Our Life Together

News & Events

Sunday School Kids Help Crafting for a Cause Event, and High School Youth Help Conversation Board Event

We had a busy weekend of service at Shepherd! On Sunday morning, Kathy Dunham led our Sunday School kids (and some adults!) in melting old crayons into new creations. Those creations will be sold at the Crafting for a Cause fair at Wesley on Sunday, October 30 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm. Proceeds benefit the Mississippi Valley Child Protection Center. If you have Sunday School kids who’d like to continue to help, we’re gathering (again!) this Thursday at 1:30pm at SOTC to continue our project!

Later in the evening, as our high schoolers gathered for youth group, they carved 20 pumpkins for the Muscatine Conversation Board’s Halloween event coming up this Friday, October 22. After the youth expressed interest in doing a “fall activity,” it seemed to be the perfect connection to create an environment for fun, while also serving our community. 

Be sure to say “thank you for serving!” to all our younger Shepherds! Thanks for being God’s servants!

Can you help us reach our goal?

Our Stewardship Team put before the congregation a goal to raise $3400 by October 24. So far, $1000 has been contributed toward our Sharing the Good News Campaign. Can you help us close the gap? 

All funds will go toward our general fund. Currently, our operating expenses from 2021 exceed offerings by about $8,000. With your help, we can slash that deficit and also ensure that the mission of Jesus continues through Shepherd. 

If you haven’t seen it yet, take a look at the video our Stewardship Team put together, and consider a donation to help us reach our goal! Contributions can be made online, offered within worship, or mailed/dropped off at the church office. Thank you for your support, Shepherds, as we join with God in what God is already doing in our midst!

Trunk or Treat

Wednesday, October 27, 5:30 – 7:00 pm @ Grace

It’s coming up soon! Get your costumes (and face masks!) ready and we’ll meet you at Grace! Bring a canned food item for our community drive if you’re feeling generous!

At this point, here’s what we need from the congregation:

1. We need people to host trunks! If you’re willing, sign up here. Trunk hosts must provide your own candy. All trunks must be set up at Grace by 5:15 pm. 

2. Spread the word! Please share our Facebook event and share the flyer below with your workplace and in your social circles!

Download the pdf flyer and share with your family and friends.  

Questions? Talk to Cathy BermelMelissa Booth, or Judy Bartling.

Worship Helpers

Wanting to help with Sunday morning worship? Check out this link to see where you may want to volunteer

Spaghetti Supper at Trinity Episcopal

Saturday October 16

Looking for a meal? Trinity is hosting a community spaghetti supper on October 16 from 4:00 – 7:00 pm. Due to recent increase in COVID cases in Muscatine, this will be a take-out event only. There may be seating outside as weather permits. Freewill donations available to help fund thier next community meal in December (soup supper). Otherwise, this meal is free and open to all! 

All Saints Day Litany

Submit names by October 31

Each year, the church celebrates All Saints Day – a day to remember all the saints in God’s Kingdom, especially those who have been baptized and those who have died in the past year. To honor those saints, we will include a litany for the saints as a part of worship on Sunday, November 7. If you would like a family member or friend included, submit their name, relation to you, and if they have been baptized/have died to the church office by October 31. Sign up sheet also available in the church narthex.

Congregational Budget Meeting

Saturday, November 21

Teams are currently compiling thier proposed budgets for 2022. By November 7, a proposed budget for 2022 (along with a narrative explaining significant changes) will be distributed to the congregation. We will meet following worship on November 21 to discuss and approve the 2022 budget.