
News & Events

God’s Work Our Hands Service Project

Following worship, Sunday, September 17

For the past 10 years, the ELCA has celebrated “God’s Work Our Hands” as an annual day of service across the church. Together we not only remember, but also enact the truth that we are freed by Christ’s grace to live faithfully, witness boldly, and serve joyfully. 

The ELCA’s first dedicated day of service was celebrated in 2013 as a way to honor the ELCA’s 25th anniversary. Since then, the church has embraced “God’s Work Our Hands” as a way to be church together. 

Here at SOTC, we will focus on our witness to community – at Shepherd, in the greater Muscatine community, and across the church – on September 10 (the national God’s Work Our Hands day of service). Then, the following Sunday, September 17, we’ll put our hands to work to compile Compassion Kits during our fellowship time. These kits will consist of everyday necessities to distribute to those in need in our community.

Family Faith Night Kick-Off – One Week Away!

Wednesday, September 6 @ 6pm @ Grace

We’re one week away! ALL are welcome to participate: elementary kids, middle school youth, adults…and even our high schoolers! Each Wednesday we’ll start with a meal (provided) and then break into our separate groups.

For more information about Family Faith Nights (along with a schedule for the year), check out our groups page on our website and like Faith Together Muscatine on Facebook!

Elementary Teachers Needed

We need you! Would you be willing to help form our elementary kids from Shepherd, Grace, and Zion? We’re looking for elementary teachers on Wednesdays from 6:00 – 7:30pm. Already signed up for the adult Big Questions course? No problem. We encourage our adults to volunteer as leaders throughout the year. Adults will be floating in and out of our adult group week to week. Curriculum is provided, along with supplies.

Willing to help? Sign up below. Questions? Contact Pastor Aleese. 

EWALU Fall Events for Adults and Youth

Though the summer camp season is complete, EWALU (Strawberry Point, IA) is looking toward a faith-filled fall line-up! Take a look below to see where you or your family might fit in!

Dirty Feet Retreat – October 20-22 for Grades 6-9

If you have a youth who’s in middle school, consider this two-night experience filled with relevant Bible Studies, high ropes course, games, campfires and so much more! Cost is $90/youth. Talk to Pastor Aleese if your youth is interested. 

Fall Quilt Auction – September 16

It’s not only a fundraiser event, but also a day filled with live music, a country store, and a devotional service. 

Fall Work Day – October 14

Join volunteers, families, and church groups to help EWALU get ready for the winter season. Take time to explore camp and meet staff! Come Friday evening and spend the night at EWALU or arrive at 8:00am for work projects to begin at 9:00am on Saturday. If you’re interested in attending, contact Pastor Aleese. We may have a carpool drive north!

Lutheran Disaster Response to Maui Fires

The significant loss of life and damage caused by the wildfires in Hawaii have turned our prayers and attention to mourning those lost, supporting the survivors and how Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR) can assist with recovery.

If you’re looking for a way to offer support, consider giving through LDR. LDR is coordinating with the Pacifica Synod and other partners to assess the needs of people impacted by the wildfires. We will work with them to provide for immediate needs and long-term recovery amid the widespread destruction. Give online by clicking the button below.

Ainsley Carter Baptism

Sunday, September 24

In baptism, God publicly declares God’s love for us and knits us together with all people in the communion of saints. 

As we’ve already watched Ainsley begin to grow into the unique person she is created to be, we invite you to join us as we celebrate her baptism into Christ and into the people of God! Fellowship with cake to follow after worship. 

Soup Fest 2023

Sunday, November 5

Though fall is still on the horizon, we’ve already set a date for our Soup Fest. 

If you’d like to be a part of the planning and coordination, contact Colleen Bentz. As we get closer to November, we’ll need soup cooks, pie bakers, servers, and a set-up/clean-up crew.

Mark your calendars and start spreading the word.