Our Life Together


Sundays @ 9:00 a.m

Though we won’t be gathering in person, we encourage our SOTC community to commit to setting aside time each Sunday morning to join us via Zoom. Congregational members will receive links for our Zoom worships each week. If you are not on the congregational email list and wish to join us in our Zoom worships, please contact Pastor Aleese via email at We are not publicizing the link for our worship services to maintain privacy and security while using an online platform.

If you’re not able to connect with us via Zoom, we will be recording our Zoom worships and will post them here later in the day on Sundays.

Take a look below for links to our most current, and previous, worship videos and any resources encouraged by Pastor Aleese.

Holy Week Worship
Easter Sunday, April 12

Matthew 28: 1-10 | Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Though we may not be shouting our praise with brass and Easter lilies, we still gather with the women at the empty tomb to marvel at God’s life given for the sake of the world. Come and join us in worship as we dare to proclaim that all things WILL rise again.

Easter Sunday Worship Bulletin

Good Friday, April 10

Mark 15: 21-39 | As we continue our worship from Maundy Thursday, we gather at the foot of the cross. There, we find our God in the very place of suffering. And yet, there, we also find our God of love and life. All are invited to come to the cross as we look in hope for light to emerge from the darkness.

Good Friday Worship Bulletin

Maundy Thursday, April 9

Luke 22:1-23 | On this night, we begin our journey through the great “three days” – Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, leading to Easter Sunday. Together during our worship we will remember Christ’s promise of love through his coming death. We will be celebrating communion during our Zoom worship. Get your bread/crackers and wine/juice prepared. If you’re looking to make the communion bread that we typically use at SOTC, click here for a recipe.

Maundy Thursday Worship Bulletin

Previous Worship Services
Sunday, April 5

Luke 19:28-40 | Though we might find ourselves stuck inside more often, Palm Sunday is still a day of celebration! Join us for worship via Zoom at 9 a.m. If you’re looking to watch a recording of our worship AFTER worship, we will post a recording of our worship as soon as possible.

April 5 Worship Bulletin

Sunday, March 29

John 11:1-44 | We are trying out a new platform this weekend: Zoom. A group of us will be gathering together, LIVE!, this Sunday, March 29 at 9 a.m. If you’re looking to watch a recording of our worship AFTER March 29, check out the following video. We are still working out kinks with recording, so please excuse that the recording begins in the middle of our call to worship.

March 29 Worship Bulletin

Sunday, March 22

John 6:1-21 | Looking for a way to worship on this first Sunday that we’re apart? Check in with Pastor Aleese, Trinity and Andy Christy, (and Darren Pittman behind the camera!) to a time of prayer, reflection, and praise. If you’re looking for an order of worship to follow along with us, click the pdf above the video.

March 22 Worship Bulletin

Our Life Together

Faith on the Go

Tuesdays-Fridays @ 12:00 p.m.

Looking for a brief devotional amidst your day? Tune in to a Live Stream from Pastor Aleese at about 12:00 p.m. each Tuesday -Friday.

Some days Pastor Aleese will be sharing Live Streams from other congregations so as to get a glimpse of our connection to the broader church.

Link to today’s devotion: What’s so good about “Good” Friday? It’s a question that many have asked. Take a listen to the following video as our Faith on the Go for today, and be sure to join us for worship tonight via Zoom at 7pm.

Previous devotions:

Thurs., April 9: On this day, we begin our journey through the Great Three Days: Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, leading to Easter Sunday. Of all years, it might seem strange to celebrate Holy Week right now with everything going on around us. However, even with those things, we are invited to come to the cross with all that we have, all that we carry, and all that we are. Hear Pastor Aleese’s invitation to bring your prayers to the cross, and feel free to share your prayer requests with her via Facebook or her email (

Wed., April 8: Pastor Aleese has three simple words for our Faith on the Go today. Hear this simple message as you begin your Holy Week journey with us.

Tues., April 7: In these weeks apart from one another, the reality of being “scattered” may hit a bit closer to home. We are scattered from one another physically, and we may feel a bit “scattered” as we think about our own lives and our world. But in Christ, all those scattered pieces are brought together in his love. This Maundy Thursday, we have the opportunity to celebrate the sacrament of communion via our Zoom worship as a reminder that though scattered, we are bound together by God’s grace. To help prepare, check out what Pastor Aleese has to say about communion, and click here to be redirected to the recipe for the communion bread we use at SOTC.

Fri., April 3: Though our doors are closed, our ministry continues! For our Faith on the Go today, take a look at what living as the body of Christ has looked like in your homes and in our community! Keep sending Pastor Aleese your pictures so we can share with the congregation!

Thurs., April 2: We all find ourselves walking many “road” right now. Hear this blessing from Pastor Aleese as you go on your way today.

Wed., April 1: For some, life has changed drastically in the past few weeks. For others, it might not look all that different. Either way, Ps. Aleese invites us to a time of prayer today as we entrust ourselves and our world to Christ. Join us in prayer and find the words to the prayer she uses by clicking here. This will take you to a pdf in another window in your browser.

Tues., March 31: All around us, creation is transitioning from winter into spring. New things are literally coming to life after a time of dormancy. In the same way, even now, God IS doing a new thing in our midst. But, do we perceive it?

Fri., March 27: Check out the last of our Faith on the Go devotions for this week! Pastor Aleese leads us through some instructions of how we will gather virtually this weekend for worship, and thanks to her coffee cup, reminds us of God’s promises that are made new every morning.

Thurs., March 26: We might not be meeting in a church building right now, but that doesn’t mean that we aren’t BEING the church in our daily lives. At such a time as this, this may be the moment for us to “experiment” and live into what it means to do God’s Work with Our Hands on a daily basis.

Wed., March 25 | In the past two weeks or so, there have been a lot of news reports of what’s going on with COVID-19. But at the same time, there have also been reports of how we are coming together as humanity to make a difference. Today, we have been invited to make a difference by coming together as Christians around the world and praying the Lord’s Prayer TOGETHER. Join us at noon today….or, if you missed 12pm on Wed., March 25, pray on the next hour and join with your brothers and sisters in another time zone around the world. Join us today as we are gathered as humanity and gathered in prayer.

Tues., March 24 | We’ve been hearing the words “shelter in place” in the news and from some government officials around the country. But what would it look like, and what would it be like, if we – as people of faith – committed ourselves to “sheltering in faith,” too? Hear a brief Faith on the Go from Pastor Aleese….before she gets too cold out there!

Fri., March 20 | Join Pastor Aleese for a brief update on how we’ll worship this Sunday and also join her in prayer for the healing of all the nations.

Thurs., March 19 | Our first Faith on the Go! Listen in for a few announcements and then our daily devotion – centering around what “life together” around “tables” might mean at a time such as this.

Wed., March 18 | In the days and weeks to come, you’ll hear from Pastor Aleese around 12 noon for a brief devotional in what we’re calling “Faith on the Go.” Today is a bit late as we are working to get various things up and going. Nevertheless, hear a few thoughts from Pastor Aleese as she encourages us to stop, and offer our prayers for healing…for ourselves, and for the whole world…on this night.

Our Life Together

Children’s Chat

Wednesdays @ 6:00 p.m.

Each Wednesday, we’ll have a short video especially designed for our kiddos. Some weeks this will be a short Bible story that is read. Other weeks it might be a short Sunday School song and a suggestion for an activity.

Every week, this will be accompanied by a children’s bulletin that kids can use with their families.


Wednesday, April 8 Children’s Chat: Holy Week | It’s time for our kiddos to get ready for Holy Week! Take some time with Pastor Aleese to recap the story of Holy Week – complete with felt objects legos, and My Pretty Little ponies – and do 2 simple activities to prep your family for worship on Maundy Thursday. Music and use of Spark StoryBook Bible covered under CCLI License #11141706 and Sparkhouse Digital Subscription.

Wednesday, April Children’s Chat: Palm Sunday | It’s our second installment of Children’s Chat! Join Pastor Aleese as she gets ready for Palm Sunday! Music and use of Spark StoryBook Bible covered under CCLI License #11141706 and Sparkhouse Digital Subscription.

Palm Sunday Palm Leaf Template

Feel free to download, print, cut out, and color this template if your kids are looking for a palm to decorate with Pastor Aleese during the Children’s Chat video! You can use this with us for our city-wide car procession on Sunday, April 5 as we sing our praise to our God!

Wednesday, March 25 Children’s Chat: Lazarus | Adults aren’t the only ones trying to cope with what is going on around us. Our kids are also coping as well, and likely are experiencing many emotions themselves. If you’re looking for a shortened “Sunday School” to share with your kids, and if you’re looking for something to do with ’em while they’re at home with you, check out this video from Ps. Aleese. Feel free to pause the video as is needed if you need to grab supplies or need time to do an activity. If you have a chance, send Ps. Aleese pictures of your kids engaging in this video or in the activities, or simply post them in the comments below. Music and use of Spark StoryBook Bible covered under CCLI License #11141706 and Sparkhouse Digital Subscription.

Children’s bulletins

Lent 5 Children’s Bulletin – for use Sunday, March 29

Lent 4 Children’s Bulletin – for use Sunday, March 22

Palm Sunday Children’s Bulletin – for use Sunday, April 5

Maundy Thursday Children’s Bulletin – for use Thursday, April 9

Good Friday Children’s Bulletin – for use Friday, April 10

Easter Sunday Children’s Bulletin – for use Sunday, April 12

Our Life Together

Music Mondays

Mondays @ 6:30 p.m.

We all need something to brighten our days. Tune in to a Live Stream from Pastor Aleese and various guest artists throughout these weeks ahead.

Monday, April 6 | This week, you hear from Pastor Aleese, as she offers a few pieces on her harp. She was contacted by the synod office earlier last week to record a piece to be shared with synod clergy. Having to practice up one piece, and having to ask someone to help record, she figured it would be a good time to record more than one piece and share it with others. Consider this compilation an opportunity to pause, reflect, and pray as we begin our Holy Week journey.

Monday, March 30 | This week, we have the privilege of hearing from Ps. Aleese and one of her harp students, Ella. This is a piece that Ella has been relentlessly working on for quite some time. At one of her recent lessons, she mentioned to Ps. Aleese that she wanted to make a duet out of it by adding a violin part. Ps. Aleese was open to the challenge, and with a little improvisation work, the two were able to arrange this piece.

For any musicians out there, whether you play, sing, or listen, you know that music is more than just “music.” It becomes a part of you, and becomes something akin to prayer. It is out of that spirit of “prayer” that this piece is shared with you today. We are both amateurs, and the recording quality isn’t great. But, the point of it all is that this resembles the hearts of two women coming together to form something that goes beyond words.

I invite you to listen, and allow yourself to mentally, physically. and spiritually enter into a time of prayer. Peace be yours, dear Shepherds

Monday, March 23 | This week, we have the privilege from Emily Wonder. Emily lives in metro Chicago and is studying to be an occupational therapist. The piece she offers us today is “Letting Go,” an original composition. Here’s a brief word from Emily:

“During this time of spinning thoughts and unanswered questions, I hope this piece titled “Letting Go” might offer you a moment to pause.

I have a feeling that a lot of us feel weighed down right now. Fear is rampant. Unknowns are constant. May this piece be a reminder that you are allowed to let go. You are allowed to breathe and just be in this moment. You are allowed to listen to hope, even when a lot of other things seem louder. May it be a reminder that, while so much is being cancelled, ‘Hope will not be cancelled.’ —Jamie Tworkowski

Someday soon we will be able to hug one another again. And we will not take that embrace for granted. In the waiting, we need music. We need art. We need to notice the birds singing outside our windows. We need patience and compassion for and from one another. Gentleness. Give yourself and others gentleness. We are all just doing the best we can.

As you listen, I hope you can catch a moment of peace. I hope you can bring that peace with you into all of the unknowns. I hope you know that you are allowed to let go. Please—be gentle with yourself.

Take good care of yourselves. We are going to be okay.”

Our Life Together

Our Virtual Life Together

We are to fear and love God, so that we neither endanger nor harm the lives of our neighbors, but instead help and support them in all of life's needs."
“We are to fear and love God, so that we neither endanger nor harm the lives of our neighbors, but instead help and support them in all of life’s needs.” —Martin Luther

In the next few weeks, our life together is going to look different. However, that doesn’t mean that relationships need to stop. Connection doesn’t need to stop. Growth doesn’t need to stop. Love doesn’t need to stop. And ministry in the name of Jesus Christ doesn’t need to stop.

This page is intended to be a landing pad for information about what we are doing together at SOTC from Thursday, March 19 through Sunday, April 12. Be sure to check back here often for updates!

Overall Schedule of Events

Worship, Sundays @ 9:00 a.m.

Though we won’t be gathering in person, we encourage our SOTC community to commit to setting aside time each Sunday morning to join us for Zoom worship. If you are not a member of SOTC, but would like to join us in Zoom worship, email Pastor Aleese. We will be recording our Zoom worships and will be sharing those later in the day on Sundays. To find links to our most current, and previous, worship videos and any resources encouraged by Pastor Aleese, click on the red link.

Youth Group, Sundays @ 5:00 p.m.

Our Youth Group will gather virtually on Sundays via Zoom. If you – or your youth – would like to be involved, email Pastor Aleese.

Music Mondays, Mondays @ 6:30 p.m.

We all need something to brighten our days. Tune in to a Live Stream from Pastor Aleese and various guest artists throughout these weeks ahead. Click here for links to our most current, and previous, videos.

Faith on the Go, Tuesdays-Fridays @ 12:00 p.m.

Looking for a brief devotional amidst your day? Tune in to a Live Stream from Pastor Aleese at about 12:00 p.m. each Tuesday -Friday. Some days Pastor Aleese will be sharing Live Streams from other congregations so as to get a glimpse of our connection to the broader church. Links to today’s devotion, and previous devotions.

Children’s Chat, Wednesdays @ 6:00 p.m.

Each Wednesday, we’ll have a short video especially designed for our kiddos. Some weeks this will be a short Bible story that is read. Other weeks it might be a short Sunday School song and a suggestion for an activity. Every week, this will be accompanied by a children’s bulletin that kids can use with their families. Links to videos and children’s bulletins.

Lenten Small Groups, Wednesdays @ 7:00 p.m.

We encourage our current small groups to continue gathering virtually. Small group leaders are contacting their small groups to determine the best platform for connection for each group. Want to be a part of a group? Email Pastor Aleese and she will assign you to a group and/or start another group based on interest.

You will find recordings for the Wednesday evening services. and the resources for each week of Lent (including Scripture, questions, and prayer). Feel free to use this in your own devotional study as well as in group settings!

Our Life Together

Lenten Small Groups

Watercolor of a path leading to the cross

Journey to the Cross

For those who gathered for Ash Wednesday worship with us, you heard the invitation given to “return to the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind, and with all your soul.” Each year, along with Christians around the world, we mark this sacred time to return once again to the cross, and to reignite our relationship with Jesus and with each other.

Here at Shepherd, we have many opportunities before us so as to invite each other to return this season.

Each Wednesday night, we encourage our current small groups to continue gathering virtually. Small group leaders are contacting their small groups to determine the best platform for connection for each group. Want to be a part of a group? Email Pastor Aleese and she will assign you to a group and/or start another group based on interest.

But, it is also our hope that this resource (including the Scripture, questions, and prayer) is something that people find helpful in their own devotional use throughout the season as well. For that reason, you’ll always find our weekly Lenten resources on our website (linked below), and on our Facebook page. Not able to check in on a Wednesday? Check back here to find your next week’s materials.

Videos of each week’s Lenten Worship will be posted here and on Facebook. We encourage you to watch the video prior to your small group virtual gathering. The links to the video are below.

If you have any questions about the upcoming Lenten season, be sure to reach out to email Pastor Aleese. She is always more than willing to talk with you about your Lenten journey!

Blessings to you all, as you begin this sacred journey, and as together, we journey to Christ’s cross and resurrection.

Lenten Resource

Intro and Lent 1 Materials

Lent 2 Materials

Lent 3 Materials

Lent 4 Materials

Lent 5 Materials – for use Wednesday, March 25

Palm Sunday Materials – for use Wednesday, April 1

Lenten Worship Video

Looking to engage in the same Evening Prayer service that we’ve been doing on Wednesday evenings? Click above and it will take you through the service, along with the Power Point presentation so you can follow along.