ins”  (aka: sharing highs and lows) especially in the midst of much uncertainty around us.
  • Pastoral care needs are to be directed to Pastor Aleese. Text/call her on her cell phone ONLY (319-427-0600). Please do not contact the church office if you need to reach Pastor Aleese! Situations will be handled on a case-by-case basis to provide care. This also applies if you, or someone you know, is in need of food or other assistance.
  • All outside groups (Weight Watchers and Wonder Years Preschool) will also not be using the church building during this time.
  • All offsite gatherings (including Christians Underground) are also suspended.
  • Our church council will virtually meet during their regularly scheduled time on Monday, March 30, to reassess the situation.  

In the coming days and weeks, you will receive information about how we will continue to live together – as SOTC, and as the greater Muscatine community. There is no question about it: we are living in an unprecedented time. However, that does not mean that we stop being the church. Though the ways we form faith and community in the next few weeks will look and feel different, we will not abandon the call to be the people God created us to be: people living on purpose for a purpose in the name of Jesus Christ.

So as we continue through Lent, let us continue to remember that Christ is with us. Let us continue to focus on the cross, where Jesus destroyed the power of death and gives us abundant life. And let us care for one another as one in the body of Christ.

Shepherds, we uphold you in prayer, and we ask that you continue to uphold one another in prayer. We’re in this together, and we trust that Christ will continue to guide our ministry during this time.


Pastor Aleese and the SOTC Council


News and Events

Lent 2020:
Every Wednesday 6-8:00 p.m.

6:00-6:30 meal
6:30-7:00 evening prayer worship service
7:00-8:00 small group


Ecumenical Prayer and Lunch
Looking for an opportunity to gather with others from the Muscatine community? Or, looking for a mid-day pause for prayer? The Muscatine Ministerial Association has organized a series of midweek prayer and lunch events at area churches. See the schedule on the bulletin board in the narthex.

MCSA Needs Lunch Servers
Requesting help serving lunch on Thursdays starting February 27. Food will be provided and prepared; they simply need volunteers to serve. Volunteers arrive by noon, serve from 12:15-12:45, and wrap up by 1:00. This is not something new, but they are finding they need help to continue this service. Sign up in the narthex if you are able to help. Pastor Aleese can answer any questions.

Allen Family Meal Assistance
Thank you to all who provided meals for the Allens. A sign-up sheet is in the narthex for the upcoming weeks. Kathy or Pastor can answer any questions.


Advent & Christmas Activities

We’re on our final countdown to Christmas! But it’s not too late to join us as we prepare for Christ’s birth. See below to see how you can participate with us:


December 14, 6:00 p.m.
Carols, Cookies, and Bingo Potluck:
Celebrate the Christmas season with our SOTC family for this fun event. Everyone attending is asked to bring a side dish and a dozen cookies to share. Social team members will provide the main dish. Along with the potluck we will be singing some favorite carols and playing bingo.

December 22, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Youth Group Christmas Party!
Our Youth Group will be having a special night to celebrate the season. All youth grades 4 and up invited. Join us for some Christmas games, food, and a time to remember the story of Christ’s birth.

Advent Devotionals:
If you’re looking for something to spark the season as you prepare, you can find these family and individual devotionals in the Narthex.

Special Advent & Christmas Worship Services

Sunday, December 22, 9:00 a.m.
Advent Youth-Led Worship
Our children and youth (including FINK and HS) will be leading much of the service, including a message entitled, “God Wants a Re-Do.”

NOTE: The youth will be going through their parts the next three weeks during Sunday School and a run-through rehearsal of the service Saturday, December 21 from 9-10:00 p.m.. Parents and families can reach out to Pastor Aleese or an Education Team member with questions. 

Tuesday, December 24:
Christmas Eve Worship, 4:00 p.m. 
Join us for a festive worship service including special music and candlelight. Anyone interested in providing music for the service or being involved in some way should speak with Patti Oestmann.

Sunday, December 29, 9:00 a.m.
Christmas Service of Lessons and Carols 
Join us the Sunday after Christmas for a romp through the many Scripture readings of Christmas and sing your favorite carols! 


Diaper Drive

Earlier this spring, area congregations were challenged to meet a diaper need in our community. Thanks to your help, we were able to support two day care centers. But, the need did not simply disappear. For that reason, several local non-profits and congregations have banded together to create the Community Diaper Bank (CDB). The CDB will be open to partner agencies and diapers will be distributed through area agencies to individuals and families. Emergency diapers will be available at places like MCSA and Salvation Army. 

Our goal is quite lofty: to fill a 53-foot semi-trailer with diapers and be prepared to distribute diapers as of January 1, 2020. 

But to do that, we need your help in two ways: 

Purchase Diapers 

  • Bringing your donations to church either Sunday, or during the week.

Help With Start-Up Costs 

We have a few outstanding costs that need to be covered to get this initiative off the ground. If you’d be willing to help, put your donation in the basket in the narthex or send your donation directly to United Way, ear-marked “Community Diaper Bank Start Up Costs.” Checks can be made out to United Way

If you have any questions, talk to Pastor Aleese. Thank you for your support of those in need in our community, and thanks for doing God’s Work with Your Hands!