
News & Events

Year End Giving

Last day for 2023 Contributions: December 27

If you are planning to make a year end donation, please do so by Wednesday, December 27. All gifts received after December 27 will be deposited in 2024.

Office Hours @ SOTC after Christmas

Kathy will be in the office on Wednesday, December 27 from 9:00 am – 12:00pm. If you need something from the church office at other times during the week of Christmas, contact Kathy. 

Pastor Aleese will be on vacation Monday, December 25 – Monday, January 1. Worship on Sunday, December 31 will be lay led. For pastoral emergencies, contact Pastor Susan Bantz (563-554-9213).

Women’s Epiphany Party

Sunday, January 7, 5:00 – 7:00 pm

Join us for a night of celebrating Christ’s light to the nations! This year, in lieu of a candle exchange, bring a white elephant gift.

Also, to give back to our community, bring winter outerwear that will be donated to those in need in our community. New or gently used accepted. Gloves, hats, scarves, boots, coats…whatever you so please! We’ll invite the whole congregation to join this initiative through January. 

Winter Outerwear Drive

Through Sunday, January 28

In conjunction with our Women’s Epiphany Party, the entire congregation is invited to donate new or gently used winter outerwear to be shared with those in our community. Coats, hats, boots, warm socks, gloves, scarves, etc. are all needed!

Bring your donations to the box in the narthex by Sunday, January 28

Family Faith Nights

Resume January 10

Reminder that Family Faith Nights do not meet for the next two weeks. We resume on January 10. For a full calendar, with assigned meals for each week, check out those resources at our Groups page. 

Adaptations to Fellowship

Because of varied schedules of our Shepherds, along with families who are taking winter trips, our Social Team is adapting our practice of fellowship after worship. Rest assured: each week after worship we will still have fellowship of some sort!

Every other week, starting January 7, we will have regular, full fellowship (what you’re used to!)

On the off weeks, starting January 14, we will have a simple fellowship. The hope is to have some cookies/bars in the freezer that we can pull out and serve with just a napkin. 

Know that we will still observe days like Chocolate Fest, baptisms, etc. with a special fellowship time as they arise. 

With that in mind, here’s what our Social Team is looking for:

  1. People to serve every other week for full fellowship
  2. People to prepare cookies/bars in advance that can be frozen
  3. People who are willing to start coffee and set up tables on weeks we have simple fellowship. No clean up required!

If you are willing to help in any of these ways, check out the sign up sheets in the narthex and/or contact Colleen Bentz. 

Opportunities to Serve at Lutheran Living

Recently Pastor Aleese has learned of several opportunities to serve residents at Lutheran Living. If you are interested in serving in any of these capacities, contact Pastor Aleese

Volunteer Visitor: seeking volunteers to offer 1 hour per week (or every 2 weeks) to visit with residents. Training would be provided for volunteers. 

Volunteers to transport residents to chapel worship services: seeking volunteers to assist on Sundays from 1:45-2:45pm to transport residents desiring to attend worship from their rooms to the chapel. 

Annual Meeting

Sunday, January 28

Each January we set aside a Sunday to celebrate our shared ministry together at SOTC during our annual meeting. During this time, we will review the year, vote on nominated leaders, and hear reports from our president and treasurer. All are welcome to join us as we give thanks for the ways God has been at work in and through our Shepherds in the past year!

Note that after the meeting, we will have a potluck. Please sign up in the narthex with what you’d like to share! (main dish, side, salad, dessert)

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday, February 14, 7:00 pm

Though it may seem strange to be thinking about Lent after we just celebrated Christmas, we have an early Lent coming up this year!

Make sure to mark your calendars to join us as a part of your Valentine’s Day celebrations!