
News & Events

Estimate of Giving Spiritual Practice 

Throughout October during worship, we’ll hear a variety of individuals share a testimony of how the mission of Jesus through SOTC and our shared ministry has impacted them. In so many ways, lives are being touched by what happens both inside our walls and out in the community. 

As you hear these stories, we hope you’ll consider how you also have been impacted by SOTC and our shared ministry. And, as a second step, we hope you’ll consider your participation in continuing to share the good news of Jesus Christ within our congregation and community – in what you do, and in what you give financially. 

To help you consider these things, we encourage you to use the At-Home Practices as conversation/thought starters. After using those practices, use the Estimate of Giving Worksheet as a spiritual practice. It might seem odd to consider an estimate of your giving a spiritual practice, but the way we use all of the resources entrusted to us is a part of our spirituality and life of faith. 

If you have any questions, or would like a conversation partner as you consider these questions and ideas, contact Pastor Aleese or a Stewardship Team member (Delene McConnaha, Mackenzie Gilbert, Melissa Booth, Heather Allen). 

Trunk or Treat

Sunday, October 29
4:00 – 5:30 pm

It’s gonna be a spooky-good time! Collaborating with Grace and Zion, we’ll gather with those within our congregations and those within the greater Muscatine community! Here’s how you can participate:

  1. Host a trunk  – sign up online or in the narthex. Trunks must be set up by 3:30pm.
  2. Contribute to our stash of extra candy in the church narthex.
  3. Promote and attend the event! Paper flyers are available in the narthex; like and share our event on Facebook

Soup Fest is around the corner!

Sunday, November 5, 4:00-7:00 pm

Soup Fest is back and we’re excited to host the community for a night of fellowship and fundraising. Proceeds from this years’ Soup Fest will go toward a discretionary fund to respond to emergency community needs and Southeastern Iowa Synod Mission Support. Proceeds will be split 50/50. 

To make this year’s event another success, here’s how you can help: 

  1. Promote Soup Fest  – Pick up a flyer from the narthex to hang at work/in the community. Take a handful of smaller cards to give to neighbors and friends. Share our event on Facebook!
  2. Sign up to cook/bake – we need people to cook a variety of soups and bread and bake pies! Sign up sheet in the narthex. Contact Kathy if you’re interested in more information. 
  3. Sign up to set up/serve/clean up – Volunteers make the dream work! Sign up in the narthex or contact Kathy. We will set up most of the fellowship hall on Sunday, Nov 5 after worship. 

If you have any questions, contact Colleen Bentz. 

Congregational Budget Meeting

Each year in the fall, SOTC creates a budget to continue serving in the name of Jesus in the coming year.

Here’s what you can expect:

Sunday, November 5 – distribution of proposed 2024 budget

Sunday, November 12 – Council will host a time of discussion for anyone with questions regarding the proposed budget and our financial position following worship. 

Sunday, November 19 –Congregational meeting to discuss and approve the budget will be held following worship.

Any questions can be directed to Delene McConnaha, president, or Pastor Aleese

All Saint Day Names for Litany in Worship

Submit by Sunday, October 29

Each year, the church observes All Saints Day – a day to remember saints who have joined the body of Christ through baptism and saints who have gone before us who now rest in peace.

If you have someone you know who has been baptized or who has died in the past year that you’d like remembered during our All Saints Litany in worship, sign up in the narthex or contact Kathy Dunham. That person’s name will be remembered in worship, and those remembering that individual will be invited to come forward and light a candle. 


News & Events

Baptism of Ainsley Carter

Welcome to the flock, Ainsley! On Sunday we celebrated the boundless generosity and grace of God poured out over Ainsley and committed ourselves to go forth from the font, extending that same generosity to those around us. We pray God’s blessings on little Ainsley as she continues her life in Christ!

September Diaper Drive

Bring any last minute donations to Grace tomorrow!

Last chance! If you’d like to contribute to the September Diaper Drive, bring your donations to Grace tomorrow night for Family Faith Night. Sizes most needed: 1, 2, and 7. Not coming to Family Faith Night? Contact Pastor Aleese to arrange for drop off at SOTC.

Cleaning of the Carpet @ SOTC

October 6 and 7

The Property Team will be cleaning the carpets at SOTC starting the afternoon of October 6th. We need volunteers to move furniture on October 6, do the actual cleaning, and move furniture back on October 7. If you have a carpet cleaner you are willing to let us borrow or are willing to help, contact Kathy 

Got Sneakers?

Don’t throw away those old sneakers! Before you send your old sneakers or running shoes to the landfill, why not help the Wilton Fine Arts Guild lend a hand to the planet, those less fortunate, and clear your clutter!

The Guild has partnered with a non-profit called GotSneakers. Drop off your kids and adult sneakers only, at SOTC. They will be cleaned, and given to others who can’t afford shoes. Even sneakers that have seen better days will be recycled as playground surfaces. Sneakers will be collected through the end of October.


This year will be 52 years the Muscatine community has walked to raise funds to feed the hungry in our area. All funds collected will go to Church World Service to alleviate hunger in Muscatine and around the world. Interested in helping? Consider one of these three options. For more questions, contact Judy Brotherton

Participate in the CROP Walk
Sunday, October 1 @ 2:00 pm

Sponsor envelopes are available at Wesley United Methodist Church, 400 Iowa Ave. weekdays between 8:30 am – 1:00 pm.

Attend the Applebee’s Fundraiser
October 10, 11:00 am – 11:00 pm

When you order from the special Together We Care menu, 50% of the food sales will support the Muscatine CROP Walk.

Donate Online

Donate individually online for your contribution to go toward the total raised in Muscatine. 

Trunk or Treat

Sunday, October 29
4:00 – 5:30 pm

Trunk or Treat is back for another year! Once again, we’re collaborating with Grace and Zion for a night of fun and fellowship for those within our congregations and those within the greater Muscatine community!

Here’s how you can participate:

  1. Host a trunk  – sign up online or in the narthex. Trunks must be set up by 3:30pm.
  2. Contribute to our stash of extra candy starting October 1.
  3. Promote and attend the event! Paper flyers are available in the narthex; like and share our event on Facebook

Future Church: God’s Love Made Real

We become church together by listening to and learning from one another – will you help? By filling out a new survey, you can assist the ELCA churchwide organization in learning more about the church, what is strong and what needs to grow, so it can better serve our congregations and the world. Your responses will guide us toward a world experiencing the difference that God’s grace and love in Christ make for all people and creation.

To learn more, check out the God’s Love Made Real website and take the survey to share your views on the church and the world today. Your participation will help us move together as the Spirit leads us. 

Soup Fest is Coming!

Sunday, November 5

Soup Fest is back and we’re excited to host the community for a night of fellowship and fundraising. Proceeds from this years’ Soup Fest will go toward a discretionary fund to respond to emergency community needs and Southeastern Iowa Synod Mission Support. Proceeds will be split 50/50. 

Sign up sheets for bakers, cooks, and volunteers coming soon. Questions? Or, willing to volunteer yourself now? Contact Colleen Bentz. 


News & Events

Compassion Kits Assembled!

As a part of our God’s Work Our Hands service project, this past Sunday we assembled Compassion Kits to be given to those in our community who need a little extra help, and most importantly, who need to be reminded that they are seen, cared for, and loved by God and by us.

In the picture below, our kids (and some adults) were finalizing the kits by putting in hand warmers, a snack, and a hand-written note. Other tables also put socks, water bottles, hand sanitizer, toothbrush/toothpaste, and band-aids into the kit.

If you weren’t at worship this weekend, or needed to bug out right away, grab your kits next weekend! Distribute the kits to those you encounter in your day-to-day lives. Thanks for doing God’s Work with Your Hands!

September Diaper Drive

Through Wednesday, September 27

This month for Family Faith Nights, in conjunction with our September service project, we are collecting diapers for the Muscatine Community Diaper Bank. The bank is in need of especially sizes 1, 2 and 7.

Bring donations either to Grace when you come to Family Faith Nights, OR to Shepherd whenever you find yourself at church! We’ll make sure all donations get to Grace by Wed, September 27 to package as a part of our service night. Questions? Contact Leslie Eichelberger. 

Cleaning of the Carpet @ SOTC

October 6 and 7

The Property Team will be cleaning the carpets at SOTC starting the afternoon of October 6th. We need volunteers to move furniture on October 6, do the actual cleaning, and move furniture back on October 7. If you have a carpet cleaner you are willing to let us borrow or are willing to help, contact Kathy 

Got Sneakers?

Don’t throw away those old sneakers! Before you send your old sneakers or running shoes to the landfill, why not help the Wilton Fine Arts Guild lend a hand to the planet, those less fortunate, and clear your clutter!

The Guild has partnered with a non-profit called GotSneakers. Drop off your kids and adult sneakers only, at SOTC. They will be cleaned, and given to others who can’t afford shoes. Even sneakers that have seen better days will be recycled as playground surfaces. Sneakers will be collected through the end of October.


This year will be 52 years the Muscatine community has walked to raise funds to feed the hungry in our area. All funds collected will go to Church World Service to alleviate hunger in Muscatine and around the world. Interested in helping? Consider one of these three options. For more questions, contact Judy Brotherton

Participate in the CROP Walk
Sunday, October 1 @ 2:00 pm

Sponsor envelopes are available at Wesley United Methodist Church, 400 Iowa Ave. weekdays between 8:30 am – 1:00 pm.

Attend the Applebee’s Fundraiser
October 10, 11:00 am – 11:00 pm

When you order from the special Together We Care menu, 50% of the food sales will support the Muscatine CROP Walk.

Donate Online

Donate individually online for your contribution to go toward the total raised in Muscatine. 

Trunk or Treat

Sunday, October 29
4:00 – 5:30 pm

Trunk or Treat is back for another year! Once again, we’re collaborating with Grace and Zion for a night of fun and fellowship for those within our congregations and those within the greater Muscatine community!

Here’s how you can participate:

  1. Host a trunk  – sign up sheet forthcoming.
  2. Contribute to our stash of extra candy starting October 1.
  3. Promote and attend the event! Online and paper flyers will be available soon.

Future Church: God’s Love Made Real

We become church together by listening to and learning from one another – will you help? By filling out a new survey, you can assist the ELCA churchwide organization in learning more about the church, what is strong and what needs to grow, so it can better serve our congregations and the world. Your responses will guide us toward a world experiencing the difference that God’s grace and love in Christ make for all people and creation.

To learn more, check out the God’s Love Made Real website and take the survey to share your views on the church and the world today. Your participation will help us move together as the Spirit leads us. 

You’ve Heard It Said…

October Stewardship Emphasis

It’s likely you’ve heard many things said about stewardship. But how many of those things are true? And how many of those things are grounded in Scripture? 

This October, we’re going to unpack what Scripture (and Jesus) have to say about stewardship (and money), and we’re going to unpack church traditions when it comes to stewardship. More information about how you can be involved (even outside of worship) will be shared in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!


News & Events

GIFT Retreat at Camp EWALU

Our GIFT (Growing in Faith Together, our middle school group) youth and leaders went away on retreat to Camp EWALU this past Friday-Saturday. Together, they explored what is grace and faith are all about and why it all matters. Ask youth and adults who participated (Blaine, Melissa and Bailey Booth) what they took away from the weekend and continue to uplift them in prayer as they join others who weren’t able to join us for the rest of the Family Faith Night year!

Godspell Dinner Theater

Friday, September 29 – Sunday, October 1

New Era Dinner Theater presents GODSPELL, featuring our very own Delene McConnaha! The musical tells the story of Jesus using a wide variety of games, storytelling techniques and a hefty dose of comic timing. With an eclectic blend of songs, ranging in style from pop to vaudeville, the story of Jesus’ life dances across the stage. 

If you’re interested in attending, email the church office to go with your fellow Shepherds! We are coordinating groups to go and enjoy the evening together as a fellowship activity. If you’re going with us as a group, sign up by Wed, September 13 and submit your money/check to the main office. Checks made out to Shepherd of the Cross.

Dates and Times

Friday, September 29 and Saturday, September 30 – 6:00 pm
Sunday, October 1 – 4:00 pm.


Adults – $30
Children (thru age 12) $20.

Dinner Menu

Tossed Salad, Grilled Chicken, Parsley Potatoes, New Era Green Beans, Roll, Beverage, and a Pumpkin Bar.

God’s Work Our Hands Service Project

Following worship, Sunday, September 17

After celebrating the ELCA’s observance of God’s Work Our Hands in worship this past Sunday, we’re looking forward to putting our hands to work during the fellowship hour this coming Sunday! Together, we’ll compile Compassion Kits – consisting of everyday necessities to distribute to those in need in our community. Come and make your kit to take with you as you do God’s work with your hands!

September Diaper Drive

Through Wednesday, September 27

This month for Family Faith Nights, in conjunction with our September service project, we are collecting diapers for the Muscatine Community Diaper Bank. The bank is in need of especially sizes 1, 2 and 7.

Bring donations either to Grace when you come to Family Faith Nights, OR to Shepherd whenever you find yourself at church! We’ll make sure all donations get to Grace by Wed, September 27 to package as a part of our service night. Questions? Contact Leslie Eichelberger. 


This year will be 52 years the Muscatine community has walked to raise funds to feed the hungry in our area. All funds collected will go to Church World Service to alleviate hunger in Muscatine and around the world. Interested in helping? Consider one of these three options. For more questions, contact Judy Brotherton

Participate in the CROP Walk
Sunday, October 1 @ 2:00 pm

Sponsor envelopes are available at Wesley United Methodist Church, 400 Iowa Ave. weekdays between 8:30 am – 1:00 pm.

Attend the Applebee’s Fundraiser
October 10, 11:00 am – 11:00 pm

When you order from the special Together We Care menu, 50% of the food sales will support the Muscatine CROP Walk.

Donate Online

Donate individually online for your contribution to go toward the total raised in Muscatine. 

Trunk or Treat

Sunday, October 29
4:00 – 5:30 pm

Trunk or Treat is back for another year! Once again, we’re collaborating with Grace and Zion for a night of fun and fellowship for those within our congregations and those within the greater Muscatine community!

Here’s how you can participate:

  1. Host a trunk  – sign up sheet forthcoming.
  2. Contribute to our stash of extra candy starting October 1.
  3. Promote and attend the event! Online and paper flyers will be available soon.

You’ve Heard It Said…

October Stewardship Emphasis

It’s likely you’ve heard many things said about stewardship. But how many of those things are true? And how many of those things are grounded in Scripture? 

This October, we’re going to unpack what Scripture (and Jesus) have to say about stewardship (and money), and we’re going to unpack church traditions when it comes to stewardship. More information about how you can be involved (even outside of worship) will be shared in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!


News & Events

Godspell Dinner Theater

Friday, September 29 – Sunday, October 1

New Era Dinner Theater presents GODSPELL, featuring our very own Delene McConnaha! The musical tells the story of Jesus using a wide variety of games, storytelling techniques and a hefty dose of comic timing. With an eclectic blend of songs, ranging in style from pop to vaudeville, the story of Jesus’ life dances across the stage. 

If you’re interested in attending, sign up in the narthex (or email the church office) to go with your fellow Shepherds! We are coordinating groups to go and enjoy the evening together as a fellowship activity. If you’re going with us as a group, sign up by Wed, September 13 and submit your money/check to the main office. Checks made out to Shepherd of the Cross.

Dates and Times

Friday, September 29 and Saturday, September 30 – 6:00 pm
Sunday, October 1 – 4:00 pm.


Adults – $30
Children (thru age 12) $20.

Dinner Menu

Tossed Salad, Grilled Chicken, Parsley Potatoes, New Era Green Beans, Roll, Beverage, and a Pumpkin Bar.

Family Faith Night Kick-Off – Tomorrow Night!

Wednesday, September 6 @ 6pm @ Grace

Join us tomorrow night! ALL are welcome to participate: elementary kids, middle school youth, adults…and even our high schoolers! Each Wednesday we’ll start with a meal (provided) and then break into our separate groups.

For more information about Family Faith Nights (along with a schedule for the year), check out our groups page on our website and like Faith Together Muscatine on Facebook!

God’s Work Our Hands Service Project

Following worship, Sunday, September 17

For the past 10 years, the ELCA has celebrated “God’s Work Our Hands” as an annual day of service across the church. Together we not only remember, but also enact the truth that we are freed by Christ’s grace to live faithfully, witness boldly, and serve joyfully. 

Here at SOTC, we will focus on our witness to community – at Shepherd, in the greater Muscatine community, and across the church – on September 10 (the national God’s Work Our Hands day of service). Then, the following Sunday, September 17, we’ll put our hands to work to compile Compassion Kits during our fellowship time. These kits will consist of everyday necessities to distribute to those in need in our community. 

Elementary Teachers Needed

We need you! Would you be willing to help form our elementary kids from Shepherd, Grace, and Zion? We’re looking for elementary teachers on Wednesdays from 6:00 – 7:30pm. Already signed up for the adult Big Questions course? No problem. We encourage our adults to volunteer as leaders throughout the year. Adults will be floating in and out of our adult group week to week. Curriculum is provided, along with supplies.

Willing to help? Sign up below. Questions? Contact Pastor Aleese. 

EWALU Fall Events for Adults and Youth

Though the summer camp season is complete, EWALU (Strawberry Point, IA) is looking toward a faith-filled fall line-up! Take a look below to see where you or your family might fit in!

Dirty Feet Retreat – October 20-22 for Grades 6-9

If you have a youth who’s in middle school, consider this two-night experience filled with relevant Bible Studies, high ropes course, games, campfires and so much more! Cost is $90/youth. Talk to Pastor Aleese if your youth is interested. 

Fall Quilt Auction – September 16

It’s not only a fundraiser event, but also a day filled with live music, a country store, and a devotional service. 

Fall Work Day – October 14

Join volunteers, families, and church groups to help EWALU get ready for the winter season. Take time to explore camp and meet staff! Come Friday evening and spend the night at EWALU or arrive at 8:00am for work projects to begin at 9:00am on Saturday. If you’re interested in attending, contact Pastor Aleese. We may have a carpool drive north!

Lutheran Disaster Response to Maui Fires

The significant loss of life and damage caused by the wildfires in Hawaii have turned our prayers and attention to mourning those lost, supporting the survivors and how Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR) can assist with recovery.

If you’re looking for a way to offer support, consider giving through LDR. LDR is coordinating with the Pacifica Synod and other partners to assess the needs of people impacted by the wildfires. We will work with them to provide for immediate needs and long-term recovery amid the widespread destruction. Give online by clicking the button below.

Ainsley Carter Baptism

Sunday, September 24

In baptism, God publicly declares God’s love for us and knits us together with all people in the communion of saints. 

As we’ve already watched Ainsley begin to grow into the unique person she is created to be, we invite you to join us as we celebrate her baptism into Christ and into the people of God! Fellowship with cake to follow after worship. 

You’ve Heard It Said…

October Stewardship Emphasis

It’s likely you’ve heard many things said about stewardship. But how many of those things are true? And how many of those things are grounded in Scripture? 

This October, we’re going to unpack what Scripture (and Jesus) have to say about stewardship (and money), and we’re going to unpack church traditions when it comes to stewardship. 

More information about how you can be involved (even outside of worship) will be shared in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!


News & Events

God’s Work Our Hands Service Project

Following worship, Sunday, September 17

For the past 10 years, the ELCA has celebrated “God’s Work Our Hands” as an annual day of service across the church. Together we not only remember, but also enact the truth that we are freed by Christ’s grace to live faithfully, witness boldly, and serve joyfully. 

The ELCA’s first dedicated day of service was celebrated in 2013 as a way to honor the ELCA’s 25th anniversary. Since then, the church has embraced “God’s Work Our Hands” as a way to be church together. 

Here at SOTC, we will focus on our witness to community – at Shepherd, in the greater Muscatine community, and across the church – on September 10 (the national God’s Work Our Hands day of service). Then, the following Sunday, September 17, we’ll put our hands to work to compile Compassion Kits during our fellowship time. These kits will consist of everyday necessities to distribute to those in need in our community.

Family Faith Night Kick-Off – One Week Away!

Wednesday, September 6 @ 6pm @ Grace

We’re one week away! ALL are welcome to participate: elementary kids, middle school youth, adults…and even our high schoolers! Each Wednesday we’ll start with a meal (provided) and then break into our separate groups.

For more information about Family Faith Nights (along with a schedule for the year), check out our groups page on our website and like Faith Together Muscatine on Facebook!

Elementary Teachers Needed

We need you! Would you be willing to help form our elementary kids from Shepherd, Grace, and Zion? We’re looking for elementary teachers on Wednesdays from 6:00 – 7:30pm. Already signed up for the adult Big Questions course? No problem. We encourage our adults to volunteer as leaders throughout the year. Adults will be floating in and out of our adult group week to week. Curriculum is provided, along with supplies.

Willing to help? Sign up below. Questions? Contact Pastor Aleese. 

EWALU Fall Events for Adults and Youth

Though the summer camp season is complete, EWALU (Strawberry Point, IA) is looking toward a faith-filled fall line-up! Take a look below to see where you or your family might fit in!

Dirty Feet Retreat – October 20-22 for Grades 6-9

If you have a youth who’s in middle school, consider this two-night experience filled with relevant Bible Studies, high ropes course, games, campfires and so much more! Cost is $90/youth. Talk to Pastor Aleese if your youth is interested. 

Fall Quilt Auction – September 16

It’s not only a fundraiser event, but also a day filled with live music, a country store, and a devotional service. 

Fall Work Day – October 14

Join volunteers, families, and church groups to help EWALU get ready for the winter season. Take time to explore camp and meet staff! Come Friday evening and spend the night at EWALU or arrive at 8:00am for work projects to begin at 9:00am on Saturday. If you’re interested in attending, contact Pastor Aleese. We may have a carpool drive north!

Lutheran Disaster Response to Maui Fires

The significant loss of life and damage caused by the wildfires in Hawaii have turned our prayers and attention to mourning those lost, supporting the survivors and how Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR) can assist with recovery.

If you’re looking for a way to offer support, consider giving through LDR. LDR is coordinating with the Pacifica Synod and other partners to assess the needs of people impacted by the wildfires. We will work with them to provide for immediate needs and long-term recovery amid the widespread destruction. Give online by clicking the button below.

Ainsley Carter Baptism

Sunday, September 24

In baptism, God publicly declares God’s love for us and knits us together with all people in the communion of saints. 

As we’ve already watched Ainsley begin to grow into the unique person she is created to be, we invite you to join us as we celebrate her baptism into Christ and into the people of God! Fellowship with cake to follow after worship. 

Soup Fest 2023

Sunday, November 5

Though fall is still on the horizon, we’ve already set a date for our Soup Fest. 

If you’d like to be a part of the planning and coordination, contact Colleen Bentz. As we get closer to November, we’ll need soup cooks, pie bakers, servers, and a set-up/clean-up crew.

Mark your calendars and start spreading the word.


News & Events

Blessing of Backpacks and Distribution of Bibles

Sunday, August 27

We’re sending our kids, and adults, back into the school year routine with a blessing! Bring your school backpack (or your work bag) to worship on Sunday, August 27 and we’ll have a special blessing during the kid’s sermon. Kids/youth who are three years old, entering 3rd grade, and entering our middle school/confirmation program will also receive Bibles. 

Family Faith Night Kick-Off Coming Soon!

Wednesday, September 6 @ 6pm @ Grace

We’re PUMPED to start another Family Faith Night Year! ALL are welcome to participate! We’ve got groups for elementary kids, middle school youth, and adults. Each Wednesday we’ll start with a meal (provided) and then break into our separate groups.

For more information about Family Faith Nights (along with a schedule for the year), check out our groups page on our website and like Faith Together Muscatine on Facebook!

Elementary Teachers Needed

We need you! Would you be willing to help form our elementary kids from Shepherd, Grace, and Zion? We’re looking for elementary teachers on Wednesdays from 6:00 – 7:30pm. Already signed up for the adult Big Questions course? No problem. We encourage our adults to volunteer as leaders throughout the year. Adults will be floating in and out of our adult group week to week. Curriculum is provided, along with supplies.

Willing to help? Sign up below. Questions? Contact Pastor Aleese. 

Iowa Bishop’s RAGBRAI Ride for Hunger Update

The Bishops’ RAGBRAI Team completed an awesome week biking across the state. Supported by the hospitality and generosity of SOTC and New Era, along with congregations across the state, the current team total is $63,273. 

The three synods will continue adding to the total until September 1, so it’s not too late to join the cause! Be on the lookout for highlights of 50 ministries fighting hunger across Iowa along with photos and videos from the ride in the coming weeks. 

Lutheran Disaster Response to Maui Fires

The significant loss of life and damage caused by the wildfires in Hawaii have turned our prayers and attention to mourning those lost, supporting the survivors and how Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR) can assist with recovery.

If you’re looking for a way to offer support, consider giving through LDR. LDR is coordinating with the Pacifica Synod and other partners to assess the needs of people impacted by the wildfires. We will work with them to provide for immediate needs and long-term recovery amid the widespread destruction. Give online by clicking the button below.

God’s Work Our Hands Day of Service

Sunday, September 10

God’s Work Our Hands is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the ELCA—one church, freed in Christ to love and serve our neighbor. 

To join the whole church, SOTC will be participating in a service project (likely with our fellow ELCA congregations in Muscatine). Stay tuned for more information, and if you’d like to help plan what happens, talk with Melissa Booth.

Soup Fest 2023

Sunday, November 5

Though fall is still on the horizon, we’ve already set a date for our Soup Fest. 

If you’d like to be a part of the planning and coordination, contact Colleen Bentz. As we get closer to November, we’ll need soup cooks, pie bakers, servers, and a set-up/clean-up crew.

Mark your calendars and start spreading the word.


News & Events

River Bandits Fellowship

It was a great night at the ballpark last night for a River Bandits game. Great fun and fellowship…and the Bandits even won in extra innings! Thanks to those who helped coordinate and thanks to those who joined us.

A Celebration of Faith

Confirmation of Elyse Eichelberger

On Sunday Elyse Eichelberger shared her faith statement with the congregation as a part of her confirmation/affirmation of baptism. We rejoice with Elyse as she takes this step on her faith journey, and we continue to walk along side her as fellow followers of Jesus living out our faith!

Blessing of Backpacks and Distribution of Bibles

Sunday, August 27

We’re sending our kids, and adults, back into the school year routine with a blessing! Bring your school backpack (or your work bag) to worship on Sunday, August 27 and we’ll have a special blessing during the kid’s sermon. Kids/youth who are three years old, entering 3rd grade, and entering our middle school/confirmation program will also receive Bibles. 

Iowa Bishop’s RAGBRAI Ride for Hunger Update

The Bishops’ RAGBRAI Team completed an awesome week biking across the state. Supported by the hospitality and generosity of SOTC and New Era, along with congregations across the state, the current team total is $63,273. 

The three synods will continue adding to the total until September 1, so it’s not too late to join the cause! Be on the lookout for highlights of 50 ministries fighting hunger across Iowa along with photos and videos from the ride in the coming weeks. 

Are you a Thrivent Member?

As we look to the Family Faith Night year, we are aiming to secure funding so that meals are either free, or at low cost, to our families. To make that happen, we are hoping to rely on Thrivent grants through action teams. 

If you are a Thrivent member and have grants remaining for the year, contact Stacey Ramos (Zion) via email or cell phone (563-571-0363) for more specific instructions. She can help you through the process. Thank you in advance!

Elementary Teachers Needed

With Family Faith Nights approaching soon we are looking for teachers to help guide our kiddos. We will need two adults each night. Click here to sign up for the dates that work best for you. 

Even if you are signed up or interested in being a part of the Big Questions adult group, we encourage you to consider serving our kids on a periodic basis. Questions? Contact Pastor Aleese.

Muscatine Youth, Children’s, and Littlest Angels’ Choirs Starting Soon!

Do you have a child in kindergarten through 12th grade that loves to sing and is looking for more opportunities to shine? Consider being a part of the Muscatine Youth choirs through Wesley United Methodist Church under the direction of Dan Laavig and/or Sally Potter. See below for age-specific choirs:

Muscatine Youth Choir, 6th-12th grade

The choir rehearses on Sundays (starting August 27) from 3:30-4:45 pm. Main performances are December 10 @ 2:30 pm and May 12 @ 4:00 pm, with additional singing opportunities expected.

Muscatine Children’s Choir, 3rd-8th grade

The choir rehearses on Monday (starting September 11) from 4:00-4:45 pm. The choir’s main performances will be December 10 @ 2:30 pm and May 12 @ 4:00 pm, with additional singing opportunities expected.

Muscatine Littlest Angels’ Choir, K-2nd grade

The choir also rehearses on Monday (starting September 11) from 4:00-4:45 pm. The main performances will be December 10 @ 2:30 pm and May 12 @ 4:00 pm. 

For more information, see the full flyer and register online.

Lutheran Disaster Response to Maui Fires

The significant loss of life and damage caused by the wildfires in Hawaii have turned our prayers and attention to mourning those lost, supporting the survivors and how Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR) can assist with recovery.

If you’re looking for a way to offer support, consider giving through LDR. LDR is coordinating with the Pacifica Synod and other partners to assess the needs of people impacted by the wildfires. We will work with them to provide for immediate needs and long-term recovery amid the widespread destruction.

God’s Work Our Hands Day of Service

Sunday, September 10

God’s Work Our Hands is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the ELCA—one church, freed in Christ to love and serve our neighbor. 

To join the whole church, SOTC will be participating in a service project (likely with our fellow ELCA congregations in Muscatine). Stay tuned for more information, and if you’d like to help plan what happens, talk with Melissa Booth.

Soup Fest 2023

Sunday, November 5

Though fall is still on the horizon, we’ve already set a date for our Soup Fest. 

If you’d like to be a part of the planning and coordination, contact Colleen Bentz. As we get closer to November, we’ll need soup cooks, pie bakers, servers, and a set-up/clean-up crew.

Mark your calendars and start spreading the word.


News & Events

River Bandits Reminders!

Those who bought tickets, a few reminders:

1. For those interested in carpooling from the SOTC parking lot, we will leave on Saturday, August 12 at 5:15pm. 

2. For those who are not interested in carpooling, meet by the Will Call box at about 5:45/5:50pm. 

If you have questions, contact Pastor Aleese.

Are you a Thrivent Member?

As we look to the Family Faith Night year, we are aiming to secure funding so that meals are either free, or at low cost, to our families. To make that happen, we are hoping to rely on Thrivent grants through action teams. 

If you are a Thrivent member and have grants remaining for the year, contact Stacey Ramos (Zion) via email or cell phone (563-571-0363) for more specific instructions. She can help you through the process. Thank you in advance!

Elementary Teachers Needed

With Family Faith Nights approaching soon we are looking for teachers to help guide our kiddos. We will need 2 adults each night. Click here to sign up for the dates that work best for you. 

Even if you are signed up or interested in being a part of the Big Questions adult group, we encourage you to consider serving our kids on a periodic basis. Questions? Contact Pastor Aleese.

Muscatine Youth, Children’s, and Littlest Angels’ Choirs Starting Soon!

Do you have a child in kindergarten through 12th grade that loves to sing, and is looking for more opportunities to shine? Consider being a part of the Muscatine Youth choirs through Wesley United Methodist Church under the direction of Dan Laavig and/or Sally Potter. See below for age-specific choirs:

Muscatine Youth Choir, 6th-12th grade

The choir rehearses on Sundays (starting August 27) from 3:30-4:45pm.  Main performances are December 10 @ 2:30pm and May 12 @ 4pm, with additional singing opportunities expected.

Muscatine Children’s Choir, 3rd-8th grade

The choir rehearses on Monday (starting September 11) from 4:00-4:45 p.m. The choir’s main performances will be December 10 @ 2:30pm and May 12 @ 4pm, with additional singing opportunities expected.

Muscatine Littlest Angels’ Choir, K-2nd grade

The choir also rehearses on Monday (starting September 11) from 4:00-4:45. Their main performances will be December 10 @ 2:30pm and May 12 @ 4pm. 

For more information, see the full flyer and register online!

Blessing of Backpacks and Distribution of Bibles

Sunday, August 27

We’re sending our kids – and adults! – back into the school year routine with a blessing! Bring your school backpack (or your work bag!) to worship on Sunday, August 27 and we’ll have a special blessing during the kids’ sermon. Kids/youth who are 3 years old, entering 3rd grade, and entering our middle school/confirmation program will also receive Bibles. 

God’s Work Our Hands Day of Service

Sunday, September 10

God’s Work Our Hands is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the ELCA – one church, freed in Christ to love and serve our neighbor. 

To join the whole church, SOTC will be participating in a service project (likely with our fellow ELCA congregations in Muscatine). Stay tuned for more information, and if you’d like to help plan what happens, talk with Melissa Booth!


News & Events

RAGBRAI Pie Sale is a Wrap!

Thank you to all who baked and volunteered!

Thanks to your help, and the help of 10 other local congregations, $7095 was raised to direct back to our Muscatine congregations. $1305 will come back to SOTC!

Over and over, RABGRAI riders noted how impressed they were with the spread of pie and the hospitality of Muscatine. Thank you for being a witness of living together as one faith community in Muscatine and a witness of hospitality! 

United Way Community Wide School Supply Drive

July 31 – August 4; Drop off at MCSA

The United Way of Muscatine is collecting school supplies for students in Muscatine County. If you’re out shopping, grab some needed supplies and take ’em to MCSA! Supplies will be distributed to students within Muscatine county. 

Are You a Thrivent Member?

As we look to the Family Faith Night year, we are aiming to secure funding so that meals are either free, or at low cost, to our families. To make that happen, we are hoping to rely on Thrivent grants through action teams. 

If you are a Thrivent member and have grants remaining for the year, contact Stacey Ramos (Zion) via email or cell phone (563-571-0363) for more specific instructions. She can help you through the process. Thank you in advance!

Confirmation/Affirmation of Baptism for Elyse Eichelberger

Sunday, August 13

After two years of participation in the middle school group as a part of Family Faith Night, Elyse is ready to confirm her faith in the Triune God and affirm the promises of her baptism! Be sure to join us on Sunday, August 13 as we witness Elyse’s confession of faith and celebrate her as a fellow sibling in the body of Christ!

Big Questions Adult Course

Beginning September 2023

Have you ever had questions about faith, but haven’t felt comfortable voicing them? Or, have you ever felt as though there wasn’t a place in the church to ask your questions? 

Big Questions is a group that will explore common, yet complex, questions of faith and life. Examples of questions we’ll consider are: Why do bad things happen? What happens when I die? What is truth and how do I know what is true? As we continue throughout the year, questions addressed in our sessions will be determined by the questions of participants.  

To honor the complexity of the questions named, Big Questions will not offer simple, pat-answers. Rather, through instruction, conversation, Scripture, and formative spiritual practices, the intent of Big Questions will be to explore the truths that shape our questions and the beliefs we carry, while also leading each of us to a faith that is more solid and richly personal. 

Want to learn more about this group? Click here to get a fuller picture. Ready to sign up as a participant? Sign up online or in the narthex.  

Blessing of Backpacks and Distribution of Bibles

Sunday, August 27

We’re sending our kids – and adults! – back into the school year routine with a blessing! Bring your school backpack (or your work bag!) to worship on Sunday, August 27 and we’ll have a special blessing during the kids’ sermon. Kids/youth who are 3 years old, entering 3rd grade, and entering our middle school/confirmation program will also receive Bibles. 

God’s Work Our Hands Day of Service

Sunday, September 10

God’s Work Our Hands is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the ELCA – one church, freed in Christ to love and serve our neighbor. 

To join the whole church, SOTC will be participating in a service project (likely with our fellow ELCA congregations in Muscatine). Stay tuned for more information, and if you’d like to help plan what happens, talk with Melissa Booth!