
News & Events

Summer Book Club

Last call!

We’ve been talking about it for a while now, but it’s getting down to the time to sign up! This summer we’re reading Sacred Fire by Ronald Rolheiser. This book explores what it means to kindle the Spirit (the fire) that is within us and prompts us to consider our participation in God’s mission. We’ll read a few chapters at a time, and then discuss during our meetings on Wednesday evenings (June 12 – July 17, not meeting July 3; 6:15-7:30pm).

Interested? Sign up in the narthex or contact Andy Christy or Pastor Aleese.

Last Family Faith Nights

May 15

It’s our last night this week! We’ll spend part of our evening together and part of the evening in our groups offering feedback on this year and looking ahead toward what is to come. 

Special note for parents of youth who are involved in GIFT: please join us as we will be seeking your feedback on continued children/youth/family opportunities that our congregations provide.

Pentecost Sunday

Sunday, May 19

50 days after we celebrate the news that Christ is risen, we await the coming of the Spirit in the celebration of Pentecost. Our sanctuary will be decked in red, so be sure to wear your own red as we adorn ourselves with the color of the Spirit!

Pastor Aleese Bought a House!

Pastor Aleese is in the process of closing on a house in Muscatine. Here’s how she needs help:

  1. Gathering boxes, packing supplies, and moving carts
  2. Moving furniture and unpacking boxes on Saturday, June 1 (aiming for morning) 

If you can help with either (or something else you think would be helpful!) let Pastor Aleese know via email or in person. Thanks in advance!

To give Pastor Aleese time to settle in, she will be off Thursday, May 30 – Monday, June 3. Worship on Sunday, June 2 will be lay led with a sermon video from Bishop Current. Pastoral emergencies will be covered by Pastor Willie Rosin (Zion Lutheran; 320-444-7277).

Supper at the Lighthouse

Saturday, June 29 @ 5:30pm

Our Social Team is looking to the summer and has planned an evening out! Join us for a night of fellowship and food! Address of the Lighthouse is 2142 Water St, Muscatine, IA (located near Fairport).

Sign up in the narthex or contact the church office if you’re interested in joining us. 

Congregational Meeting

Sunday, June 23 after worship

Though not typical to have a mid-summer congregational meeting, our Council has several items they would like to share with the congregation. Items for discussion will be constitutional changes pertaining to the role of treasurer to match our current practice and vote on a cell tower lease contract. More information about these items, along with any other agenda items, will be shared with the congregation no later than Sunday, June 9. Immediate questions can be directed to Council members.