
News & Events

Updated Directories

You may have noticed some new faces in our flock! Updated contact and narrative directories may be found on our website under the “members” tab in the top right corner.

Advent Devotionals and Devotional Cards Available

Looking for a way to take what we’ll be doing on Sunday mornings during Advent and incorporate it into your journey of faith? Consider using one or more of the following. Note that in-print resources cannot be shared digitally because of copyright guidelines. 

  1. Devotional Book: offering commentary, poems, music, and imagery to ponder. Found in the narthex.
  2. Devotional Cards: similar from previous seasons, offering prompts for journaling, activities, and prayer. Found in the narthex.
  3. Family Advent Calendars: calendars have been mailed to families. If you’d like one and didn’t get one, contact the church office. 
  4. Social Media Posts: each week we’ll post about three thoughts to ponder. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram!

Looking for something to listen to this holiday season?

Ever find yourself in the car? Or, needing something to listen to as you get going in the morning? Check out this playlist that follows our overall Advent theme. You might even hear some of these pieces played in worship this season!

This playlist is a part of the Spotify platform. Even if you are not a Spotify user, you can still access the playlist to view what songs are on it. If you want to listen to any of the songs, you will need to create an account (sign up for a free version! it’s worth it!)

Blessings as you listen, as you watch, and as you pray this Advent season!

What Sparks Joy for You?

What sparks joy for you? Maybe it’s being with other people, maybe it’s a practice, maybe it’s cooking a favorite recipe, maybe it’s listening to a specific song. Whatever sparks joy for you, capture it, and post it on our bulletin board. Add your pictures, recipes, poems, quotes, and experiences throughout Advent!

Christmas Cards to Children/Families in Immigration Detention Facilities

Cards due to Pastor Aleese by Wednesday, November 29

In partnership with Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, we are writing cards to children and families in immigration detention facilities this Christmas. If you’d like to help and missed the opportunity to do so this past weekend, take a look at this guide for guidelines and get to it! Bring any completed cards to Pastor Aleese. 

Dec. Women’s Group

Saturday, December 2 @ 8:30 am

Mindful of the busy holiday season, we are bumping Women’s Group up one week from the second Saturday to the first Saturday of the month. Come and join us as we prepare for Christ’s incarnation among us!

Help Us Decorate our Christmas Trees!

Sunday, December 3 at the close of worship

Families work together to decorate their Christmas trees at home. So why not do the same at church?! At the close of worship this coming Sunday, our Altar Guild will have Christmas ornaments for us to put on our trees. Make sure to join us as you offer your contribution to our community this Christmas season!

Shepherd Christmas Party

Sunday, Dec 17, 3:00 – 4:30 pm

Join us for a night of games, fellowship, and fun! Bring a plate of Christmas cookies to share.

Christmas Eve Worship

Sunday, December 24 @ 4:00 pm

After our final Advent worship on the morning of December 24, we gather to celebrate the birth of our Lord. Worship will include special music and a candlelight service while singing Silent Night.