Earlier this spring, area congregations were challenged to meet a diaper need in our community. Thanks to your help, we were able to support two day care centers. But, the need did not simply disappear. For that reason, several local non-profits and congregations have banded together to create the Community Diaper Bank (CDB). The CDB will be open to partner agencies and diapers will be distributed through area agencies to individuals and families. Emergency diapers will be available at places like MCSA and Salvation Army.
Our goal is quite lofty: to fill a 53-foot semi-trailer with diapers and be prepared to distribute diapers as of January 1, 2020.
But to do that, we need your help in two ways:
Purchase Diapers
- Bringing your donations to church either Sunday, or during the week.
Help With Start-Up Costs
We have a few outstanding costs that need to be covered to get this initiative off the ground. If you’d be willing to help, put your donation in the basket in the narthex or send your donation directly to United Way, ear-marked “Community Diaper Bank Start Up Costs.” Checks can be made out to United Way.
If you have any questions, talk to Pastor Aleese. Thank you for your support of those in need in our community, and thanks for doing God’s Work with Your Hands!