
News & Events

Soup Fest Thank You!

Thank you to all who cooked, baked, set up, cleaned up, and served in any way for our Soup Fest! Through your help, and the attendance of community members, we raised $1683.00 to be split evenly between a discretionary fund for emergency community needs and Mission Support to the Southeastern Iowa Synod. Thank you for your help, and thank you for helping us support ministries and opportunities to live out our call to be saints in the greater Muscatine community and beyond!

Zion Soup Supper

Tuesday, November 7, 4:30 – 6:30pm

Join our siblings in Christ for a soup supper meal on Election Day night! Menu is chili, chicken noodle soup, ham sandwiches and desserts. Adults $10; seniors $7; Youth $5, under 5 free. All proceeds support Zion youth programming.

Preparing for Advent

Advent is a time to prepare for the coming of Christ at Christmas, so it might seem strange that we need to prepare for a season of preparation! However, based on how we are approaching the coming season, and when service organizations need Christmas donations, we’re getting a jump on the season!

ELCA Good Gift Challenge

Donations due by Sunday, November 26

Can you help fight hunger and poverty domestically and internationally? Our kids are offering $250 of their Children’s Sermon fund toward this effort, and are inviting you to match it! Your gifts will support the sustainable development ministries of ELCA World Hunger, which include training, education, resources (and much more) to help the community care for animals and create new market opportunities like starting a small business selling eggs, meat or dairy products.

If you’d like to contribute, you can offer a donation in three ways: During the offering (clearly marked on a check or in an envelope); Via (select the ELCA Good Gift category from the drop down menu); Using a credit card reader on Sunday morning in the narthex.

Sponsor a Poinsettia

Donations due by Sunday, November 26

To decorate for the season, we’re asking for the congregation to sponsor poinsettias. If you’d like to purchase a poinsettia in honor/memory of a loved one, sign up in the narthex or email the church office

Cost per poinsettia is $12. Offer your payment in one of three ways: During the offering (clearly marked on a check or in an envelope) Via (select the Poinsettia category from the drop down menu); Using a credit card reader on Sunday morning in the narthex.

Christmas Cards to Children/Families in Immigration Detention Facilities

Cards due to Pastor Aleese by Wednesday, November 29

In partnership with Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, we are writing cards to children and families in immigration detention facilities this Christmas. If you’d like to help, we’ll be writing cards during fellowship on Sunday, November 27. Want to write some cards on your own? Take a look at this guide for guidelines in writing cards and get to it! Bring any completed cards to Pastor Aleese.

Congregational Budget Meeting

Sunday, November 19 following worship

This past Sunday, Council shared a proposed 2024 budget thanks to the help of our Shepherd Teams. Take a look below to check it out!

Note that Council will host a roundtable discussion following worship on Sunday, November 12. Budget will be voted upon during our Congregational Budget Meeting on Sunday, November 19.

Any questions can be directed to Delene McConnaha, president, or Pastor Aleese



LSI Angel Tree

In collaboration with Grace and Zion, we will be sponsoring some families this Christmas. Gifts will include an educational toy and a package of diapers. More information will be shared soon. Angel Tree tags may be found in the narthex.

How Does a Weary World Rejoice?

Advent begins Sunday, December 3

Can weariness and joy coexist? That’s one of many questions we’ll be addressing this Advent season as we immerse ourselve in Luke 1-2 as our primary readings. 

Look for more information about our theme, and Advent devotional resources (devotional booklet, devotional cards, Advent calendar for families and kids) to be shared on Sunday, November 19.