Each Wednesday, in hopes to connect our kids to Christ and to each other, we will be sharing Children’s Chat videos and accompanying resources for kids to engage with the upcoming Sunday’s Gospel story. Also found here are Children’s Bulletins for each week. Feel free to use these children’s bulletins during the week for an extra activity, or as something to keep your kids occupied during our Zoom worship services.
Resources are intended for children 5th grade and under. Blessings to you as you live into the promise of Christ’s life this season!
Wednesday, June 3
As we head into the summer, we will be phasing out of our scheduled Children’s Chat. So, this will be our last “formal” Children’s Chat. But don’t worry! Other resources will be shared for in-person and family activities throughout the coming weeks. To finish out today, tune in with the Sparkhouse Sunday School Team as they dive into the story of creation and how it relates to Holy Trinity Sunday, coming up this Sunday! All resources noted in the video can below.
Children’s Bulletin – for use on Sunday, June 6
Wednesday, May 27
Acts 2: 1-21 | It’s almost here! Throughout the entire season of Easter, we have been counting down the days until Pentecost Sunday. Join Pastor Aleese, and the Sprkhouse Digital Team, as they explore the day of Pentecost through song, story, and activities. Be sure to get your best celebratory gear out to celebrate with Pastor Aleese and the whole church! And bring your doves and flames to the church on Thursday, May 28 from 5:30-6:30 so we can use them in worship on Sunday!
Children’s Bulletin – for use Sunday, May 31
Dove Coloring Page – color this and bring it to Pastor Aleese on Thurs., May 28!
Flame Coloring Page – color this and bring it to Pastor Aleese on Thurs., May 28!
Wednesday, May 20
Acts 1:1-11 | This weekend we celebrate the last Sunday of the Easter season, and remember the Ascension of Our Lord. But now, as we wait – in between when our Lord ascended into heaven and when the promised Spirit will come – what are we to do as disciples of Jesus? We ALL have been “waiting” for many things in these past weeks. Well, let’s take a lesson from the early church of how they spent their time waiting. Dive into the story with Pastor Aleese and utilize the accompanying resources below as is appropriate. Music and use of the Spark Storybook Bible covered by Sparkhouse Digital subscription.
Children’s Bulletin – for use Sunday, May 24
Dove Coloring Page – color this and return to Pastor Aleese by May 28 for use in our Pentecost worship service!
Flame Coloring Page – color this and return to Pastor Aleese by May 28 for use in our Pentecost worship service!
Wednesday, May 13
John 14: 15-21 | It’s time for another Children’s Chat with Pastor Aleese and our Sparkhouse team! For today’s story, we turn to the night before Jesus began his walk to the cross. There with his disciples, he had a commandment and a promise for them. To learn what that commandment and promise is, and how it is appropriate for us today, take a listen. As always, you can find the corresponding resources that accompany this video below. Music and use of Spark Storybook Bible covered by Sparkhouse Digital subscription.
Children’s Bulletin – for use Sunday, May 17
Promise of the Holy Spirit Activity Page
Promise of the Holy Spirit Coloring Page
Promise of the Holy Spirit Story
Wednesday, May 6
John 14:1-14 | We’ve all been spending more time in our “houses” these days. Have you ever wondered what God’s House is like? Tune into Children’s Chat with Pastor Aleese to learn more about God’s House…and how YOU are a part of God’s house! Be prepared to find Pastor Aleese in some odd places this week! Music and use of Spark Storybook Bible covered by Sparkhouse Digital subscription.
Children’s Bulletin – for use Sunday, May 10
Wednesday, April 29
John 10:1-10 | We belong to a church called “Shepherd of the Cross.” But what does it mean that Jesus is our shepherd? And who are we as God’s little lambs? Dive in with Pastor Aleese for song, story, and an activity. Music and use of Spark Storybook Bible covered by Sparkhouse Digital subscription.
Children’s Bulletin – for use Sunday, May 3
Wednesday, April 22
Luke 24: 13-35 | As we continue through the Easter season, we learn in Scripture that Jesus appeared to many of his disciples…in many different places! Watch along with Pastor Aleese to learn about the “Road to Emmaus” story. We’ll sing together, hear the story, and participate in some activities. And…don’t forget to send your pictures of being in a “disguise” to Pastor Aleese! Music and use of Spark Storybook Bible covered by Sparkhouse Digital subscription.
Children’s Bulletin – for use Sunday, April 26
Wednesday, April 15
John 20:19-31 | On this first Wed after Easter, Children’s Chat is brought to you by Sparkhouse, the company from which we teach Sunday School at SOTC. Dive in with the Rundman family as they explore the story of “Doubting Thomas.” Similar to Children’s Chats with Pastor Aleese, the video will offer a song, a story, and some activities. If you’re interested in any of the activity sheets that accompany this lesson, check out the link in the comment section to this video. And, if you’re interested in following along with the story in your Spark Storybook Bibles, turn to pages 492-495. Blessings to your families as you explore the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ who has risen from the dead!
Doubting Thomas Coloring Pages
Children’s Bulletin – for use Sunday, April 19