
News & Events

Write a Note for our College Students

As we near the holidays, students also turn their attention to finals. To support our college students, our Education Team is sending each student a care package in early December. To personalize these packages, we’re asking the congregation to write a short note in cards that are in the narthex at church. Next time you’re at SOTC, pick up a pen and write something so that Brynn, Noah, Jake, Kortney, Kelsey, and Trinity know that they are being thought of as they push to the end of the semester!

Updated Directories

You may have noticed some new faces in our flock! Updated contact and narrative directories may be found on our website under the “members” tab in the top right corner.

What Sparks Joy for You?

What sparks joy for you? Maybe it’s being with other people, maybe it’s a practice, maybe it’s cooking a favorite recipe, maybe it’s listening to a specific song. Whatever sparks joy for you, capture it, and post it on our bulletin board. Add your pictures, recipes, poems, quotes, and experiences throughout Advent!

ELCA Good Gift Challenge

Donations THIS SUNDAY, November 26

We’ve raised $70 toward ELCA Good Gifts. Can you help make our goal of $250? Our kids are offering $250 of their Children’s Sermon fund toward this effort, and are inviting you to match it!

Your gifts will support the sustainable development ministries of ELCA World Hunger, which include training, education, resources (and much more) to help the community care for animals and create new market opportunities like starting a small business selling eggs, meat or dairy products.

If you’d like to contribute, you can offer a donation in three ways: During the offering (clearly marked on a check or in an envelope); Via (select the ELCA Good Gift category from the drop down menu); Using a credit card reader on Sunday morning in the narthex.


Sign Up and Offer Payment by THIS SUNDAY, November 26

To decorate for the season, we’re asking for the congregation to sponsor poinsettias. If you’d like to purchase a poinsettia in honor/memory of a loved one, sign up in the narthex or email the church office

Cost per poinsettia is $12. Offer your payment in one of three ways: During the offering (clearly marked on a check or in an envelope) Via (select the Poinsettia category from the drop down menu); Using a credit card reader on Sunday morning in the narthex.

LSI Angel Tree

Return gifts to SOTC by THIS SUNDAY, November 26

Reminder to any who picked up a tag from the LSI Angel Tree to return gifts (unwrapped) to SOTC by Sunday, November 26. Please include the tag with your gift so it is directed to the appropriate child. Thank you!

Christmas Cards to Children/Families in Immigration Detention Facilities

Cards due to Pastor Aleese by Wednesday, November 29

In partnership with Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, we are writing cards to children and families in immigration detention facilities this Christmas. If you’d like to help, we’ll be writing cards during fellowship on Sunday, November 27. Want to write some cards on your own? Take a look at this guide for guidelines in writing cards and get to it! Bring any completed cards to Pastor Aleese.

Dec. Women’s Group

Saturday, December 2 @ 8:30 am

Mindful of the busy holiday season, we are bumping Women’s Group up one week from the second Saturday to the first Saturday of the month. Come and join us as we prepare for Christ’s incarnation among us!

Shepherd Christmas Party

Sunday, Dec 17, 3:00 – 4:30 pm

Join us for a night of games, fellowship, and fun! Bring a plate of Christmas cookies to share.