
News & Events

New Member Sunday

Sunday, May 5

Join us in welcoming Barb Swanson and Linda Adams as official members of the flock here at Shepherd! Though they both have been involved in the life of this congregation, we will welcome them as members during worship and offer a blessing for them. Make sure to join us as we celebrate!

Summer Book Club

Sign up by Sunday, May 19
Begins Wednesday, June 12 – 6:15 – 7:30 pm

Looking for a group of people to nurture you on your faith journey and open you to new perspectives this summer?

This summer we’ll be reading Sacred Fire by Ronald Rolheiser. This book embodies the journey of discipleship as our faith, and our relationship with God, matures. “What lies beyond the essentials, the basics?” Rolheiser writes. “Where do we go once some of the basic questions in our lives have been answered, or at least brought to enough peace that our focus can shift away from ourselves to others? How can we live less self- centered, more mature Christian lives? What constitutes deep maturity and how do we reach that place? And, not unimportantly, what constitutes a more adult, Christian discipleship? What constitutes a truly mature following of Jesus?”

If diving into your own journey of discipleship and what that means for those around you sounds appealing, join us! Book club will meet weekly on Wednesdays from 6:15-7:30pm beginning June 12. We will not meet July 3. Last session will be July 17. 

Interested? Sign up in the narthex and/or indicate your interest to Andy Christy or Pastor Aleese. Sign up by May 19.

Synod Assembly 2024

May 17-18

Each year, representatives from congregations gather for a synod assembly. The intent of assemblies is to attend to the “business” of the synod and also to grow in faith and connection with one another. This year Leslie Eichelberger and Connie Hoekstra are our voting members from SOTC. 

At each assembly, there is a special offering taken to support a specific ministry. This year the offering will be designated for rasiing new leaders in the church by increasing our scholarship capacity through the Southeastern Iowa Synod Fund for Leaders. We will be taking a special offering for this on April 28, May 5, and May 12 during worship. If you’d like to give online, give through Tithely and select “Synod Assembly Offering.”

Wesley Hymn Festival

Thursday, June 6 @ 7:30pm
Rehearsals for Festival Choir –
Wednesday, May 29 and June 5 @ 7:00 pm

This summer, Wesley United Methodist Church will be hosting a Hymn Festival by Dr.David Cherwien. Dr. Cherwien currently serves as cantor at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church in Minneapolis. 

But what is a hymn festival? Good question! That night, a festival choir will present several pieces that they’ve prepared. If you’d like to be a part of this choir, contact Dr. Dan Laaveg, Wesley’s music director, ASAP.

But it’s not all left up to the choir! In addition to selections prepared by the choir, the congregation will also play an important role in singing along with several hymns and will hear reflections written by Dr. Cherwin’s late wife – Susan. 

 All are welcome to attend this free event!

Christian Day Camp Volunteer Orientations

If you signed up to assist as a volunteer for the elementary, middle school, or preschool Christian Day Camps, thank you!

To make sure that everyone is the on the same page, we will be scheduling an orientation session for volunteers. If you have signed up to help and have not received information within a week, check with Pastor Aleese. 

Pentecost Sunday

Sunday, May 19

50 days after we celebrate the news that Christ is risen, we await the coming of the Spirit in the celebration of Pentecost. Our sanctuary will be decked in red, so be sure to wear your own red as we adorn ourselves with the color of the Spirit!