
News & Events

Estimate of Giving Spiritual Practice 

Throughout October during worship, we’ll hear a variety of individuals share a testimony of how the mission of Jesus through SOTC and our shared ministry has impacted them. In so many ways, lives are being touched by what happens both inside our walls and out in the community. 

As you hear these stories, we hope you’ll consider how you also have been impacted by SOTC and our shared ministry. And, as a second step, we hope you’ll consider your participation in continuing to share the good news of Jesus Christ within our congregation and community – in what you do, and in what you give financially. 

To help you consider these things, we encourage you to use the At-Home Practices as conversation/thought starters. After using those practices, use the Estimate of Giving Worksheet as a spiritual practice. It might seem odd to consider an estimate of your giving a spiritual practice, but the way we use all of the resources entrusted to us is a part of our spirituality and life of faith. 

If you have any questions, or would like a conversation partner as you consider these questions and ideas, contact Pastor Aleese or a Stewardship Team member (Delene McConnaha, Mackenzie Gilbert, Melissa Booth, Heather Allen). 

Trunk or Treat

Sunday, October 29
4:00 – 5:30 pm

It’s gonna be a spooky-good time! Collaborating with Grace and Zion, we’ll gather with those within our congregations and those within the greater Muscatine community! Here’s how you can participate:

  1. Host a trunk  – sign up online or in the narthex. Trunks must be set up by 3:30pm.
  2. Contribute to our stash of extra candy in the church narthex.
  3. Promote and attend the event! Paper flyers are available in the narthex; like and share our event on Facebook

Soup Fest is around the corner!

Sunday, November 5, 4:00-7:00 pm

Soup Fest is back and we’re excited to host the community for a night of fellowship and fundraising. Proceeds from this years’ Soup Fest will go toward a discretionary fund to respond to emergency community needs and Southeastern Iowa Synod Mission Support. Proceeds will be split 50/50. 

To make this year’s event another success, here’s how you can help: 

  1. Promote Soup Fest  – Pick up a flyer from the narthex to hang at work/in the community. Take a handful of smaller cards to give to neighbors and friends. Share our event on Facebook!
  2. Sign up to cook/bake – we need people to cook a variety of soups and bread and bake pies! Sign up sheet in the narthex. Contact Kathy if you’re interested in more information. 
  3. Sign up to set up/serve/clean up – Volunteers make the dream work! Sign up in the narthex or contact Kathy. We will set up most of the fellowship hall on Sunday, Nov 5 after worship. 

If you have any questions, contact Colleen Bentz. 

Congregational Budget Meeting

Each year in the fall, SOTC creates a budget to continue serving in the name of Jesus in the coming year.

Here’s what you can expect:

Sunday, November 5 – distribution of proposed 2024 budget

Sunday, November 12 – Council will host a time of discussion for anyone with questions regarding the proposed budget and our financial position following worship. 

Sunday, November 19 –Congregational meeting to discuss and approve the budget will be held following worship.

Any questions can be directed to Delene McConnaha, president, or Pastor Aleese

All Saint Day Names for Litany in Worship

Submit by Sunday, October 29

Each year, the church observes All Saints Day – a day to remember saints who have joined the body of Christ through baptism and saints who have gone before us who now rest in peace.

If you have someone you know who has been baptized or who has died in the past year that you’d like remembered during our All Saints Litany in worship, sign up in the narthex or contact Kathy Dunham. That person’s name will be remembered in worship, and those remembering that individual will be invited to come forward and light a candle.