Trunk or Treat Success!
We were up against some cold and rain this weekend for Trunk or Treat, but our volunteers from SOTC, Grace, and Zion – along with all who participated! – made this event a smashing success! Special thanks to Colleen Bentz from SOTC who served on the planning team.
Last call for help with Soup Fest!
It’s this coming weekend! Right now, we still need help with the following:
Cooking and Baking
We need help preparing the following food – pie, bread, and soup.
Serving and Clean Up
We need help with set up, serving and clean up.
Contact Kathy in the church office if you’re willing to help. Thanks!
Zion Soup Supper
Tuesday, November 7, 4:30 – 6:30pm
Join our siblings in Christ for a soup supper meal on Election Day night! Menu is chili, chicken noodle soup, ham sandwiches and desserts. Adults $10; seniors $7; Youth $5, under 5 free. All proceeds support Zion youth programming.
Congregational Budget Meeting
Sunday, November 19 following worship
Each year in the fall, SOTC creates a budget to continue serving in the name of Jesus in the coming year. Our Council is meeting this week to review the proposed 2024 budget, which will then be shared with the congregation on Sunday, November 5.
If you’re looking for a time to discuss the proposed budget and our financial position, Council will host a roundtable discussion following worship on Sunday, November 12. Budget will be voted upon during our Congregational Budget Meeting on Sunday, November 19.
Any questions can be directed to Delene McConnaha, president, or Pastor Aleese.
ELCA Good Gift Challenge
Last year, our kids put forth $250 from their Children’s Sermon fund toward ELCA Good Gifts and challenged the congregation to match that $250. Your gifts support the sustainable development ministries of ELCA World Hunger, which include training, education, resources (and much more) to help the community care for animals and create new market opportunities like starting a small business selling eggs, meat or dairy products.
We will begin collecting donations on Sunday, November 5 and will set up an option to give through Begin considering how this initiative can be a part of your end-of-the-year giving!
Sponsor a Poinsettia
Sign up Nov 5 – Nov 26
Our Altar Guild and Worship and Music Teams are looking forward to a meaningful Advent and Christmas season centered around the theme, “How Does a Weary World Rejoice?” To decorate for the season, we’re asking for the congregation to sponsor poinsettias. If you’d like to purchase a poinsettia in honor/memory of a loved one, sign up in the narthex or email the church office beginning Sunday, November 5.
Cost per poinsettia is $12. Offer your payment via cash or check in the offering plate or turning it into the church office. You can also pay online through and via a credit card reader starting Sunday, November 5.