
News & Events

Help Needed for Christian Day Camp Breakfast

Thursday, June 27 @ 7:30am @ Saulsbury Bridge

Shepherd of the Cross is partnering with New Era Lutheran Church to provide and serve breakfast to the Christian Day Camp middle school youth on Thursday, June 27, at the Saulsbury Bridge Recreation Area lodge. We are in need of a couple volunteers to help with the set-up, serving, and clean-up
from 7:30-9:00am. SOTC will be providing sausage links, bananas, mandarin oranges/cuties, napkins and disposable cups, for 60 youth and adults.

If you’re available to help serve and/or would like to donate items for the meal, please reach out to Joanne Drinkall at, (563-299-8157).

Hymn Festival at Wesley

Thursday, June 6 @ 7:30pm @ Wesley United Methodist

There will be a Hymn Festival happening at Wesley United Methodist Church on Thursday, June 6, at 7:30pm. This event is free and open to the public. Dr. David Cherwien, a Lutheran church musician from Minneapolis, will lead the festival. Some of our Shepherds will be participating, so you won’t want to miss it!

Book Club Begins Soon!

Wednesday, June 12 @ 6:15 pm

We are excited to have a group of people from 5 congregations joining us for Book Club this summer! If you signed up to be a part of Book Club, you will be receiveing a text message with more information this coming week. If you do not receive a message, contact Pastor Aleese. And, if you’d still like to join us, please consider doing so! Contact Pastor Aleese or Andy Christy for more information. 

Musicians Needed

Sunday, July 21 – Joint worship @ New Era

This summer we are excited to be worshipping together with New Era two times. On June 30, New Era will join us at SOTC. Then, on July 21 we will join New Era for worship. 

Mary Maxson, musician at New Era, is coordinating musicians especially for the July 21 worship service. If you play an instrument or would like to sing, contact Mary directly via email or cell (563-264-0861)

A Note from Roger Luft

Thank you for all the well wishes. SOTC has been a welcoming church home for me. I have enjoyed my time here and will miss so many great friends. Best wishes and God’s grace to SOTC and all my friends. Roger

Supper at the Lighthouse

Saturday, June 29 @ 5:30pm

Our Social Team is looking to the summer and has planned an evening out! Join us for a night of fellowship and food! Address of the Lighthouse is 2142 Water St, Muscatine, IA (located near Fairport).

Sign up in the narthex or contact the church office if you’re interested in joining us. 

Congregational Meeting

Sunday, June 23 after worship

Though not typical to have a mid-summer congregational meeting, our Council has several items they would like to share with the congregation. Items for discussion will be constitutional changes pertaining to the role of treasurer to match our current practice and vote on a cell tower lease contract. More information about these items, along with any other agenda items, will be shared with the congregation no later than Sunday, June 9. Immediate questions can be directed to Council members.