
Blog: Living our Faith

This past Sunday, Elyse Eichelberger publicly confessed her faith and affirmed her baptismal promises. And together in worship, we all confessed with our lips that Jesus Christ is Lord through the words of the Apostle’s Creed. 

But how does the faith we confess on Sunday morning impact the rest of our lives? 

Some might say that the faith we confess on Sunday mornings sends us forth to live in service to God and to our neighbor throughout the week. True, very true. And others might say that the faith we confess on Sunday mornings is what we hold onto when life gets rough. Also true, very true. Both are examples of how the faith we confess on Sunday mornings impacts the rest of our lives. 

But this past week, as I prepared for Sunday worship, I realized that our faith really can only impact the rest of our lives if we are willing to put our faith in God, rather than within ourselves. 

Take for example the story of Peter walking on the water. For a while, Peter was able to walk on the water. Was it because he was focused on Jesus? Or, was it because he trusted his Lord? We don’t know. But what we do know is that at some point, he faltered. And I got to wonder if one of the reasons Peter faltered was because he began to rely on his own abilities rather than on Jesus. And yet, once Peter cried out to Jesus, “Lord, save me”—a cry of trust and a cry of faith in Jesus and what Jesus could do—Peter was lifted from the waters. 

In many ways, we’ve been groomed to rely on what we can do and rely on our abilities to do what needs to be done. But part of living our faith is recognizing that we can’t do it all on our own. That might sound trite, and like messages that come from a self-help book. But that message of a living reliance on God is actually quite counter-cultural to the society in which we live. 

So if you were to take stock of your life of faith, would you say that you put your faith in God? Or, that you put your faith in yourself and your own power to muster your way through life? Or, somewhere in the middle? Each of us may find ourselves in a different spot. But out of love, our God desires for us to place our trust in Christ, more and more, so that we might experience for ourselves the faithfulness and mercy of our Lord. 


Blog: Reframing a Perspective

Throughout the summer, a handful of Shepherds, along with participants from Grace and Zion, have read two books as a part of Book Club: The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis and Surprised by Hope by N.T. Wright. Through reading and conversation, we’ve challenged ourselves, and each other, to examine what we believe about life, death, resurrection, and the kingdom of God. 

But speaking for myself, examining what I believe about each of these topics hasn’t always been the easiest thing to do. I, like many of us, have grown up within the church for decades. And with that, I come with years of teaching and language that – to this point – has helped me express what I believe about God and about how God acts in the world. 

So, to reframe what I think I believe? What I’ve been taught since I was in Sunday School or confirmation? That…isn’t always easy. In fact, it takes courage. And yet, for myself,  I’ve discovered that by even considering another perspective, my faith hasn’t been questioned. Rather, my faith has been deepened as I move beyond the pat-answers given to me in Sunday School years and years ago, and as I develop my own, personal, understanding of God at work within me and within the world. 

For sure, to engage in this sort of faith development is risky. And yet, without it, our faith may become stagnant. Just as a child is intended to grow and mature – changing physically, emotionally, and socially – so are we to grow and mature spiritually. 

So, if you’re looking for a group to wrestle with various perspectives and questions of faith, I invite you to consider joining the Big Questions adult group as a part of Family Faith Nights. We’ll meet weekly, per the Family Faith calendar, from 6:00 – 7:30pm at Grace (meal time included). Through our group work, our hope will be to explore the truths that shape our questions and the beliefs we carry, while also leading each of us to a faith that is more solid and richly personal. 

If you want to learn more about this group, click here to get a fuller picture. Or, if you’re ready to sign up as a participant, sign up online or in the narthex.  Not able to make it every week? Not a problem. Come as you’re able. 

Whether this seems like a good opportunity for you or not, it is my hope that you – as individuals and as a congregation – continue to allow ourselves to dig deep in our faith. We could coast along, satisfied with our faith and our relationship with God where it is right now, at this time. But as we continue to grow, and as we continue to allow the Spirit to mold and shape us, we might find ourselves transformed – in our belief, and as people. 


Blog: Kaleidoscope of the Kingdom

For the past three weeks, we’ve heard Jesus tell parables of the kingdom: the parable of the sower, the parable of the wheat and the weeds, and a series of short parables including the mustard seed, yeast, field, pearl, and catch of fish. 

So why not stick to one parable of the kingdom and call it good? Can’t we get what we need to know about the kingdom from one story…rather than seven? 

Well, think of it this way: have you ever tried sharing an experience you had with another person, but find yourself without the words to fully capture everything that that experience was to you? I’ve been there. And, I’ve also been on the receiving end of that conversation as friends have tried – sometimes using numerous different examples – to communicate the depth of what they’ve come to experience/come to know. 

Sometimes, it’s difficult to concretely and succinctly describe something that is so big, so vast, and so incredible…something like the kingdom of God. 

Trust me, there are times I wish the Bible had more concrete descriptions. Just tell me what I need to know! But, without leaving room to engage with depictions of things like the kingdom of God, truth is, we’re actually limiting God from being God…and we’re limiting God’s Kingdom from being God’s Kingdom. 

So as we close our mini-series on the parables of the kingdom, challenge yourself to go back to these passages one more time and consider: what new perspective of the kaleidoscope of God’s Kingdom was revealed to you this year? And, what have these parables revealed to you about your participation in God’s Kingdom? 

We may be moving on from the parables of the kingdom in worship. But for the rest of our lives of faith, we will be forming words and images and ideas to point to the fullness of God’s Kingdom. So rather than create a concrete paragraph description, try this: live what God’s Kingdom is. Live into the invitation that Christ has offered to you. And then, testify to that. 


Blog: Parables of the Kingdom

For the past two weeks in worship, we’ve heard two parables from Jesus describing God’s Kingdom. First, the parable of the sower, and second, the parable of the wheat and the weeds. 

As I was wrestling with these parables and preparing to preach, I have to admit: it was challenging to narrow down my thought process to one main point. I know it’s easier to grasp ahold of one point, rather than a multitude, especially when an idea is communicated verbally. But, when it comes to parables, the point is exactly the opposite. Parables are not meant to be distilled down to one message, nor to a simplistic allegory. Parables, according to C.H. Dodd (New Testament scholar and professor), are “a metaphor or simile drawn from nature or common life, arresting the hearer by its vividness or strangeness, and leaving the mind in sufficient doubt about its precise application as to tease it into active thought.” (Parables of the Kingdom, 1935:16).

So if in the past two weeks you’ve found yourself walking away with more questions than answers – especially from our Gospel readings – well, the parables are doing what they should be doing then. Parables are not meant to give us concrete explanations, but are to call attention to the unsatisfactoriness of previous explanations and understandings that we may have held onto. 

So as we approach yet one more week of parables this coming Sunday, allow yourself to be teased into active thought. And, if there’s something that’s still sticking with you from the parables we’ve heard already, continue to mull it over. Because it just might be in that mulling that God has a specific word for you. 


Blog: Turning Over the Soil

A good farmer (and gardener) knows that for plants to grow, the soil needs to be cultivated. It needs to be worked. It needs to be turned over. 

But often, that process of turning over the soil isn’t a delicate one. Think of the last time you thrust a spade into the ground. The spade distrubs the soil, breaking it up. It’s for the plant’s benefit that the soil is loosened up and turned over. But the act of cultivation is actually quite an agreesive act. 

In our Gospel reading this past Sunday, we heard the parable of the sower in which seed falls in various environments. The sower (which, one might interpret as God) sows the seed of the kingdom liberally, without worrying about where it lands. If it lands on concrete, so be it. If it lands on fertile soil, so be it. God faithfully spreads the seed of God’s Word. 

But, God also faithfully nurtures and cultivates us to receive God’s Word. Which, at times, might feel a bit disruptive. Discomforting. Because turning over the “soil” of our lives, our world, our church, might shake things up a bit. It might loosen things up a bit. And, it might turn some things over. 

And yet, as God does this work, our lives, our world, and our church is now able to more fully receive the seed of God’s Word. 

So if it feels as though you’ve been “shaken up” or “turned over” or “loosened up” in your faith at some point, take heart. For God is not working for your demise. Quite the opposite. God is seeking to invite us into this work of cultivation so that the seed of God’s Word takes root, grows, flourishes, and bears fruit…for our sake, and for the sake of the world. 


Blog: Savoring the Word

For my birthday, I had the treat of enjoying homemade pistachio ice cream. It had just the right pistachio flavor, and it was oh so creamy. 

Now, when that delightful bowl of goodness was put in front of me, I could’ve scarfed it down. It was so good that I was tempted to! But, I took my time. With little scoops on my spoon, I savored every last ounce of that ice cream. 

As I ate that ice cream, it reminded me of the time that we take during worship as we hear God’s Word. Much like I could’ve scarfed down my ice cream, we could bulldoze right from one reading into the next. But to do so wouldn’t allow time to savor what we just heard from God’s Word, and it wouldn’t allow time for us to “chew on” and “digest” the goodness of God’s promises. 

So next time you’re in worship, and next time that you crack open your Bible, allow a little time to savor, chew on, and digest the goodness of God’s promises. If pistachio ice cream is worth taking extra time to enjoy, God’s Word is definitely worth taking just a bit extra time.


Blog: Happy Independence Day!

As we remember, celebrate, and give thanks for the freedoms embraced by many in our country, we also pause as followers of Jesus to give thanks for the truth that through Jesus Christ, we have been freed from the bondage of our sin.

As Paul writes in Galatians 5:1, “For freedom Christ has set us free.” But, in the words of Superman, with that freedom comes great responsibility. Now, we are freed to live in service to our neighbor.

As you go about your day, challenge yourself to remember that you, too, have been freed from all that keeps you captive. And, challenge yourself to see those around you as your neighbor whom you have been freed to serve in Christ’s name.


Blog: Your Mission, Should You Choose To Accept

Some of you may be familiar with one of the many Mission Impossible movies. These movies are a series of American action spy films that focus on a main character Ethan Hunt: an agent of the Impossible Missions Force (IMF). Each movie highlights a new feat for Ethan to overcome in order to save something or somebody. As Ethan hears each new assignment, he’s given the message, “your mission, Mr. Hunt, should you choose to accept is….” Following this precursor, then Ethan hears what he is to do, and what the dangers will be. 

In many ways, this invitation given to Ethan is a similar invitation given to us as disciples of Jesus. If we’re honest, the readings we heard in worship this past weekend were intense and didn’t mince any words about the potential costs, and dangers, of living as a disciple of Jesus. And yet, still, Jesus called his disciples – and calls us – to follow. 

But why should we accept this mission when there is potential for danger? When it may come at a cost? And when it may ask something of us? 

Perhaps we accept this mission for similar reasons that Ethan accepts his missions: because he is determined to protect those he cares about, because he is convinced there there is a better vision for the world without the threat of evil, and because he believes in his cause. In the same way, as followers of Jesus, we may accept our mission to join as disciples for the sake of others in the world – so that they might know the truth of Jesus. Or, we may accept our mission because we are convinced that, through Christ, there is a better vision for the world. Or, we may accept our mission because we firmly believe in the cause of Christ. 

We may accept Christ’s mission for any of these reasons. But even beyond these reasons, we accept Christ’s mission because in giving ourselves to Christ and to Christ’s mission we actually find life. 

It seems counterintuitive that life is found in what’s given up, or that life is found within what might be considered “dangerous.” But in love, Christ calls us to follow: trusting that our God values us more than many sparrows, and trusting that in in giving ourselves to Christ and each other, we will find life. 

So as you continue to walk as a disciple of Jesus, consider the mission put before you. After our readings from Sunday, it may seem like a mission impossible to pick up this mission. But in and through Christ, we are given newness of life…sending us forth to make possible what may seem impossible. 


Blog: Imagine

Last Friday evening, I found myself surrounded by 30 kids and 7 adults staring up into the night sky. Even though it was a cloudy night, we could see a lot of stars. With some coaching, Dave Bakke showed the kids where the Big Dipper was and how to find the North Star. 

But then, as we took in all the stars in the sky, I broke the news to the kids that, really, we can’t even see all the stars. Our human eyes can only take in so much. There are stars lightyears away that we can’t see because their light hasn’t reached us yet, and because our eyes weren’t made to see all those shining, twinkling lights. So, even though we could see a plethora of stars, there were even more out there. 

In our readings this past Sunday, we heard a theme: that by the power of the Spirit, there is always something more than what we could ever imagine. Sometimes – especially as adults – it’s easy to lose our imagination and get to the point of thinking that what we see is what we get. But with God, there is always more out there. 

Just think of the story of Abraham and Sarah and when God told them they were going to have a child. They were getting old, and they thought that what God was saying to them was absolutely impossible. Already by Genesis 18, the Lord had come to Abraham twice to tell him the news. And during one of those times, the Lord told Abraham that he was going to receive as many promises – and as many kids! – as he could count in the sky. But the Lord hadn’t come to Sarah yet. So by chapter 18, now it was Sarah’s turn. But when the messengers came to Sarah, she just couldn’t believe it. Instead, she laughed. But in response, the messengers said: “Is there anything too wonderful for the Lord?”

Truth is, there is nothing that is too wonderful for the Lord. And God has promised us so, so much that we can’t even see it – or perceive it – yet. So the next time you’re out at night, take a look at the stars. And think of every star as a promise that God has for you. And then, think of every star that you can’t see, and imagine all the promises that God has yet to give you, and show you. 

We might not be able to see what God is doing all the time. But always, always, God is doing something so that we might know Christ’s love, and so that we might live together with God…and with each other. 


Blog: Interruptions

Many of you have come to know me as a pretty driven person. I’m a planner, and in a situation of disorganization, I’m prone to create some semblance of structure. That’s the way I’m wired.

Which, makes it challenging when I hear stories in the Bible of Jesus interrupting people’s plans, jobs, and directions. And yet, that’s exactly what we heard in our Gospel reading this past Sunday. Jesus interrupts Matthew’s job – calling him to discipleship while he’s on the clock. It’s not like Matthew didn’t have anything to do with his life. But when Matthew was presented with something different, something new, something life-giving and liberating in a way that he hadn’t known before, Matthew chose to follow. 

When we hear Jesus call the disciples in Scripture, it’s easy to write these stories off as something that couldn’t possibly pertain to us. “It was ‘easier’ for those guys to just up and follow Jesus back then,” we might think. But even for those guys, their lives, their lifestyle, and their perception of their world was interrupted when Jesus called to them. 

So what happens when God calls to us and interrupts our lives? The call God gives us may not be to move somewhere new, to pursue an occupational change, or to start a new mission project. It may be. But often, God’s call to us is to live and serve right where we find ourselves…just perhaps with a different intention, and perhaps with an openness to how God is directing us to live. 

So this week, as you’re willing, ask God to interrupt your schedule. And if you do, be prepared. Because God will show up, and God will provide opportunities for you to serve in Christ’s name and offer the love of Jesus. Each day, we may be striving to live out our call to discipleship in a multiplicity of ways. But having invited God to come into our midst, and allowing God to direct us according to God’s will? We just might find ourselves responding to a call, and to a fullness of life, that we never knew was there.