To inspire some hope and life, even amidst separation, we share music videos here each Monday. We hope these videos inspire you to find a space of prayer and reflection and to dwell in the life that Christ offers us, even now.
Monday, May 11
This past Sunday, we heard in worship of how Jesus has gone ahead of us to prepare many “dwelling places” for us – in this life and in the next. This week, you all were encouraged to be aware of those “thin places” – places in which the distance between heaven and earth seemingly grows closer. Because of Christ’s death and resurrection, those “thin places” are EVERYWHERE and we have the comfort of abiding with Jesus wherever we find ourselves. For our Music Monday reflection today, hear the King’s College Choir’s rendition of “Abide with Me,” a beloved old hymn. If you’re looking for further time to dwell with Jesus, revisit John 14-15 to hear Christ’s invitation to draw near to him as our source of life. Blessings to you Shepherds, as we begin another week, together by God’s grace.
Monday, May 4
This past weekend, we were supposed to welcome a crew of college students from Luther College, a college of the ELCA, located in Decorah, IA. They were going to lead us in worship, have song time with our kids, and host an evening Youth Group.
For obvious reasons, that trip was cancelled. But, instead, we want to share a song put together by the Luther College Cathedral Choir, a mixed choir of sophomore students. They sing “We Are Called” arranged by Mark Hayes.
The lyrics speak of uniting the world through the various ways we are called to bring light into the world, which is a much needed reminder right now. What are the ways in which you are being called today?
Monday, April 27
For our music break this evening, we hear from Pastor Zechariah Shipman. Pastor Zechariah and Pastor Aleese overlapped a few years while attending Wartburg Seminary in Dubuque. At many bonfires (which happened QUITE often during these spring days) Pastor Zechariah, Pastor Aleese, and others would grab whatever instrument they had around and would jam around the fire. To be sure, this piece is not what one would classify under the “sacred music” label. That said, Pastor Zechariah’s words before he performs this song connect this otherwise “secular” piece to our walk with Jesus and our walk with each other as Christians. Take a listen, and take heart, knowing that Christ has walked with you into the dark and promises to never, ever leave you or forsake you.
Monday, April 20
MUSIC MONDAY is back! While Pastor Aleese is drumming up some music for weeks to come, take a listen to one of her friends and colleagues from her college days. Phuc (the cellist) was the principal cellist of the Luther College Symphony Orchestra while Aleese was in school…for very obvious reasons once you take a listen. Phuc recorded this piece with two of his family members….recording with two of them in America, and one in Korea. Though time and space might separate us these days, some things bind us together. Music is one of those things. And God’s breath – giving us life and peace – is another. Listen, enjoy, and recall God’s breath that brings us together despite all odds.