Muscatine CROP Hunger Walk Fundraiser
Tuesday, June 18 @ 11:00 am – 11:00 pm @ Applebee’s
Come and help our neighbors in Muscatine who are hungry! When you order from the Applebee’s special “Together We Care” menu, 50% of the food sales will support the Muscatine CROP Hunger Walk. 20% of all money collected is returned to Muscatine Food Pantry and 5% is retuned to Bag of Blessing weekend program in Muscatine elementary schools.
Christians Underground Resumes this Week
Wednesday, June 19 @ 12:00 pm @ Zion
We’ve needed to take a brief hiatus from Underground due to schedule conflicts for Pastor Aleese and Pastor Willie. But, we’re back at it this week! Even if you haven’t joined us yet, take this summer to test it out and see what it’s like. Each Wednesday we look at the upcoming Sunday Scripture readings.
Elementary Christian Day Camp is a Wrap!
We had three SOTC kids, joined by others from Grace and Zion, along with a slew of kids from the greater Muscatine area learn all about how from “Tiny Seeds Grow Mighty Trees!” Together, they learned that their ability to do mighty things comes from God through the stories of David, Esther, Mary, and the boy who gave his lunch to feed 5000 people. From biking, to water games, to horses, to art, to canoeing, to fishing, and so much more, our kids had a great week! Be sure to talk with Hannah Booth, Shelby Bartosh, and Amelia Vircks to ask them how their week was, and say a special thank you to all our volunteers! More pictures can be seen on our bulletin board in the narthex!

Congregational Meeting
Sunday, June 23 after worship
Our Council is calling a special congregational meeting to address three key items:
We will have a Q&A sessions after worship on Sunday, June 16. This session will be facilitated by Council leaders and will begin at about 10:30.
Paper copies of the materials linked above can also be found in the church narthex. If you have immediate quetsions, contact your Council leaders (Delene McConnaha, Gladys Reif, Erin Jorgensen, Linda Adams, Kathy Dunham, Melissa Booth, Joanne Drinkall, Connie Hoekstra) or Pastor Aleese.
Supper at the Lighthouse
Saturday, June 29 @ 5:30pm
Our Social Team has planned an evening out! Join us for a night of fellowship and food! Address of the Lighthouse is 2142 Water St, Muscatine, IA (located near Fairport).
Sign up in the narthex or contact the church office if you’re interested in joining us.
Joint Worship with New Era
Sunday, June 30 @ 9:00 am @ SOTC
Sunday, July 21 @ 10:00 am @ New Era
Similar to last summer, SOTC and New Era are joining for two joint services this summer. The first service will be at SOTC and the second at New Era. Take note of these service times and locations. If you’re willing to assist with worship or fellowship on these two dates, contact Pastor Aleese or the church office.
Lunchtime Potluck
Our friends at Zion are hosting a potluck and are inviting us to join! Take note of the date below and join if you can!

Ice Cream Social
Sunday, July 14 during fellowship
It’s summer, so why not have a lil’ extra ice cream! Be sure to join us for a special fellowship hour where we have Sundaes on Sunday!
Christmas in July (August) Event
Sunday, August 4, 5:30pm
Often Christmas comes and goes so quickly in December and with so many things to do, we miss out on some of the extra fun! Sometimes, “Christmas in July” events are hosted as a “half-birthday” for Jesus. Because of family schedules, we won’t quite make it in July, but we will still celebrate!
ALL – families, adults, kids – are invited to join us for a night of fun, fellowship, and intergenerational learning. More details to come soon from our Social and Education Teams!