Hop on social media, and you’re likely to see various memes like the one above. As human beings we strive to make meaning out of our lives and the world. What’s the point of it all, anyway? Some might suggest that the point of life is whatever we want it to be, while still others might suggest that the meaning of life can be found entirely within ourselves. So then what do we say as followers of Jesus?
Last week, I participated in a webinar sponsored by Faith+Lead, an organization sponsored by Luther Seminary (an ELCA seminary in the Twin Cities). As a part of the presentation, I was reminded that as followers of Jesus, we believe that, indeed, Jesus does make a difference in the way we make meaning out of our lives and the world around us. Now, for many of you reading this, likely your response to that statement is, “Of course, Pastor! Of course Jesus is central to how we make meaning of our lives and the world!”
But if that is our response, then how might we be led to witness to that truth? And how might that impact the way we live our lives, and even how we spend our time?
The truth is that there are plenty of things that we could turn to as we seek “meaning” for ourselves and those around us. And, there are plenty of activities that help form us as “good people” and provide a sense of community. But in the midst of all those things, it is vital for us to carve out time to be formed by the only one who gives our lives meaning: Jesus Christ.
So as the school year ramps up, and as activities fill our calendars once again, I urge you to make a commitment to carve out time in order to be formed by Jesus. Make a commitment to come to worship, engage in a Bible study or small group, or offer yourself in a time of personal prayer. Whatever it is, make space for Jesus to meet you where you’re at, and make space for Jesus to help make meaning out of whatever it is that you’re experiencing and whatever it is that is going on around you.