
News & Events

ELCA Good Gifts Animals are Running Wild!

Thanks to your help, between the congregation and our Children’s Sermon/Sunday School fund, we donated $700 toward ELCA World Hunger this holiday season! With those funds we purchased:

  • 10 sets of chicks
  • 7 goats
  • 3 sets of honeybees
  • 2 piglets
  • 2 rooters
  • 2 shares of a cow

Thanks for your participation, and thanks to our kids and families for helping us choose what animals were sent to assist people around the world!

Support Muscatine Youth Performing this Season

We have a number of our youth (and some adults!) performing this upcoming holiday season! Mark your calendars to support them and be sure to congratulate them after their concert!

Susan Clark Junior High Orchestra Concert – 
Tuesday, December 12 @ Susan Clark @ 6:30 pm
Featuring Elyse Eichelberger

Saints Mary and Mathias School Band Concert – 
Wednesday, December 13 @ St. Mathias School @ 6:30 pm
Featuring Holden Brockert

Louisa-Muscatine Elementary School Winter Concert –
Thursday, December 14 @ Louisa-Muscatine Elementary @ 1:30 pm
Featuring Amelia Vircks

Muscatine High School Winter Glow Concert – 
Friday, December 15 @ Wesley United Methodist Church @ 7:00 pm
Featuring Owen Christy

Susan Clark Junior High Choir Concert – 
Tuesday, December 19 @ Susan Clark @ 6:30 pm
Featuring Elyse Eichelberger

Opportunities to Serve at Lutheran Living

Recently Pastor Aleese has learned of several opportunities to serve residents at Lutheran Living. If you are interested in serving in any of these capacities, contact Pastor Aleese

Volunteer Visitor: seeking volunteers to offer 1 hour per week (or every 2 weeks) to visit with residents. Training would be provided for volunteers. 

Volunteers to transport residents to chapel worship services: seeking volunteers to assist on Sundays from 1:45-2:45pm to transport residents desiring to attend worship from their rooms to the chapel. 

Christmas Eve greeters: SOTC is leading a brief, 30-minute worship service on December 24 at 2:00pm. To extend our hospitality to those outside our flock, we’re looking for some additional people to help lead portions of worship, help residents, and visit. Time commitment: 1:45 – 2:45pm. 

Shepherd Christmas Party

Sunday, Dec 17, 3:00 – 4:30 pm

Join us for a night of games, fellowship, and fun! Bring a plate of Christmas cookies to share.

Upcoming Advent and Christmas Worship Services

As you’re making holiday plans with friends and family, take note of our worship schedule at SOTC!

Sunday, December 17, 9:00 am | Advent 3 worship
Focus on the birth of John the Baptist and immersing ourselves in wonder and awe

Sunday, December 24, 9:00 am | Advent 4 worship
A service of prayer as we watch and wait for the birth of Christ. Worship will highlight Mary’s and Zechariah’s song as we sing stories of hope in anticipation. No communion. 

Sunday, December 24, 4:00 pm | Christmas Eve worship
Candlelight communion service focusing on the nativity of our Lord. 

Sunday, December 31, 9:00 am | First Sunday after Christmas
Celebration of the presentation of Jesus in the temple as we bask in the glow of Christmas. No communion. Sermon will be provided by the Southeastern Iowa Synod. 

Sunday, January 7, 9:00 am | Baptism of Our Lord
After Christ’s presentation, we journey to the Jordan River to hear God’s pronouncement upon Jesus, launching us into the season of Epiphany. 

Women’s Epiphany Party

Sunday, January 7, 5:00 – 7:00 pm

Join us for a night of celebrating Christ’s light to the nations! This year, in lieu of a candle exchange, bring a white elephant gift.

Also, to give back to our community, bring winter outerwear that will be donated to those in need in our community. New or gently used accepted. Gloves, hats, scarves, boots, coats…whatever you so please! We’ll invite the whole congregation to join this initiative through January. 

Year End Giving

Last day for 2023 Contributions: December 27

As you look to the end of the calendar year, note that if you are planning to make a year end donation, please do so by Wednesday, December 27. All gifts received after December 27 will be deposited in 2024.



News & Events

Thanks for preparing for Christmas with us!

At the close of worship this past weekend, we completed our Christmas decorating by dressing our tree together! Thanks for doing your part to help us prepare for the coming of Christ’s birth!

Support Muscatine Youth Performing this Season

We have a number of our youth (and some adults!) performing this upcoming holiday season! Mark your calendars to support them and be sure to congratulate them after their concert!

Wesley’s Lessons and Carols, featuring Muscatine Youth Choirs – 
Sunday, December 10 @ Wesley United Methodist Church @ 2:30 pm
Featuring Amelia Vircks

Saints Mary and Mathias School Christmas Concert – 
Sunday, December 10 @ St. Mathias Church @ 4:30 pm
Featuring  Holden Brockert

Muscatine High School Choir Concert – 
Monday, December 11 @ Muscatine High School @ 7:30 pm
Featuring Owen Christy

Susan Clark Junior High Orchestra Concert – 
Tuesday, December 12 @ Susan Clark @ 6:30 pm
Featuring Elyse Eichelberger

Saints Mary and Mathias School Band Concert – 
Wednesday, December 13 @ St. Mathias School @ 6:30 pm
Featuring Holden Brockert

Louisa-Muscatine Elementary School Winter Concert –
Thursday, December 14 @ Louisa-Muscatine Elementary @ 1:30 pm
Featuring Amelia Vircks

Muscatine High School Winter Glow Concert – 
Friday, December 15 @ Wesley United Methodist Church @ 7:00 pm
Featuring Owen Christy

Susan Clark Junior High Choir Concert – 
Tuesday, December 19 @ Susan Clark @ 6:30 pm
Featuring Elyse Eichelberger

Advent Devotionals and Devotional Cards Available

Looking for a way to take what we’ll be doing on Sunday mornings during Advent and incorporate it into your journey of faith? Consider using one or more of the following. Note that in-print resources cannot be shared digitally because of copyright guidelines. 

  1. Devotional Book: offering commentary, poems, music, and imagery to ponder. Found in the narthex.
  2. Devotional Cards: similar from previous seasons, offering prompts for journaling, activities, and prayer. Found in the narthex.
  3. Family Advent Calendars: calendars have been mailed to families. If you’d like one and didn’t get one, contact the church office. 
  4. Social Media Posts: each week we’ll post about three thoughts to ponder. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram!

Looking for something to listen to this holiday season?

Ever find yourself in the car? Or, needing something to listen to as you get going in the morning? Check out this playlist that follows our overall Advent theme. You might even hear some of these pieces played in worship this season!

This playlist is a part of the Spotify platform. Even if you are not a Spotify user, you can still access the playlist to view what songs are on it. If you want to listen to any of the songs, you will need to create an account (sign up for a free version! it’s worth it!)

Blessings as you listen, as you watch, and as you pray this Advent season!

Updated Directories

You may have noticed some new faces in our flock! Updated contact and narrative directories may be found on our website under the “members” tab in the top right corner.

What Sparks Joy for You?

What sparks joy for you? Maybe it’s being with other people, maybe it’s a practice, maybe it’s cooking a favorite recipe, maybe it’s listening to a specific song. Whatever sparks joy for you, capture it, and post it on our bulletin board. Add your pictures, recipes, poems, quotes, and experiences throughout Advent!

Shepherd Christmas Party

Sunday, Dec 17, 3:00 – 4:30 pm

Join us for a night of games, fellowship, and fun! Bring a plate of Christmas cookies to share.

Christmas Eve Worship

Sunday, December 24 @ 4:00 pm

After our final Advent worship on the morning of December 24, we gather to celebrate the birth of our Lord. Worship will include special music and a candlelight service while singing Silent Night.



News & Events

Updated Directories

You may have noticed some new faces in our flock! Updated contact and narrative directories may be found on our website under the “members” tab in the top right corner.

Advent Devotionals and Devotional Cards Available

Looking for a way to take what we’ll be doing on Sunday mornings during Advent and incorporate it into your journey of faith? Consider using one or more of the following. Note that in-print resources cannot be shared digitally because of copyright guidelines. 

  1. Devotional Book: offering commentary, poems, music, and imagery to ponder. Found in the narthex.
  2. Devotional Cards: similar from previous seasons, offering prompts for journaling, activities, and prayer. Found in the narthex.
  3. Family Advent Calendars: calendars have been mailed to families. If you’d like one and didn’t get one, contact the church office. 
  4. Social Media Posts: each week we’ll post about three thoughts to ponder. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram!

Looking for something to listen to this holiday season?

Ever find yourself in the car? Or, needing something to listen to as you get going in the morning? Check out this playlist that follows our overall Advent theme. You might even hear some of these pieces played in worship this season!

This playlist is a part of the Spotify platform. Even if you are not a Spotify user, you can still access the playlist to view what songs are on it. If you want to listen to any of the songs, you will need to create an account (sign up for a free version! it’s worth it!)

Blessings as you listen, as you watch, and as you pray this Advent season!

What Sparks Joy for You?

What sparks joy for you? Maybe it’s being with other people, maybe it’s a practice, maybe it’s cooking a favorite recipe, maybe it’s listening to a specific song. Whatever sparks joy for you, capture it, and post it on our bulletin board. Add your pictures, recipes, poems, quotes, and experiences throughout Advent!

Christmas Cards to Children/Families in Immigration Detention Facilities

Cards due to Pastor Aleese by Wednesday, November 29

In partnership with Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, we are writing cards to children and families in immigration detention facilities this Christmas. If you’d like to help and missed the opportunity to do so this past weekend, take a look at this guide for guidelines and get to it! Bring any completed cards to Pastor Aleese. 

Dec. Women’s Group

Saturday, December 2 @ 8:30 am

Mindful of the busy holiday season, we are bumping Women’s Group up one week from the second Saturday to the first Saturday of the month. Come and join us as we prepare for Christ’s incarnation among us!

Help Us Decorate our Christmas Trees!

Sunday, December 3 at the close of worship

Families work together to decorate their Christmas trees at home. So why not do the same at church?! At the close of worship this coming Sunday, our Altar Guild will have Christmas ornaments for us to put on our trees. Make sure to join us as you offer your contribution to our community this Christmas season!

Shepherd Christmas Party

Sunday, Dec 17, 3:00 – 4:30 pm

Join us for a night of games, fellowship, and fun! Bring a plate of Christmas cookies to share.

Christmas Eve Worship

Sunday, December 24 @ 4:00 pm

After our final Advent worship on the morning of December 24, we gather to celebrate the birth of our Lord. Worship will include special music and a candlelight service while singing Silent Night.



News & Events

Write a Note for our College Students

As we near the holidays, students also turn their attention to finals. To support our college students, our Education Team is sending each student a care package in early December. To personalize these packages, we’re asking the congregation to write a short note in cards that are in the narthex at church. Next time you’re at SOTC, pick up a pen and write something so that Brynn, Noah, Jake, Kortney, Kelsey, and Trinity know that they are being thought of as they push to the end of the semester!

Updated Directories

You may have noticed some new faces in our flock! Updated contact and narrative directories may be found on our website under the “members” tab in the top right corner.

What Sparks Joy for You?

What sparks joy for you? Maybe it’s being with other people, maybe it’s a practice, maybe it’s cooking a favorite recipe, maybe it’s listening to a specific song. Whatever sparks joy for you, capture it, and post it on our bulletin board. Add your pictures, recipes, poems, quotes, and experiences throughout Advent!

ELCA Good Gift Challenge

Donations THIS SUNDAY, November 26

We’ve raised $70 toward ELCA Good Gifts. Can you help make our goal of $250? Our kids are offering $250 of their Children’s Sermon fund toward this effort, and are inviting you to match it!

Your gifts will support the sustainable development ministries of ELCA World Hunger, which include training, education, resources (and much more) to help the community care for animals and create new market opportunities like starting a small business selling eggs, meat or dairy products.

If you’d like to contribute, you can offer a donation in three ways: During the offering (clearly marked on a check or in an envelope); Via (select the ELCA Good Gift category from the drop down menu); Using a credit card reader on Sunday morning in the narthex.


Sign Up and Offer Payment by THIS SUNDAY, November 26

To decorate for the season, we’re asking for the congregation to sponsor poinsettias. If you’d like to purchase a poinsettia in honor/memory of a loved one, sign up in the narthex or email the church office

Cost per poinsettia is $12. Offer your payment in one of three ways: During the offering (clearly marked on a check or in an envelope) Via (select the Poinsettia category from the drop down menu); Using a credit card reader on Sunday morning in the narthex.

LSI Angel Tree

Return gifts to SOTC by THIS SUNDAY, November 26

Reminder to any who picked up a tag from the LSI Angel Tree to return gifts (unwrapped) to SOTC by Sunday, November 26. Please include the tag with your gift so it is directed to the appropriate child. Thank you!

Christmas Cards to Children/Families in Immigration Detention Facilities

Cards due to Pastor Aleese by Wednesday, November 29

In partnership with Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, we are writing cards to children and families in immigration detention facilities this Christmas. If you’d like to help, we’ll be writing cards during fellowship on Sunday, November 27. Want to write some cards on your own? Take a look at this guide for guidelines in writing cards and get to it! Bring any completed cards to Pastor Aleese.

Dec. Women’s Group

Saturday, December 2 @ 8:30 am

Mindful of the busy holiday season, we are bumping Women’s Group up one week from the second Saturday to the first Saturday of the month. Come and join us as we prepare for Christ’s incarnation among us!

Shepherd Christmas Party

Sunday, Dec 17, 3:00 – 4:30 pm

Join us for a night of games, fellowship, and fun! Bring a plate of Christmas cookies to share.



News & Events

Congregational Budget Meeting

Sunday, November 19 following worship

Thanks to the work of our Shepherding Teams and Council, below you can find the proposed 2024 budget along with an addendum. The addendum provides information regarding the decisions that were made in preparing the budget.

Following worship this weekend we will host a short congregational meeting to hear a report on the financial position of the congregation and discuss/vote on the proposed budget. Any questions can be directed to Delene McConnaha, president, or Pastor Aleese



Preparing for Advent

Advent is a time to prepare for the coming of Christ at Christmas, so it might seem strange that we need to prepare for a season of preparation! However, based on how we are approaching the coming season, and when service organizations need Christmas donations, we’re getting a jump on the season!

ELCA Good Gift Challenge

Donations due by Sunday, November 26

Can you help fight hunger and poverty domestically and internationally? Our kids are offering $250 of their Children’s Sermon fund toward this effort, and are inviting you to match it! Your gifts will support the sustainable development ministries of ELCA World Hunger, which include training, education, resources (and much more) to help the community care for animals and create new market opportunities like starting a small business selling eggs, meat or dairy products.

If you’d like to contribute, you can offer a donation in three ways: During the offering (clearly marked on a check or in an envelope); Via (select the ELCA Good Gift category from the drop down menu); Using a credit card reader on Sunday morning in the narthex.


Donations due by Sunday, November 26

To decorate for the season, we’re asking for the congregation to sponsor poinsettias. If you’d like to purchase a poinsettia in honor/memory of a loved one, sign up in the narthex or email the church office

Cost per poinsettia is $12. Offer your payment in one of three ways: During the offering (clearly marked on a check or in an envelope) Via (select the Poinsettia category from the drop down menu); Using a credit card reader on Sunday morning in the narthex.

Christmas Cards to Children/Families in Immigration Detention Facilities

Cards due to Pastor Aleese by Wednesday, November 29

In partnership with Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, we are writing cards to children and families in immigration detention facilities this Christmas. If you’d like to help, we’ll be writing cards during fellowship on Sunday, November 27. Want to write some cards on your own? Take a look at this guide for guidelines in writing cards and get to it! Bring any completed cards to Pastor Aleese.

LSI Angel Tree

Return gifts to SOTC by Sun, November 26

Reminder to any who picked up a tag from the LSI Angel Tree to return gifts (unwrapped) to SOTC by Sunday, November 26. Please include the tag with your gift so it is directed to the appropriate child. Thank you!

Dec. Women’s Group

Saturday, December 2 @ 8:30

Mindful of the busy holiday season, we are bumping Women’s Group up one week from the second Saturday to the first Saturday of the month. Come and join us as we prepare for Christ’s incarnation among us!

How Does a Weary World Rejoice?

Advent begins Sunday, December 3

Can weariness and joy coexist? That’s one of many questions we’ll be addressing this Advent season as we immerse ourselve in Luke 1-2 as our primary readings. 

Look for more information about our theme, and Advent devotional resources (devotional booklet, devotional cards, Advent calendar for families and kids) to be shared on Sunday, November 19. 


News & Events

Soup Fest Thank You!

Thank you to all who cooked, baked, set up, cleaned up, and served in any way for our Soup Fest! Through your help, and the attendance of community members, we raised $1683.00 to be split evenly between a discretionary fund for emergency community needs and Mission Support to the Southeastern Iowa Synod. Thank you for your help, and thank you for helping us support ministries and opportunities to live out our call to be saints in the greater Muscatine community and beyond!

Zion Soup Supper

Tuesday, November 7, 4:30 – 6:30pm

Join our siblings in Christ for a soup supper meal on Election Day night! Menu is chili, chicken noodle soup, ham sandwiches and desserts. Adults $10; seniors $7; Youth $5, under 5 free. All proceeds support Zion youth programming.

Preparing for Advent

Advent is a time to prepare for the coming of Christ at Christmas, so it might seem strange that we need to prepare for a season of preparation! However, based on how we are approaching the coming season, and when service organizations need Christmas donations, we’re getting a jump on the season!

ELCA Good Gift Challenge

Donations due by Sunday, November 26

Can you help fight hunger and poverty domestically and internationally? Our kids are offering $250 of their Children’s Sermon fund toward this effort, and are inviting you to match it! Your gifts will support the sustainable development ministries of ELCA World Hunger, which include training, education, resources (and much more) to help the community care for animals and create new market opportunities like starting a small business selling eggs, meat or dairy products.

If you’d like to contribute, you can offer a donation in three ways: During the offering (clearly marked on a check or in an envelope); Via (select the ELCA Good Gift category from the drop down menu); Using a credit card reader on Sunday morning in the narthex.

Sponsor a Poinsettia

Donations due by Sunday, November 26

To decorate for the season, we’re asking for the congregation to sponsor poinsettias. If you’d like to purchase a poinsettia in honor/memory of a loved one, sign up in the narthex or email the church office

Cost per poinsettia is $12. Offer your payment in one of three ways: During the offering (clearly marked on a check or in an envelope) Via (select the Poinsettia category from the drop down menu); Using a credit card reader on Sunday morning in the narthex.

Christmas Cards to Children/Families in Immigration Detention Facilities

Cards due to Pastor Aleese by Wednesday, November 29

In partnership with Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, we are writing cards to children and families in immigration detention facilities this Christmas. If you’d like to help, we’ll be writing cards during fellowship on Sunday, November 27. Want to write some cards on your own? Take a look at this guide for guidelines in writing cards and get to it! Bring any completed cards to Pastor Aleese.

Congregational Budget Meeting

Sunday, November 19 following worship

This past Sunday, Council shared a proposed 2024 budget thanks to the help of our Shepherd Teams. Take a look below to check it out!

Note that Council will host a roundtable discussion following worship on Sunday, November 12. Budget will be voted upon during our Congregational Budget Meeting on Sunday, November 19.

Any questions can be directed to Delene McConnaha, president, or Pastor Aleese



LSI Angel Tree

In collaboration with Grace and Zion, we will be sponsoring some families this Christmas. Gifts will include an educational toy and a package of diapers. More information will be shared soon. Angel Tree tags may be found in the narthex.

How Does a Weary World Rejoice?

Advent begins Sunday, December 3

Can weariness and joy coexist? That’s one of many questions we’ll be addressing this Advent season as we immerse ourselve in Luke 1-2 as our primary readings. 

Look for more information about our theme, and Advent devotional resources (devotional booklet, devotional cards, Advent calendar for families and kids) to be shared on Sunday, November 19. 


News & Events

Trunk or Treat Success!

We were up against some cold and rain this weekend for Trunk or Treat, but our volunteers from SOTC, Grace, and Zion – along with all who participated! – made this event a smashing success! Special thanks to Colleen Bentz from SOTC who served on the planning team.

Last call for help with Soup Fest!

It’s this coming weekend! Right now, we still need help with the following: 

Cooking and Baking

We need help preparing the following food – pie, bread, and soup.

Serving and Clean Up

We need help with set up, serving and clean up.

Contact Kathy in the church office if you’re willing to help. Thanks!

Zion Soup Supper

Tuesday, November 7, 4:30 – 6:30pm

Join our siblings in Christ for a soup supper meal on Election Day night! Menu is chili, chicken noodle soup, ham sandwiches and desserts. Adults $10; seniors $7; Youth $5, under 5 free. All proceeds support Zion youth programming.

Congregational Budget Meeting

Sunday, November 19 following worship

Each year in the fall, SOTC creates a budget to continue serving in the name of Jesus in the coming year. Our Council is meeting this week to review the proposed 2024 budget, which will then be shared with the congregation on Sunday, November 5. 

If you’re looking for a time to discuss the proposed budget and our financial position, Council will host a roundtable discussion following worship on Sunday, November 12. Budget will be voted upon during our Congregational Budget Meeting on Sunday, November 19.

Any questions can be directed to Delene McConnaha, president, or Pastor Aleese

ELCA Good Gift Challenge

Last year, our kids put forth $250 from their Children’s Sermon fund toward ELCA Good Gifts and challenged the congregation to match that $250. Your gifts support the sustainable development ministries of ELCA World Hunger, which include training, education, resources (and much more) to help the community care for animals and create new market opportunities like starting a small business selling eggs, meat or dairy products.

We will begin collecting donations on Sunday, November 5 and will set up an option to give through Begin considering how this initiative can be a part of your end-of-the-year giving!

Sponsor a Poinsettia

Sign up Nov 5 – Nov 26

Our Altar Guild and Worship and Music Teams are looking forward to a meaningful Advent and Christmas season centered around the theme, “How Does a Weary World Rejoice?” To decorate for the season, we’re asking for the congregation to sponsor poinsettias. If you’d like to purchase a poinsettia in honor/memory of a loved one, sign up in the narthex or email the church office beginning Sunday, November 5.

Cost per poinsettia is $12. Offer your payment via cash or check in the offering plate or turning it into the church office. You can also pay online through and via a credit card reader starting Sunday, November 5.


News & Events

Family Faith Night Crew Offers Random Acts of Kindness in Muscatine

Our Family Faith Night crew from SOTC, Grace and Zion did random acts of kindness around Muscatine for their October service night. Groups delivered cookies to the fire department, flowers to a memory care unit at a nursing facility, chalked uplifting messages outside Lutheran Living, made cards for shut in members of congregations, and delivered care packages to MCSA. Thanks for doing God’s Work with your hands!

All Saint Day Names for Litany in Worship

Submit by Sunday, October 29

Each year, the church observes All Saints Day – a day to remember saints who have joined the body of Christ through baptism and saints who have gone before us who now rest in peace.

If you have someone you know who has been baptized or who has died in the past year that you’d like remembered during our All Saints Litany in worship, sign up in the narthex or contact Kathy Dunham. That person’s name will be remembered in worship, and those remembering that individual will be invited to come forward and light a candle.

Trunk or Treat

Sunday, October 29
4:00 – 5:30 pm

Do you have your trunk and/or costumes ready?! We’ve got 15 trunks signed up (thanks so much!) but can always use a few more! Those hosting trunks need to be parked at Grace by 3:30pm at the latest. 

If you have questions, talk to Colleen Bentz, and/or sign up to host a trunk online. Looking forward to seeing many of you that evening as you host a trunk or participate! Share the news with your friends, neighbors and coworkers!

Calling all bakers and cooks!

Sunday, November 5, 4:00-7:00 pm

We need your help! We still need people to prepare soups (Chicken Noodle, Chili, Potato, Taco, and Vegetable Beef), to bake bread, and to make scrumptious pies. Willing to help? Sign up in the narthex, or email Kathy to see how you could help. 

Be sure to spread the news within your circles and invite people to join us! Paper flyers are available in the narthex; online Facebook event can also be shared!

Congregational Budget Meeting

Sunday, November 19 following worship

Each year in the fall, SOTC creates a budget to continue serving in the name of Jesus in the coming year. Our Council is meeting this week to review the proposed 2024 budget, which will then be shared with the congregation on Sunday, November 5. 

If you’re looking for a time to discuss the proposed budget and our financial position, Council will host a roundtable discussion following worship on Sunday, November 12. Budget will be voted upon during our Congregational Budget Meeting on Sunday, November 19.

Any questions can be directed to Delene McConnaha, president, or Pastor Aleese

Zion Soup Supper

Tuesday, November 7, 4:30 – 6:30pm

Join our siblings in Christ for a soup supper meal on Election Day night! Menu is chili, chicken noodle soup, ham sandwiches and desserts. Adults $10; seniors $7; Youth $5, under 5 free. All proceeds support Zion youth programming. 

ELCA Good Gift Challenge

Last year, our kids put forth $250 from thier Children’s Sermon fund toward ELCA Good Gifts and challenged the congregation to match that $250. Your gifts support the sustainable development ministries of ELCA World Hunger, which include training, education, resources (and much more) to help the community care for animals and create new market opportunities like starting a small business selling eggs, meat or dairy products.

We will begin collecting donations on Sunday, November 5 and will set up an option to give through Tithely. Begin considering how this initiative can be a part of your end-of-the-year giving!

Sponsor a Poinsettia

Sign up Nov 5 – Nov 26

Our Altar Guild and Worship and Music Teams are looking forward to a meaningful Advent and Christmas season centered around the theme, “How Does a Weary World Rejoice?” To decorate for the season, we’re asking for the congregation to sponsor poinsettias. If you’d like to purchase a poinsettia in honor/memory of a loved one, sign up in the narthex or email the church office beginning Sunday, November 5.


News & Events

Training for Readers in Worship

Following worship on Sunday, October 22

When we read Scripture in the midst of worship, we’re doing more than reading a history book. We believe that the Bible is the living and active Word of God that has the power and potential to speak directly to us.

So then what does that mean for how we approach God’s Word and also how we share God’s Word in corporate worship? Our Worship and Music Team, along with Pastor Aleese, is asking volunteers who read in worship to stick around for a brief training and conversation following worship on Sunday, October 22. This time will also include an opportunity to practice reading out loud with one another. 

Not able to make it? The Worship and Music Team will host another training opportunity in the new year. Our hope is to spend some time with our readers, along with other worship volunteers, to illuminate how God is at work in what we do…each and every week. Questions? Talk to Delene McConnaha, Joseph Reddy, or Pastor Aleese. 

All Saint Day Names for Litany in Worship

Submit by Sunday, October 29

Each year, the church observes All Saints Day – a day to remember saints who have joined the body of Christ through baptism and saints who have gone before us who now rest in peace.

If you have someone you know who has been baptized or who has died in the past year that you’d like remembered during our All Saints Litany in worship, sign up in the narthex or contact Kathy Dunham. That person’s name will be remembered in worship, and those remembering that individual will be invited to come forward and light a candle.

Trunk or Treat

Sunday, October 29
4:00 – 5:30 pm

It’s comin’ up soon and we’re looking for people to host trunks! Do a search for fun trunk-or-treat ideas, show up at Grace by 3:30pm at the latest, pop open your trunk, decorate it, pass out candy and that’s all that’s to it!

If you have questions, talk to Colleen Bentz, and/or sign up to host a trunk online. Looking forward to seeing many of you that evening as you host a trunk or participate! Share the news with your friends, neighbors and coworkers!

Soup Fest is around the corner!

Sunday, November 5, 4:00-7:00 pm

Soup Fest is back and we’re excited to host the community for a night of fellowship and fundraising. Proceeds from this years’ Soup Fest will go toward a discretionary fund to respond to emergency community needs and Southeastern Iowa Synod Mission Support. Proceeds will be split 50/50. 

To make this year’s event another success, here’s how you can help: 

  1. Promote Soup Fest  – Pick up a flyer from the narthex to hang at work/in the community. Take a handful of smaller cards to give to neighbors and friends. Share our event on Facebook!
  2. Sign up to cook/bake – we need people to cook a variety of soups and bread and bake pies! Sign up sheet in the narthex. Contact Kathy if you’re interested in more information. 
  3. Sign up to set up/serve/clean up – Volunteers make the dream work! Sign up in the narthex or contact Kathy. We will set up most of the fellowship hall on Sunday, Nov 5 after worship. 

If you have any questions, contact Colleen Bentz. 

Congregational Budget Meeting

Each year in the fall, SOTC creates a budget to continue serving in the name of Jesus in the coming year.

Here’s what you can expect:

Sunday, November 5 – distribution of proposed 2024 budget

Sunday, November 12 – Council will host a time of discussion for anyone with questions regarding the proposed budget and our financial position following worship. 

Sunday, November 19 –Congregational meeting to discuss and approve the budget will be held following worship.

Any questions can be directed to Delene McConnaha, president, or Pastor Aleese

ELCA Good Gift Challenge

Last year, our kids put forth $250 from thier Children’s Sermon fund toward ELCA Good Gifts and challenged the congregation to match that $250. Your gifts support the sustainable development ministries of ELCA World Hunger, which include training, education, resources (and much more) to help the community care for animals and create new market opportunities like starting a small business selling eggs, meat or dairy products.

We will begin collecting donations on Sunday, November 5 and will set up an option to give through Tithely. Begin considering how this initiative can be a part of your end-of-the-year giving!

Sponsor a Poinsettia

Sign up Nov 5 – Nov 26

Our Altar Guild and Worship and Music Teams are looking forward to a meaningful Advent and Christmas season centered around the theme, “How Does a Weary World Rejoice?” To decorate for the season, we’re asking for the congregation to sponsor poinsettias. If you’d like to purchase a poinsettia in honor/memory of a loved one, sign up in the narthex or email the church office beginning Sunday, November 5.


News & Events

SOTC Directory and Narrative Directory Update

Send any updates to the church office by October 15

In our ever changing world we sometimes need to change our contact information. If your contact information is out of date or you would simply like to update your picture/story in the Narrative Directory, please send your information to Kathy

Estimate of Giving Spiritual Practice 

Throughout October during worship, we’ll hear a variety of individuals share a testimony of how the mission of Jesus through SOTC and our shared ministry has impacted them. In so many ways, lives are being touched by what happens both inside our walls and out in the community. 

As you hear these stories, we hope you’ll consider how you also have been impacted by SOTC and our shared ministry. And, as a second step, we hope you’ll consider your participation in continuing to share the good news of Jesus Christ within our congregation and community – in what you do, and in what you give financially. 

To help you consider these things, we encourage you to use the At-Home Practices as conversation/thought starters. After using those practices, use the Estimate of Giving Worksheet as a spiritual practice. It might seem odd to consider an estimate of your giving a spiritual practice, but the way we use all of the resources entrusted to us is a part of our spirituality and life of faith. 

If you have any questions, or would like a conversation partner as you consider these questions and ideas, contact Pastor Aleese or a Stewardship Team member (Delene McConnaha, Mackenzie Gilbert, Melissa Booth, Heather Allen). 

Trunk or Treat

Sunday, October 29
4:00 – 5:30 pm

It’s gonna be a spooky-good time! Collaborating with Grace and Zion, we’ll gather with those within our congregations and those within the greater Muscatine community! Here’s how you can participate:

  1. Host a trunk  – sign up online or in the narthex. Trunks must be set up by 3:30pm.
  2. Contribute to our stash of extra candy in the church narthex.
  3. Promote and attend the event! Paper flyers are available in the narthex; like and share our event on Facebook

Soup Fest is around the corner!

Sunday, November 5, 4:00-7:00 pm

Soup Fest is back and we’re excited to host the community for a night of fellowship and fundraising. Proceeds from this years’ Soup Fest will go toward a discretionary fund to respond to emergency community needs and Southeastern Iowa Synod Mission Support. Proceeds will be split 50/50. 

To make this year’s event another success, here’s how you can help: 

  1. Promote Soup Fest  – Pick up a flyer from the narthex to hang at work/in the community. Take a handful of smaller cards to give to neighbors and friends. Share our event on Facebook!
  2. Sign up to cook/bake – we need people to cook a variety of soups and bread and bake pies! Sign up sheet in the narthex. Contact Kathy if you’re interested in more information. 
  3. Sign up to set up/serve/clean up – Volunteers make the dream work! Sign up in the narthex or contact Kathy. We will set up most of the fellowship hall on Sunday, Nov 5 after worship. 

If you have any questions, contact Colleen Bentz. 

Congregational Budget Meeting

Each year in the fall, SOTC creates a budget to continue serving in the name of Jesus in the coming year.

Here’s what you can expect:

Sunday, November 5 – distribution of proposed 2024 budget

Sunday, November 12 – Council will host a time of discussion for anyone with questions regarding the proposed budget and our financial position following worship. 

Sunday, November 19 –Congregational meeting to discuss and approve the budget will be held following worship.

Any questions can be directed to Delene McConnaha, president, or Pastor Aleese

All Saint Day Names for Litany in Worship

Submit by Sunday, October 29

Each year, the church observes All Saints Day – a day to remember saints who have joined the body of Christ through baptism and saints who have gone before us who now rest in peace.

If you have someone you know who has been baptized or who has died in the past year that you’d like remembered during our All Saints Litany in worship, sign up in the narthex or contact Kathy Dunham. That person’s name will be remembered in worship, and those remembering that individual will be invited to come forward and light a candle.