
News & Events

Interested in an Adult Faith Formation Group?

Sign Up by Sunday, August 4

Did you miss our meeting last week, but you are still interested in being a part of a group this fall? We want to hear from you! 

This fall we are offering three groups geared for adults: Sojourners, Companions in Christ and Re:Storied. A brief synopsis is below, and a more detailed description can be found in the narthex and at our website.

To effectively plan for the number of groups and leaders, we ask you to indicate your interest by Sunday, August 4 by signing up in the narthex or by submitting an online form.

If you have further questions, contact Andy or Aleese. We look forward to walking together this year in faith!

Description of Groups

Sojourners is a small group that seeks to deepen participants relationship with God and with one another to foster individual and communal spiritual growth. Sojourners will most likely meet on Wednesday nights as a part of Family Faith Nights.

Companions in Christ is a spiritual formation group that focuses on how God is present within all human experiences, learns and practices various forms of prayer, and reflects on our call as disciples of Jesus.  Because of the time commitment, Companions will not meet during Family Faith Nights, but will be dependent on the schedule of those within the group.

Re:Storied is a small group that introduces participants to the whole of the Biblical narrative while providing opportunities to tangibly practice dwelling in God’s Word. Scheduling of this group will be determined based on schedule of interested participants.

Toys Needed for Youth Room

Have some old kids’ toys underneath the stairs or in a closet that you don’t use anymore? We’re looking for some gently used kids toys (and furniture) to keep in the youth room for toddlers and lower elementary kids. We’re looking specifically for the following, but if you have something else in mind, talk to Jamie Vircks or Pastor Aleese. We’ll likely be able to use it!

Baby dolls
Small bookshelf
Building toys (legos, lincoln logs)
Younger puzzles (big pieces)

Last Call!: Night Out at the River Bandits

Saturday, August 10, 6:00pm (Gametime)
Carpool from SOTC @ 5:00pm
Sign up by July 28 if interested

Last call! If you want tickets, sign up in the narthex or email the church office by Sunday, July 28. Tickets are $13 each. Ticket price does not include a food/drink voucher. 

We will carpool from Shepherd at 5:00pm. Others are welcome to join us at Modern Woodman Park as is helpful. Tickets will be picked up as a group. Looking forward to a night of fellowship!

Bailey Booth Confirmation

Sunday, July 28 

It’s this weekend! Come and witness Bailey confess her faith and affirm the promises God made to her in the sacrament of baptism!  A special time of fellowship will follow after worship. Be sure to join Bailey as we support her on her walk of faith!

Financial Support for Western Iowa Flooding

Earlier in July, Western Iowa experienced significant flooding. In response, the Western Iowa Synod of the ELCA has come together to funnel funds to areas most impacted. If you’d like to be a part of this relief effort, go to “Lutheran Disaster Response.” All donated funds to the synod will be given directly to those in need. 

Family Faith Nights Returning in Sept!

We’re looking forward to another Family Faith Night year, and are also looking to expand the groups we offer to include upper middle school and high school youth. Keep your eye out for more ways that your kids and youth can be involved, and look for a calendar soon!

Z Book Club

Monday, August 12 @ 5:30pm (Diamond Daves) Meets Monthly

Zion Lutheran Church is inviting those interested in joining their Z Book Club as they read The Wise Women: A Novel by Gina Sorell. If you are interested call the Zion office @ 563-263-5074 to sign up. More information may be found on the bulletin board in SOTC fellowship area.