Each week, to help you remain connected to Christ and to each other, we’ll continue to share daily video devotionals. Consider this a way to connect with Pastor Aleese, with the greater church, and with what’s happening in your church family!
June 9-12 | Life as Disciples of Jesus
Tuesday, June 9 | Just think for a moment: what do you “know” about God? Looking back to last Sunday, we might “know” that God is Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And we might “know” that God is love. But to “know” something goes beyond intellectual knowledge. To “know” something is to internalize it and let it direct our lives. So then, what does it mean to “know the Lord our God” during times such as this? Consider this as you listen in for today’s Faith-on-the-Go.
June 2-5 | Life in the Spirit
Tuesday, June 2 | This past Sunday as we celebrated Pentecost Sunday, we noted that there are times in which it seems as though the world goes from 0-60 in a matter of seconds. Well, in these past weeks, and even in the past days, our world has seen much…leaving many of us wondering what is going on, and what is coming next. So how are we to respond as Christ’s living body on earth today? Hear a response from Pastor Aleese as we consider our role as “church” in these days ahead, and join us as we listen, love, and pray together.
May 26 – 29 | Looking to Pentecost
Thursday, May 28 | As we look to Pentecost Sunday, we confess that the Spirit has knit us together as one body in Christ. But if that is the case, we can no longer live for ourselves. Instead, we have been given the duty, the right, the freedom, and the joy to live as though we are always connected to ALL humanity. What does that mean? Well, listen in as Pastor Aleese considers events of the past few days and highlights our shared responsibility to uplift justice and life for all people.
Tuesday, May 26 | Recently, a lot of places have been “re-opening.” Though we haven’t opened our physical doors yet, the truth is that we have never been “closed.” As we look to the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday (this coming Sun!), we wait in hope for the Spirit to blow through us…wherever we are. So how has the Spirit been at work in your life during this time apart? Wherever and however it has been active, that is also where the church has been active. Take a listen, and continue to consider that work of the Spirit this coming week.
May 19-22 | Week of Easter 7
Thursday, May 21 | “Now what?” might be the question that many of us are thinking as we consider where we are at and what a “road forward” might look like for us – as a church, as a community, and as individuals. Take a listen as Pastor Aleese gives an update on what is coming soon at SOTC and also as she gives an encouragement as we wait for what is to come.SHOW LESS
Tuesday, May 19 |Hey Shepherds! To jump start our week, our Tuesday Faith-on-the-Go comes from Tory Thompson. Tory just finished her first year at UNI and is now working an internship with United Way this summer. During this time of quarantine, many of you have likely been finding creative ways to engage with your faith. For Tory, she’s been turning to her ukulele. Take a listen as she offers two songs, and consider it a time of prayer as you re-center yourselves for another week. Tune back in on Thursday for our second Faith-on-the-Go for the week!
May 12-15 | Week of Easter 6
Thursday, May 14| As a follow up to yesterdays Faith-on-the-Go, in which we were asked to consider what has changed during this time that we have been apart, today we’re asked the follow up question: in looking back in these weeks, and in looking back on your life, what has the Lord done for you? Where has the Spirit been at work? And what might it be like to offer praise to your Lord for those marvelous works? Consider these questions along with Pastor Aleese, and be sure to join us for worship via Zoom this weekend as we come together to offer our praise for all that God has done.
Wednesday, May 13 | It’s been a while since the reality of COVID-19 began impacting our lives, and even our community life together at SOTC. Since then, what we need to remain connected to each other and to Christ has shifted. In addition to that, it’s likely, though, that how we see ourselves, each other, the world around us, and even God has also changed. So for today’s Faith-on-the-Go, consider: where are you now? And how has your perception shifted during this time? Hear a bit from Pastor Aleese and take a listen to hear how what we will be doing at Shepherd will be shifting to help meet each other where we are at.
Tuesday, May 12 | Have you been finding yourself not quite sure what to hope for lately? With so many things shifting and with uncertainty before us, we might be fighting “hope fatigue” – that is, getting our hopes up for various things, only to have those hopes dashed. So what do we do? Take a listen as Pastor Aleese provides a brief reflection on hope, and offers an update on what we have to “hope for” and “look forward to” as a congregation.
May 5-8 | Week of Easter 5
Friday, May 8 | At Shepherd of the Cross, our community life together is central to who we are. Even during this time apart, we continue to be a community of people bound together by the Spirit and bound in our baptism. But what makes us unique as a community? Two things: 1) we are led by Christ, and 2) we are transformed by his love and grace. So what does it mean to love? As simple as it sounds, love can be tough. Take a listen and consider how you might be called to share the love of Christ this weekend.
Thursday, May 7 | For today’s Faith-on-the-Go, we jump back to our synod partners in ministry and highlight what some congregations are doing while physically apart from one another. Though what we are doing at Shepherd is different than what you’ll see here, we are #inthistogether in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ in the world today. Go and BE the church this week, Shepherds!
Wednesday, May 6 | Today for Faith-on-the-Go, we have the privilege of hearing from one of our Shepherds as he responds to the question “what does new life mean to you?” We have all been given this new life in Jesus Christ…and it isn’t just something given to us on Easter Sunday. It goes with us throughout the Easter season and throughout our lives. Listen to what Joseph has to say, and then ponder the question for yourself: What does new life mean to you?
Tuesday, May 5 | What the church has looked like during this time of COVID-19 has certainly been “different.” One likely would’ve never imagined doing “church” in these capacities before this outbreak. However, regardless of what we are “doing” as church, it hasn’t changed how we ARE the church, and how we can BE the church. Listen in, and then go BE the risen body of Christ where you go.
April 28 – May 1 | Week of Easter 4
Friday, May 1 | Being apart from each other isn’t easy, especially as we feel the loss of experiencing significant life transitions for either ourselves or those we know. Made in God’s image, we were made to live in community. But for many weeks, we have needed to remain separated, in order to show our love for one another. So then, what does it mean at such a time as this to “dwell in the house of the Lord” as one body? Hear what Pastor Aleese has to say for our Friday Faith-on-the-Go, and be sure to have your communion elements ready for Sunday as we gather around the banquet that has been prepared for us.
Thursday, April 30 | At Shepherd of the Cross, we have been experimenting with different ways of doing ministry in these days. Take a look at what is happening around our synod, and how congregations are taking similar – and different – approaches. However we are engaged in ministry these days, as one in the house of the Lord, we are “in this together.”
Wednesday, April 29 | Throughout this week, we will be hearing voices from the greater church for our Faith-on-the-Go. Though we are separate, using the words from Psalm 23, we continue to gather as one “in the house of the Lord.” Today, hear from the presiding bishop of the ELCA, Bishop Eaton.
Tuesday, April 28 | For our Faith-on-the-Go today, we find Pastor Aleese “on the road again” (sing it in a sing-song voice and it makes more sense!) Dive into Psalm 23 along with her as she considers what it means to be led along right path ways with our Lord, and what it means to “get in the groove” with Jesus.
April 21 – 24 | Week of Easter 3
Friday, April 24 | Ever experience those moments that are just too good to put words to? Sometimes that might be our experience as Christ is revealed to us. For today’s Faith-on-the-Go, hear Pastor Aleese’s encouragement to savor those moments of Christ’s presence with you. And be sure to prepare your communion elements for worship this Sunday!
Thursday, April 23 | For today’s Faith-on-the-God, join Pastor Aleese as she offers a reflection of Psalm 116. Be sure to prepare your communion elements this weekend for worship as communally, we offer our thanks and praise to God, and challenge yourself to offer thanks to God today for 3 things/situations as we all exclaim in our hearts “I love you, Lord.
Wednesday, April 22 | Happy Earth Day! For today’s Faith on the Go, we find Pastor Aleese in the MIDDLE of God’s good creation. Take a listen, and then get out in God’s creation….or at the least, take a look outside. Then, ponder God’s good creation and your connection to the very breath of all that surrounds you.
Tuesday, April 21 | After a quick run, Pastor Aleese had some musings about what that “breath of life” that God gives us is really all about. But at the same time that she sensed that breath of life within and around her, she also recognized that sometimes, life – and the situations we find ourselves – just kind of hurt. As we move through these days of quarantine, and whenever we rejoin each other again, there may be scars…and there may be things that we carry going forward. Taking a breath might remind us of God’s gift that’s been given to us, but taking a breath and slowing down might ALSO reveal to us the realities of pain and brokenness that lie around us. But those two things? They CAN coexist this Easter. So wherever you find yourself on that continuum, take a listen. And please…be gentle with Pastor Aleese and the video; her phone cut out mere seconds from being done so we have two recordings spliced together today. And perhaps that’s a reminder to be gentle with yourselves, as we inhale that peace of Christ that fills us…no matter what.
April 14-17 | Week of Easter 2
Friday, April 17 | Thanks to YOUR faith on the go, we had an incredible Holy Week! Take a look at what life looked like from Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday! Continue to live in the life of Christ’s resurrection, Shepherds!
Thursday, April 16 | Yesterday, Pastor Aleese encouraged us to pick up our Easter glasses as we look at the world through the lens of Christ’s resurrection. But that also changes the way we act, and the way we live. Today, take a listen as she offers a piece of Scripture encouraging us to clothe ourselves in Christ as we live and serve in His name.
Wednesday, April 15 | Welcome back to our daily Faith-on-the-Go! Easter Sunday may have come and gone, but now, we are called to LIVE in Easter for the next 50 days. What does that mean? Take a listen as Pastor Aleese encourages us to grab our “Easter glasses”
Tuesday, April 14 | Though Easter Sunday has come and gone, we still live in the promise of Christ’s resurrection each and every day. For our Faith-on-the-Go for this Tuesday, hear Bishop Burk, bishop of our Southeastern Iowa Synod, offer his reflection on what Easter means for us and for our world. Be sure to check back here Wednesday, April 15, for Faith-on-the-Go and Children’s Chat as we resume our regular virtual schedule!